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private The War on PACE: after the war (SoL)


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Celestia nods listening to her "Well.. i dont know who his sister is. but i am sure she is still alive. i hope." She takes a sip of her hard cider  "so who shall go next?"


Hank still sat at the corner watching them all as he holds his sonic screwdriver in his hoof

Dawson sits up, "well i would like to know more about JT" he says


JT chuckles, "there isnt a lot about me, i was a bounty hunter before the war started then PACE took my ship, i joined PACE until i saw them brutally murder rockets friends, and now here i am today. not a lot about my past to know" he looks over to hank and sees his screwdriver in his had (whats he doing with that?) he thinks to himself

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Dawson sits up, "well i would like to know more about JT" he says


JT chuckles, "there isnt a lot about me, i was a bounty hunter before the war started then PACE took my ship, i joined PACE until i saw them brutally murder rockets friends, and now here i am today. not a lot about my past to know" he looks over to hank and sees his screwdriver in his had (whats he doing with that?) he thinks to himself

"What does that screwdriver do? and why are you pointing it at your hoof?" asked Sheridan.

"anyway... why don't you tell us about yourself Celestia? I'm sure we're all just desperate to know what happened to you as a kid." She said as she took another drink of her flask.

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Hank sighs "it can heal, and repair things, and increase flamability of things 3x. and a lot of others."

Celestia smiles "well i grew up just like a normal pony.. but i had to do a lot of studying.. i banished my sister.. after she went crazy while we started ruling." she says abit sad at that

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Hank sighs "it can heal, and repair things, and increase flamability of things 3x. and a lot of others."

Celestia smiles "well i grew up just like a normal pony.. but i had to do a lot of studying.. i banished my sister.. after she went crazy while we started ruling." she says abit sad at that

"Can you tell us more? I don't mean to pry, but banishing your sister is kind of a big thing, and I'd like to know more as to why. Speaking of which, are we ever going to meet her? It was my understanding that you two were co-rulers of this land... And in that same vein, are there any other races on this world?" Sheridan said.
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Hank sighs "it can heal, and repair things, and increase flamability of things 3x. and a lot of others."

Celestia smiles "well i grew up just like a normal pony.. but i had to do a lot of studying.. i banished my sister.. after she went crazy while we started ruling." she says abit sad at that

JT looked at Celestia with wide eyes, "you banished your own sister? talk about sibing rivaly!" jt laughed at his joke and rocket kid him. after a few swear words JT said, "sorry, princess. just trying to keep the mood happy, no hard feelings right?"


Rocket chuckled and looked at colgate, jt said, "Hey... ummm blue pony with rocket, sorry i never caught your name, could i learn more about you if you are going to date my best friend"

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Colgate nods "my name is colgate.. i want to be a dentist!"  she smiles


celestia sighs "she became corrupted with power. and i had to banish her to the moon to save everypony.. it was tough living without her.. she could come here if you want her to." she smiles and drinks more

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Colgate nods "my name is colgate.. i want to be a dentist!" she smiles


celestia sighs "she became corrupted with power. and i had to banish her to the moon to save everypony.. it was tough living without her.. she could come here if you want her to." she smiles and drinks more

"That would be great... And I'm sure we all have our stories of power corrupting..." Sheridan said, shuddering from a memory "and it's nice to meet you Colgate, do you plan to be a technician or a practitioner? If you need help, I'm sure Doc. Slaughter could teach you a thing or glue." She said with a chuckle.

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Colgate nods "my name is colgate.. i want to be a dentist!"  she smiles


celestia sighs "she became corrupted with power. and i had to banish her to the moon to save everypony.. it was tough living without her.. she could come here if you want her to." she smiles and drinks more

"you do? thats actually perfect, one of my teeth have been giving me a hell of  mouth ache" he points into his mouth at one tooth and hopes colgate knows her stuff, with a name like colgate. jt thought she would. 


Dawson says, "i would love to meet the other half to the Diarchy"

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celestia nods and calls luna. Soon enough luna walks in "do you all need me?" she said. as she walks next to celestia and got some hard cider


colgate smiles "well lay down and let me see what is wrong." she smiles as she watches him lay down "now say ahhh so i can get to work."

