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Equestria Girls


Equestria Girls  

14 users have voted

  1. 1. Rate the film

    • Flash Sentry steals your waifu - Hated it!
    • "... needs some peanut butter crackers." - Disliked it
    • "What are hands?" - Meh it was okay.
    • "Those are my girls! Woo-hoo!" - Liked it
    • "We helped Twilight win the crown!" - Loved it!

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I guess I should've expected a few edits, but there are quite a few in the Hub Network's airing of the movie. I don't think Trixie made the cut at all, aside from her non-speaking parts...

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I liked most of the film, but i think that for a show about accepting eachothers diffrences they are all very skinny in body types.




This bugged me constantly throughout the film.


In general, the plot sucked. Even more conventional than the show. There were a few plotholes (uh... Pinkie Pie anyone?) and headscratchers but it was still enjoyable for some reason, probably because the character design adaptations were spot-on and the dynamic between them was the same.


The animation wasn't served well by the transference to human models. It felt a little weird compared to the smooth and joint-less animation of the show, but that's probably just acclimation on my part.


I still love "Helping Twilight Win the Crown" as a song though, one of my absolute favorites in general. Overall it could have been vastly better, and is in some ways the low point of the G4 franchise. I just hope there isn't another one, or if there is, it has a better plot and a less lame antagonist.

Applejack > Fluttershy > Rarity > Pinkie Pie > Twilight Sparkle > Rainbow Dash


"The fun has been doubled!" and "My sister is speakin' in Fancy!"

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I liked most of the film, but i think that for a show about accepting eachothers diffrences they are all very skinny in body types.



Rainbow Dash and Applejack should have been more muscular looking than the others. Pinkie Pie should have had some flab. Fluttershy could wear contacts.



When you look at the other 5, they don't have so much of a life. They go to the Fall Formal and do not have dates.

Edited by Singe
  • Brohoof 1
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I didn't see anything wrong with their bodies, it was just the style of animation / shared character models.
Everyone was pretty much the same, so there weren't any fat or thin people. Just people.

I honestly think people look too deeply into these things sometimes.
Also, the show is always about friendship as a whole.
Not necessarily specific themes like 'accepting differences' that show up on occasion. ('Bridle Gossip' and 'Look Before You Sleep' come to mind)
So they don't NEED to shoehorn something like that into a movie that already has too much on its plate.

The overall theme of friendship was enough to keep this in line, and the chemistry between the characters was still there.
Heck, they even had an 'acceptance' scene. When Twilight revealed who she really was and they stuck by her side.

Spike said it best.
"These girls rallied around you because they saw what was in your heart. They aren't gonna feel any different about you when they find out you're a pony princess from Equestria."

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The biggest standout in the movie is that generally all the humans are just ignorant of Sunset. She's not a super genius at all, everyone else is just dumb.


Even Celestia and worst Luna who gets used for the "knight in shining armor" bit.


Speaking of Celestia, really a good idea to make Sunset and her lackeys repair the entrance. They aren't licensed professionals and I'm sure that she'll be fine if it collapses on the students in the morning.


Twilight getting the Mane 5 back together is about the same as The Last Airbender of Aang telling the Earth Benders to bend the dirt.


Twilight and co. know that Sunset will try anything since she already did that smear video of Twilight. However, they let their guard down and ignore her, where she pulls a framing job on Twilight and even kidnaps Spike.

Edited by Singe
  • Brohoof 1
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Here's my review for Equestria Girls from last Sunday:


My first reaction when it first came out on TV made me feel ecstatic. As I watched it throughout, I felt surprised that half of the ponies, including the new character Sunset Shimmer as the antagonist of the movie. Also, seeing Twilight (and other ponies) as humans and Spike as a dog is a surprise for me. Canterlot High reminds me of my high school back then, even though it's not as upper-classed than Canterlot high, hehe. :P Anyway, the setting pretty much fits for the plot, and also surprised to see Snips and Snails as humans and secondary villains and as Sunset Shimmer's minions. My first impression of Celestia and Luna (who is vice-principal and principal) is that their voices are now different than their pony counterparts.


Twilight, having her human counterparts of the ponies being reunited with each other is pretty heartwarming, if you ask me, and the musical segment's really awesome (I even downloaded some of the remixed versions of the song Helping Twilight Win the Crown). The semi final part where Sunset Shimmer threatened to destroy the portal with a sledgehammer is a bit farfetch'd. Not that there's anything wrong with it, it's that the sledgehammer would end up going inside the portal, rather than breaking it. Then again, even if Twilight and Spike had escaped, Sunset Shimmer would go after them anyway. In the end, seeing Sunset Shimmer becoming defeated by the magic of friendship and reforming her villainous ways, along with Snips and Snails, reminds me of Discord reforming his ways of his chaotic nature after his realization that causing trouble and mischief is not worth losing a friend he made.


