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The Future of My Little Pony and the Brony Phenomenon

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End of the show and G4  

169 users have voted

  1. 1. How many seasons do you think the show will last?

    • Three. Next season will be the last, Im afraid.
    • Four. Not a whole lot longer...
    • Five. Might go strong for a while.
    • Six. Its still got some good time ahead.
    • Seven. The show isn't ending anytime soon!
    • Eight or higher. Its gonna be here for a long time!
  2. 2. Will you still be a brony even after the show dies?

    • Still gonna be a very strong brony!
    • I might go down a bit, but still be a brony.
    • Im not sure yet.
    • I think Ill stop being a brony.
    • I'll forget I was ever a brony!
  3. 3. What do you think G5 will be like?

    • Its gonna be awesome, just like FIM!
    • I think it will be nice, but not as good as FIM.
    • I dont really know yet.
    • It will not really be that good.
    • It will be terrible, just like G3!
    • There really might not be a G5.

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I would be happy with six seasons


I liked the Simpsons well enough but I lost interest years ago. Its movie was great IMHO and thought that toped it off nicely but anymore it has no value to me.


This will probably be my last fan based obsession and I am happy ending it in full circle where it all begun


I don't want to see this being nickeled and dimed to death.


MLP:FIM has had a quality of life brought to it like no other cartoon show before and it will be long remembered when its gone. And on that day I will lift my glass and toast to those who made this possible and say, .."thank you on a job well done"

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"You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."


A show has too much potential to become milked after even just 4 seasons, much like The Simpsons have been. I'd rather see MLP go out in it's prime (as most excellent cartoons sadly do) than see it become a shell of its former self.


Wouldn't be surprised if season 4 was the last of MLP anyway (once again, sadly).


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From a quality stand-point, I sure hope not as already been said within this topic the show would degrade after certain point rather quickly, and it would be painful to many of the fans to see such a beloved show die such a slow and painful death. On the other hand, from a business stand-point, possibly I would think as long it can remain profitable they will try to keep an MLP show on the air, yet this show might be FiM but something new all together eventually.

Edited by Nomadic
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I think 2-3 more seasons will do the show justice before it starts loosing quality. After that, we still will have other gens to look forward to. If hasbro is smart, they'll use the techniques used to create FIM to ensure the quality of the next gen.

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm with others where I hope it doesn't go as long as 9 to 12+ seasons.  The show has the potential to last for about 2 more seasons, possibly 3 beyond S4.  Thought we have explored a lot, there are stil areas of Equestria we can explore and beyond its borders.  We've never seen anything beyond Equestria and I would love to see Saddle Arabia with some malefic Genie of sorts.  Dig really deep into the middle eastern mythology and you can find some awesome stuff.  Example would be the Ruda of Arabian mythos where it's a protective diety.  Could pull a switcheroo where Fluttershy leads the party this time as she believes this creature, who is in disguise, is genuinely concerned about the saddle arabian people while an opposing deity is trying to divide them.  Fluttershy ends up saving the day opposed to Twilight. 


They've already mentioned Tartarus which would be an awesome place to have a story and even talk about those bat winged ponies, giving them a name.  According to Google's Translator, the latin name for Children of the night is Filii Noctis.  Rather appropriate name, or perhaps Nocturna. 


tl;dr answer


Go beyond 9 seasons, no.  The material will get stale.  Go to 6, maybe 7 seasons for MLPFIM? That wouldn't be bad imho.

Edited by Genepool
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The good thing about My Little Pony is that it has different generations. I loved Simpsons for the longest time, but it just got boring after a while. My Little Pony can switch it up generation-to-generation .Also, My little pony has been around since at least that 80's hasn't it? That's as long as the Simpsons. 


I just hope the future generations don't reverse evolve back into the generation 1,2,3, or 3.5 stuff. In my opinion those generations were all god-awful. It's not that they were so dang girly, they just weren't made that well at all in my opinion. G4 has much better stories, and characters.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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I want it to go on as long as they can keep interesting and fresh and still do a good job making the show and stuff.


If it starts to get kinda meh, I might want them to just move onto a new gen, as much as I love the show, i don't want it to become really crappy or something. And just be pumping episodes that don't have the soul or purpose or magic the ones that are currently in the show do.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

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Anyone from /mlp/ would be convinced that Hasbro is evil and wants to run it into the ground and kill off the fandom. I, of course, think that that line of thought is idiotic. EqG's popularity unfortunately may give Hasbro the idea that they can just do what the want and we'll love it regardless, but I have to have hope that someone in those executive chairs knows that you can't run a good idea into the ground.

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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By the looks of it, a big chance on yes.


Hasbro knows this is their bread and butter, and like many companies and manufacturers, if it's popular and it works, it will stay and continue for a long time. Why do you think spongebob and the simpsons are still on air?


But I do fear if they continue endlessly, the quality and enjoyment of MLP might slowly vanish like the simpsons and spongebob.


