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Apple      Bloom

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I already did...  <_<


I wasn't quite sure of how to respond to what you posted earlier, so I didn't...


The topic of conversation can't always be steered so fluidly. You shouldn't take that personally.


I've never liked when guests are over, or I'm staying at someone else's house, and I am forced to share a bed with my little brother. Truly unpleasant.


Argh... I have so many bad memories of this type of thing. For a time, we had one smaller apartment and I had two little brothers. All. Of. My. Suffering.


Yeah, I didn't get much sleep back then and it is rather unpleasant. 


Don't mind him... He can get explosive like that if no one asks him about his things :/


Explosive? Well, I hope not. I may be a chicken, but chickens have rights too. I refuse to be exploded on. 

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if you want a really deep theory and analysis of the game, read the message of Majora's Mask. I really recommend it.




Yeah... we shall all listen to this on the "Final Day"' x)




Already in the middle of reading.


And holy crap! so much i never picked up on! :o


Also, Majora's a girl?!?!

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I wasn't quite sure of how to respond to what you posted earlier, so I didn't...

Wanna know what's running through my mind other than Viva la Vida?


I'm absolutely powerless; I'm one of the modders involved with SC4 and I can't do anything.


Not only that, I'm still stuck on my brother's computer because, once again, my folks took EVEN MORE money from me.


I need my computer built so that I can restore my technological glory, and not only that, resume my modding work.


And it ain't helping when no one hears a word I say; It's hard enough to have your thoughts be bottled up, but to reverberate back AT you?!!


I may be a chicken, but chickens have rights too. I refuse to be exploded on. 

You might as well get yourself a reinforced shield; Where I'm going can derail the entire everything.



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And it ain't helping when no one hears a word I say; It's hard enough to have your thoughts be bottled up, but to reverberate back AT you?!!


We kinda hear what you say, but what do you want exactly? If you can't have peace within yourself, then taking out your frustration on folks in the GCT is not going to help you. You are not the only one out there with problems. I'm not allowing my issues to make me into a monster, and neither should you. You are a better person than that. 

You might as well get yourself a reinforced shield; Where I'm going can derail the entire everything.


Or you can get some self-control. It isn't worth it. Trust me. 

  • Brohoof 2
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Hm, I guess you're right. Even with that, I'm sure everyone will be okay with Lapis haring bed with Asteria if there is no other bed available

Bah, unless you can think up a way for her to somehow board the train, she'll have to wait until next time. I don't know where her village is, but it's not close to Ponyville I wouldn't think. It was only a single day. I can imagine that maybe when she got home, she found enough bits to ride the train, but how would she make it in time?


I wonder if her parents care. Lapis visited their village briefly, Asteria wanted to go with him, and no one said it would be a bad idea. My idea of their world means you can just go off and be yourself and do what you like. I mean, Applejack went all the way to Manehatten all by herself. No one took her there. They didn't even see her to the train station or nothing. Sure, she was going to Aunt and Uncle Orange, but what if something happened? Judging from the flash back, she walked to her Aunt and Uncle's home by herself.


What's so bad with that? Free huggable pillow!
Lapis wouldn't think so. I wouldn't want to share a small bed.

Argh... I have so many bad memories of this type of thing. For a time, we had one smaller apartment and I had two little brothers. All. Of. My. Suffering.


Yeah, I didn't get much sleep back then and it is rather unpleasant. 

So you can see where I'm coming from here.

  • Brohoof 1


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So you can see where I'm coming from here.

Yeah, and the huggable pillow may definitely not be worth it if you get kicked in the eye because they are having a bad dream.


Or, if you hug the pillow and it punches you, which would have definitely happened with my brothers. Heh.

  • Brohoof 3
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CSIMadmax make the weirdest comic








For a time, we had one smaller apartment and I had two little brothers. All. Of. My. Suffering.