So overall, Equestria Girls was the greatest movie in the MLP: FiM series, no doubt about it. I sure hope Sunset Shimmer would reappear in Season 4 if it's possible, and I'd be willing to buy the DVD version of it for me to watch it in HD, once I can get enough money to buy it. :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


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I know the movies been out for a while, but I thought I'd share my opinion on the movie for any of those interested. Also, the negative tone throughout the review was my actual feelings when watching the movie. SPOILERS


I'd also like to know what you thought about the movie.

Edited by pollo20x6
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   I stumbled across Equestria Girls by accident, but I was aware of the rumours, and was sceptical, then I found a YouTube video of the film with over a million views, and that's how I saw Equestria Girls. When I was watching the video, I honestly thought it was a fan made movie, I was watching some fan movie before seeing Equestria Girls, until the opening credits, then I realized it was legitimate, after I saw Spike as dog and Twilight Sparkle as a human, I burst out laughing to point where I felt I had a hernia, The villain Sunset Simmer is quite a generic antagonist, not unlike Silver Spoon or Diamond Tiara, just a villain for villain's sake, even the high school setting was standard set piece, Nevertheless, the ponies in human form was amusing to see, and garnered my attention throughout, equally amusing was to see how Twilight Sparkle accomplished walking on two legs, using her hands and awkward interactions similar to her experience in the first episode. Spike as dog was simply humorous, just like most of the images, I could barely believe what I was watching, I also suspect that a spin-off was a distinct possibility.

   I liked the songs; "Help Twilight Sparkle win the Crown" and "A Friend For Life" are my favourites, but if I had anything to complain about this movie it is, that the first scenes went too fast, we didn't get a chance to know Sunset Shimmer before she nicked Twilight's crown, so there is a gaping question mark on who is Sunset Shimmer, originally pony or person? Even her defeat was like all the other villain defeats, using a magical rainbow from the elements of harmony, and reconciled at the end, making that the swiftest antagonist conversion in MLP. So with mixed reviews, what do I think? I thoroughly enjoyed it to a point where I was finally joining the herd and became a brony, so it has plot holes, so the pacing is in some places clumsy, and the plot can be hard to follow, the characters were good, the voice acting and animation was excellent, and the friendship lesson was heartfelt and tender. If it could motivate me, a person who has watched My Little Pony for two years to become a brony, the creators did something right, there is some good that came out of this movie, not what we expected, or course, we want to see ponies, so maybe the next film will have the ponies in true form, let us see.

Edited by King Edward
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I'm a boy and i was greatly entertained by this movie. Not really sure why i shouldn't have been, based on gender alone.
Bright colors? Friendship Power? Happy singing? Nothing you can't already find in the show.
The only difference was the flirting between Flash and Twilight. And even then, aren't relationships for everyone?

Seriously not seeing where the gender divide comes from for those who were already bronies.

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It does, in fact, seem as if pegasisters enjoyed Equestria Girls more than the male faction, however I was vastly entertained by EQG, and even though I personally prefer things about ponies, and not pony-human mutants.

  • Brohoof 2


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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I really liked the movie. It was better then it I expected it to turn out. The only two major things I particularly didn't like about was how the look of their counterpart design (skin tone) in the human world and the ending being rushed; if only Twilight brang bac Sunset Shimmer so she can make up with Celestial and apologize for being a jerk.

Edited by ~Glimmer Lily~


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Okay, Equestria girls was a pretty good movie. But, the movie just rushed through the story and had high school drama. Bronies don't like it because they're used to the mane six being ponies. The humans should've looked more human. However, it's still a good movie and is super cool.

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i did not like the design of the characters but the story line was okay with a few minor problems here and there like the hammer smashing the portal and not going through it.

Edited by Flipturn
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Yep, it was cheesy, predictable and sometimes had moments when i just screamed stupid at the screen....luna interrogation "shudders"

But yeah..all in all i thought it was okay...a 6/10 or 7/10

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i did not like the design of the characters but the story line was okay with a few minor problems here and there like the hammer smashing the portal and not going through it.


