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Proof that MLP:FIM is not a show for "toddler girls"

Champion RD92

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"Slumber 101: All you ever wanted know about slumber parties but were afraid to ask." I was like, "Whoah. Nice!"


Reminds me of when I was watching ReBoot on ABC back in the day. Dot puts on this kick-ass armor with a cannon integrated into it, and asks Mouse: "What do you think? Do you think it makes me look too `butch'?" My mom was watching, and she went, "Wait...did she really just say that?" Shortly thereafrer, ABC decided it'd had enough of ReBoot, and it went off the air in the U.S.


I loved that show. I had to wait until Toonami to finish the series. (Andrea Libman did great work on it, too.)

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"Slumber 101: All you ever wanted know about slumber parties but were afraid to ask." I was like, "Whoah. Nice!"


Reminds me of when I was watching ReBoot on ABC back in the day. Dot puts on this kick-ass armor with a cannon integrated into it, and asks Mouse: "What do you think? Do you think it makes me look too `butch'?" My mom was watching, and she went, "Wait...did she really just say that?" Shortly thereafrer, ABC decided it'd had enough of ReBoot, and it went off the air in the U.S.


I loved that show. I had to wait until Toonami to finish the series. (Andrea Libman did great work on it, too.)

I had to wait until just a few years ago to finish the series. I thought it had been completely cancelled - on a ludicrously epic cliffhanger, no less.


Well, at least we can hope that since Hasbro's making enough money off the show - and has their own network to broadcast it - that the same won't happen here. We just have Derpygate and Twilicorngate and any other character a gate can reasonably or unreasonably be attached to.

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Does anyone remember that Fluttershy use the expression "flying feather" in Putting Your Hoof Down?

And of course let's not forget the episode where we see Dash make an nuclear explosion, Fluttershy killing a bear, and Twilight losing it and starting a riot in Ponyville...


Oh, and there's this:



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I absolutely hate the notion that for a show to be good among an older male demographic, it has to "toughen up" or be not "girly". dry.png


Face it, as a female myself, I admit that MLP is a feminine show. It's very pink, centers around princesses and episodes evolve around stereotypically "female" things (sleepovers, fashion, weddings...). This show is also very childish and Bronies seem to be convinced that their show is something of "epic" proportions, even though it's less "epic" or "adult" that most cartoons these days and films that the target demographic would be watching (e.g. Pixar, Disney or Dreamworks films). It's not a bad thing, and people have to stop convincing themselves that this show is "manly" or "epic". It's not. It's just a simple, innocent cartoon about cute ponies that many demographics can enjoy. Also, a guy watching a "girly" show should not be ridiculed (which I recognize is mostly society's problem, but the idea of losing or gaining manliness because of a TV show you watch is dumb). 

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I absolutely hate the notion that for a show to be good among an older male demographic, it has to "toughen up" or be not "girly". img-1390026-1-dry.png


Face it, as a female myself, I admit that MLP is a feminine show. It's very pink, centers around princesses and episodes evolve around stereotypically "female" things (sleepovers, fashion, weddings...). This show is also very childish and Bronies seem to be convinced that their show is something of "epic" proportions, even though it's less "epic" or "adult" that most cartoons these days and films that the target demographic would be watching (e.g. Pixar, Disney or Dreamworks films). It's not a bad thing, and people have to stop convincing themselves that this show is "manly" or "epic". It's not. It's just a simple, innocent cartoon about cute ponies that many demographics can enjoy. Also, a guy watching a "girly" show should not be ridiculed (which I recognize is mostly society's problem, but the idea of losing or gaining manliness because of a TV show you watch is dumb). 

Eh, I'd say the show has plenty of 'epic' moments. The elements of harmony, the Rarity/Applejack pillow fight, bits of Dragon Quest, the Dragonshy montage, the sonic rainboom, the changeling battle, Sombra's defeat, pretty much any time Discord is on screen... they all count as pretty epic. I don't think they make the show that much more manly though.


I mean, what would change if the show was aimed at young boys, with an all-male cast? We'd have still have the nerd, the jock, the rich kid, the shy kid, the country boy, and the energetic comic relief. Probably have to give Rarity's character a different job, but all in all it'd be pretty much the same thing. And I don't think anyone would question girls watching it, because it would simply be a funny cartoon about a bunch of cool dudes who have adventures and live life and stuff. So why does the main cast being female make it a 'girls only' thing, or a 'non-manly' thing?


Humour, cuteness, and epicness do not have demographics. Anyone can enjoy them.

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There are countless reasons and examples of how this show is absolutely NOT just for little girls. Just watch this scene from A Canterlot Wedding:




I mean, come on! How many other "little girls shows" have fight scenes at all?


- Twilight slammed fake Applejack to the ground.

- Dash kicks a bunch of changelings away.

- Pinkie using Twilight as a magic-shooting weapon.

- Rainbow Dash SLAM!

- Applejack BUCK!

- Fluttershy TRIP!(Okay, this wasn't even remotely violent)

- Rarity PUNCH!

- Twilight ZAP!

- Pinkie CANNON!


And of course, Celestia getting owned by Chrysalis. That alone was a pretty dark scene.

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I'm pretty sure saying its for toddlers is an exaggeration for anyone, you'd have to be flat out dumb to think that, however to say its for younger crowds is almost a stretch to really. There is some confusing and quite dark stuff at times in the show honestly.


