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Shall Discord still cause chaos in S4?


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If you look to keep calm and flutter on you will see that discord becomes a good guy

But celestia told to twilight to keep a eye on him

Discord is the master of chaos he is meant to cause chaos

I dont really believe that he is a good guy at this moment

Why should the master of chaos be good ?

I think discord lied to the mane 6 that he shall be good

Celestia dont trusted him Celestia is always right about something

I'm pretty sure he shall cause much chaos in S4

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I hope Discord becomes a villan again, because it was a terribly bad idea for him to make a second appearance and quickly become a reformed good guy most of the time. Even that is bad to me. I'd be happier if he actually does become a villan in S4.

Edited by ÷Zero
  • Brohoof 2
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Of course he will still cause chaos, he is the embodiment of chaos itself!  Celestia is likely going to give Discord his own personal realm or area to be himself in.  The show also has a lot of the concept of balance, Celestia/Luna, sun/moon, Applejack/Rarity (rural/urban, or messiness/neatness), Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy (extrovert/introvert).  If life is too ordered, it is boring, and as Discord showed, too much chaos is a bad thing too.  Chaos is a neutral force, personally, I didn't see Discord as malicious, just mischievous.  I think Discord was telling the truth, in the episode where he was reformed, Fluttershy refused to use the Elements of Harmony to turn him back to stone, if Discord truly didn't care about Fluttershy, he had nothing to lose as the Elements are useless without unity.  I think Celestia saw Discord as a potential strong ally in an upcoming story arc.  I don't think Discord will try to take over again, however I do think he will still play tricks on the mane six, just for kicks.  

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I hope Discord becomes a villan again, because it was a terribly bad idea for him to make a second appearance and quickly become a reformed good guy most of the time. Even that is bad to me. I'd be happier if he actually does become a villan in S4.

I actually see tons of potential with Discord 'reformed'. He was never really a villain before, more of an incredibly over the top trouble maker. I do think that the reformation itself was......lacking....but I see a lot of potential there.


He can still cause chaos, that is what makes him have that potential. He never puts anyone's lives at major risk it seems, so I do not see what is wrong with him pulling off some pranks ever now and again. I also think that there is only so much you can do with a villain character. With him being 'good', he can still annoy the hay out of the ponies but still be a good character all the same, since he probably does not have any dangerously devious intentions. 


I am one of those that sees the potential of his reformation.

  • Brohoof 1



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Obviously. Being the ultimate prankster is apart of Discord's character, and that will not change. Him taking over the entire nation with chaos and trying to dethrone Celestia and Luna, and using his discordification powers on ponies is the major focuses that are being nipped in the butt. He's still going to pull pranks, he's still going to be hilarious, he's still going to break the fourth wall, and he's still going to push limits and cause chaos, and as always, far more than Pinkie normally does, I'm sure.

  • Brohoof 3


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Just because Discord's reformed doesn't mean he can't cause chaos anymore. In fact, Princess Celestia leaned towards helping Discord use his powers in a healthy, positive way. So that means he can still cause chaos. Also, if the second law of Thermodynamics says anything, the universe is already increasing in chaos anyway. 

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I'm hoping for a battle with himself. He wants to be good, but he can't quite suppress his primal instincts. It could make for a good episode or two, if done right. (Thinking along the lines that he will be used in a two-parter, possibly S4 premier, for whatever Celestia wanted to use his powers for).

  • Brohoof 2


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I think that he might. The Grand Mastermind herself Princess Celestia even wants to use him. As we learned in the Ticket Master episode (where she purposely gave Twilight 2 tickets) and Magical Mystery Cure (showing she has planned out Twilight's life up to now) I think she has something planned.  


My bro and me believe that there is some "Final Boss" monster out there that Celestia knows about, but is totally powerless against. *BTW our headcanon is that said creature killed Starswirl the Bearded*


I don't know what it might be *cough* Smooze *cough* but its going to be impossible to beat.


TLDR: Discord will be Celestia's newest weapon.

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I expect Discord to have a philosophical / intellectual discussion with another villain at some point, and that he'll counter a more "pure" type of evil with his brand of chaos.


