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gaming Your favorite YouTube gamer(s)?


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Um, currently my number one favourite has to be Markiplier, who I only just started watching in the past week or so. I love his reactions and his support for cool looking indie horror games which almost never fail to scare me ... I never play them myself though, i simply watch, since I'm easily terrified when it comes to actually playing scary games. :P


Aside from him, there's quite a few other Youtubers that I enjoy watching. In no particular order, they would be; Tobuscus, PewDiePie, kurtjmac, Kootra, Teo, Robbaz, shosho10199, Dslyexci, CHKilroy, and the very first, WuffyWolffoot. (Who has recently stopped making videos I believe)

3rd Eye | To suffer hate in search of love, or lose them both forever? 🎔 ~


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Well, Tobuscus is my idol, so I'll have to say TobyGames.


Don't watch too many others. LDShadowLady is a good one. RoosterTeeth can be enjoyable. PewDiePie is okay. SmoshGames. Ehhh.


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Ross Scott by a landslide. He's the creator of the Freeman's Mind series based on Half Life 1 and the originator of the whole Mind playthrough voice over craze. His commentaries and works are very insightful, entertaining and he truly cares for his viewers.


By a close 2nd I'd have to say Roahm Mythril. His play throughs are thorough and honest, equally insightful and entertaining, and he's not afraid to highlight and address his own mistakes. His commentary is honestly better than a lot of the online so called "gaming critique" showhosts and its not rushed or excessively rehearsed. Plus lets face it, a lot of Americans like me are still suckers for Brits. 

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I like most the popular ones like Pewdie, Toby, Cry, and Game Grumps, but I think my favorite out of them all is AlChestBreach, every time I see one of his videos no matter if it's a review, let's play, or a montage they all crack me up.



Your very own Victorian-styling, airship-flying, super-sizing, brass-lining, quick-drying, detoxifying, low-pricing, newbie-knifing, over-driving, sometimes-hiding, unsurprising, ninja-fighting, perfect-timing, always-smiling, never-lying, best at writing, also rhyming automaton!

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My favorite must be either AliA or Tmartn. There like the best players at COD. Don't hate me for saying this, everytime I watch their vidoes, i just want to be like them


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Wow no offence but you guys really need to widen your views their are a lot of good gamers on Youtube that get no views.


I don't watch many Lpers on YouTube I think I'm just sick of "Oh look how bad I am at this game time to get mad and scream" that dosen't really appeal to me and I don't see how that is funny to anyone.


As far as I go Omegaevolution I used to watch a lot but I got sick of him uploading so many videos everyday they were drowning all my other subs so I haven't been subed to him in years.


Slowbeef, Diabetus, The StrawhatNO!, ResearchIndicates really anyone from SA I find good (at least from who I've seen). RoahmMythril is really good I just wish he didn't read the text on screen but other then that I really enjoy how informative he is.


LuizPrower is an old favorite of mine it's a shame that he can't upload as much as he used to. I find Clement good too.


Cosmo and runnerguy are really my favorite speedrunners. Sworless Link just because of what he found over the years.

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I have many favourite Video Game players. Here's just some of them:


  • Chuggaaconroy because he plays a lot of Nintendo games
  • KSIOlajidebt and ComedyShortsGamer because they're both hilarious when they rage and get scared over a horror game.
  • ShadowMarioXLI because of his Let's Play of Mario Superstar Baseball and Mario Golf: Toadstool Tour
  • Quil18 because he plays strategy games like Civ 4.
  • LegoKing831 because he plays nostalgic games
  • Dshban (used to be active) because he played nostalgic games too with sarcastic wit.
  • WiiRiketoPray and TheRunawayGuys because they do great collabs!
Edited by Sterling Crimson
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Hmm I have a few that I can list who are my favorites:












Just to name a few that i'm subbed too.


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One of my favourites are the Yogscast, not just Simon & Lewis, all of them, Duncan, Martyn (Inthelittlewood) , Sjin, Sips etc.

I also like Northernlion, Cause he does a large Variety of Games.

Chuggaaconroy too.

Not a massive fan of PewDiePie, although I did like his Conkers Bad Fur Day let's play.

Tobuscus is okay, SkyDoesMinecraft is pretty cool.




Special thanks to rascal61 for the cool Signature! Also thanks to Retro✮Derpy for making my Avatar smile.png

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My absolute favorite is ChaoticMonki (Cry)! Then Pewdiepie! That's pretty much all of the gamers I watch.Though I have watched Markiplier, and he's pretty funny! So he's third!


Edit: Though I don't watch Tobuscus play games, his songs and trailer thingies are hilarious!

Edited by TheSupremeLeaderOfChaos


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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I think the art of Let's Play and gaming on YouTube is fading out, with guys like Toby Turner and PewDiePie, who I don't have anything against as people, but I've never heard the same five jokes used so much in the span of ten minutes. My favorite commentators will always be Cr1TiKaL and the Game Grumps, because of their spontaneity and ability to always have something to say that isn't just a list of stock rehashed phrases.