At least you didn't share that pitiful excuse of a bed with your parents :c

Two little brothers? You gotta tell us more about them when you got the chance o_o


Explosive? Well, I hope not. I may be a chicken, but chickens have rights too. I refuse to be exploded on.


Here, take this



Bah, unless you can think up a way for her to somehow board the train, she'll have to wait until next time. I don't know where her village is, but it's not close to Ponyville I wouldn't think. It was only a single day. I can imagine that maybe when she got home, she found enough bits to ride the train, but how would she make it in time?


Hm... We have Magicon, the archpony of portals. Other than him, there is no other way to get Asteria on board :c


I wonder if her parents care. Lapis visited their village briefly, Asteria wanted to go with him, and no one said it would be a bad idea. My idea of their world means you can just go off and be yourself and do what you like.


I believe it's partially because the ponies already established themselves as the major civilization. Herd mentality, as long as a pony can see another pony, she will feels safe. The more the better ofc.


With everywhere is filled with ponies, I'm sure foals can go around and stay safe. That is as longas they didn't go over the herd's boundaries (Everfree forest or other pony-less areas)

  • Brohoof 2


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I already did...  <_<
1. You possibly do. So I agree.

2. Is it Maarten?

3. No ones excluding you. You just kinda came in on somethimg totally different than what everyone else was on.

5. Dont take it too seriously. It's not happening purposely.

6. See number 4


  • Brohoof 2


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2. Is it Maarten?

3. No ones excluding you. You just kinda came in on somethimg totally different than what everyone else was on.

5. Dont take it too seriously. It's not happening purposely.

But I always find it best if I ask someone about what I should do. Even if they don't know what the hell I'm talking about...



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Two little brothers? You gotta tell us more about them when you got the chance o_o


Well, they aren't little anymore, so there's that. I still think of them as little though. I guess it is hard to stop being the big brother.


I'm not sure that they still think of me as big though. They grew up thinking of me as this sort of perfect, flawless, super serious, arch-brother of awesomeness. Now, they have realized that I'm just a mushy, silly guy that really just wants everyone to be happy. I think they are disappointed.


Either way, one of them is this guy. Him and me, we're like RD and Scoots. He's RD and I'm Scoots. Never mind the fact that I'm 5 years older. As I said, talk about role reversal. Lol.

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Not really the best idea if they are completely clueless.

Well, you know my modding involvement in SC4-land?


One of the things that I've always wanted to develop was my own textures for all of those fancy transit networks out there...


Thing is, how I'm gonna have to implement them now is worrying...



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>inb4 some bronies get this for their Christmas present



With mouth that huge, I won't be surprised if he once accidentally swallowed a life cat whole.


Well, they aren't little anymore, so there's that. I still think of them as little though. I guess it is hard to stop being the big brother.

It's normal. You grew up seeing them shorter than you, it's hard to get rid some habit like that :V



They grew up thinking of me as this sort of perfect, flawless, super serious, arch-brother of awesomeness. Now, they have realized that I'm just a mushy, silly guy that really just wants everyone to be happy. I think they are disappointed.



Deep inside I'm sure they're proud of you. From what you told us much much earlier, pretty sure they already see you as the 'big guy' of the family.

Not to mention it's in the genetics :3


Anyway, got any plan to invite the other to get in this forum? G16t5.png

Trio chicken go!


E: aren't you supposed to take a rest?

Edited by Starshine
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It's normal. You grew up seeing them shorter than you, it's hard to get rid some habit like that :V


That's a good point!  :lol:


Deep inside I'm sure they're proud of you. From what you told us much much earlier, pretty sure they already see you as the 'big guy' of the family.


This is true. Maybe I'm projecting my own view of myself onto them. I don't really think I'm all that much of anything actually. It can be a problem sometimes. :huh: 


Anyway, got any plan to invite the other to get in this forum?


Well, I got my sister to join, but she is not as active. Not even as a lurker.


