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Ways the brony fandom could improve.

Fluffy Pinkie

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I'm afraid I haven't yet read through the rest of the thread yet, so I don't know whether any of these have been mentioned, but here are my own views on how I would improve, what is otherwise a very awesome fandom.




1. While it is not mandatory to be a fan of pre-FIM generations to be a brony, I feel that those of us that don't should stop insulting them at every given opportunity.  It makes the entire fandom look really arrogant, and fans of the older gens (who were partly who FIM was targeted at, aside from kids) will end up hating the fandom, that they could have fitted nicely into.  I tried all generations with an open mind, and ended up adoring all of them in their own way, and even noticed ways that they are similar to FIM, but I vowed that even if there was a generation I hated, I would not be a hater, and I would not post insulting comments on episodes.  Seriously, this need to end.




2. We need to stop arguing about what the "real" names of background ponies are.  As long as the pony is never named on screen, it is up to you what you call them if you ever include them in fanon material, and even then you can compromise with yourself if you want.  Every time a background pony is finally named, that pony's page is filled with comments on how the fandom name is the "real" name of the pony, and to be honest, I kind of understand - we've all gotten used to the names, as we've already used them so many times, in so many things, before they are named something else.  However, do we have to get so irate about it?  And do we have to insult people who call ponies the name they don't like (The "Doctor Whooves" series on YouTube was bombarded with hate comments just for using the name Ditzy Doo, even though she is actually going to be called Derpy in a later episode).  If if nothing has been canonized (the Derpy/Ditzy thing can still be used if you want) then we should be free to use the names we want, or even compromise between them (I actually used the name Lyra Heartstrings before Hasbro did, while the whole Lyra vs. Heartstrings was going on - though I do not claim ownership of the name, I heard a few people using it as well.) 




3. The correct level of respect and acknowledgement for Lauren is needed.  I may be biased here, but I hate how she is so overlooked by our fandom.  There are those of us who think she left before season 2, when in actual fact she stood down (so she was still there, and still influenced the show, just not as much as season 1), and there are those of us who believe that she only wrote Friendship is Magic, and The Ticket Master for season 1, and did nothing for the rest of the season.  In actual fact, she came up with the storylines of most of the episodes that season, many of which were based on fanfictions she did when she was young.  Conversely, she should not be blamed about anything we don't like about season 3, because she was not involved with it.




That's all I can think of for now; these are in a random order.


  • Brohoof 1

What do you get if you take the adventurous element, and good vs. evil storylines of Generation 1, reintroduce some abandoned storylines, that only happened with the toys, add the lessons of life elements from My Little Pony Tales, and the adorableness, and fantasy element from Generation 3, use the type of personalities of ponies used in all generations, and put them together using a true fan's perspective?



My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

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Considering the amount of brony music being created, it's time for it to go niche. It can no longer be handled by some catch-all blog, no matter how popular it is, and what music is spotlighted for the rest of the fandom can no longer be decided on by a group largely consisting of amateurs.

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1. While it is not mandatory to be a fan of pre-FIM generations to be a brony, I feel that those of us that don't should stop insulting them at every given opportunity.

Yes agreed, I actually went back and watched some of the previous generation episodes after I started watching the show and though #2 was meh and I didn't care much for 3 I do actually like G1 cartoon mostly for its villains though it is not without its flaws G1 had several extremely corny often diabetes inducing moments and because of the animation style all the ponies look the same to me. Even before I started watching that though I had a respect for it because it did come first and without it we wouldn't have Friendship is Magic which is the best generation. The Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles fandom which I have been a part of for over 20 years also has this same problem, alot of the original comic fans feel that the more child friendly 80's and 90's cartoon was not as good as the dark toned often very violent comic which is fine but some of them go so far as to call the classic cartoon a "stain on the franchise". And when the 2003 series came out there was sort of a war between the fans of the 80's and 90's series and the 2003 series which as someone who likes both of them was a little taken aback by. Much of this has calmed down but is still present the 2012 series so far has been pretty positively received which is good because it seems to combine alot of the darker elements of the comics and the 2003 series and the lighter nature of the classic cartoon.

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