(getting off guys)

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celestia nods and calls luna. Soon enough luna walks in "do you all need me?" she said. as she walks next to celestia and got some hard cider


colgate smiles "well lay down and let me see what is wrong." she smiles as she watches him lay down "now say ahhh so i can get to work."

(getting off guys)

Dawson smiles, "ahh princess luna, it is a pleasure to meet you. i am President Dawson, i oversee the United nations on earth"


JT sheepishly opens his mouth and says, "ahhhhh"


Rocket warns Colgate, "be careful, oral health isnt one of JTs best intrests during the war"

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Dawson smiles, "ahh princess luna, it is a pleasure to meet you. i am President Dawson, i oversee the United nations on earth"


JT sheepishly opens his mouth and says, "ahhhhh"


Rocket warns Colgate, "be careful, oral health isnt one of JTs best intrests during the war"

"Hello Princess, my name is Sheridan and I'm the ambassador from the CONCORD. Of I may ask, we got the perspective of your banishment from your sister, but not from you..."

"And I'm Cezary... You must be the pony that's been spying on my dreams." Cezary said with a look of recognition.

(Logging off, time for sleep.)

Edited by FractaLuna
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Luna nods "i know who you are cezary. and i must say. You do wish to kill hank sometimes. And about my bansihment.. it was because ponies enjoy the sun and not have fun at night so i went mad and almost made it so only the moon is out so its night time forever.. but i changed. Now ponies like me."


Colgate smiles as she works her msgic and soon thr problem is fixed and she made his teeth pearly white.

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Luna nods "i know who you are cezary. and i must say. You do wish to kill hank sometimes. And about my bansihment.. it was because ponies enjoy the sun and not have fun at night so i went mad and almost made it so only the moon is out so its night time forever.. but i changed. Now ponies like me."


Colgate smiles as she works her msgic and soon thr problem is fixed and she made his teeth pearly white.

JT looks at his teeth and says, "wow, great job. colgate... its kind of funny, on earth there is a brand of teeth cleaning past named colgate as well!" 


Rocket smiles, "she is the best, isnt she" then he looks to luna, "if its any help, i like the night. its more peaceful i think, as long as you arent anywhere spooky"

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Colgate smiles "your welcome JT anything for a friend. And really? That is really funny! Is it any good?"


Luna smiles "thank you rocket. But no need. Thanks to hank, celestia, and the elements of harmony. I learned that ponies choose if they want to enjoy the night and i shouldnt force them to. For example the party downstairs. They came willingly." She smiles and hugs celestia who hugs back.


Hank still sat in the corner messing with his sonic screwdriver as they hear a buzzing and high pitch and low pitch sounds.

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Colgate smiles "your welcome JT anything for a friend. And really? That is really funny! Is it any good?"


Luna smiles "thank you rocket. But no need. Thanks to hank, celestia, and the elements of harmony. I learned that ponies choose if they want to enjoy the night and i shouldnt force them to. For example the party downstairs. They came willingly." She smiles and hugs celestia who hugs back.


Hank still sat in the corner messing with his sonic screwdriver as they hear a buzzing and high pitch and low pitch sounds.

Dawson clutched his ears, "owwwwww.... sorry my ears are sensitive to high frequencies"


JT smiled, "its very minty, so if you like minty, then yes."


Rocket smiled, "thats one of the reasons i like the night as well, the good parties are always at night." he laughs

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Dawson clutched his ears, "owwwwww.... sorry my ears are sensitive to high frequencies"


JT smiled, "its very minty, so if you like minty, then yes."


Rocket smiled, "thats one of the reasons i like the night as well, the good parties are always at night." he laughs

"Oh... So you've seen THOSE dreams... I was worried you had seen something I had to worry about... And I've always preferred the night, much easier to see the stars." Cezary said, looking relieved.


"Where in the 9 hells is that noise coming from?" Said Sheridan, looking around.

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Hank still sat there pressing his button as the tip glow for a second.


Luna smiles "cezary. I seen all of your dreams. Dont worry okay? We can talk after this."


Colgate nods "well. JT be more careful okay? Just be glad i am really good or else that would have not been fixed."

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Hank still sat there pressing his button as the tip glow for a second.


