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Apple      Bloom

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This game had this awesome... "ULTIMA DID IT"

Well, then there was this Dragon that... "ULTIMA DID IT"

Err, Evil... "ULTIMA DID IT"


So, this is just that thing where stuff came from. Hmm.

Back in the olden days, we all have too much imagination. You can give us two dices and a few sheet of paper, suddenly everyone is in a castle and shit :P


That's a computer game. From the 80's. What does that have anything to do with tabletop RPs?


Somewhat related, one would believe that those who roleplay never truly grew pass that stage of life where their imagination was at its best.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's a computer game. From the 80's. What does that have anything to do with tabletop RPs?


Somewhat related, one would believe that those who roleplay never truly grew pass that stage of life where their imagination was at its best.





Actually, yes.

You have your Call Of Drunk : Six Pack because Pen and Paper.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's a computer game. From the 80's. What does that have anything to do with tabletop RPs?

my bad, my mind slipped between the two objects again :x


one would believe that those who roleplay never truly grew pass that stage of life where their imagination was at its best.



I'm not really sure about roleplaying will nurture your imagination, though. Some people, instead of roleplaying, will try to abuse the system. Trying to get around ambiguously-worded rules to get stronger.


To everything above,... Needs more modernisation... And a second monitor.

Fuck modernisation. Just give me a good beer and everything would play by itself

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Well, a second monitor would probably double your viewing space, and getting drunk would cause enough of a hallucination.

Alcohol in moderation can give you a better "suspense of disbelief", hence better imagination

And double monitor will only serve to distract you from that small fancy box in the corner

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And double monitor will only serve to distract you from that small fancy box in the corner


Dude, seriously. I can't see enough crap on just one monitor. I found it to be a better boon to productivity to have a second monitor, and if all you can do is ridicule me, then cut the crap.

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Computers are like, magiscience. So, it was a long way to get from 2D white rectangles and pointy sticks that mark aforementioned rectangles to magiscience computamabobs.


Actually, yes. You have your Call Of Drunk : Six Pack because Pen and Paper.

Then we must go back in time and burn all the paper and pencils.


my bad, my mind slipped between the two objects again :x

Nah, it's fine. I've never had the chance to do tabletop....


Agreed...? I'm not really sure about roleplaying will nurture your imagination, though. Some people, instead of roleplaying, will try to abuse the system. Trying to get around ambiguously-worded rules to get stronger.

When did I say it nurtures your imagination? What I meant was that the best writers and roleplayers retained their imaginations to a good enough degree. I could very well be wrong, but who's to judge. We could survey all the living successful writers on Earth. But that sounds too difficult...
  • Brohoof 1
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Dude, seriously. I can't see enough crap on just one monitor. I found it to be a better boon to productivity to have a second monitor, and if all you can do is ridicule me, then cut the crap.

A larger screen with better resolution can do better if you want a larger scope of vision, rather than stacking more than one of those metal boxes


And if everything that is said while not agreeing to you is ridiculing, then you need to work on something there

  • Brohoof 1
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A larger screen with better resolution can do better if you want a larger scope of vision, rather than stacking more than one of those metal boxes

On second thought, forget it. I need the doubled viewing space, no matter what I do, and a bigger monitor simply does not cut it.

Edited by Nakamura Nigh Suk
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A larger screen with better resolution can do better if you want a larger scope of vision, rather than stacking more than one of those metal boxes


And if everything that is said while not agreeing to you is ridiculing, then you need to work on something there




Aaaaaaannd yep.


Computers are like, magiscience. So, it was a long way to get from 2D white rectangles and pointy sticks that mark aforementioned rectangles to magiscience computamabobs.


No it was pixel.

Do you even lift.


Same idea.

Build worlds.

  • Brohoof 1
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Guys, I'm dead serious. The rock that I use as a computer will have open at any given time 12 things opened at once, and it's enough of a hassle for me to switch windows.


You guys are simply just gonna grind me to a pulp, aren't you?

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Nah, it's fine. I've never had the chance to do tabletop....

it's like a realtime version of roleplaying we have in this forum, so everyone have to be creative and extremely initiative


And dices, oh god the dices. You no longer have to be afraid of god-modding. You can literally attack all you want, because everything is decided by the Dice God


What I meant was that the best writers and roleplayers retained their imaginations to a good enough degree.

Sounds true enough :U


I've already made up my mind on where I'm going with my computer build, and you simply won't do anything to change my stance.

You're the one who tried preaching to us about your two monitors :o


Build worlds.

And shit dragons while you're at it Posted Image
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No it was pixel.

Um, okay. Whatever you mean by that. Still say it's magiscience...



Same idea.

Build worlds.


Okie dokes. But one requires actual work and imagination over another. I really wish I had people to do something like that with... It is sad I've got no one to build worlds with. Well, there is always my little brother, but with only two people, it really isn't all that fun. -_-
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it's like a realtime version of roleplaying we have in this forum, so everyone have to be creative and extremely initiative And dices, oh god the dices. You no longer have to be afraid of god-modding. You can literally attack all you want, because everything is decided by the Dice God

Right. I could always use my Munchkin cards to have fun with. But I still only have me and my brother. Two people does not make a fun game of Munchkin.
  • Brohoof 2
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Hello? Do the math.

from the earlier>>


To everything above,... Needs more modernisation... And a second monitor.


Fuck modernisation. Just give me a good beer and everything would play by itself

Well, a second monitor would probably double your viewing space, and getting drunk would cause enough of a hallucination.

You were the one who suggested the two screen initially, when I said otherwise, you whined that I grinded you to pulp




Two people does not make a fun game of Munchkin.

You can always try with your other family member

  • Brohoof 1
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You were the one who suggested the two screen initially, when I said otherwise, you whined that I grinded you to pulp


Because I took it in that you thought that a two-monitor system was a BAD idea. I'm only grinding everything you say back at you.


A larger screen with better resolution can do better if you want a larger scope of vision, rather than stacking more than one of those metal boxes


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Because I took it in that you thought that a two-monitor system was a BAD idea. I'm only grinding everything you say back at you.

If you can't stand others having a different opinion than you without saying that others are grinding you, then I suggest keep everything to yourself

  • Brohoof 1
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