Really most people who insult MLP just haven't seen the show so therefore they can't make much of an educated opinion against it, and therefore they sound stupid to those of us who've seen it actually.


And yeah I haven't seen heavy metal in a toddlers show ever :P.

Edited by Zygen
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Still surprised people call this show innocent...

I mean, there are many moments in the show proving it's much more than a little girls show.

Oh, and you guys forgot the scene with fluttershy and the bear. If that's considered "girly", than I don't want to know what isn't!

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As a fan of Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, Regular Show, MLP, and Phineas And Ferb, I'm gonna have to disagree with the "today's cartoons are horrible" mindset.


I think it's understandable that people think this show is for toddlers if they haven't seen it. The friendship letters don't help the case.

Hey Flutterbass I like those shows too! I agree with you that today's cartoons are just as good as the ones from the nineties.

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First thing I'd like to say is that I didn't read every post in this thread, so don't hate on me. xD


Anyways... In my opinion, MLP:FiM is, technically a show for little girls. But it's a show for little girls and everybody else. It's pretty obvious, what with the underlying theme of pink and purple poofy pastel ponies that the main target audience is young girls, but just because they're the main audience doesn't mean that everybody else can't, just as Lauren Faust said.


And yes, I know I (and every brony and their dog) have said this before. :P

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I think the reason that the show is well received by older audiences is because every cartoon currently made is absolutely horrible and FiM goes right back to the style of cartoons that was popular in the 90s (AKA the best cartoons). Also, the Crystal Empire episode was about slavery, which would be a bit heavy in a show for little girls.

That includes small animation mistakes we like to point out, don't we? For some reason, that entertains me as well, pointing out stuff that seems out of place.

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Well, thing is, it is a show for "toddler girls." That said, it's also a show for kids, teens, and adults. The writers have something for everyone whether it be something girly for young girls or a reference and a deeper meaning for teens and adults.

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MLP:FiM is like a lot of cartoons that have broad appeal.  They are safe and attractive for the intended target demographic but they also have enough plot structure and other bells and whistles to make it fun for others to watch.  Animators know that, at the very least, parents are watching cartoons along with their small children.  They don't want to put out material so insipid that it would offend the sensibilities of the grown-ups in the audience.  With that said, MLP:FiM does all of this and much more.  smile.png


A lot of people cite the fight scenes in this series.  Um, while it's not the same, the G1 cartoon had fighting too.  Not to mention a graphic on-screen death of the villain in the very first episode.  So I disagree with the contention that occasional violence means MLP:FiM isn't a little girl cartoon. It's actually a whole number of things that causes our favorite TV show to stand out from the toddler toon crowd. 


But the best way to argue back is to simply say, "Who the hell CARES? It's a good show!" Michael Bay openly admits that his films are for 12 year old boys, but does that prevent other people from enjoying them?


Michael Bay's movies, especially the Transformers trilogy, are full of two things:  Explosions and babes.  I was never able to figure out who would be drawn so strongly to those two things.  Suddenly, it all makes sense to me.  tongue.png

Edited by Wingnut
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How could it be for toddler girls? What the hay. 

It's an all age friendly show! It's not like every single episode the ponies put on a sparkly princess gown and sing in high-pitched voices, and.. well, you get my point.


My 7 year old brother loves it, and watches along with me sometimes. His favorite ponies are Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. And sometimes he sings along to the songs! So cute!img-1369822-1-UNZJLhS.png

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Does anyone remember that Fluttershy use the expression "flying feather" in Putting Your Hoof Down?

And of course let's not forget the episode where we see Dash make an nuclear explosion, Fluttershy killing a bear, and Twilight losing it and starting a riot in Ponyville...


Oh, and there's this:


I don't know why, but that scene makes me laugh every time XD Maybe it's because of the blatant shout out or the fact that Im just easily amused and it's funny comparing those two scenes and their similarities.
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I am not sure what does "extra sprinkles" mean either. Y'all made it look like it's something unacceptable by kids.


May I know what else does it mean, actually?

I am referring to the part where Spike asked for another doughnut, with extra sprinkles from the episode about the Gala in Canterlot.


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MLP proves that good has no target demographic, it embraces it's more feminine aspects without turning it into some kind of 24/7 never ending tea party stereotype that a lot of shows that are geared toward young girls falls into. Yes it is a girly show, lets not kid ourselves but it also has interesting well rounded characters with highly relatable, realistic character strengths and flaws, well written episodes which develop the characters very well and have lessons that can be applied to both children and adults without being too judgmental or preachy. There is a long list of shows out there that without question have strong masculine traits yet nobody really questions why a lot of girls and women are into those shows so I don't really see why it should be considered so shocking when it is the other way around.

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Also the music isn't like the songs in those crappy cartoons almost everywhere on television these days. I mean seriously!

Wait, what crappy songs? Care to give some proof, like YouTube videos?


Well, some shows do have really awkward songs in it. Particularly Phineas and Ferb. But it isn't crappy!

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The show is for little girls. But they made it to where all ages and genders can like it. My little pony shows that not all girl shows have to be boring and babyish. (*cough cough* G3 *cough*)

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The show is for little girls. But they made it to where all ages and genders can like it. My little pony shows that not all girl shows have to be boring and babyish. (*cough cough* G3 *cough*)

I see your point.

The show truly was made for toddlers.

But most little girls think it's for babies.

I think once the writers and animators saw that most fans of MLP are teenagers and adults, it officially became a show for US!

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