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What's on your bucket list?


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You guys have some interesting lists tongue.png

I've thought about something to add to mine.


  • Breed a new species of animal

And that's without going full insane evil genius on it. Just a new type of cat or dog or something, I dunno I think it would be cool.


Everywhere I trot
I be smokin' pot
Stony Pony's got that swag no other pony's got

You can see all of my OC's here

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Oh I have a few minor things on my bucket list...


- Achieve immortality (kind of important)

- Purchase and master the harpsichord

- Visit Germany

- Participate in the Polar Bear Dip (jumping into Lake Ontario in the middle of winter)

- Increase my chess ELO to at least 2000

- Complete reading the complete works of William Shakespeare


And my imagination has run out of ideas. I think this is a pretty decent list though and I really would love to do all these things. Especially the immortality thing, that's what you'd call a lifelong project though img-1347241-1-tongue.png


Edit: sorry, I couldn't resist...

Edited by Celtore
  • Brohoof 1
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- See a Meat Loaf concert

- See a celtic metal concert

- Go to the opera (yes, my taste in music is very eclectic)

- Have a serious and meaningful relationship

- Get married (and make it work)

- Lose my virginity on my wedding night (call me old fashioned but chastity really isn't that bad)

- Have a couple of kids (and smoke some cigars with my buddies to celebrate)

- Get a call from school telling me that my kid got in a fight and won, and then hear that the kid he fought was a bully (telling an adult just makes it worse, I know from experience)

- Tackle someone who's trying to escape the police

- Yell "Donald wheres your trousers?" at a Scotsman 

- Eat a deep fried Twinkie (so glad that they'er making a comeback)

Eat chocolate covered cotton candy (already done, tasted really weird)

- Eat fugu (pufferfish)

- Eat an animal that I killed my self (fish dose not count unless I risk my life trying to catch it)

- Die (either at home surrounded by friends and family, or doing something awesome like saving a kid from a burning building or protecting someone)


That's all for now, maybe I'll add more if I think of anything else.

-Lose my virginity.

Being a virgin myself, I get where you're coming from on this topic. Just thought I'd tell you that chastity is only unbearable if you make it so. As soon as you accept it and let things unfold naturally you won't mind it so much. I'm not bashing sex, I'm just saying that people put to high a standard on it. I have plenty of friends who say that the sex in their relationship is great, but are still unhappy with their partners.


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Being a virgin myself, I get where you're coming from on this topic. Just thought I'd tell you that chastity is only unbearable if you make it so. As soon as you accept it and let things unfold naturally you won't mind it so much. I'm not bashing sex, I'm just saying that people put to high a standard on it. I have plenty of friends who say that the sex in their relationship is great, but are still unhappy with their partners.

I'm not desperate. I'm just too old to still have never been in a relationship. I'm not dying to have sex, I just think it's unacceptable that I'm still a virgin.

Original Fiction: http://mlpforums.com/topic/69008-hawkmoths-fiction/


לְעֵת תָּכִין מַטְבֵּחַ מִצָּר הַמְנַבֵּחַ.
אָז אֶגְמוֹר בְּשִׁיר מִזְמוֹר חֲנֻכַּת הַמִּזְבֵּחַ.

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My bucketlist its small, I'm satisfied with what I have but would like a few things to accomplish.


- Attend a Competetive Gaming tournament and win something.


- Go on a plane to another country.


- Skydive


- Dive in the ocean.


Pretty much it nothing to big for me.

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I want to drive the Florida Keys highway. It crosses the ocean and hops from island to island.

I want to win big in Las Vegas.

I want to get super powers.

I want a house with geothermal and solar power...but not for the earth. I never want to pay a utility bill again!

I want to produce my own movie.

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I have only one item on my bucket list:


1. Invent an immortality technique and then use the technique on myself.


More seriously, though:


Get married, have kids, live to see my grandkids, then just before I get too old and frail, go rockclimbing until gravity becomes a harsh mistress, or maybe trying to swim across the Atlantic. 

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

Check out my blog! https://mlpforums.com/blog/1083-sunny-side-den/

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  • 7 months later...

I have only one thing... well I take that back I have 2 things... one of them can never happen so lets leave it at that any who, the one I can do is fight Dana White... who is he? this is Dana White..





This man owns the UFC.... and he is a X boxer.. now I don't hate this man.. not at all, Truth be told I love him... like I love all ponies.. but for some odd ass reason I want to fight him... I don't know why but I must fight him before I stop sucking air..


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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  • 3 months later...

What do you want to do before you die?


Here's some of mine


- Meet Adam Young from Owl City

- Ride "Pizarro" from Six Flags 

- Travel the world 

- Get my pilot's license


How about you guys?


