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The Future of My Little Pony and the Brony Phenomenon

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End of the show and G4  

169 users have voted

  1. 1. How many seasons do you think the show will last?

    • Three. Next season will be the last, Im afraid.
    • Four. Not a whole lot longer...
    • Five. Might go strong for a while.
    • Six. Its still got some good time ahead.
    • Seven. The show isn't ending anytime soon!
    • Eight or higher. Its gonna be here for a long time!
  2. 2. Will you still be a brony even after the show dies?

    • Still gonna be a very strong brony!
    • I might go down a bit, but still be a brony.
    • Im not sure yet.
    • I think Ill stop being a brony.
    • I'll forget I was ever a brony!
  3. 3. What do you think G5 will be like?

    • Its gonna be awesome, just like FIM!
    • I think it will be nice, but not as good as FIM.
    • I dont really know yet.
    • It will not really be that good.
    • It will be terrible, just like G3!
    • There really might not be a G5.

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Even if the show ends I doubt the fandom will. There are plenty of shows from years back that still have fans so I don't see why we would die down. I do however could see the fandom lessen if the show did stop.


Come on everypony Smile Smile Smile

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I merged the most recent topic about the longevity of the Brony phenomenon with this one. Please use the search function to make certain the topic you are posting about is not already under discussion. :)


Domine, tu omnia nosti, tu scis quia amo te.

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well... star wars is still popular and has a huge fanbase. and there aren't actually any bigger fanbases for one particular thing/show than this, star wars and star trek my friend. so i'm guessing the brony's probably wont be gone for maybe about 30-40 years.


I think anonymstol is right here, I thought the same thing, even if the show will eventually end, the fanbase will grow bigger and it will still exist for many years... just look at the already huge amount of art, comics and fics, it will have reached a unbelievable amount by the time the show ends... so no, it won't end, not for a loooong while atleast...


Signature made by Cherrybomb.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa, reviving threads from October, buck yeah!


Whoa, all of the vets have posted in these threads... I should revive s'more!


Anyway, I think that that Friendship is Magic will last somewhere around 4 seasons. I feel that is how long it can go before the quality starts to drop. I'm not saying this in doubt of the writers or anything but after that many episodes, it will probably be much harder to think up new morals and lessons portrayed through the episodes.


The fanbase, I really can't say. I feel like it'd either become HUGE like Trekkies and stick around forever or it would slowly boil down to a few super dedicated members. Only time will tell.


All I know is that ponies will hold a special place in my heart for years to come.



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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The fanbase will become as big as the Trekkies and it will stick around for a REALLY long time. I don't like thinking about when the show will end so I will just not answer that one.


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I think it will last more than four seasons, I mean, you got some elite voicers on here (Tara Strong, etc.) and also an amazing fanbase that will keep the show going on with animations, fanfics, etc. even after the actual show ends.

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I give this show ... 2 years more... If they really want to beat a dead horse, 3 years...


I give this community... 6 months after the end of the show to start falling appart and another 6 months for only letting the hardcore fans slowly sink into oblivion.

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Well, I had a dream where in Season three the Mane six got a lot older, and in Season four the mane six were replaced with ponified versions of one direction. So let's just hope that never happens, or else the entire fandom will be destroyed! Yeah, really weird dream :P But in all honesty, I really hope, even though this doesn't usually happen, that MLP can have a lot of episodes whilst keeping up the quality, so the fandom can be around for a long time.

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Wow... This is a rather pessimistic thread... I really hope that FiM will go on for about another 3 seasons. As it is one of Hasbro's biggest shows, they are likely to carry it on... Eventually Hasbro will run out of ideas though. After the show ends, I expect the Brony community in general will stay very strong for a few years, and then just slow down until we are hardly known about. Although I will always enjoy ponies ^_^

Edited by Lanzuis
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How long the show lasts is hard to say. i haven't really seen the ratings for the eps but i understand they are fairly strong in general.if it continues in that direction all the better.


the fandom as it is now, i think would last a good while after. consider that the community is nearly double what it was when this thread was created (if the EqD, and other site's stats are anything to go by)


but there things looming on the horizon that will effect the future of the show and its fandom.


Firstly, there are a good number of major fan projects that are entering into their final stages of completion. Double Rainboom, Fighting is magic, children of the night, and others. these could have an impact as, like with the music people are going to see them and get inspired to do their own thing. and ofcourse you have source filmmaker which i think has great potential for awesomness, but is only starting to be untilized. I await the day when we see something major come from that.


secondly, you have the music. right now, pony music is kind of a Lost World, a new continent, of the internet. its big and impressive, but is very enclosed and most of the outside world knows NOTHING about it. its only a matter of time before our music and musicians get recognized by the mainstream. Getting Discord onto rock band is a good first step, but i see more in the future. and once that flood gate is opened, once a musician gets featured on some major show, or even earns a major award, who knows how big the tidal wave could become.


thirdly, on the negative side, you have that companies can at times be vary single minded when it comes to their properties and the demographics thereof. and yes hasbro has been VERY accepting of us, but it is clear there is resistence in their ranks. signs of uncertainty about all this. lack of blu rays for the current releases, lack of dvd/blu-ray box sets, lack of soundtracks. the issues over the toys (no molded hair figures in larger sizes, pinklestia, etc), things like that. i see the possiblity of a conflict at some point. now this may never happen, but it is a fear that that hesitation will come to a head in the future.


those are my thoughts on all this.

