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movies/tv Does anybody else not like Anime?


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I don't like Anime. I don't like the way it's drawn, I don't like the music and I don't like the story lines. The few times Ive tried to watch it comes off as weird. I'm not sure if ponies are classified as Anime but I don't think so. The characters in mlp are pretty simple but can convey such a wide variety of emotion and expression without resorting to the lame tactics that Anime does, I wish I could be more descriptive but I can't. I think a good cartoon should be simple and wacky like Ren and Stimpy the ponies are also quite simple and wacky at times. And I don't see why everything has to be perfect and sexy, some of my favorite cartoons are pretty gritty like Ratfink and Beavis and Butthead. I really don't like the story lines. I think they try way to hard to come off as "epic" with far fetched and dragged out fight scenes. I'm not hating on it but I've met very few cartoon junkies who agree with me, I was just wondering if I'm the only one.

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I'm not the greatest fan of anime either, but those anime nuts that I have spoken to will tell you that they enjoy anime for the sense of continuity. In Western cartoons, you'll rarely get a story line that expands over ten or fifteen episodes; but with anime, you have a complete story to follow through all the multiple episodes, and which always wraps up. I've been told the characterisation appeals to a lot of people as well.


Remember that a lot of people will also have grown up with anime (Pokémon and Dragonball Z for example) which gives it appeal in a reminiscence sense.

Edited by Flipturn ツ
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It's not that I don't like anime, I just haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet and watched any.


I don't particularly want to either, considering I'm not very fond of watching television shows/movies and the like to begin with.


Yet I watch pone when it airs. My brain works in odd ways.

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Anime isn't really my thing either. Every time I've tried to watch it, I've either been put off by the enormous amounts of episode that they seem to have (seriously, how are you supposed to watch all of that?) or else kind of bored. Of course, there most likely are good animes out there, I just haven't found one yet.

I've never thought of MLP as anime, it's definitely a cartoon.

Edited by Iridian
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Meh, anime's alright, I guess. I've watched a few animes, and still watch a couple every now and then, but I wouldn't call myself a fan.


Most of the anime I've seen ended up being either "Superpowered dudes fighting souls/demons" or "Yet another High School anime that everybody watches and has no real purpose." To be fair not all of them were like that, there were some that I did like: Fullmetal Alchemist, Eureka 7, Code Geass, Deadman Wonderland, Casshern Sins, Bobo-bobobo.

  • Brohoof 1
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I have to say I'm not interested either. It's probably because the USA tradition is much different from Japan. We have our own American comics that are portrayed in their own style compared to Japan's manga. While we are another country altogether we have our genres portrayed differently than Japan's because they have different morals, beliefs, and ect.

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lame tactics that Anime does



everything has to be perfect and sexy,



they try way to hard to come off as "epic" with far fetched and dragged out fight scenes.

These are all signs of a bad anime series. At least, in my opinion. 




I don't like the music
Can't say much about this, really. It's not for everyone. I don't even like it.




I don't like the way it's drawn,
Can't say much about this, either. However, there's plenty of different styles out there... but... really, no one even notices the difference.




I don't like the story lines
This is like saying "I hate every American cartoon because I don't like the story." There's so many demographics and so many genres that it's pretty silly to dismiss them all at once. 


There are plenty of anime that don't even have "story lines," and are simple and goofy and wacky, just as you described. Nichijou, School Rumble, Yuru Yuri, and K-on instantly come to mind.


I won't start a debate or anything, but I wanted to throw in that saying "I dislike anime" is basically saying "I will never watch any form of animated movie/show, because the story is bad." There's too much differentiation to group it all together. 

  • Brohoof 7
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My gf doesn't care much for animes anyway. She hardly watches any. I see now that she's not the only one. But I've also heard some people say that animes are "for nerds".

