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Is it me or does Princess Luna hate Twilight?


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  • 9 months later...

i laughed when i read the "phases of the moon" part. the answers right there! luna doesnt hate twilight and she isnt jelous of her....she was just grouchy that day because she was on her period ????

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe Lulu isn't being hateful, but more concerned. I'm pretty sure some of the events Twi has partaken in have been very serious and Luna was fearing for the younger pony. Look at what Twi has faced, Discord, Chryssy, Tirek, etc. Those are some of the most dangerous villains of their plane. Would you, as a high ranking government official, send a boot camp trainee to fight say a unified international army? I think Moonbumm, knowing the strength of the villain, was more cautious on Twi's behalf considering the knowledge she had of the foe rather than the "champion" (since Twi is the EOH group leader) whom she knew little about but still had faith in. 


Battles are decided by factors. The more factors you have aligned with you, the higher the chance of victory. Knowledge itself is a factor. My o.c. "Hero Factor" is based on finding the factors needed for victory and exploiting them using what he's learned of the factors. It's a process involving information you have and complicated mathematics that decide's ones chances in a percentage and the mathematics needed to turn the situation in one's favor. I study the factors in hopes of finding strategically new and helpful ways of winning battles 


Luna was essentially taking stock of the factors that she had knowledge of and doing the mathematics involved to calculate Twi's chances. Most of which came to be slim but always with a chance for victory, One day Lulu's gonna get bored of worrying and be "oh hey Twi theres a ????? attacking ???? would you go deal with it?" and not even bat an eyelash in fear of Twi being remotely harmed. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Like the night she watches over much about princess Luna is a mystery and her mood can change like the phases of the moon.


More than any of the other princesses she is fairly introverted and unaccustomed to socializing or modern life. It has been shown she has a capacity for passionate outbursts and likely keeps her reserved attitude to prevent her emotions from getting the better of her.


Others on this forum have suggested that jealousy may be the source of her behavior towards Twilight Sparkle. But I'd like to think it's closer to bitterness. A bitterness that stems from the regret she feels for the conflict between her and her sister and the time she has lost after being imprisoned for a thousand years.


On top of this is the struggle she faces with reconciling herself to a new era, one in which she and her sister are becoming more and more dependant on Twilight Sparkle and her friends. Perhaps she still feels guilty over her past and wants to redeem herself but doesn't feels she's had the opportunity because of Twilight's prominence.

The truth is always rough.
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Ehm, I've never really seen a point in the show that suggests that?

I mean, in Luna Eclipsed for example, Twilight helps Luna to cope with the times and helps her to fit in.

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   If it's hate, it is a real resign hate, much less jealousy, but nothing we have seen in the show, indicate Princess Luna is surly towards Twilight Sparkle, and no jealous fits either. Princess Luna was quite contented at Twilight's coronation, and when Twilight saved Equestria from Tirek, granted envy is a part of Princess Luna's legacy, and she shared her thoughts with Sweetie Belle, during For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils, Luna even gave Sweetie Belle a lesson on how to cope with jealousy, and what affect that can have on anyone, this episode was great, it shows just how fan Princess Luna has progressed, no, I do not believe she is incensed at Twilight Sparkle, for Luna has become a wonderful pony, so she is a pony that would not possess that much hate or envy even at her own sister, Princess Celestia.

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Luna + Zecora are my 2 favorite minor characters.  My 2 favorites both try to help & get no respect.  It probably says something about my character (If so, then it should shut up!) :lol:

Seriously, looking at Luna Eclipsed & then For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils shows that Luna is still recovering from being Nightmare Moon.  Twilight obviously worships the ground Princess Celestia walks on & has a close relationship w Cadence.  It's possible that Luna still has few friends & is the teensiest bit jealous (or, perhaps, not so teensie a bit)

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After Twilight proved herself at the end of the Crystal Empire, Luna was the one who brought out the Star-Swirl the Bearded book.


I think she was initially skeptical, but ultimately swayed. :)

Not to mention she was happy for Twily's success. She also seemed pleased with Twily's coronation and she was willing to give her alicorn magic to her without a single protest 


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My take on it was that Luna was worried about Twilight being sent on such a dangerous mission.


And after seeing Magical Mystery Cure, I also thought that she was probably aware that this was part of Celestia's plan for preparing Twilight to become a princess, and was concerned that she might not be ready for such a responsibility.

~VitalSpark~ [fimfiction] [deviantart]

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I honestly don't think Luna has anything against Twilight, don't you remember how well they bonded in Luna Eclipse? But I can understand what you're saying, but remember that Luna spending 1,000 years on the moon may have messed with her a little, maybe she's still trying to adapt to her social life again. ^^"


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  • 3 weeks later...

I come from a family with 4 kids growing up & my parents had 1 last kid when I was 18.  This is just typical family dynamics.  You ever see the old Brady Bunch show? (way before most of your time, but reruns are forever) Luna is Jan Brady (middle child) & Twilight is Cindy.  I'm sure L is grateful to T for reforming her from being Nightmare Moon (& wasn't T the one who gave her the idea to help ponies in dreams?)


Never the less, in this life I've found few things have a shorter shelf life than gratitude. Ponies seem to forget, Luna is every bit as much the ruler as Princess C.  Plus, everybody loves T, but is she grateful?  (Sure, she's earned it but do I have to hear about it all the time? L thinks) The combo is probably getting just the teensiest bit old & wearing just a little thin.  The part in the song (Princess Twilight) where she says she understands wanting more, well truer words were seldom spoken.

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I think it was more the fact that Luna was NOT allowed to go along.  I think she was hoping that she would be a key figure in the return of the crystal empire.  They did show in the flashback to "about 1,000 years ago" the diarchs casting together to cast Sombra into shadow (so that had to have happened BEFORE the NMM thing).  She could find her role unfinished in her mind and begrudge Twilight the ability to go.  She seems a bit more hooves-on as a princess and one who is not happy watching heroes do the work from the sidelines.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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