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gaming Your Biggest Minecraft Fails?


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I've seen some or been the victim of some big fails on minecraft. Out of all by friends I am the sole noob of the group always dying(mostly falls or starvation) However I play the xbox version because my laptop sucks ass and my dad won't buy another. Anyway once when fighting the ender dragon I fell off the edge of the map because I was eating a sandwich( In real life ) and was running away from an ender man and wasn't looking and lost my diamond armor and a sword. However I ran to the portal and still managed defeat it with my friends. Another fail was getting ambushed by a bunch of ghast's and got stuck in bedrock while all my friend's died they blame it all on mehappy.png . Once I had ten diamond's and we ran out of torches and I couldn't see where I was going and fell into a pit of lavaangry.png . So what's your noobiest moment in mincraft.

  • Brohoof 1
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I was playing with a friend one time and he had diamonds on him. I was about to go back to our house and I asked him if I could take the diamonds and put them away, he said he will be fine. 


A creeper ended up making him fall into lava and we lost our diamonds.


We then deleted the world :P

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          The sudden realization that I wasted my dosh and time on a piece of software that did little to nothing to entertain me. Yes, I did the online experience, I even gave mods a try and have checked back on big updates but nothing keeps me engaged in that game. Thank goodness I bought it while it was half the price it is currently. To those of you who enjoy it, good on ya, I just don't see the appeal.


I'm just an FPSer at heart who needs explosions, what else can I say? scootshrug2plz.png?1


Edit: Eh why not, I'll add a story while I'm here. Me and a bunch of other people built a huge tree fort and I plopped a torch onto one of the walls. Somehow this set the leaves above on fire and all the work we put into it was being devoured by the flames. Needless to say it crashed the server and I went back to Hat Fortress.

Edited by Accellerant


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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My biggest fail is not organizing my chests. I can never find anything. Only thing that gets organized is my food and metal chests. The rest is just thrown together in a bunch. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1

Twily's favourite! ^_^

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Okay, here's the most once-in-a-Minecraft-lifetime story you'll ever hear. I was in Survival Mode, adding a lighthouse extension to my current home. I was just returning to it after fetching some more wood, to find that a creeper had spawned near the top of it during the night. It was on a small ledge below where the building cut off into air that I hadn't built in yet; from where I was standing, it was about six blocks below me. I couldn't reach it with my sword, nor did I fancy jumping down there to knock it off in fear of causing it to accidentally explode.


So what did I do? Luckily enough, there was a bucket of water in my inventory for some unknown reason (I think it might have been from a farm I was building earlier). So I took this bucket of water, and I emptied it on the exterior of my lighthouse so that it'd wash the creeper off the ledge. What I didn't notice was that a skeleton was milling around at the base of the lighthouse, and when I went outside later it fired a shot at me; and wound up tussling with the creeper.


The following events have the most ridiculously low chance of happening:

  • The creeper exploded right next to the wall of the lighthouse
  • That portion of the wall, and some of the floor inside the lighthouse, was destroyed, including the left half of a chest inside it
  • The left half just so happened to contain all of my obsidian (about 5 stacks)
  • The obsidian just so happened to fall through the floor that just so happened to be directly above my cactus trash can, and it just so happened to erase all the obsidian.

Christ, that was some hard obsidian to get. This was before enchantments were out... all that time I hacked away at it, lost to creeper & cactus conspirators in the most ridiculously improbable sequence of events. I ritually chucked that cactus in a lava pool the same day.

  • Brohoof 4
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Well, I'm propably the least-noobist in my group of Minecraft friends. They all got MC really recently, maybe a month or two ago, and I got it at 1.7.2 but I have the most fails out of us all.
Once, I was mining with two of my mates and we were in a cave system, I saw lava ahead and told the other two to be careful, but I saw some iron on the other side of it. Clever little me walked straight into the lava with all my stuff. My friends were cracking up for ages.
Another time, there were seven of us (Including me), and we were all on skype in a big group chat and playing a modpack, I think it might've been Tekkit. Me and three others were mining and we came across a huge cave full of mobs. I'm classified the best PvPer of us all so I said something witty like 'I got this' and jumped in. Of course, I had our only three diamonds and I died horribly.
I could go on typing forever about my fails, so I'll end it here laugh.png

 Signature by mwah~                OC; Evening Glory

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My first time playing. I had more luck than anyone had ever seen, it was survival, and I had found more than a dozen diamond blocks in an hour on accident, I didn't know what was going on. My buddy tells me that I should seriously go and put all of it in a chest. Well I didn't know where that was, he started following me. I found my first pool of lava (found it on the same level I was walking on, just mined into a room pretty much) and he was talking about how with the diamonds and some water we could make and mine obsidian . So he started working on it, there was a one block gap and I decided to jump it, I missed and died. with all our diamonds......


