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Is this for real? Or just trolling?

Mister G

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People like that make legitimate critics of the Illuminati look like a bunch of idiots, yes they exist and yes they put hidden messages in movies, shows and video games to brainwash people but there are some shows which have escaped this sort of trend and MLP seems to be one of them. And there is such a things as coincidences which seems to be the case for the alleged illuminati imagery in MLP but what made me really laugh my ass off was the mention of rule 34 I mean seriously? Whoever made that video clearly does not understand how rule 34 works.

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 My opinion is that God, makes a brony.



I can concede that perhaps God gives us certain traits that coincide with the show, and that's what draws us to them, but I'd believe the reason we're attracted to MLP is largely scientific. There was recently a Japanese study (linkage), where it says that looking at pictures of cute animals (dogs, cats, etc.) increases concentration and cognitive function. So looking at cute animals - in this case, ponies - doing cute things is actually helping our brain relax and reach deeper levels of concentration. At least, that's my theory.


You could also argue that God created each brain uniquely, I suppose, and that there's something different that draws us to the show, but this is my idea. I don't think God "created" bronies - I think there's just a lot of stressed out people who like watching pastel colored toys prance around subconsciously.


I don't think God created me, a unique individual, with a penchant towards My Little Pony. He may have known that I'd like the show, but it's my free will, and I can choose to like something or not. For instance, I choose not to like Twilight. I choose to like action films. I also choose to like MLP. :3


Just so you know, fellow Christian speaking. <3


Also in regards to the video: This is a troll. So obviously a troll. He's stretching so far and looking at symbols at surface value with no regards whatsoever to any other studies done by experts. It was still funny, but it makes me sad that there may actually be someone who believes this.


I mean, I'm a Christian and I still enjoy Harry Potter. I think my soul can afford to watch a few "satanic" ponies. xD




  • Brohoof 5
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Wait, what? God makes Bronies? Huh?


And now that I reread the original post, I see that Noflippinbody did admit to posting that in somepony's welcome post... that's a bit odd.

ehem....just putting it out there, right above the linked video the oc does say that they once posted it in someone's welcome post.  Only posting this for clarification, no offenses to be taken here.  Also, I just find that video funny.

Edited by zues986
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I don't think this is for real or trolling. I feel like this is a video made by a hater, to scare people into not being bronies. Think about it.

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Lol'd what.

Coincidences happen you know, and this is just booshet. Unless we're calling Lauren, or the Devs Satanists.

I mean come on, it's simple to just look away from such idiocy

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ehem....just putting it out there, right above the linked video the oc does say that they once posted it in someone's welcome post.  Only posting this for clarification, no offenses to be taken here.  Also, I just find that video funny.




That's what I just said, I said that when I reread the post I saw that part, my eyes sort of just skipped over that and to the video. So like... thanks I guess?


And yeah, the video was funny, I don't really see what's so bad about it, although I think posting it in a welcome post was a little ridiculous.

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That's what I just said, I said that when I reread the post I saw that part, my eyes sort of just skipped over that and to the video. So like... thanks I guess?


And yeah, the video was funny, I don't really see what's so bad about it, although I think posting it in a welcome post was a little ridiculous.

Congratulations to me for reading the OC's name as an actual word.  My apologies for that.  I do agree, not something I would post in a welcome forum unless I knew the person before hand(and yes, it happens, couple of people on here I originally met through AnY's podcast in chat)

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Ahem. One thing I notice about this video is, the music. I used it for one of my videos because it had a license so that you could use it for anything. I think what's happening here is that this person is posting inflammatory content, because he/she knows tons of us will watch it and be all mad over it.


How does YouTube's monitization system work? The more people who view the video, the more money the poster gets.

The video is posted to get tons of views.


Any relation? Maybe, I have AdBlock on so I can't see ads on youtube, but I think this video isn't just inflammatory, it's a scam. Stop watching this video, while I found it super funny, this person may be making money off it.

  • Brohoof 3


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Good God.


Who the hell gains anything by this? By this reasoning, we can't watch the Lion the Witch And The Wardrobe either-even though it was written by C.S Lewis who was a devout Christian, and the lion Aslan is a metaphor for The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah - AKA Jesus.


Self-righteous B.S like this does more to damage Christianity's reputation than almost anything else.

