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Which Pony had it the Worst in Magical Mystery Cure

True Rarity

Which of the Mane 6 had it the Worst?  

109 users have voted

  1. 1. Which of the Mane 6 had the most reason to be sad during Magical Mystery Cure

    • Rainbow Dash! She was about to be eaten by chaotic animals!
    • Fluttershy! When nopony laughs at you, but does at somepony else, it can make you feel pretty awful!
    • Pinkie Pie! Chores are awful, especially if you don't know how to do them, and Pinkie values fun very much!
    • Applejack! Sewing can be difficult, especially for somepony like her. Besides, nopony liked her designs!
    • Rarity! In addition to making everypony else mad, she was in danger of hurting herself and others!
    • Twilight Sparkle! It was her fault, even if she didn't know about it yet, and not knowing things makes her feel really bad!
    • All of them! They all had it bad!

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Everyone had it bad, but I personally think Fluttershy was living her worst nightmare. It's extremely awkward and embarrassing when you are trying to be funny, and everyone feels uncomfortable. I would die under the pressure! :(


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Would have to say a tie between Pinkie & Flutters... But here, might as well explain why for each of them;


Applejack; Cruddy job, but we have seen she could be fancy. Therefore, it is possible that she could have gone on to do something else in Manehatten. I think of all the ponies with problems in this one, she had it the easiest overall. Not because dress making is easy or anything, but just because when you compare a farmer making dresses to a unicorn controlling the weather, a party pony working on a farm, cooked alive, and forcing an introvert into the spotlight, her issues just seem minor by comparison. Hell ponies don't really wear clothes on a day-to-day basis!


Rarity; Alright, I can see how this one would be awful, but my biggest problem with this one (and to a lesser degree, Pinkie, but I will explain that later) is that there should be entire teams of pegasi working on the clouds. This means that only a small section of ponyville would be under her control, the rest being worked over by other pegasi, who would actually understand the weather decently enough to fix it, possibly even helping her with her section once they were done. I imagine that the issues with her swap would be an easier fix, not to mention her problem was just her inability to use functionality with image. This could be an easy fix with time & experience, so I don't think she would be like that forever. Also, in response to ghostie saying that the ponies were shitty to her, while I agree they were quite rude I don't think I would be happy too have "frostbite over sunburns" either...


Rainbow Dash; Don't think the animals would have eaten her... This entire world seems to be built on a vegetarian diet. Boiling her alive was just for comedic effect & emphasis on her issues :/ Therefore, I think it was just all overreacting. Also, while she might not have been able to make the animals happy persay, she could still just feed them & learn how to heal them if they got sick. Wouldn't be the best vet in the world, but it would work with time & experience.


Pinkie; While she would have had the farms help, the "help" consisted of 1 really old mare, one filly, & one stallion. This means only one of them would be qualified to work full-blown farm hours without any ill-effects, which was Big Mac. This makes her issues with dealing with a whole farm quite believable & understandable, as while many people think "Just get Big Mac's help" he might not be around 24/7, leaving only Granny & Applebloom to help, and while I respect Appleblooms enthusiasm she is still young, & we had an entire episode dedicated to how Granny was not in her prime anymore (the episode where Applejack got her key, just a reminder if you forgot  ;) ). This means there could be whole days where the farm was left alone to Pinkie, making the possibility of her screwing up (most likely because she would try and attempt to do it all in her own fun, zany way which probably wouldn't work out) & it spiraling from there very likely.