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when I spent like many weeks building something and then an update came, when I then tried to play the stuff I build everything was destroyed by these endermen


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I remember this one time... Foolish little me thought it was time for me to tame those neather creatures into submission. I get all my stuff, enter and is greeted by a big group of zombie pigmen. I think "hey you can get stuff from those!" I attack one, is swarmed, gets beaten to death and respawn back at my house. 

But it doesn't end there!

Wanting to get my stuff back, I get a whole new set of iron stuff, enters again and is AGAIN beaten to bloody pulp by those darn pigmen.


This little adventure taught me to NEVER fuck with pigmen img-387689-1-5e7kmu.png


Sig made by Thunderstorm

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Most of my biggest minecraft fails probably feature world edit in some way or another.




- Turning entire landscape into TNT and set one off by mistake. It really was an accident sad.png


- Generating 10-million lamps using the sphere tool when I wanted it to be hollow


- Overloading the server with a massive ghast spawner system (60 spawned each redstone flash on a max speed piston repeater clock. Yeah, the screaming was insane!)


- Hugging a creeper that I thought was glitched out into being friendly



And I think that's enough of my horrible failures for now. I'm still messing up from time to time, especially whenever anyone lets me near worldedit.

Edited by Celtore
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The day I figured out that left-clicking TNT while holding flint and steel triggers the TNT.

The day I figured out that if you rebound a fireball with a sword, you were incredibly lucky and should not attempt it three seconds later while standing in front of a lava pool.



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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Well, to be honest, I suck at Minecraft. I don't have the artistic skills needed to build grand buildings, or anything of the sort. Anyways, once I spawned onto an almost perfect seed with an abundance of iron on the surface. After mining about 40 iron I walk back to my shack and see 2 creepers. I was horribly under equipped, and was shot by a skeleton into a surface lava pool. I deleted my world. Another fail was on the Tekkit mod pack. Back then I belonged to a community that had it's own private server. I was not really trusted with much so I became a guard for hire. I had the British Redcoat skin with a musket. Two guys who were later banned from the server came to where I was guarding With Quantum Armor and Red Matter weapons. Let's just say they nuked this half of the world...

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My biggest fail ever in Minecraft happened on a server called Shotbow Networks on a mini game called Annihilation. I was trying to smelt my iron

ingots in a furnace. I was hiding because people tend to steal ore and stuff like that. So now I am done with my smelting. I use my pickaxe to dig out.

But then, lava comes pouring down. I had no planks to escape with and cobble and ores weren't able to be placed. I tried to escape but when I did

it was too late. I was being killed by the lava. Then You Died! Respawn. I respawned with my default items, yellow leather set and 3 wooden tools,

a pickaxe, axe, and sword. That is my biggest Minecraft fail. Everything to do with lava I fail at.

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I was doing the Skyblock survival challenge, and after about an hour I decided to move my cobble generator to my new platform, only I misplaced the lava, panicked, and hit Q which promptly chucked my only bucket into the abyss. It rapidly went down hill from there,

I do the YouTubes! Join me in derping at video games here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Carnasid

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Too many to name. Freind and I were mining near 1-4 levels....I had a bunch of diamonds,iron and other valuable stuff on me....he "Accidentally" mines the block I'mstanding on and I fall into a lava pit....fml.



trying to carefully go down a hole I lagged a bit and I plummeted, landing with half a heart, and then a skeleton comes out of nowhere and finished me off... :umad:

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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I played it for five minutes and couldn't figure out how to hack, jump or anything. I haven't touched it since.


It's partially because I was playing with someone else though. I don't usually like playing games my first time with another person. They rush me. I don't like being rushed.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well I hate the Ender Dragon now, put it that way. 


Gather round ladies and gentlemen, for I am about to tell you a tale of woe and misery...


I was playing a survival world, one of the most successful ones I had ever made from the start. (I normally get bored and turn to creative or just stop playing) 

On this particular world, I decided I would get to the End for the first time in a legit way. 

So, I figure the Ender Dragon is a bit of a hardass to fight, and I go and mine away...


Chalk up a couple of hours of digging, slaughtering monsters and farming for netherwarts, and you have yourself a very happy player, kitted out with a FULL SET of level 30 enchanted Diamond Armour, level 30 enchanted diamond sword and a level 30 enchanted infinity bow. 

it just so happened that I built my house almost directly on top of a stronghold out of sheer dumb luck. I proceeded to fight my way into the stronghold, finding the portal room and leaping into the portal, ready to kick some ass. 


As soon as I enter the End, i'm pretty dumbstruck by the fact I spawned in the side of the rocks, and had to mine my way up to the surface. I managed to break one block, before the Ender Dragon flew through the cliff infront of me, knocking me into the abyss below. 


I lost everything that day. The armour, the sword, the bow, my mind and my world in a fit of rage. 

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I've had two major fails, and they both involved griefing.


