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Early reaction is... good?

Bhending the Rules

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Okay, so I know premiere event Twitter reactions aren't the best way to set one's expectations for a movie, but a simple hashtag search turns up a bunch of positive reactions. Some quotes:


-Just saw #equestriagirls :3 it was really good! Pinkie will always be best pony!!!!!


-@tarastrong So I just saw #equestriagirls and I have to say I absolutely loved it and would not be disappointed if they made it into a show


-#EquestriaGirls after party is amazing. Pony is in good hands people. Cast and crew loves making the show much as we enjoy watching it.


-Just got home from the theater and watching #EquestriaGirls. It was pretty good. Go give it a watch.


It'll be interesting to see what these same searches turn up in a week or so, but for now this has to be an encouraging sign... yes?


Maybe, just maybe, this worked. Maybe Meghan McCarthy and the rest of the team really did manage to stick the landing. I'll be seeing it in six days. My fingers remain crossed, but everything I've seen in the last month or so has my hopes gradually raising, ever so slightly.

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More encouraging reaction quotes:


-I went to see #EquestriaGirls movie with @BroniesNYC yesterday. Had a blast! @CathyWeseluck spoke my favorite line. pic.twitter.com/0e8YYWTbPz


-@tarastrong I saw #equestriagirls with my mom and we both agreed we loved it!


-Once again the writers and animators have proved themselves. #equestriagirls #brony


I'm seeing some middle of the road reactions too, but very few (if any) that are outright saying it's bad.

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It was actually real good. I love "our crew" more than their human counterparts obviously, but after seeing it I will trust the writers no matter what [except with Alicorn Twilight (cough cough)]. Thought it was going to be a tragedy, but it was the complete opposite. Liked it more than Magical Mystery Cure frankly.


See it, and you will be pleased. wink.png

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Not to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm finding these reactions to be REALLY mixed. I was on IMDB's website earlier today, and noticed that most of the ratings are extremely high or extremely low. Same thing goes for the reviews. I'm still probably gonna check the movie out because I'm pretty curious. The good reviews are making me more optimistic than I previously was, but to be honest I've still got pretty low expectations. I think the thing I'm looking most forward to is the music. Daniel Ingram has always done a great job with the MLP songs biggrin.png

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EqG will never be nearly as cool as MLP:FiM but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Their human versions were cool but not nearly as much as the ponies.

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