  • Brohoof 7


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Oh hell no, they just did not just insult Dashie like that!


Seriously though, this was one of the stupidest things I've ever watched, I couldn't even watch more than half of it.

  • Brohoof 2



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Someone tell me what I just read blink.png

 If I talk like that person I can make anything sound evil. Seriously. Im a christian and this is almost insulting.

I hope that persons a troll, if not I hope they dont have kids. THAT would be a depressing childhood! laugh.png

  • Brohoof 5


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I can't actually laugh at this whether it's actually made by someone who really does believe this or not if only for the fact the video is stupid...and that there just might be someone out there that believes it.


This just isn't my kind of "humor".




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Well i think that is enough ponies for one day, I see the guy who made this video obviously enjoyed making it, i do see many points but i'm afraid with this world we live in now i couldn't care less if it was Satanic or not, to me and many it is escapism and that is how i will keep it 



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Well, it's not the first time occult knowledge and symbolism is misinterpreted by ignorant people as witchcraft, paganism and satanism. And when people don't have a clue what are they talking about, they tend to see it as dangerous and evil. In the middle ages, they burned "witches" on fire stacks whenever they merely suspected them as doing witchcraft. Today they cannot burn people, so they flame them in the Internet.


But seriously, this video is a great example of why people shouldn't speak about symbolism if they don't have any clue of the meaning of these symbols or what they're talking about. Every single thing in this video is a misconception of some sort, despite they're right in some way or another. If you're interested in what's this symbolism is really about, you can check out my other thread about symbolism and hidden knowledge in MLP:FiM. There really are some symbols from paganism, hermetism, ancient belief systems and myths, but I haven't found anything satanic or related to the Illuminati there so far. Also, these symbols and knowledge aren't reserved only for some single religion or belief system -- they were nearly universal across the whole globe in these ancient times, because they're related to the forces of Nature and the knowledge about the most fundamental laws of the Universe. And even though this was not only scientific knowledge, but also phylosophical and spiritual, it has nothing to do with any religion (though many religions usurped these symbols and knowledge to themselves, so as Masons or Luciferians do).


First of all, Twilight's cutie mark is not the Star of David this guy have shown in his video. Yes, both have 6 arms, but he must be blind (or just blinded by his beliefs) to not see that their shapes are very different. Twilight's cutie mark is actually Crowley's Hexagram, which is a symbol of magical energy flowing in an infinite cycle. In hindsight I think it's fortunate that this guy didn't know that, because Crowley has been considered to be the Antichrist (now it's president Obama ;-J they have to make up their minds, haven't they? :-P ), because he studied ancient occult knowledge and wrote a book which is now considered Satanic Bible :-P (of course most of the people who say that have actually never read that book, they just heard that and they're afraid to read).


The pentagrams, on the other hand, are correct, and they're used in the show with association to the Dark Magic, but this is not the same as evil Magic -- as with any tool, it depends on how it is used and by whom. Evil villains often use Dark Magic, because it is more intrusive, since it involves the most powerful forces of Nature used by Life itself. And messing with Life without enough sophistication and care can lead to damages and obsession. The show is actually very good tool to show people how to deal with this kind of Magic without hurting anyone, because it shows that several villains has been corrupted by Dark Magic and it shows why exactly they fell to it: because of not enough care in dealing with it and lack of friends (that is, Magic of Harmony). Twilight is used in the story as a tool to show that one can harmonize both sides of Magic only when mastering the Bright Side first and having enough friends to help her when mastering the Dark Magic, to avoid being corrupted by its power. In this case this guy dealt with this subject at a very surface-level only. Moreover, one of his "pentagrams" isn't even a pentagram -- the one in the Washington DC plan -- it's a five-arm star, but it's not a true pentagram, since the angles and sides are not equal, and their proportions are not in golden ratios. This is a star which appears in a grid of equilateral triangles, known to many geometers and architects. It's not related to anything evil at all. Well, even the correct pentagram isn't: originally it was a "logo" of an ancient secret society of Pythagoreans, who studied geometry and patterns in Nature. This star has been chosen by them for their "logo", because the ratios of all distances in it are all golden ratios, which are irrational, and it was one of their best kept secrets. It was further used by Knight Templars. But when they became too much powerful and threatened the Vatican, the pope did what he could to demonise them and all their symbolism in public view, because Vatican didn't want anyone from the public to help them or to become interested in their secrets. So they related pentagram with devil and they invented Satan and Hell (yes, you heard it right: invented, because there were no such concepts in the Bible before then; you don't need to believe me, go figure, and I assure you you'll be very surprised ;-J ).