Just to let you know that I've combined your topic with this larger one, which is already about sharing opinions on Equestria Girls. Please use the search function for these kinds of threads in the future :)

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- The writers actually made Twilight bump into his pony version when she went home... NOPE.jpg



Never understood how people keep missing this, but she first bumped into him during the beginning of the movie when she first entered the crystal palace too. In fact, he announced her arrival during that same scene...


So bumping into him (and his remark about needing to stop doing that) actually worked out as a running gag. 

Albeit a bad running gag in the movie, but its not just a one time, random "oh look he's a pony too!" occurrence as I've seen many claim...

It also was the primary driving point for the others to rag on Twilight at the end about her experiences in the other world, and how she really knew flash in the overall.

Edited by GrimCW
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Never understood how people keep missing this, but she first bumped into him during the beginning of the movie when she first entered the crystal palace too. In fact, he announced her arrival during that same scene...


So bumping into him (and his remark about needing to stop doing that) actually worked out as a running gag. 

Albeit a bad running gag in the movie, but its not just a one time, random "oh look he's a pony too!" occurrence as I've seen many claim...

It also was the primary driving point for the others to rag on Twilight at the end about her experiences in the other world, and how she really knew flash in the overall.

Um... i know all that. It's pretty simple stuff.

And i agree, the running gag was a good one.


It seems like i didn't word my post correctly, because i was aware of the stuff you're explaining.

Rest assured, i'm not that blind.


I'm one of those people who believes that mlp doesn't need the mane six to have relationships.

Though of course, i was just being tongue-in-cheek with the "NOPE" thing.

I wouldn't really care if they went ahead and made it canon, as long as they did it smartly. biggrin.png


Also, those bullet points were a recollection of my first impressions, which are a couple of months old now.

Since then, i heard about the "no flash sentry in season 4" thing, so that bugbear was put to rest.




You're preaching to the choir, my good man.

It was poor wording on my part, but that's about as far as it goes.

Edited by Prince Dan
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Um... i know all that. It's pretty simple stuff.

And i agree, the running gag was a good one.


It seems like i didn't word my post correctly, because i was aware of the stuff you're explaining.

Rest assured, i'm not that blind.


I dunno, I've just seen one of the biggest complaints being that at the end when Twilight bumped into him he stated "We've got to stop bumping into each other like this" and something about how they'd never met.. Your post kind worded it similar tongue.png

To which is entirely untrue since they had met before tongue.png

Just kind grinds my gears to see a half intelligible argument thrown away over a number of glaring bits of bad information that just scream "didn't even pay attention outside of things to complain about!"


anywho... Just nudged the wrong way I suppose


I agree, they don't need relationships at all tbh.  Though it doesn't hurt to poke at the possibilities as they've done in the past with Rarity. It can actually lead to some fun little quips here and there, as long as it doesn't get too serious (which is where things went wrong with flash)

But i think what gets most people going is this whole crazy "waifu" thing where some people have "claimed" certain characters for themselves...

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In the beginning I didn't even really watch it I skipped through it in 5 minutes because I didn't really like the idea of them being human, but a month later I found my self constantly thinking about it and well I finally watched it without skipping anything. It was actually really good, a lot better than I thought it would be. It's even better if you can get over the idea of them being human.


Random white text!

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Overall the movie is considered quite good!

Though I wasn't able to see it in theater, since the closes one felt too long for me, I was able to get it when I found a copy of it in the nearest Best Buy to my house. 

Though the part of being humans took me time to get used to (still kind of is ^_^) Though there were some key points in the beginning the story (which had to be looked carefully *some easier than others*), some ended up being a run-in-gag (though I might have gotten the term wrong), basically an event that keeps repeating for the purpose of the small funny side joke. The story of how they ended up in the world was interesting, but felt like they rushed too fast, leaving too many holes and unexplained details (which wasn't just that part but other parts of the movie too. If they made it two hours or so, rather than just 80 - 90 minutes, than maybe the movie could have been well explained rather than just : Jump to the other world, solve just one big dilemma in the other world, and then return home.) Rushed it way too fast. And to finish it off, this kind of felt like a "Degrassi" episode to me... just look for the key parts and you might see it too.

But would I recommend this movie to others... well sure, I still enjoyed it nonetheless, and well you're at it, why not play the game "Spot the Pony" and see how many characters you can call out. 


Possible Spoiler (not likely d:)



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Having not read other people's views, and spoiling the movie at all beforehand, this is me going in completely afresh about what I thought of the movie.



