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How long can you stay awake and the longest you've stayed awake

Victor van Dort

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I don't know exact, but I have pulled a fair amount of all nighters. If I had to say the longest time spent awake, I'd put myself around 33-35 hours (pulling an all nighter than going to bed at a regular time the next day).

Edited by The Pulse
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I've at least broken 24 hours as a kid but I doubt I've stayed up much longer than that if at all. 


Honestly, these days, I can't really stay up all that long (well, unless it's a gaming binge img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png). I skimp out on so much sleep regularly; it adds up. Yeah I can stay up while my mind is occupied, but as soon I hit some down time, I'll probably pass out.

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Longest I've stayed awake is 72+ Hours, back in the holidays where I played Fallout 3 non-stop.

the first 18 hours were fine...

18-30 was extremely hard to stay awake...

but oddly, then on it was easy to go without sleep.

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Two days...  I believe that I had a calculus exam to study for and a bunch of other exams for classes (all of which were science classes to make life harder).

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How long I can stay up depends on different factors, usually if I have something to keep me occupied or my stress levels. If I get a new video game that I really like or if I am sinked into something that I want to complete, I can fight off sleep for a good while, cannot give an exact number of time though. In terms of longest time, umm, 2 days perhaps? I think that is accurate.

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The longest I've stayed up? I don't know for certain, but I do know I've stayed up until 3:30am at a friend's slumber party when I was 9. :P


I don't like to stay up that late. Most of my peers like to stay up until 2-3 am while I like to hit the hay at 9:30 pm.

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Longest for me was three days (Good ol' College...)


I was pretty out of it by the end and I slept for nearly 20 hours afterwords



It wasn't very enjoyable, so I advise against doing it

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   In the navy I had to stay up for ages, for our final evolution in basic, we had to stay awake for three days, if anyone fell asleep, you failed the exercise, normally I can stay awake until three in the morning, yet as far as sleep goes, I am an night owl.

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I don't know how long I can stay awake.

The longest for me was ~23 hours because of a party, but I think I could stay awake a little longer.

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No idea how long i can stay awake for.



Longest time awake was about 52 hours with the aid of several cans of monster, playing minecraft,,   


   Don't ask

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2 days is the longest I've stayed awake. 7 days is what I heard before your body drops dead from sleep deprevation and lack of brain activity. Brain activity starts to decrease after a couple hours from waking up and will progressively decrease.

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Four days as part of a skeleton crew on a fishing trawler.  I do NOT recommend it in any form, as by the fourth day I was talking with the dead fish in the hold.  Ended up needing some medication and two days of sleep to get my mental state back to normal.

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Not sure how long i could last without sleep, But the longest i have stayed awake is 64 hours straight at a LAN-party, It was fun... It diden't really feel worth it afterwards though :P

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About 40 hours because I was sick

I normally get around 6-8 hours of sleep but once in every week I only sleep 2-3 hours because I don't feel tired.

Also I'm a music addict so from 7-8 to 11-12 pm I listen to mmusic (and ssinging if I feel like)

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Not sure how long i could last without sleep, But the longest i have stayed awake is 64 hours straight at a LAN-party, It was fun... It diden't really feel worth it afterwards though :P


I was about to comment, but I found my comment here. LAN parties are definitely the place where skipping a few nights seems worthwhile. Until you fall asleep on your keyboard and your internal clock gets messed up, and the next few days you are unable to naturally tell what time it is.

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