Luna smiles "cezary. I seen all of your dreams. Dont worry okay? We can talk after this."


Colgate nods "well. JT be more careful okay? Just be glad i am really good or else that would have not been fixed."

JT nods and says, "alright, but can i ask what exactly was wrong with my tooth? im ver curious what the problem was"

Rocket smiles and sits next to colgat and gives her a hug and a kiss. he says to her, "good job on fixing JT's tooth, it was amazing that you were actually able to get him to open his mouth!"

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Hank still sat there pressing his button as the tip glow for a second.


Luna smiles "cezary. I seen all of your dreams. Dont worry okay? We can talk after this."


Colgate nods "well. JT be more careful okay? Just be glad i am really good or else that would have not been fixed."

"Thanks for the offer... I've been needing to see a therapist about some of those dreams anyway, but between the war and everything else I haven't gotten the chance. I'd really appreciate some professional help for some of this stuff... Anyway, what's your story President Dawson? What made you go into politics?" Cezary said.

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"Thanks for the offer... I've been needing to see a therapist about some of those dreams anyway, but between the war and everything else I haven't gotten the chance. I'd really appreciate some professional help for some of this stuff... Anyway, what's your story President Dawson? What made you go into politics?" Cezary said.

"well i was just a defense attorney who worked his way up in the ranks and became a governor. then the president appointed me in to the UN and they made me president. now here i am today. i dont really remember what made me want to be in politics" he said to the group.

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"well i was just a defense attorney who worked his way up in the ranks and became a governor. then the president appointed me in to the UN and they made me president. now here i am today. i dont really remember what made me want to be in politics" he said to the group.

"Lawyers... I've always hated 'em... too much focus on legality and lying... I went into the military to get away from those kind of people... please tell me that you're not one of those guys... I'd like to not have anything to do with another lawyer as long as I live..." Sheridan said, finishing her flask. "Y'all got any vodka lying around? I'm not drunk enough for politics."

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"Lawyers... I've always hated 'em... too much focus on legality and lying... I went into the military to get away from those kind of people... please tell me that you're not one of those guys... I'd like to not have anything to do with another lawyer as long as I live..." Sheridan said, finishing her flask. "Y'all got any vodka lying around? I'm not drunk enough for politics."

"well yea, i guess i am a lawyer, but my job was mainly to pull the truth out of lies" he said, he laughed nervously and  takes a drink, "anyways i took out one of the most crooked judges in the united states. that was my favorite case. him and the DA were wrongfully convicting there enemies for a few years"

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"well yea, i guess i am a lawyer, but my job was mainly to pull the truth out of lies" he said, he laughed nervously and  takes a drink, "anyways i took out one of the most crooked judges in the united states. that was my favorite case. him and the DA were wrongfully convicting there enemies for a few years"

"THANK YOU!" Sheridan shouted, setting down her flask. "You've probably the first lawyer I've met that's actually done something decent with his power.... I'm just glad my little rant against lawyers didn't cause a universal incident... My tongue gets a little looser when I'm drunk, but I try to stay nice."

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"THANK YOU!" Sheridan shouted, setting down her flask. "You've probably the first lawyer I've met that's actually done something decent with his power.... I'm just glad my little rant against lawyers didn't cause a universal incident... My tongue gets a little looser when I'm drunk, but I try to stay nice."

Dawson laughed, "Alcohol does that to us. haha"


JT smiled and said, "god, im really glad these talks are going good, i felt that the talks could have boiled down really bad. so i am really happy to see that everyone is getting along really really great" he laughs

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Dawson laughed, "Alcohol does that to us. haha"


JT smiled and said, "god, im really glad these talks are going good, i felt that the talks could have boiled down really bad. so i am really happy to see that everyone is getting along really really great" he laughs

"Yeah... Usually the policy conversations I get into end with some sort of epiphet targeted at someone's mother... I'm just glad we may finally have peace." Cezary said, breathing a sigh of relief. Sheridan's phone rang and she answered it.

"Yes, yes... I don't care what they have to say... Tell him if he tries to extort another armistice from us I'll shove it so far up his ass he'll choke to death on paper!" She shouted, flicking the phone shut. "I'm sorry you guys had to hear that, we don't negotiate with terrorists..."

(Night y'all...)

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