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I don't like Anime. I don't like the way it's drawn, I don't like the music and I don't like the story lines. The few times Ive tried to watch it comes off as weird. I'm not sure if ponies are classified as Anime but I don't think so. The characters in mlp are pretty simple but can convey such a wide variety of emotion and expression without resorting to the lame tactics that Anime does, I wish I could be more descriptive but I can't. I think a good cartoon should be simple and wacky like Ren and Stimpy the ponies are also quite simple and wacky at times. And I don't see why everything has to be perfect and sexy, some of my favorite cartoons are pretty gritty like Ratfink and Beavis and Butthead. I really don't like the story lines. I think they try way to hard to come off as "epic" with far fetched and dragged out fight scenes. I'm not hating on it but I've met very few cartoon junkies who agree with me, I was just wondering if I'm the only one.


I'm not sure what animes you've seen, but every anime is different.  I for one, love anime.  There are some I don't like.  Just like there's cartoons I like and some I don't.  Every anime has a different art style, different music, story, etc.  And no, ponies would not be classified as anime.  Anime is Japanese and cartoons are different from it (ponies are cartoons).  And not all animes have fight scenes either, at least not long ones.  Bleach has a lot of fighting scenes, but that's because it's action.  It's like saying you don't like cartoons because of a few you saw and didn't like.


But anyway, just wanted to point out a few things, not trying to be a jerk. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I'll admit, I too don't like anime too much, why? Because at times I find it a BIT overrated at times, mainly the big ones like dragon ball Z.


I do like it, just not too much.


Heck, I mean, I have a bunch of online friends who watch a lot of it, yet, most of them I never even heard of!

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How about you tell us what animes you've seen so that we'd know what you've seen, but yeah Anime is an open world, just like American, British, or whatever kind of animation you prefer. Anime has action, romance, drama, comedy, horror and you get the point now.

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The reason why I became an Otaku is because the modern animation industry in America is slowly dwindling in my opinion.


The main reason why I love anime is the fact that it has many different genres and ways of storytelling. You have action, comedy, romance, horror, ecchi, erotic, psychological, etc. Not to mention the fact that despite the way Japanese animators clearly base their talents on the grandfather of anime, Astro Boy, in terms of design, anime DOES have a noticeable difference in character rendering and art styles. Samurai Champloo was inspired by Naturalism, Japanese cutprints, and hip hop culture/urban art while Cowboy Bebop had the style of steampunk, Romanticism, and futurism; they were also created by the same guy.


Looking at American animation, and even its history, there's always been an emphasis on slapstick comedy or action adventure. There's really no in-between. I haven't heard of an animated series that dealt strictly with romance, slice of life, horror, psychological, or mecha (I guess you can make an argument for Megas XLR but it was actually created by in-house Japanese animators). It's always "smart" comedy (Animaniacs, Ren and Stimpy), adult humor (Family Guy, The Simpsons), or action (pretty much the entire DC Block and classic Filmation superhero shows). If the animated industry gained at least a little more diversity within its directions then I would be okay with it. Disney did exactly this when they first started out and during the Disney Reinassiance but it seems that ever since The Simpsons came out, more shows are focusing on lame taboo humor and pop culture references rather than keeping a story with solid character development. There's nothing wrong with comedy, I'm just tired of seeing this formula in every damn animated show I see.


Now, to answer your questions:

I'm not sure if ponies are classified as Anime but I don't think so.


MLP isn't under anime since it was made in America. Animation that's done in-house over in Japan is classified as "anime". For shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender that are made in America but obviously have an anime influence in design, it's considered to be under "western anime", though there isn't an official term yet since the style isn't popular currently within the American animation industry.


The characters in mlp are pretty simple but can convey such a wide variety of emotion and expression without resorting to the lame tactics that Anime does, I wish I could be more descriptive but I can't.


Anime does express a TON of emotion and expression. The problem is our cultural differences. The Japanese express themselves differently from Americans, which is why in certain anime sometimes things that may not seem all too dramatic to us may be for them. Localization of these differences are very difficult to do. Without further description, I really don't see why you would think this, so I'll just leave it at that.



I think a good cartoon should be simple and wacky like Ren and Stimpy the ponies are also quite simple and wacky at times.