"Really, Chrysalis, the power to change into anyone, and your kind uses it to feed off `love'? Such a lost opportunity for perfectly wonderful mayhem."


"Quiet! Are you going to help me, or not?"


"Hmmm...I'm rather a fan of doing both at the same time." *zap* *chaos*

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I believe he'll still get into a little trouble but nothing too serious. He mayuse his chaos for good, in helping the mane 6 defeat some other villain, perhaps Chrissy comes back?

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I think he will, maybe not the takeover type of chaos, but I'm sure he'll still do some of it. And he'll still keep his random sarcastic attitude and randomness in general.


I mean in "Keep Calm and Flutter on" when hes being nice and helping Fluttershy with inviting them to dinner he uses his tongue to make a carpet. xD. So yeah I think he'll be keeping that type of stuff for sure, and maybe for other things of chaos here and there. Its part of him, and it won't just change like that I don't think.


Discord will just be a bit more tame, but still Discord.


I don't think hes gonna show up terribly often anyways to be perfectly honest. Maybe once or twice in S4, but I don't think he'll be like a big recurring character showing up very commonly.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

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I'm sure he will. Lets face it he's much funnier being evil then good.... top of all that its in his nature to be evil and cause chaos. You cant stop anyone or pony from being who they are and what they where put here to do, for Discord its being evil...


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I really hope so. Discord is one of my favorites, just because he isn't good or evil, only mischevious. Since Discord is "reformed", i would love to see a villain take over that had an almost fascistic affinity for order and obedience, only for them to let loose Discord and have him wreak havoc. Although I think this wouldn't really be a great message to kids (hey kiddies, two wrongs DO make a right!), it would be highly entertaining

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Even though he is reformed he will still be the same chaotic being we all know and love.  Not evil-chaos, but more or less a Disney-esque chaos.


Not to me.  To me, the Discord that was so awesome in Return of Harmony is now dead and gone.  If he does cause chaos, it'll be relatively minor prankster stuff. 


He's never going to push and challenge the characters the way he did so wonderfully in Return of Harmony ever again. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Not to me.  To me, the Discord that was so awesome in Return of Harmony is now dead and gone.  If he does cause chaos, it'll be relatively minor prankster stuff. 


He's never going to push and challenge the characters the way he did so wonderfully in Return of Harmony ever again. 


Discord got neutered hard in S3, it would probably be for the best to just not show him anymore.

And to those who think that he'd still be allowed to cause cause, please remember that in Equestria, this is likely to cause the freaking Fimbulwinter,

Discord was an awesome villain in S2, and the character got butchered for "Keep Calm", not for character development, not because Faust had originally planned for him to get reformed, but because fans wouldn't stop yapping about wanting John de Lancie back.

  • Brohoof 1



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He better! Discord is just not the same anymore... Sometimes, it's best to just leave something alone whilst it has it's reputation. Discord, as Silverwisp the Bard said, got neutered.


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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TLDR: Discord will be Celestia's newest weapon.


I also agree that If they were to further re-introduce Discord, it would be against some 'truly evil' being. I'll set up this example scenario:


We all know that from "A Canterlot Wedding" that Celestia was actually defeated by Queen Chrysalis at one point during the 2 parter. It may be relevent to point out that possibly Celestia may not be indeed "immortal" and is at the turning point in her life where she is not as powerful as she used to be. Thus she sought out her student Twilight as she felt a great potential within her and capable of harnessing the Elements of Harmony.


Upon the conclusion of "Magical Mystery Cure" & "Equestria Girls", it may be inevitable that Twilight will eventually rule over her own city/kingdom (whether she becomes queen of Ponyville, or successor to Equestria). Regardless, It would be totally awesome-spectacular if say they had all the prominent villains (+1) make a stand against Equestria (Discord, Queen Chrysalis ... GTFO King Sombra! nobody likes you) ... (hmm, not really too much major players)


Alright, so say that Discord and Queen Chrysalis were banded together with a 3rd 'truly evil' being to assault against Equestria. With their team comp, they were able to overpower all who stood within their way. I envision Celestia brought to within the last moments of her life, the mane 6 beaten and suppressed, and no hope for anypony.