Same with the forbidden fruit as being an apple. It began as an error in translation, since in Latin a word

m?lum (note "long a" vowel) is the Latin for apple. It is related to the Ancient Greek ????? (m?lon = apple, fruit). m?lum (note "short a" vowel) is the Latin for evil, wicked, bad. It is related to the Ancient Greek ????? (melas = black, we get the word melancholy from this = black bile) and akin to the Sanskrit word mal-a, meaning dirty. The words are totally unrelated and have different origins. It's pure coincidence that they resemble each other. But they've been confused when translating the Latin version of the Bible (Vulgata) into other languages and this way the forbidden fruit became an apple. But if you check out the original Hebrew texts, you'll find no trace of any apple there. It was a fruit, and Jews use to say that it was a fruit of pommegranate. There are also some ancient depictions of this tree which are very similar to date palm (Phoenix Dactylifera). Moreover, there is no trace of any Satan in the Garden of Eden either. In the original you'll be told that there is a Snake, but it doesn't seem to be an animal snake, but with some antropic features (he can talk, for example). Zecharia Sitchin, who studied ancient scriptures (not only these in the Bible canon, but also babylonian myths etc. which are original to the Hebrew Bible), consider it to be Enki, one of the Babylonian gods, which was a brother of Enlil, their main god's first son. According to the Babylonian story, when gods decided to create human in their own image (which of course implies these gods were some kind of humanoids), Enki was responsible for it, and he very loved his creation, which was not seen good by the other gods, so they banned them. But he still tried to help people by teaching them the gods' secrets, which annoyed the rest of the gods even more. Do you see a parallel with Ancient Greeks' myth of Prometheos? His name means "The Light Bearer", so it can be associated with Lucifer (or Luxiferrus in Latin, which also means "The Light Bearer"). But it was not the Master of All Evil, as he is always depicted by the Roman Catholic Church. A Hebrew counterpart of his name was "Helel ben Schahar", which means "The Son of the Dawn". And this name has been used to describe Jesus too, so in those times it was not meant to be anything evil at all. The same goes with the word "satan", which is not a name, but a description: a Hebrew word "sadham" means "the opponent", and it can be used to describe anyone. There is a passage in the Bible which uses this very word to describe Jesus himself, when he opposes some other guy (I don't remember exactly, I'm not a Jehovah Witness to recite the whole Bible from memory ;-J but it was something about one of these conflict of Jesus with Pharisees AFAIR).


The more I study ancient symbolism and knowledge, the more I see that the Church (well, not only th Church, but some other powerful institutions too) are often opposing and demonizing some areas of knowledge to make people fear it and avoid sticking their noses into these things they (the Church, Masons and other "secret societies") doesn't want them to know. Ever wondered why is 666 (the Number of the Beast) associated with pentagrams? Because both are about evil and Satan? No, not at all. It's because they're related geometrically and hide the same ancient secret of the Universe and Life. I figured it out two years ago, this way:




This is also the same reason why you must be very lucky if you find any calculations of the pentagram in your geometry schoolbook. There are lots of triangles, quadriaterals, hexagons, but not so much about pentagons, not to mention pentagrams and golden ratios. Quoting Platon from "Timaeus": "One, two, three... but where's the fourth, my dear Timaeus?" It's gone. It's secret. It's occult (Latin "occultus" = "hidden from sight", not to be confused with "evil" ;-J ). Occult knowledge is just that: hidden knowledge. Hidden from us to see, to keep us ignorant and submissive. But they know these secrets themselves. So maybe it's at least worth to know what are they trying to hide from us? :-P


And it's worth to do some calculations around the pentagram, because there is a lot of interesting mathematical relationships hidden there:




I found these relationships when doing some calculations for my physics research about accoustics and sound waves motions in water, related to Alchemy. When these calculations appeared as the shape you see above, I almost immediately remembered this shape from a Japanese anime "Full Metal Alchemist" as a "transmutation circle" from water alchemy:




Coincidence? I don't think so. Especially that they use other real alchemical symbols there. E.g. the cross and snake symbol on the coat of the main hero is the same symbol which you can find in the Nicholas Flamel's alchemical manuscript (he was the most famous alchemist in Europe).