Fluttershy; As someone who is working on being less of an introvert, being in the spotlight is horrible. Being in the spotlight & being the focus of everyone's DISAPPOINTMENT is soul-shattering. We know Fluttershy, despite her timid nature, hates any of her friends being upset. "But what about Putting your Hoof Do-" SHUT UP WE DON'T TALK ABOUT THAT EPISODE!  :okiedokielokie: Ahem, anyways... Despite a certain... Mistake she made in the past, she would sooner put her friends above herself (something I feel the entire mane 6 would do, honestly). Which is why putting her in the spotlight, forcing her to be a stand-up comedian, & then watching as people become disappointed in her, I could only imagine how horrible that might have been. Fluttershy has issues being honest about herself to her friends, let alone trying to work her way into a person's feelings & make them laugh. The biggest thing people do not give credit for with comedians is how much they have to know & understand subtle clues in whether the audience is enjoying the performance or not. While to everyone on the outside it might seem easy (ex. they laugh, yay. if not, boo.) to truly get a person rolling on the floor, laughing till they are crying, comedians have to be able to understand what makes that person tick. When you think about it, the whole reason you may or may not like a comedian is probably due to how well they can adapt to the cues they are being given, subtley or not, by the audience. For an introvert like Flutters, who never grew up around large groups of people & had time to study social ques like her friends did, looking for these hints & ideas are probably extremely difficult, & she might never have noticed a small smile or a shift in mood. All she would be looking for would be a rolling laughter or silence as her ques on whether something was working or not.




  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I'm gonna have to say Pinkie because, I don't remember if this was on YouTube or someplace else but, someone had said that Pinkie makes everypony happy. With her not doing that job, the ponies were not joyed with the pony that was doing it (which is Fluttershy), which created a tip in the scale. Once Pinkie became herself again, the scale leveled out. What that person was saying is that Pinkie keeps the balance of things in Ponyville, or perhaps Equestria, to keep everything from getting out of control.

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Well depends on in what manner you call worst.


I mean feeings wise I actually kinda have to say Twilight, Expecially after "I have to find a way" I mean think of it this way, you basically made one stupid little hasty mistake, and now you've gone and ruined all of your friends lives, not to mention the whole town. That has to hurt for feelings. Especially knowing you don't really have a way to fix it since you already tried(Or atleast she thought for awhile.)


Maybe I just think "I have to find a way" was to beautiful, not to mention Twilight crying got me.


Now I think my next runner up would be Rainbow Dash, i mean she was about to be eaten it looks like... That can't end well honestly.


I think they all had it bad in one way or another, but those two are up at the top. its hard to categorize it really. I mean they all kinda felt different pains and stuff.

This is exactly how I perceive it too, thanks for saving me the trouble. The guilt Twilight must have felt would have been awful :( 

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Let's break this down then shall we


Rarity: Had to control the weather and wasn't very good at it because of this everypony hated her and she was basically alone.  However I have to agree with everyone that the pegasi ponies should have been helping.

Rainbow Dash:  If we know Rainbow's nature she isn't the most caring pony and would rather be preparing to impress the wonderbolts than taking care of animals.  Plus the whole fact that the animals (even if they were pretending) tied her up and almost turned her into soup.


Fluttershy: Poor Fluttershy we have seen time and time again that she hates being the center of attention and now her whole destiny is to be the center of attention.  This is just made worse by the fact that she doesn't know how to make the other ponies laugh and just become more angry.  Fluttershy does everything in her power to make her friends happy so seeing everypony mad must not have been very gratifying.


Pinkie Pie: If anypony had it bad it was Pinkie Pie she had to run Sweet Apple Acres and make sure everypony had apples for the year. If you can't harvest apples then the townspeople will be that much angrier.  So to the element of laughter and a pony that likes to see people smile this can't be easy.  Yes Big Mac could have helped her but he has to do other things to help the farm and can't always help Pinkie Pie.


Applejack: We are talking about the one pony who loves hard work and doing it well.  When she just can't do her job well it can't be easy since that's all she really wants to do is a good job.  Besides this rough and tumble pony is doing the delicate art of making dresses of all the ponies she is the worst to be making dresses.


Twilight: Imagine waking up and seeing your friends unhappy because of what you did?  PLUS the fact that your making every other pony miserable because your friends can't do a good job at their jobs.  But again she did know the way to fix it and had Spike to help her.


So I would say that it's a three way tie between Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. They all went against their nature to do these jobs and had little if any pros to their jobs.

Edited by Old Fluttershy
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Being almost mauled by animals takes the cake for me. And considering that was her occupation at the time, Rainbow probably remembers enduring that a lot.

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Interesting thing about Rarity in MMC.

In Magical Mystery Cure wherein she wanted to improve the weather through artsy designs but only made people dislike her, which in turn made her sad for disappointing them.

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