Then some plot development, and Discord would come to realize that the 'truly evil' being and Queen Chrysalis plan on back-stabbing each other, so Discord helps to unite with the mane 6, but it is truly Discord who saves the day in the end.

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He can cause chaos and he better. Discord's antics were some of the best humor on the show and to have him not do that would be going against the writer's intentions. I think he has the potential to be Pinkie Pie's partner in crime when it comes to pranks.

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I would have preferred if Discord never became "good" in the first place. Discord sybolized chaos and simply shouldn't be aligned with good. I think it would be a neat concept for Discord to be reintroduced as a villain, though I am not quite sure how they would execute it well without it seeming forced.

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He said he'll use his magic for good instead of evil [most of the time]. Is it not possible to cause chaos for good?


Maybe, if the Changelings ever make a reappearance, Discord can use his chaotic magic to help defeat them.



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Hmm lemme think for a moment....


Discord-popcorn_9398.jpg still thinking....tumblr_ls8th1zAaM1r0mz83.png


Why are we discussing this? Of course Discord will still be causing chaos! Just because he's with the namby pamby pony "good guys" now doesn't mean he won't cause some good ol' chaos. He may even teach Pinkie Pie a thing or two, or maybe its the other way around...blink.png img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png


Besides if anything, Ponyville and Equestria need a lot more chaos. They can barely handle a basic disaster:






Pinkie and the towns reaction to Cerberus is priceless, mirroring what happened with Luna in Luna Eclipsed. What's more surprising though is that Twilight, instead of being the rational pragmatic person she is, takes the Rainbow Dash route and tries to zap the 3 headed dog to submission. No police, no royal guards, no organized evacuation, no planning at all for the disaster. Lo and behold though, its neither the brains, wits and magic of Twilight nor the guts, brash and brawn of Rainbow that save the day, but rather the diplomacy and care of Fluttershy.


How does the leader of the Mane 6, Twilight Sparkle react to disasters? Well its normally "all goes according to the script plan otherwise she often fumbles and ends up like this:




Do you hear that? The little orange bird is saying "cuckoo cuckoo." Let's hope those pair of wings are worth the hype.


Of course this little incident tops off all the disasters that struck Ponyville in my book:





Bunny stampede. That says it all. A friggin bunny stampede puts Ponyville into a state of disaster and panic. Oddly enough the person who again is best able to handle the situation appears to be Fluttershy, who by the way helped save the day and resolve more than just several crises. Celestia seems to understand that and lo and behold, its not the Mane 6 nor the Elements of Harmony, but Fluttershy that manages to turn Discord "good."  That's a lot to be said about Fluttershy for what its worth.


But back on topic, Ponyville and Equestria as a whole consistently demonstrate they're rather poor at managing crises, always relying on hero(es) to come save the day. They're also seriously too wound up and lack exposure to new ideas and the world outside. Having Discord around causing "chaos" would not only possibly help better prepare them for future disasters, he could really help lighten the mood and open Equestria up a lot more. Sure Discord ruled over Equestria for some time, but I don't honestly think he deliberately killed anyone in that time...to my knowledge that is ohmy.png.


But if we accept Pinkie Pie to be Pinkie Pie, then Discord will be Discord, in a "good" way. If Discord is to be an integral part of the show in the future you simply cannot expct him to NOT cause chaos. He's an ally now and as long as the show remains PG 13, he won't stray too far from Celestia and the Mane 6.


Besides how many characters you know can top his swag?



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  • 1 month later...

Discord is awesome because he's so random. I loved that he was reformed, but if he starts being nice and stuff, I'd hate it. He doesn't have to become a villain again, but I wish he'd at least cause trouble.

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Short answer: 



Long answer: Oh yeah! I'd love to see what kind of chaos that Discord could think up using for "good" now that he is "reformed". Chocolate rain at the Gran Galloping Gala (all them snooty ponies would be FURIOUS! :lol: Though, Rarity would be too). 


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