  • Brohoof 1



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I'm really not much of a fan of Pewdiepie, but to each their own! Me? I like both Markiplier and Yamimash and the videos they do together are great aswell! wink.png Oh, I recently watched some Nerd Cubed videos, and there're great, too!

Edited by BrainyBrony



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My favorite youtubers are Docm77, Etho, Michael from Vsauce, and Varia. They all have their own standings xP. Varia is an amazing electronic musician, and Vsauce has lots of cool science and pop culture trivia. Doc is my favorite for gaming, and etho is second. I mostly whatch lets plays of minecraft xP although I loved Doc's farcry 3 plathrough

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Tobuscus was my very first YouTube gamer, but then I got into Pewds and Cry. I've honestly still come to the truth that TobyGames is the best.



Kurama's Jinchuuriki


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Beacuse I am from Poland I will say my favourite Polish Youtubers and PewDiePie


So, I like PewDiePie beacuse...... beacuse he is 20% cooler than the rest


I like MultiGameplayGuy, beacuse he is very Random

I like SKKF, beacuse he is making GOOD videos from minecraft

I like Masterczulekk beacuse he has good text'es ( quote prom happy wheels translantated by me: woooho! can anybody do something like that whoo... fu*k. He saied fu*k beacuse he has done something unvileable ( how to write that word?) and he died beacuse his pogostick man has died beacuse of the same harpoon that has missed pogostck man.

I like NRGEEK00 beacuse of his series named "Zagrajmy w Crapa" (Let's Play Crap) in he is testing very bad games like: Big Rigs, or Terrawars

I like BartekGMalt in the same reason what i like NRGEEK00 but he is making also series where he is introducing Indie games

I like AdBuster (bankowo1 on yt) beacuse he is testing products from commercials. It's funny

I like Misiek200n beacuse he is making audiobook's of some MLP fanfics

I like Klocuch12 beacuse he is a Noob (really he is a noob)

I like Myself beacuse i wanna play all the games.




Will anypony subscribe me on yt ? http://www.youtube.com/user/thematekowski

Edited by BronyMielonyPL

"Nie oglądaj się za siebię, bo ci z przodu ktoś ..." ~ Robert Górski, Kabaret Moralnego Niepokoju

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I think my favorite has to be Criken. He's the only one I haven't stopped watching completely after a binge or two, so that's something.


Behind that is SeaNanners (Their The Hidden videos are hilarious), Niichts, LazyPurple, The Creatures, and Two Best Friends Play. I liked Tobuscus' Literal Trailers series, but I haven't bothered with his other stuff, and I haven't watched much of PewDiePie's stuff besides some Amnesia LPs, and that was a long time ago.


I know of most major youtube gamers, but I can't say I watch them much. People like LazyPurple, SeaNanners, and Criken are great for some laughs, but I don't generally care to watch them at length. If I need some help in a game I'll look up LPs and click on the top result. Outside of that LPs bore me. If I wanted to play it, I'd play it, not watch someone else play it.

Edited by Durandal


Signature by Blue Moon

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I would say my all time favorite gamers on YouTube is a tie between Vanossgaming and H2O Delirious.  These two just do the funniest stuff in Call of Duty games, you really just have to see for yourself.  I also like Game Grumps, Two Best Friends Play, Inker55587, Niichts, Shibby 2142, and a few others I can't remember.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature credit to Gone Airbourne
Xbox Live - Sir Trollestia

Steam - Sir_Trollestia

Wii U - SirTrollestia

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I like Markiplier, Tobuscus, and Two Best Friends Play the most on YouTube. I like some of Pewdiepie's videos, but his humor grew a bit old, although there are some videos I still find pretty funny. Honestly I can't decide which of the above is my favorites, but I have been with Mark and Toby far longer than I was with Matt&Pat.


Admiral Colt, reporting for duty!

I'm Admiral Colt and this is my favorite forum on the citadel.

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Best Pony? RainboDash!

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Pewdiepie, Tobuscus, UberhaxorNova, Game Grumps, and Whiteboy7thst are all a disgrace to gamers on Youtube.


First and foremost, fuck the majority of these YouTube "gamers", they are only in it for the attention and money.


I feel the few good YT gamers are FrankieonPCin1080p, SeaNanners (unlike Pukediepie, he is actually funny and good), and TheradBrad

  • Brohoof 2
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There's a good number for me, minus well name them!


Uberhaxornova: Funny dude who fools around the whole time, or fools around with his friends!

Worth a lot of laughs if your into silliness!


Cobermani456: LP and walkthrough kind of guy who finishes any game he picks up and plays the latest games a few days before their released.


CraigAA1028: Call of duty type guy who gives excellent commentary and funny jokes about ponies when he feels into trolling. XD


TheRadBrad: Another LP and walkthrough guy with good commentary and finishes any game he picks up, along with his funny rage quit at times!  

  • Brohoof 2
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Um, I like alot of them I think, but I'll list some I guess.






-Tobuscus(Although I only watch him sometimes funny enough, not even subbed to him).

-Protonjohn(Whenever he uploads :P.)

Theres more I like to watch, but I can't think of them right this second.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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