And my mom said I wouldn't learn anything on the Internet.


As for the video that's got to be trolling right? I was going to post a comment about how we'd been discovered and the jig was up, and how we need to come clean to the world now, but I'm afraid to post sarcasm in case gets taken seriously by some nut like this guy.

  • Brohoof 3


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I'm afraid you have more explaining to do. Why, in someone's welcome post, would YOU post that? What kind of message are you trying to portray to someone new to the fandom? Also, why do you think it's time for us all to see it? If there's a troll here it would seem that you, are the troll. I'm not trying to be offensive or anything but you wanted opinions. My opinion is that God, makes a brony. Why does no one ever consider the fact that although fandom does many things. We still didn't create the show in the first place. So i would have to say both the maker of the video and the OP know little about creation.

I myself don't believe in this bullcrap. Yes, I posted this in Flutterspark's (yes, I'm saying his name) welcome post since he is a Christian (and I'm also one) and I decided to show him that. The message I am trying portray to him (and everypony) is that there are people who would do this kind of videos so they could:

a. Troll fanbases and other forms of media

b. To demonize them and make people believe they are evil (They told me that Harry Potter and Pokemon are Satanic when I was kid, now I believe otherwise)

c. Because they truly believe in that that those things are evil.

The reason why I decided to let you guys see it is because, after all, it is only on a welcome post and few people can only see it. So I put it on Show Discussion (which got relocated to Sugarcube Corner) so many people can see it.

tl;dr, I posted that vid not because I believe on that,(again, I immediately dismissed it as bullcrap when I first watched it) but to see your opinions.

God bless everypony.


 Signature done by Vita! Thank you! c:

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 Oh my sweet Celestia! It's breeding! :-o





People like that make legitimate critics of the Illuminati look like a bunch of idiots


Yes, and this is probably the exact reason why such videos are being distributed in the Internet.

The best way to fight with truth tellers is ridiculing them. I saw this many times. Just put the truth teller you want to ridicule in between some freaks telling stupid things and no one would figure who's not mad in this company.


I saw many videos such as these before. For one example, when I found a short video called "I, Pet Goat II". There's a lot of interesting symbolism there, which relates to ancient belief systems and mythology, putting them into some more modern context. I analyzed it thoroughly on one Polish forum about conspiracy theories. But then I found someone posting videos about evil satanic Illuminati messages in this video. Most of them were ridiculous, of course, and I saw that the guy doesn't have a clue about what he's talking about. But still, his video had a big impact and lots of views. A month later the original author of the first movie

and he confirmed much of my interpretations of these symbols he used in his movie, contrary to what those "satanic freaks" have said about that. But being wrong didn't stop them of course, and they continued to see devil there.




yes they exist and yes they put hidden messages in movies, shows and video games to brainwash people


They also put these messages there to communicate with each other. The best way to hide something is to hide it in plain sight. There's a technique called steganography, which is about hiding in plain sight. For example, you can modify some image in a way which doesn't mess with it much, but a person who knows where to look can figure out these little changes and decode a message from them. Once I wrote a computer program which does it: I could encode some data into a picture data by modifying its binary bits just a little bit (huh... :-P). The brightness variations of these pixels were small and unnoticeable, but enough to encode a whole another image into it. Also you can post some random messages or images to some selected forums / Twitter accounts, and someone who knows the code could check them out in a predefined sequence to see which one you visited and which one you didn't, and treat them as binary bits to decode a number, or even a message. This technique can use the existing infrastructure of the Internet to pass encrypted messages without anyone knowing or noticing.




but there are some shows which have escaped this sort of trend and MLP seems to be one of them.