Animation should be classified as a general art form. I'm getting tired of people responding to the form as being "childish" or that it should focus strictly on humor and making people laugh. Just because Disney used this formula to popularize the medium doesn't mean that it's the law of the form. Animation should be whatever the creators and animators want it to be. Modern Disney flicks like Aladdin and The Hunchback of Notre Dame weren't at all wacky and silly. They had dramatic storylines and great character development. Claude Frollo and his "Hellfire" segment definitely wasn't light-hearted, it was dark and serious, but still, it was put in for a reason. To convey emotion. Anime does the exact same thing albeit a bit differently. While American animation tends to use action and movement as a way to express thought, Anime focuses more on the psychological aspect, in which we enter the character's mind. To me, I find this a tad more effective because I know what the character is feeling. If I just see a character move around in an awkward manner, they aren't really connecting to me at all.


And I don't see why everything has to be perfect and sexy, some of my favorite cartoons are pretty gritty like Ratfink and Beavis and Butthead. I really don't like the story lines. I think they try way to hard to come off as "epic" with far fetched and dragged out fight scenes.


"Perfect and sexy"? Just because Rule 34 exists on the Internet doesn't mean all Anime is like that. Sure, there are a lot of anime that deal with taboo sexual practices, but have you seen America? We make fun of sex to the point where it's now simply mechanical and not filled with emotion at all. And what do you mean by "perfect"? You mean the way they draw the characters and environments in a fine tip? If you see anime like Crayon Shin-Chan or Panty and Stocking, you'll find that this is simply not the case. I will give you the dragged out fight scenes though, as Dragon Ball Z, Bleach, and Naruto succumb to this formula, but I don't see any fault with it.


Overall, it's your opinion. Just giving my two cents into it. By the way, did I mention I love animation? =P

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm a huge fan of animation. In fact, my life quite literally revolves around it. Whether it's Japanese or Western is irrelevant to me. There's lots of of fantastic animes that I adore; Perfect Blue, Cat Soup, Akira, and Cowboy Bebop are just some of those. There are also many that I dislike. Same goes for Western animation.

Similarly with the aesthetics - there are plenty of animes with visual styles that I dislike, and many that I love. Once again, the same goes for Western animation.


"Anime", by it's very definition, is animation created in Japan. I don't think that it would be fair of me to say that I don't like a show or film simply because it's Japanese. It's important to remember that anime and manga art were created as an attempt to emulate Disney's art. Just as Western animation had a massive influence on Japanese animation, today, anime influences many Western animated TV shows and films. The Last Airbender/Korra, FiM, and even Disney have drawn influences from it's aesthetics. 


There's an incredibly annoying mentality in many Western cultures that animation (particularly 2D) is purely for children, not that see anything wrong with children's entertainment, but most people view it as a minor art form. (Which frustrates me so much, that I wrote half my thesis about it.)

This is is not the case in Japan, they take their animation just as seriously as we take our live-action, and I respect that. 

Edited by Hansel
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I was never really a big fan of anime but can't say I really hate it or even say I find it annoying .


I used to watch a lot Naruto and Bleach and a couple of series back when I was in high school, but I just got tired of all the changes they kept on make so I just stopped watching, Now just find myself watching anime movies.


So overall I'm not crazy about anime but I can't seem to hate it.

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Well, I love animation, so I will watch any cartoon, anime or not, if it looks good to me. A show being anime doesn't bother me and it's interesting to see what other cultures do with their cartoons.


I don't hate anime, but I haven't seen enough anime to say I am a huge fan. The only anime shows I have ever seen are Pokemon and Angel Beats! which are both very good shows. Other than that, I don't really watch anime. But if I find one that looks appealing to me, like Angel Beats! was, I will give it a chance and see if I like it or not, regardless if it is anime or not.


So, I don't not like anime, but I can't say I am a fan either. I just haven't seen enough of them to judge.

  • Brohoof 1
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I used to be a big anime-head (you could consider myself a slight Narutard back then). I just grew out of it I guess. :P


I still love Code Geass though, something about that one just connects well for me...