- So, me and my friend were low on supplies and we seriously needed food and armor. We were on a faction server and we were kind of scared since we didn't want to be griefed. So then I thought, "Screw it, we need food." I left the small house in the forest and went somewhere in the desert, and found a wooden house. I went inside and found a chest full of stone and wooden swords. Well, only about 9. But it was still a lot. I took all of them and took the two stacks of apples in the chest, and began to break the house. When I was only breaking my first block, there was a guy in the chat saying, "WHAT THE FUCK!?" I thought he was raging at some other guy so I kept going. Then my wooden axe broke and I turned around to get wood for sticks. Then there was the owner of the house just standing there, jumping around and hitting the air. He killed me with the diamond shovel he had and took his stuff back. I'm happy I didn't get banned.


- This one's shorter. I was on a island shared with the owner of the server, since I was co-owner of the server since the owner "fancied" me. He was making pixel art, and there was a forest nearby. I decided to get some wood for the people of the server, and made a flint and steel to set the forest on fire. The pixel art was nearby the forest, and it got burned down. This time, I DID get banned.


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Eh why not, I'll add a story while I'm here. Me and a bunch of other people built a huge tree fort and I plopped a torch onto one of the walls. Somehow this set the leaves above on fire and all the work we put into it was being devoured by the flames. Needless to say it crashed the server and I went back to Hat Fortress.

Torches don't set things on fire. That was probably a griefer.


My biggest fail was yesterday.


I built a huge building, and I hadn't saved it in a while. My last save was halfway through building it. It had a TNT elevator, and it worked perfectly.


Then I decided to put a boat in the elevator. Oops.


Here's my biggest Minecraft wins: http://mlpforums.com/topic/51647-minecraft-pony-pixel-art/

Edited by Appetite4Democracy

"For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDC
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Member of the Equestrian Gaming Clan


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I've had my fair share of Minecraft failures as well, but most of them aren't nearly as epic as some of the ones I've seen in this thread. (I should consider myself lucky, in that case.)


Here are some of mine:


The first time that I tried to mine with TNT, I ended up dying in the explosion because I couldn't get out of the hole I had dug in time.


One time, I was mining in a tunnel that I made near the bottom layers. After about an hour of mining, I had acquired more than 20 (it might have even been 30) diamonds :D . But then, tragedy struck when I hit a block that had lava behind it and fell into a lava pit and died >:( . I was so pissed and I ragequit the game for about 3 hours. When I finally decided to revert to the last save that I made and try again, I only mined half the amount of diamonds that I had before. :(


One time, I was screwing around in the End (after I had defeated the enderdragon) and decided that it would be a good idea to see how many endermen I could get to chase me. I then ended up dying at the hands of some 10+ endermen when I accidentally backed into a corner!

*Insert edgy signature phrase here*


I'm back...

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I played it for five minutes and couldn't figure out how to hack, jump or anything. I haven't touched it since.


It's partially because I was playing with someone else though. I don't usually like playing games my first time with another person. They rush me. I don't like being rushed.



Yea, I hate that too. I hate being rushed in a game I've only been playing for less then an hour.



Which reminds me, I only have the xbox version of Minecraft....and sometimes it takes forever for a world to load, (especially on my 5mb/s connection) What I figured was going to be a flat land, turned out to be a big ravine, open on the surface,I fell to my death.



Though,my slow connection also revealed the maps Stronghold, so I went above it and dug straight down(rule No.1 in Minecraft, don't dig  straight down) I end up in the fortress, but I get eaten alive by various mobs.

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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Let me tell you a tale of long ago

Where I put up quite the show


In the distance from spawn was a tower in sight

Fancy and tall in an intimidating height


It was not finished but was close to done

The hard labor of placing blocks was quite fun


There I was nearing the very top

Placing each piece down block by block


Each stone brick placed here

Some more placed there


Out of stacks and in need of more

I teleported to buy from a sign at the store


When I get back I load my empty hand

Not paying attention that it was sand


Placing the "finishing touches" one by one

There goes the roof before I was done


I start to fall and hit the ground

I gave my keyboard a hard pound


There went my gear

Enchanted iron armor


No picks

No sword


So I rage in the chat

I think that cake made me fat




If anyone bashes my near-rhymes or a lack of rhythm, please take stock of how much I care: 0.

Have a nice day. 

Edited by Rainbows R Metal
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My biggest fail on Minecraft...?


I am very frustrated by it... If you do not know yet, I am a professional architect in Minecraft, which means, big detailed buildings like  Cathedrals, and stuff.


Well, I was making a Cathedral a couple weeks ago... And it was coming out great! I then approach it to start adding some baroque onto it and...






I was raging about that for an entire week, and then I deleted the map I made it on because I was in utter wrath.

Edited by Lucifer

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/romulus-lance-romance-r2127http://general-sedivh.deviantart.com/ |

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