Yes, I believe that too, since in the whole 2 seasons I haven't found anything related to Illuminati or other evil societies there. Moreover, I know that there are many such secret societies, and their goals are not always in agreement with each other. For example, Isaac Newton was an Illuminati and a member of the Royal Institution which has been established and ruled by the Illuminati from the very beginning. Wilhelm Gottfried von Leibniz, on the other hand, was a Rosicrucian, which are the heirs of Alchemists' knowledge. Both worked on Calculus, but Newton kept it all secret and disclosed it only to his fellow Illuminatis, and Leibniz, on the other hand, was very public with it, and he always shared his knowledge with others. But this was in conflict with the Illuminati agenda, since they didn't want these secrets to go public. And this was the real reason for Newton accusing Leibniz of plagiarism and tried to destroy him using all power he had from being the head of Royal Institution. Of course none of them invented Calculus. Calculus was invented by Hindu scholars from the Kerala school of astronomy and mathematics, centuries before Newton and Leibniz found them in the old books from Arabs. But one of them wanted to share the knowledge, and the other wanted to keep it secret for the elite.


But watching how these secret societies act and what are they trying to smuggle into our movies and books etc. I think there are at least two of them, with opposite goals, which I call Dark Side and Bright Side. Both are guards of the ancient knowledge, but one group wants to keep it all secret for the elite to maintain power over the rest of population, and the other group is trying to reveal it at the appropriate moments to inspire scientists and accelerate our evolution. The other group also works in secret because they don't want to get trouble from the Dark Side.


MLP seems to be the message from the Bright Side. Thre are several other movies which seem to reveal inspiring knowledge and expose the Illuminati agenda. For example, "The Golden Compass", or

. I'd especially look for movies from New Line Cinema, since there are many movies from this studio which do that.




And there is such a things as coincidences which seems to be the case for the alleged illuminati imagery in MLP



Yes. That's why I always say that when one wants to analyze symbols, one needs to always put them in context. Without the context, they're meaningless and could be easily misinterpreted. A Sun or Moon symbol is not always Masonic or Pagan (or whatever they like to call them), and a checkerboard pattern often could be just that: a checkerboard. But if such symbols are used together, confirming the meaning of each other in the greater context, like telling another story between the lines, then they might be plausible.

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Definitely trolling.


Religion and satanism is not even shown in the show at all, the guy who made that video really needs to be locked in an asylum or at least put in Alcatraz. They both don't link to the show because, there is no evidence of either of them.
They just put some hidden messages that the illuminati just puts into media, and people start to question what is illuminati and what is not.


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I once posted this in someone's welcome post, but I think it's about time for everypony to see this video

This isn't like that GodHatesSinners.com troll site.

What are your opinions on this?

wow, just wow. i was actually laughing at this entire video. someone is brand new to the internet. absolutely nothing in this video proves anythings. only slight, and i mean very sight, coincidences. heck i could go into a church and say that there are six people with the same shirt, six times a song is sung, and six crucifixes in the church. all i can say is this. CMon-Man-1-650x460.jpg


btw why does everyone think Rainbow dash is Lesbian? just because she has rainbow hair? thats like saying im a sex pervert for liking MLP...

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I've got four things to say about this video:

1. On the last slide the way it showed the pyramid of races of ponies was entirely not true. Pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies were scattered about it equally, not making the god top, earth ponies bottom or any references like that to racism or religion. 

2. How is Spike Satan? They didn't even try on that one.

3. The most ridiculous one was the rainbow for gay rights.

A. It doesn't seem like they watch the show at all. Everything is rainbow(Yes, I know they actually did).

B. So, just because a rainbow is featured in a cartoon makes it a "message" about something?

4. Lots of people put sick things in fandoms. Look around the internet a little.

 I'm done responding to this video. It was obviously made to start a flame war.

  • Brohoof 2





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ok, on behalf of sane christians i apologize, just to let you know most christians are not this insane, and to the thread question  unfortunately .. he is serious there are some waaaaay over the top christians who overthink everything

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@, you're absolutely right. What possible reason could OP have for posting this other than to get people riled up? There isn't one.






Anybody that posts to this forum with the intent to troll should be completely and utterly ashamed of themselves.




I have just about had it with you. Everywhere you post it's nothing but zen, love and tolerate. Stop being so mellow and reasonable all the time! (Just for the record, I'm not a Christian, but the way you act is most definitely improving my opinion of them. Keep on being awesome!)

Edited by Circadian
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@Circadian, excellent! Soon these entire forums will believe I'm nothing but a mellow little Christian girl, and then...I will begin my takeover of the world! MWHAHAHA!


Seriously though, that was like the biggest compliment I've ever received. Thank you. <3

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