Hopefully, MLP will reach a legacy that is not too long, but not to short. ;)  

  • Brohoof 1
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If we keep on supporting this just like Family Guy and Spongebob, it can last longer than if we keep on supporting Hasbro.

Just look at how many seasons it compared:

Spongebob - 9 seasons

Family guy - 11 soon to be 12 seasons

PBS Kids Arthur - 16 seasons

The simpsons - 25 seasons

My guess on the show's rate I will say it will past the 10th season mark if the Brony fandom keeps going strong in between Family guy and Arthur.

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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This generation? no.

The franchise/show itself? maybe.


Let's face it, this generation will probably have a good fourth season, and then G5 will eventually come out.


Why do shows like The Simpsons last a lot longer? well, because they often make jokes based off of current events, which there is always something happening. On the other hand MLP seldomly references the real world, and relies solely on story which is hard to keep coming up with compelling material for.

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People thought that Celestia Girls was a last minute effort to get more popular, but it was incredible. Something like this, that has changed society for the better so much, will not be killed off so easily.

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If we keep on supporting this just like Family Guy and Spongebob, it can last longer than if we keep on supporting Hasbro.

Just look at how many seasons it compared:

Spongebob - 9 seasons

Family guy - 11 soon to be 12 seasons

PBS Kids Arthur - 16 seasons

The simpsons - 25 seasons

My guess on the show's rate I will say it will past the 10th season mark if the Brony fandom keeps going strong in between Family guy and Arthur.

Arthur was a damn good show I loved. :)


I think season 4 will be the end, if they end everything on a high note the fandom will remember the show for years.


But at best MLP could do away with 7 seasons and a short 8th "legacy/reunion" season and a two season spinoff.

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I think season 4 will be the end, if they end everything on a high note the fandom will remember the show for years.



Just like by the time we have a show called "Code Lyoko" doing the similar thing but revamped in a few years just like Moonscoop did for "Code Lyoko: Evolution"? Maybe. It could have that or maybe it will keep going.

Edited by soniccam1

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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Well, although I wish there could be a bunch of more seasons, there has been talk of not even having a season five! I really hope this isn't true, but if it is, then let's hope the best for the upcoming season four.

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By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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Normally what kills a series is the lead actors getting bored and leaving, but VA's seem different from on camera actors and often do a lot of other work at the same time. Ashley and Tara seem the most likely to leave as Ashley is really into her band and Tara is really fickle and has a big ego. My guess is no more than 6 seasons.

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It will stop after about 6 seasons.


Usually that's when shows start to become stale. However there has been plenty of shows to stay strong, fresh and overall, unique. Perfect examples are shows like The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy and South Park. All are which I think are at least beyond their 6th season and their still enjoyable to watch.


As long as the writers keep up with good ideas, the animators keep getting better, Daniel Ingram keeps making catchy music and the VA keep up their enthusiasm; My Little Pony will have a very long lifespan. And even then the fanbase will keep it alive even longer.

Edited by Lady Rainicorn
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I would hope for at least 8, maybe 9 seasons.  If they can't get to that, fine. But I hope they can do it.  After all, look at that huge map they have.  We didn't get to see those places yet.


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I hope the show runs for many years to come, but let's be real, it'll be 5 or 6 seasons MAX. The ratings are likely to drop a little bit in the next few years and the writers will start to run out of ideas. I'd rather them quit while they're ahead than drag out the series until it becomes stale. Twilight becoming an alicorn I think marks about the halfway point for the series in terms of story so I think there will be three more seasons.

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It depends on the writers really. I hope that they stop while they're ahead and not keep going for ever I'm fine with 91 episodes so if the show stops after season 4 I wouldn't complain at least it'll stop with good memories instead of stopping with horrible ones. I would like it to go on forever but I know it shouldn't. :(

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I think this shows going to last around 8 to 9 seasons... The fans are growing more and more everyday! I mean I don't really know what the real number of the fanbase is but I'm guessing mayyybe a few million people? Maybe less, maybe more? But anyways this fandom is probably going to last for a quite a while! 

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I plan to go down with the ship. I want the show to go on as long as possible, and though I pray that it maintains its current quality, I'll keep watching even if it goes downhill.


And really, as long as the show's still raking in the dough, I don't see it stopping any time soon. Hasbro's branching out with this show, they're not going to cut down the tree this early.

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I have faith in the show's ability to continue production, but not to a point that is unrealistic. We all must accept that one day, the show will be wrapped up and ended as all shows are. All we can hope for is that the series finale is the most satisfying ending imaginable for a show with a fan base of such magnitude. 


As to the direct amount of seasons, I think it will get at least five seasons, at most seven or eight. One of the managers said that the show is a 'high priority brand' and is planned to continue for some time. 

Edited by Sectus
  • Brohoof 1


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"Six seasons and a movie!"


I think My Little Pony as a franchise will continue on essentially until the end of time since it is has pretty much been a money making machine since the 80's.  However, I think the current generation will last for at least three more seasons. That is, providing the writers will be able to keep it interesting (which I know they will).

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