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Space Jam- childhood nostalgia never fails, looks great on blu ray! :D

The Hateful Eight- cool and tense movie, if not a little too dragged out, but just a little

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It was Finding Dory :fluttershy:. I don't have much to say about it besides the obvious "I liked it" :wacko:.


"Oh no, it's consuming her :c " :lol:. I like how he said that kind of casually.

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I watched Lion King 2 earlier today~ 



And it seems that when I sang along to one of the songs in it, I drove somepony nuts.


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Yeah. Definitely not as good as its predecessor(which I watched immediately prior) but I have the feeling its status in the franchise is going to rise after this weekend.

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The BFG. I absolutely loved it, it's destined to be one of those really heartwarming movies I have on standby for when I'm feeling down. It had some pretty funny interludes as well that gave me a chuckle.

Edited by Celtore
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