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Who is the smartest pony besides Twilight Sparkle?

Redhoof 0

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I'd say Pinkie. Think about it. She knew how to stop the Parasprite infestation, she understood before anyone else that Luna wasn't dangerous on Nightmare Night, she breaks the fourth wall all the time. I believe Pinkie Pie has a secret source of ancient and powerful knowledge of the world, and only uses it when she has to. That's why she's never really scared, even in terrifying situations like when facing down a manticore or dragon, because she understands that such matters are, in a cosmic sense, trivial.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have to say Big McIntosh. In the fourth episode AJ implies he's smarter than her. And in the Season 2 premiere, after Discord took over Ponyville, everyone was turned into their opposites. Big Mac thinks he's a dog and dogs are stereotyped as stupid (even though they're not). That obviously means he's pretty smart.

  • Brohoof 1
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i would have to say zecora we have no idea how long Zebra live in there world and she always seems to have the answer she knows magic even thought shes not a unicorn and has know how to make almost ever line rhyme she could be on par with the alicorns for all we know before it was changed i heard she was going to be twilight mentor. I really want them to go in depth on her character so we can she how she came to become the wise powerful Zebra we all know and love today. Also why she live in everfree...alone



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Asides from Princesses Celestia/Luna or any other long lived being in the show and then just sticking to the mane 6, I'd do what most others do.

Rarity for knowledge and AJ for life. Rarity is obviously well read and apparently brought herself up well and AJ just has the experience of doing things.

I can always see Fluttershy as being pretty smart too but she's too afraid to act on what she knows.


And Twilight is pretty dense outside of her books. Like really dense.


And to be fair, spike shows a crud ton of sense when an episode isn't focused on him and he's like 8 or something.


Outside of the mane6 I would want to say Cheerilee just because she's a teacher but she never really seems smart in any way in the show so I don't know. Zecora? Too obscure. Her knowledge seems limited to magicy witchcraft/alchemy stuff. We just don't know enough about the non mane characters.

Edited by Greenlitsky

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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Like a lot of people said. Discord, Luna, Celestia, Zecora, Sombra, Star Swirl the Bearded, Cheerilee....


In the Mane Six I would say Rarity becasue of her job

Edited by What

Credits to Mint Drop for an awesome Sig.

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does the pony need to be alive? otherwise i would say starswirl the bearded. ( don't kill me for spelling his name wrong) and otherwise i think princess celestia would be the smartest after twilight


I agree with this. However, if this is fixated on just the Mane Six (and if it is, @@Redhoof 0, please note so, so that the title can be altered), then, I'd probably say AJ. She's no more book smart than any of the other Mane Six, but the trait she possesses over the others is she's the most mature and level-headed, most of the time. Thus, she could probably sort through a wide variety of problems the easiest.


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The smartest pony besides Twilight Sparkle is without doubt Princess Celestia. Running a country all the while promoting friendship to everypony in Equestria requires a lot of intelligence in my opinion. Added the fact that she is REALLY, REALLY old and that she is the teacher of Twilight Sparkle.


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Well, it depends on what we're using to messure intelligence specifically, I suppose they're all smart in some regards.


I've always though Rarity seemed pretty smart, atleast she has a pretty extensive vocabulary and is very formal, so I imagine shes pretty smart.


I think I'll go with her, something about rarity's higher class desires and vocabulary makes me think shes smart, idk why but I do.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Keeping in mind that intelligence is entirely different from wisdom, here are the characters presented in the show so far who I feel are the most intelligent besides Twilight Sparkle:

  • Princess Celestia
  • Princess Luna
  • Starswirl the Bearded
  • Zecora
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Discord
  • King Sombra
  • Sunset Shimmer

Now, I will state my reasons for why I chose the characters that I did:

  • Princess Celestia: She is a primeval and fundamental being who has lived for over a thousand years, and her knowledge of magic, as well as the nature of reality, is tremendous.
  • Princess Luna: Exact same reasons as for Princess Celestia.
  • Starswirl the Bearded: He was one of the most accomplished wizards of all time.
  • Zecora: Her knowledge of potions is tremendous.
  • Pinkie Pie: She has knowledge of how to alter reality using magic. However, unlike Discord, she never used it for negative purposes.
  • Discord: He is a primeval and fundamental being, who used his intelligence and experience to deceive others when he used to be evil. He also has knowledge of how to alter reality using magic.
  • King Sombra: He is the antithesis of Princess Celestia. His knowledge of magic, as well of the nature of reality, is tremendous. However, unlike Princess Celestia, he chose the path of hatred.
  • Sunset Shimmer: She had great, but most certainly not complete knowledge of both the human world and Equestria, as well as their relationships involving the Elements of Harmony. Also, she used to be a student of Princess Celestia.