Thanks to Tao for making this sig for me ^^ 

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You wanna see my bucket list? Here it is! My actual bucket list!




Isn't it just the best bucket list you've ever seen! Sure I'm missing a few but I didn't have enough space... Ooooh I must add a space bucket to my list!

  • Brohoof 12


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Hmm... I guess my bucket list would be:


Meet Josh Hutcherson


Own a house with a big backyard, small pond and treehouse.


Travel to Ireland and Britain.

Also go to Disney World at least 2 more times.


Make my own dubstep/electronic music and have it be popular.


I'm not sure what else would be on there yet. :3

  • Brohoof 1


My OC, Starlight. (Better than Starlight Glimmer):


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Get a bucket to put my list in

Do things I shouldn't do as a little kid

Watch as many scary episodes of doctor who I can

Ride the most terrifying rides and slides

Pelt a town with a machine gun

Eat something no self respecting guy should

Ski off a GIANT drop off of a mountain with a parachutes doing spins and flips

And finally to end off my life

Ride a shark filled with TNT with giant glasses into a volcano screaming YOLO.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it save equistria with its five candy coloured friends and shoot rainbows at bad guys using their necklaces and tiara unless you're celestia
Also if your not familiar with the count to one million post then check out our welcoming cheer!
Just scroll to the bottom and it'll be there

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Write Bucket List

Go Bungee Jumping

Go Skydiving

  • If accomplished, Travel Mach 1
  • If accomplished, Travel Mach 2
  • If accomplished, Go to Space at least once

Save a Life

  • Save more than one Life

Travel the world: Germany

Marry my best friend

  • Have a child?

Shoot a wild animal for food

Shake hands with a famous person whom honor is owed

Eat Sandwich

Listen to a Live performance of any or all of the following: Beethoven's 9th Symphony, Arvo Paert's Te Deum

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Bucket list, eh? Never truly gave it thought. Well, here's a few things I suppose...

  • Have a sit-down with the members of Dream Theater (Mike Portnoy included) and discuss Metropolis Pt 1 and Pt 2.
  • Ride Millennium Force at Cedar Point (didn't get to last time. Couldn't fit in the seatbelt T_T)
  • Get my hardcover box set of The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr, Inheritance) signed by Christopher Paolini.
  • Get the Twilight Sparkle DBacks rally sign I hand-drew signed by Tara Strong.

Can't think of anything else off the top of my head.


Enjoy metal music? Come check out this Facebook page, Pegadeth.

"He who controls others may be powerful, but he who has mastered himself is mightier still."

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  • Visit Japan at least once.

Visit Europe (western Europe) at least once.

Meet a favorite singer, or two of mine.

See all of my favorite bands live at least once.

Go to Disney World at least once, or twice more. 


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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-meet Tara strong and have picture taken with her and get her autograph.


- go to every baseball stadium at least


- have a picture taken with cm punk.


- meet mark Trout, and have picture taken with him


- get married


- have kids


- go to Paris


- go to a World Series

Facebook: Josh B.

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What I'm currently thinking of right now:

  • Go to Japan and visit Ghibli museum
  • Travel through Germany or England in one month
  • Dance or act really weird in public
  • Make a cover of a korean song
  • Travel to all kind of destinations
  • Own a kimono/yukata
  • Rapelling again
  • Paragliding/Skydiving
  • Write something that will inspire/move others..
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- Meet Ron Perlman and smoke a Cuban cigar with him.


- Meet Steve Blum.


- Meet Charlie Hunnam and get a picture with him while i'm wearing an MFC top. (Because he's from Newcastle, for those who don't know.)


- Meet Tony Thurlow. (He's provided vocals for bands such as Lies of Smiles, Sahara, Panama and Skiltron, AND HE'S FROM STOCKTON-ON-TEES!! (Pretty much a stones throw away from here at Middlesbrough))


- Meet Emilio Souto and get him to sign my Sgian Dubh. (He's one of the founding members of my favourite band: Skiltron.)


- Buy a bottle of whiskey worth over £10,000. (Especially if it's made by Dalmore.)


- Supply voice acting for at least one project.


- Get one of my novels published.


- Perform a road trip of Europe, travelling every country possible. Preferably on a Triumph motorcycle or in a Jaguar. (Basically: Rep Britain's motor industry.)


- Own a swan boat. (Don't ask.)


- Punch a shark. (No, really.)


- Visit Israel, India, Pakistan, China and Japan.


- Break a mans arm. (What? At least i'm honest.)

"It is a Yorkshire habit to say what you think with blunt frankness." - Frances Hodgson Burnett







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