My other bro... He could care less about the Internet. He is so... Stone age. x) 

  • Brohoof 1
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Hm... We have Magicon, the archpony of portals. Other than him, there is no other way to get Asteria on board :c

Who's to say she couldn't of stowed away on board? Sure, the train is dangerous, but she can actually take care of herself. She's not fragile. Surely her little village is on the boundary of pony-safe country. She is skilled with shield spells and has one fireball spell. She did seem a little too happy about seeing Lapis go. She is a smart filly. She may have had a plan...


Or perhaps she was a good filly and followed orders. It's just one solution, one that could work to get her on the train.

I believe it's partially because the ponies already established themselves as the major civilization. Herd mentality, as long as a pony can see another pony, she will feels safe. The more the better ofc.   With everywhere is filled with ponies, I'm sure foals can go around and stay safe. That is as longas they didn't go over the herd's boundaries (Everfree forest or other pony-less areas)

You make some good sense.

  • Brohoof 2


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Or perhaps she was a good filly and followed orders. It's just one solution, one that could work to get her on the train.

Just putting this out there. If you do put Asteria on the train, I will virtually guarantee her safety.


Not like I could allow anything to happen to her anyway. Besides, Lapis really does need a sidekick, but the cook has been distracted by the promise of detective stuff.


And I'm sure the conductor could find a room.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is true. Maybe I'm projecting my own view of myself onto them. I don't really think I'm all that much of anything actually.

Sometimes, with you just being there means the world for your younger siblings VnCRQ.png


My other bro... He could care less about the Internet. He is so... Stone age. x)
That's too bad y0Qnc.png


But hey, even if Panda Patch is not active, at least she already gave this site a chance. Hopefully sooner or later she will get back and start posting!


She is skilled with shield spells and has one fireball spell. She did seem a little too happy about seeing Lapis go. She is a smart filly. She may have had a plan...

Just like that sneaky girl in Jurassic Park 2? o_o

Do want!


You make some good sense.
Me? Make some good sense?



Yes :3


Now I have two hours of sleep for tonight. Ah well. Good night all.

Sweet dreams! a78Ev.png

Edited by Starshine
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Just putting this out there. If you do put Asteria on the train, I will virtually guarantee her safety.
Alright. But you've said on a number of occasions that she'd be in mortal peril if she set hoof on that train.


Not like I could allow anything to happen to her anyway. Besides, Lapis really does need a sidekick, but the cook has been distracted by the promise of detective stuff.
Yes, and it would allow me to post again. Perhaps in the morning I shall make a glorious post, detailing her entire adventure. I'm a bit excited at the prospect actually. Asteria on the train, what an interesting prospect indeed.


And I'm sure the conductor could find a room.
 I'd have thought that Vim would be mad that somepony had stowed away on board the train. And with them at a station, he could easily just kick her off. What kind of conductor just gives away a free room?
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Well, you know my modding involvement in SC4-land?One of the things that I've always wanted to develop was my own textures for all of those fancy transit networks out there...Thing is, how I'm gonna have to implement them now is worrying...

Wait, why would that be hard?


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Yes :3


Now I have two hours of sleep for tonight. Ah well. Good night all. :)

Aww, and I had more questions....




Just like that sneaky girl in Jurassic Park 2? o_o Do want!
I've never seen that movie once in my life, so I have absolutely no idea as to what you are talking about.
  • Brohoof 1


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, Did you miss my reply, or did you fall asleep...?

I was moving around in here, looking at this ridiculously trippy show on Adult Swim, trying make myself get up to take a shower, trying to get up and get some cereal, and finish that MM theory thing.


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Me? Make some good sense?
Yes. Maybe we can get Arcanel to analyze it and expand upon it.

I was moving around in here, looking at this ridiculously trippy show on Adult Swim, trying make myself get up to take a shower, trying to get up and get some cereal, and finish that MM theory thing.

Why are you so active right now? Isn't it 4 AM where you are?


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