These are the characters who I feel are the most wise besides Twilight Sparkle:

  • Princess Celestia
  • Princess Luna
  • Princess Cadence
  • Prince Shining Armor
  • Zecora
  • Pinkie Pie
  • Applejack
  • Rarity
  • Rainbow Dash
  • Fluttershy
  • Spike

Here are my reasons for choosing those characters as the most wise besides Twilight Sparkle:

  • Princess Celestia: Her choice of the path of harmony, her love, her selflessness, and the fact that she uses her immense power for the good of others proves how wise she truly is. She has lived for over a thousand years, and has never allowed darkness to make her lose faith in harmony. Her, along with others who walked the path of harmony, were always, are always, and will always be able to defeat evil.
  • Princess Luna: She has made major mistakes in the past, but she has learned from them. She is loving, and is able to bring comfort to ponies having nightmares by entering into their dreams.
  • Princess Cadence: Her understanding of how essential love is to a peaceful and harmonious existence proves how wise she truly is.
  • Prince Shining Armor: His understanding of how essential harmony is to a peaceful existence, along with his will to defend it even when it means putting his own safety at risk, proves how wise he truly is.
  • Zecora: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of tolerance and harmony.
  • Pinkie Pie: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of harmony, and through her understanding and practice of how essential it is to be optimistic, and to face even the most frightening situations in life with laughter and a light heart.
  • Applejack: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of harmony, and through her understanding and practice of how essential it is to be honest, to have integrity, to be trustworthy, and to work hard for positive things.
  • Rarity: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of harmony, and through her understanding and practice of how essential it is to be generous and charitable.
  • Rainbow Dash: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of harmony, and through her understanding and practice of how essential it is to be loyal, dependable, and courageous.  
  • Fluttershy: Her wisdom is shown through her understanding and practice of harmony, and through her understanding and practice of how essential it is to be kind, loving, empathetic, compassionate, selfless, and assertive.
  • Spike: His wisdom is shown through his understanding and practice of harmony, and through his loyalty to and love for his friends.



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Veering ever so slightly off topic, I've always wanted for Pinkie to be kind of an idiot savant; maintaining her over-the-top cartoon vibes while every so often inserting some amazing piece of scientific/philosophic/plot-driving information to the surprise of everyone else.


Any objections?

"Don't apologize when you can criticize!"

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Of the Mane 6 I think they all show intelligence differently.


Pinkie Pie is creative. No one can beat her creativity and pure spontaneity


Rarity is smart also in a creative way but it's more of an organised creativity, plus she knows her fashion.


Applejack is wise and practical. She hands out a lot of advice in the series and has a good perspective on things.


Fluttershy is passionate intelligence. She learns all she can about animals and nature and you'd be hard pressed to beat her knowledge of it.


Rainbiw Dash....ok I got nothing. 

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I'll have to say Princess Celestia, King Sombra, or Discord. They all know how to rule a kingdom, and managed to for around a thousand years. I'm not sure about Luna since we don't hear much about her.


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If it's within the Mane 6, I would say Rarity due to her crafting skills. Outside the Mane 6, I'd say Cheerlie because she's a school teacher.


There are numerous times where I question Celestia's skill as a leader, Luna is outdated on many subjects and I assume Cadance has normal intelligence.

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


First Contact


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Hmm, interesting topic. After Twilight, the smartest pony is Chrysalis. She calculates, manipulates, cajoles, and threatens to get what she wants.


Did you see her in The Return of Queen Chrysalis? And in A Canterlot Wedding, even though her plan wasn't all that brilliant, she still behaved cunningly, and she successfully managed to divert and distract everypony, including Celestia.


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Discord. Although he is not usually serious, he knows a lot. It wouldn't be right for Twilight to say something smart, and then Discord to say: "Wait, hold on, what does 'malicious' mean?"

This signature was removed for being too obnoxious and arrogant.


By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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  • 1 year later...

I'd argue that Sombra is likely right up there with the most intelligence.


Aside from him, maybe Star Swirl the bearded was, and maybe Celestia & Luna, but to a different extent.

  • Brohoof 1

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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....Big Mac. good at fancy mathematics? knows therapeutic pressure points? wise? casually discusses philosophy whilst on an otherwise normal road trip (and with pinkie, no less.)? Check, Check Check and Check-arooney!

Don't be a nerd. Join the herd!

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Mirror, mirror, on the wall... who's the smartest ponies of them all, less the one who is named Twilight Sparkle.


Oh but don't you already know, the question you ask is both leading and misleading...


Yes, indeed, this is so.  Shall we thus define a narrower bridge for each to cross?

Yes, we shall, with the exception in mind.


Book-smart; street-smart; natural wisdom; uncanny wisdom; and humbly most trustworthy of a confidante.

And first just of the Mane Six, then just of the rest of them all.

A properly asked question this time around, I now shall give these answers aloud:
Rarity; Rainbow Dash; Fluttershy; Pinkie Pie; and Applejack...
Cherilee; Discord; Celestia; Big Mac; and Luna...


Thank you, with best regards, you may now return away.


With pleasure.  Until next time, keep up the taste for knowledge, for I'll ensue the answers you wish to find.



~ Rise And Rise Again, Until Lambs Become Lions ~

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  • 6 months later...

Out of the mane six? I would have to say Applejack easily! She can see through just about any lie. 

She saw through the flim flam brothers twice, saw through filly vanilli when big mac was hiding the fact he couldn't sing. 

Her perception is what makes her so damned sharp. Not a whole lot gets by her. She may be stubborn at times, but her highest qualities are that perception, her ability to assess what is most important for a task that the characters currently need to take on, and her critical thinking abilities just seem to be higher than most of the others. 


The next would probably be Discord but...I think he is actually much smarter in reality. 

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Hmm, I believe that Princess Celestia or Starswirl would be the smartest- even smarter than Twilight. Celestia has been living for millennia, and when you live for that long, you definitely are smarter than pretty much anything on the planet. Starswirl seemed as if he dedicated every breathing second towards his pursuits of knowledge.

I left my hearts in Hyrule

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