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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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I think Peter really likes Scootaloo.


Hehe I've never received two consecutive brohoofs from him and a topic follow so I'm happy :D



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My brother showed me Gangnam Style when it only had 10 million views... OPPA HIPSTER STYLE!


How the times fly by...


Yeah, he went in untouched. Another weapon for the Pats to employ on a consistent basis.


It's great that they picked him up, a RB who can not only run but catch and take off with speed :3 I'm so happy for him

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They need to draft another QB whose name isn't Romo.


They need a new coach who's name isn't Garrett.


They need an actual GM rather than shitty JJ subbing in for that spot.

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Two months ago I hate each and every thread in the RPworld with passion (with extremely few exception)


Now I'm lurking in there, searching for another RP to join...


Do my standards get lower or something? Posted Image


Good night, GCT. I am off to dream land now.



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An Alicorn being the starting quarterback for the Cowboys... no thanks she could just magically float the ball into the air until the receivers are standing in the endzone. She could also just fly there... or teleport.


The Cowboys will be bad as long as Jerry calls the shots.

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