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gaming Games you hate that everyone else likes

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Cod... Nough said. Halo is still "ok" to me when I'm playing with friends. Battlefield game have always been some of my favorite, but now there is so much B F***ING S!!!! The "patches" just made what was once a good game, kinda really suck. You may think I'm just hating on FPS games because I suck at them. There you would be wrong. I am quite amazing at FPS games they just are not as fun as they once were. What is this world coming todry.png

I am not creative so... Battlefield


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Oblivion. I couldn't get into that game. It was boring. I like Skyrim, but Oblivion is just...bad IMO. And I know that a LOT of people will disagree with me on that point. Also...and I know this is unrelated but...





I liked Sonic 06


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Seiously, it's fuckin annoying, I don't see why the game is so appealing. I'm guessing it's because it's SOOOOO easy a monkey can do it.

I played on the PS3 at my uncle's house not too long ago, JUST learning the controls and the game was still too easy...also the community is annoooying.

There are 4 types of COD players:

The Clans (Seriously quick-scoping or "trick-shotting" was ok, but it was annoying most of the time when people would ALWAYS make sniping or "trickshot" clans)

The Kids: Yeah, those 10 year olds you see at your local gamestop begging their moms to buy them the game, just to go online and be annoying.

The "Try-Hard": Yeah, that guy that will rage so hard if he dies, tries to jump off of buildings and "no-scope" or talks shit about other players.

The Casual Player:The guy that's jut there, doesn't say a word unless he's just playing with friends and having a conversation.

Do I play it? Yeah, but only when I'm bored and need something to do, my little brother only plays it, and he literally cried when he couldn't get something called a bloodthirsty medal and couldn't get gold camo for a weapon. 

I'm done. XD

Edited by Wubsie :3


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I don't hate Call of Duty(the campaigns are quite enjoyable imo), but CoD fans can be really awful, sometimes I wonder if they've even played better games... :/

Anyway, I remember Little King's Story for Wii getting great reviews, but I really didn't like it that much. The fact that it was very much like a Pikmin/Harvest Moon hybrid was very appealing to me at first, but the world is just a little too big and the enemies can be way too difficult imo, progressing somewhere only to have all your units killed was just awful.

Oh and Kirby's Epic Yarn, a beautiful game with some great design choices but the overly easy difficulty just really brings it down for me.

The entire Zelda series. While I do see the appeal, running around and exploring a huge game world just isn't for me. I generally perfer something more linear.Also, I should point this out: I don't hate them. Objectivley, they're good games. I just don't like them.

More recent Zeldas are actually pretty linear lol... not that that's a bad thing. :P


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Lets see, what other games do I hate?

  • Most CoD games. -Too easy to kill and be killed and I hate the cod community
  • Final Fantasy. - Never got into it
  • Kingdom Hearts. - Didn't like the story
  • Pokemon. - I'll play it when I am bored but it's overall boring
  • Forza/Gran Turismo. -I can't stand racing games.
  • Any MLB game. -I like baseball but the game gets boring 
  • Recent Battlefield. -I love battlefield but I see a sad "cod" related path since EA is milking the cash cow
  • Assassins Creed 3. -It was a good game but I didn't like Conner. Ubisoft is starting to milk it now.
  • Minecraft. -Like I said earlier, I hate this game! I find it overall boring and pointless.

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I also hate Banjo Kazooie. I can't stand it. The graphics, the banjo, the kazooie, the idiocy... I. Just. Can't. My boyfriend complains because he loves the game, but I honestly just can't stand it. I don't know why, it just rubs me in the wrong way! OH, and Grand Theft Auto. I don't know if that counts soley as FPS, but it's disgusting.

I laughed so hard at this, I think it's because of how I read it with a pause in between each word the Graphics. The Banjo. The Kazooie.... derpy_emoticon2.png 

I dislike first person shooters, never found one I like since Goldeneye on n64 and that's because I didn't know any better, lol I don't know why but I can't stand Halo, aside from being a fps i can't stand it, maybe because it feels like a terrible version of Warhammer 40k, or maybe it's the atmosphere of fps games in general. The false sense of superiority that comes with "Pwning ur azz" drives me nuts. I also hate the Forced Unleashed games with a passion, it can be fun, but the story.... it's disgusting, it's worse than things I came up with for Star Wars when I was 5. "So there's this guy Starkiller and he's so awesome he weilds two lightsabers and  pees force lightning and can do anything he wants because he's so awesome and he's good at the force, and he made the rebels and can kill Darth Vader and Luke and anyone because he's the best, and awesome, did I say awesome!?" Ugh. This game was the pinnacle of horrible things to happen to Star Wars, and then George Lucas said it's canon....... anyways, yea I don't like TFU img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png


The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy VI, The Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, and Grand Theft Auto III.  Yes, I have horrible taste.  I also wasn't big on Chrono Trigger.

Legend of Dragoon? Other people have played it?? I kinda liked it, but that final boss was super cheaty-faced x_x I still have it for SNES.

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Legend of Dragoon? Other people have played it?? I kinda liked it, but that final boss was super cheaty-faced x_x I still have it for SNES.

Oh yeah, Legend of Dragoon is a big cult favorite.  Although it didn't get great reviews, I hear such constant praise for it that I felt like it was warranted to mention it here.


Also, it's a ps1 game with 3D graphics and FMV so I dunno how you played it on SNES lol.

Edited by Dr. Eggnog

I love you.