Edited by Raptor
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hmm given those three situations it would be a slow downfall sooner or later the fandom would die down but we would still have the good episodes that made us bronies in the first palace. with the show it is the way now i give a hopeful 2-3 more seasons.

Edited by LisKira
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Alright, I have no idea if this has already been made, however, I wanted to make one, so haters can hate.


I've heard people say that they want the brony community to continue it on after Hasbro abandons MLP:FiM. That's stupid to me. I'll tell why.


Since Lauren dropped out of the cartoon in mid season 2, it already decreased. the old rate of a new episode every 1 or 2 weeks turned into 3 or 4. that's a sign of the show going down. another thing, people don't like the very thought of it. of course, I don't either, but other good shows had the same problem. By God, we might just drift off after MLP ends. the only thing I could hope for is for the possible G4.5 or G5 to be just as good.


Even so, after the re-runs are over and it's off air, there is still youtube. and people fret over how they'll never see it again once it's off. that's why DVD's and the Internet was created, right? :P


Beyond the point, I just want your thoughts on this.

post away

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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it wont die nothing truly dies its time has come and everything will have that time but we will never forget because it will always be with us, we will remember MLP no matter what happens if it continues cool if not okay we wont forget about it i mean look at all the Fan Fic Original Content and everything nothing dies out shoot i still see old guys come in to my job lookin for older comic books that where discontinued and all kinds of stuff we the people will keep things alive long after its time has come.

  • Brohoof 1




Amelia Monicle

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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I personally liked the ending. It actually is one of my favorite episodes and contains one of my favorite songs. I didn't see a decease when Lauren Faust left... What you on about son? xD

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I personally liked the ending. It actually is one of my favorite episodes and contains one of my favorite songs. I didn't see a decease when Lauren Faust left... What you on about son? xD


Uhm, what YOU on about, son? season 3 was confirmed, I don't know what you mean by the ending...

I'm talking about when the franchise will end. And about the Lauren bit, when she left, episode creation decreased, pitted at a slower rate.

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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I try not to think about it much. I think the end is really far away though. And all the bronies should continue to prosper on the Internet long after the show stops. Ponies have been a huge milestone in my life, something like this won't just "die off" that easily.


And even when Friendship is Magic stops, there will always be more generations of the My Little Pony toy line, and they will probably make another show, like they always have, hopefully following the model and style of FiM.


Only time will tell...

  • Brohoof 1

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I predict that it will continue on for at least a fourth season. We have to think positive, bronies. MLP is too much of a cash cow for Hasbro to shut it down after Season Three.


I see it lasting at least till six personally, B) with bronies they've seen a massive increase in toy sales and I think monetarily they know that once fim and the g4 line dies very few of those people will still buy the toys.


To add to that, as I stated in another thread, once the show ends I predict within a year the brony fandom will drop to a few hundred hardcore fans and that's it.


lol on another note it would suck to be the person to try and revive mlp for 4.5 - beyond. You know that its gonna be one of those lines that just never will be able to live up to the one before it and yet all the execs at Hasbro are gonna hope for and expect it. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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just because lauren dropped doesn't mean people should stop watching, she wasn't the only writer anyways there has always been multiple people since like episode 3... They have all made good episodes and it's not ending that soon. I think atleast until season 5 but who knows it could keep on going. The fanbase won't die off, they never do.


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My thoughts are that after they finish the run of G4 they will start doing movies. It will not be enough for the bronies but we will learn to live with it and see our movie 18 months for 10 yearsish after the end of G4. It is a cash cow they will milk.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Alright, I have no idea if this has already been made, however, I wanted to make one, so haters can hate.


I've heard people say that they want the brony community to continue it on after Hasbro abandons MLP:FiM. That's stupid to me. I'll tell why.


Since Lauren dropped out of the cartoon in mid season 2, it already decreased. the old rate of a new episode every 1 or 2 weeks turned into 3 or 4. that's a sign of the show going down. another thing, people don't like the very thought of it. of course, I don't either, but other good shows had the same problem. By God, we might just drift off after MLP ends. the only thing I could hope for is for the possible G4.5 or G5 to be just as good.


Even so, after the re-runs are over and it's off air, there is still youtube. and people fret over how they'll never see it again once it's off. that's why DVD's and the Internet was created, right? :P


Beyond the point, I just want your thoughts on this.

post away


She dropped after season 1, she was only a adviser in season 2. It's been going just fine with the writers she left it too, look at the season 2 finale.



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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expect the worst to happen after season 3.

after that It will go down hill.

also in my opinion, even though season 2 had better art style, I didn't like it that much.



-Heavy Weapons Guy



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