Some first thoughts are that it felt rather flat an amount of the time, and I couldn't help but get that "uncanny valley" feeling throughout. A strange little movie in ways, and feels more like it was made to sell the dolls rather than completely stand alone on its own merits.



Now to some of the qualms I simply have to get off my chest. No doubt others have brought up most, if not all these points before, but again, this is just me going in afresh.


* How could Sunset Shimmer know for sure the crown would work outside Equestria? What if no power carried over at all? Or at the very least, how did she know precisely how to wield the "evil" power at all? Did Celestia teach her such things, did Shimmer read up on material she shouldn't have been, or what? Yes, Shimmer makes a statement to Twilight about the crown having powers in another world, but I still feel this is all glossed over too much.



* So every 30 moons, okay, regardless of how long that is supposed to be exactly in the first place, what if say someone just happened to lean on the statue, completely unawares, when the "portal" was active?

That's right! Humans into Equestrian ponies everywhere! Come on in guys!


Actually, what if one of the accidentals met Lyra and told her of the secret world? Oh how happy she would be...



* Spike a dog? No really, what? It just doesn't seem logical. Surely he should have also simply turned into a human? And furthermore, it's not like he's Twi's pet in the first place, and doesn't even fall into the category of pet animals, such as the likes of Gummi, Winona et al.

It's just such a strange decision. Was it simply so Spike could be the pet dog with Twi's doll in the toy line, or was it mutually agreed this was a good idea to roll with?

Admittedly, the concept of Spike being a dog is amusing, and had some humorous little moments throughout, but it's still not what I would have gone with.



* The "romance" between Twi and Placeholder would actually make me roll my eyes at times. Argh, so clichéd and tired.


Actually, the concept is kind of strange now I think of it. I mean, in particular, Placeholder then knows Twi's a pony at movie's end and yet still... yeah, whatever.



* Twi’s just lucky Celestia didn’t ask her about being a new student. But then, unless of course this parallel world version of Celestia already knew... (Did her pony counterpart come to visit one day perhaps?)


But wait, when Luna was questioning Twi in her office, did she not check for Twi’s behaviour record or anything? Oh fine, let’s just say Twi’s really lucky.



* And back to Placeholder for a moment. So it’s stated he was Shimmer’s ex, a few weeks ago the breakup occurring.

How did they even come together? Surely Placeholder would have known Shimmer’s reputation of being the school so and so?

Either he was giving her a chance (oh how nice), or is just really, really dumb – or dumb enough to give her a chance. img-1912997-1-derpy_emoticon2.png



* The pacing is unbalanced. One example in particular is that Dash doesn’t appear until freaking 37 minutes in! Ultimately, she then doesn’t get to do quite as much as the other girls due this.



* Speaking of Dash, I just didn’t quite dig her big scene. Especially when she gushes, “The Fall Formal Princess should be someone with heart and determination. You proved that you got ‘em both.” *Obligatory hug and cheers all round*


Egad, it’s just too heavy-handed for me to bear!



* The last act felt rushed. I mean, Shimmer had an entire army of teen drones, and never actually set them out to do any bidding. She had plenty of time to do so, whether to begin sending them through the portal, overpower Twi and the others before they were even able to unleash the boom on her, or whatever. And yet it’s like she literally forgot in seconds just what she had at her disposal.


Also, I question Shimmer’s motivation. She says it’s Equestria she wants, and not the little school. Does she not know about the world?



* Oh, and don't think they quite nailed the look of Celestia and Luna. Can't quite put my finger on it, they just look, I don't know, off.





So after all that, I bet you’d think I hated the movie, right? Well actually, no. It’s just unfortunate there were so many things I found wrong with it.

Whether it was major plotholes, contrived circumstances, pacing, odd production choices - looking at the movie as one whole piece, it’s not the prettiest picture, but it does have some good.


There are scenes that are entertaining, little moments of amusement, and seeing everyone in human form I did get a kick out of to a degree (although Granny Smith, the nightmares).


DHX does a wonderful job of animating once again, with fluid, lively and overall excellent character movement, peppered with plenty of nice little touches throughout.


The voice actors all put in stellar performances as they always have, and never once sound unnatural, despite even the most heavy-handed of scenes and lines.


The scoring is topnotch as always and a couple of the songs in particular I can’t deny I found catchy. smile.png 




So while the script and movie overall I would not consider gold, it does still manage to hit some marks and be genuinely entertaining in part, albeit just along what is an inconsistent and rather bumpy road throughout the 73 minutes that are.



To be kind, I’d give a score of 6.5 out of 10.

Edited by PianoOfMuffins
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