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Not hate but I don't like them
LoL, Halo, CoD, Battlefield, Warcraft, Skyrim, All Assasin's creeds, Takken, Mirror's Edge.
Some games I don't like because they're not simple, like CoD Battlefrield and Halo. I prefer CS 1.6 because it's simple and fun
Games like LoL and Warcraft I don't like because well...it's a strategy. I am too young to think straight =P Oh and looking at characters from up...Don't like it.Now last 4 Skyrim, Assasin's Creeds, Takken and Mirror's Edge I hate them because my classmate continues yapping about them

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Oh yeah, Legend of Dragoon is a big cult favorite.  Although it didn't get great reviews, I hear such constant praise for it that I felt like it was warranted to mention it here.


Also, it's a ps1 game with 3D graphics and FMV so I dunno how you played it on SNES lol.


Just realized I was getting titles mixed up in my head lol, I was thinking Lagoon, it's been too long, lol. I never finished LOD, I remember it not holding my interest. This is what I was thinking about 1138076732-00.jpg

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  • 1 year later...

I don't like TF2 at all. The youtube videos are funny, but I absolutely despise the gameplay and how the classes are setup. Though it's all just personal flavor, and it is free.


I also don't like the new assassin's creed games. (Anything that is revelations and beyond) Either I felt the story wasn't as good as the previous, or the fact I beat assassin's creed 3 with just my fists -.- It seemed a lot harder in assassin's creed 1\2


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Shadow of The Colossus and Ico


I just ... no ... 


They are easy, repetative, no context, no story, nothing that sets it apart from other games.

I gues on it's own I wouldn't hate it, but people kept saying "You just don't like it cause you suck at it and can't finish the game! Stupid hater!!" and "If you haven't finished these games, you can't call yourself a gamer."


So I played and beat both games, twice. Did I feel accomplished? No. I felt like those games were just a waste of my time  >_>

Edited by BronyPonyProductions
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I don't think I've ever played a video game that I haven't got at least SOME enjoyment out of, but I have definitely played a few that I didn't really get...


The Legend of Zelda: A Link of Past. I couldn't get attached to it even playing it as a fifteen year-old kid who loved the first two games.


Mega Man 4-8. Again, I loved the first three games, but I just found these to be more frustrating than fun.


Pokemon Red. I failed to see what was so addicting about it.


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I fail to see why people like that game. I am ok with that for sure, I just fail to see a game with no story or at least decent graphics to be that revolutionary and good. Definitely not my thing and I have little motivation to play it. No offense to fans though. Everyone likes different games, I am ok with people who play it xD 


World of Warcraft

Like most MMOs - not much to do for people who don't like to team up and once again little story that is served in really poor way. Also from what I know You can't learn story from for example first release if You buy Mists of Pandaria expansion. That too I don't like. 

Another thing is - I can't get decent equipement without playing with other people. And honestly, I hate playing with strangers. So once again - not for me.


I think that's all I have in mind now. 


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This is more directed towards game series' rather than individual games.

  • Pokémon Gold and Silver: My least favourite Pokémon games. I don't know about anyone else, but I thought that these games were slower than any other game I played. This slowness bores me so much that I can only reach as far as the third Gym. I'm not too fond of HeartGold and SoulSilver either, but for a different reason why.
  • Sonic: Boooring. Not just the games, but in general too. I don't hate everything about the series, as there are a few things that I do like about it, but I never understood the appeal.
  • Crash Bandicoot: Well, I don't hate it, but I certainly do dislike it. I don't know about anyone else, but I see a lot of fans of this series here and there. What's even more strange is I used to love this series. The series is repetitive, it gets boring after the 10th time playing it and most of the character designs look rather creepy (looking at you, Crash). The worst game in this series however is the first one. I wished that awful game never existed.
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Any and all shooters....

Any and all games where you shoot people...



That pretty much means I dislike 90%+ of all games in the industry....


I am not a hater, I just don't like playing games where killing people is considered entertaining. Some of the stories really interest me (like The Walking Dead) and studying the technology itself as well as the creativity utilizing and expanding upon such technology is my actually my cup of tea. (I am not a big gamer but I keep up with everything in the game industry, it's one of my hobby). Other than my love for Pokemon (which has been with me since I got my first game in October of 1998), I don't have really any other franchise that I like. However, at the prodding of my husband (who is not in any way shape or form a gamer....seriously, he can't figure out a PS2 or Gamecube controller after the 5th time explaining! ) I have been slowly expanding my gaming experience (he thinks it's silly to play the same game over and over), but I will never touch anything Teen or Mature...

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The Assassin's Creed franchise.

The game feels really automated and the combat borderlines on mind-numbingly simple.


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I know a few friends I know will kill me for this, but I would say most recent 2D Sonic games. I mean, holy crap. As a guy who can get motion sick, these games make me want to hurl. They go too fast in most levels, and I have no idea what is going on, so I can't enjoy the game. Older games like Sonic 1 and 2 are better at this, but they get worse as the series progresses. Just yuck.

Don't know if this fits, but I do have a game I love that everyone else hates. :P That would be The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Sure, the news things and the hero/manage system gets annoying, but the boss battles are each unique in their own way, the free roam mechanic is pretty good. The story is really unique, and the art style makes me think of a comic book style. And that's one of the best kinds of art styles you can get for a Spider-Man game, because it's Spider-Man. XD

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League of Legends, Super Mario 64, TF2 (TFC is soooooooooooooooooooo much better.), Any 2D Zelda game, Dota, any MOBA... Bleh...


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Sonic Adventure 2 - It's not a bad game, but everyone who says it's officially the last good Sonic game, I just want to punch in the face.


But Sonic Adventure 2 has great music


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