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Honestly, I haven't seen too many of them, at least not when you consider how many animes have ever been made and how much your standard otaku probably watches. I have a mile-long list of stuff I want to see, but I make it a point to steer clear of most of shows with plots revolving around high school life or teenage saviors of the world. Other than animes fitting that description or ones with gratuitous amounts of "fanservice," I'll give just about any anime a chance. Five episodes it what I normally give a show to prove itself.

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I like to watch Anime every once in a while, I may dislike the cheezy J-pop songs in the intros but if it's a good show I'll still watch it. Though, sometimes I feel that SOME Anime fans are just a bit "off".

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I guess I got shot down in flames again, maybe it is a cultural thing. I just don't understand the massive pacman eyes and simple mouth movements. The whole style just comes off as cheap and tries to hard to compensate by being overly cute/violent/mysterious/.

Edited by SuperpoweredSuperfly
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Eh, I don't watch it regularly really.


The only ones I ever watched was Dragon ball Z, and pokemon if that counts. I followed pokemon a good bit, but I don't anymore really.


I watched like the first 30 or so episodes of DBZ, and I just never felt like continuing after that so yeah.


Other then those thats about all the anime I've seen, so I guess technically I'm not a big fan, even if I haven't watched much of any to really form a solid opinion anyways.


Nothings wrong with it, I guess its just not my thing.

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The characters in mlp are pretty simple but can convey such a wide variety of emotion and expression without resorting to the lame tactics that Anime does, I wish I could be more descriptive but I can't.


I Wish you could be more specific as well.   Otherwise you're just trying to find more reasons other than, "It's just not my taste." 

That is fine and all, Anime is not for everyone.  Just like say British TV shows are not for everyone.    As in  I Love shows like, Red Dwarf, MontyPythons Flying Circus, Chef!, Vica of Dibly, and Are you Being Served.   Manny people Love em,  others don't.




I think a good cartoon should be simple and wacky like Ren and Stimpy the ponies are also quite simple and wacky at times.


Never really cared for Ren n Stimpy,  As for simple and Wacky.  Azumanga Daioh, no real story line short funny episodes.  Excel Saga,  one of those totaly insane ones.  Adventures of the Mini Goddess. The Slayers, had a continuity, but can be very wacky at times.   There are no shortage of "anime" like this.




And I don't see why everything has to be perfect and sexy, some of my favorite cartoons are pretty gritty like Ratfink and Beavis and Butthead.


Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade  definatly not perfect and sexy,   Very dark.   I would probly even refrence Akira's characters as being nonsexy.




I really don't like the story lines. I think they try way to hard to come off as "epic" with far fetched and dragged out fight scenes.


Now its begining to feel like you have only see what ever Cartoon Network has Aired.   Naruto, DBZ, and Probly a few Gundam series.   Now I'm not saying you should "Like" Anime.  Just please Don't shoot down All of anime as clumped in to one art/story/style. 

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I'm not really into anime.

Some anime I watched (Pokemon, Naruto, One Piece) but they didn't get me hooked.

One of my friends is an otaku, but my heart will always belong to Western Animation...

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I wish I could say what ones I've seen I really don't remember, mostly just the mainstream ones you would find on cable tv. I agree the golden days of American animation are over, computer graphics seem to be ware its at now. I'm not a big fan of computer animation either but then again its how ponies are made.

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I like Anime, and am as such, a fan of most of what has been out since the 80s.  It does have Comedy and can be as "wacky" as you want it to be, if you can give it a try.


However, I would never state that anything made such as the pony show we like is an Anime.  That is something that really annoys me from overly Anime fans that cannot see anything with big bright eyes before they call it an "Anime".  Simply out, Anime is animation in Japanese, thus Japanese Animation, not American/Canadian.


There have been horrible Anime as there has been horrible cartoons elsewhere. It all a big Ying and Yang thing really.  You should consider watching my Tumblr and check my reviews sometime of what could be best to watch.

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