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Hey, so I'm not sure where else to post this because it'll just get moved to this thread, but a friend and I are looking for others to queue up with!


I'm a Silver 1 ADC main currently queuing up in ranked with a buddy who mains Jungle in Silver 5. We've been playing quite a bit in our off time lately, and could use a few more people to play with, especially if it gets to become a 5 man team. We're getting kinda sick of having awful/toxic teammates in solo queue, and definitely wouldn't mind having a few new people to help make the experience a bit more enjoyable!


Our IGNs are TL Sonnet (Me) and Fictatious (My friend), so feel free to ad us if you're up to play! We're mostly on during weekends, but certain weeknights are free for us as well.


Sidenote: We do have Skype calls running during the game

  • Brohoof 1


Silver Herald X Solarshine since 2012!



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  • 2 weeks later...

I was gold last season, been messing around this season for awhile and decided to boost back to gold (from silver 4)


First game had inexperienced bot lane go 2/16/7 and 1/12/11. Luckily the jarvan top was good and my orianna game was on point. We basically 3v5 and had bot lane split push to win.


Second game went easy viegar cheese and got bot fed as well. Pretty simple game.


Last game went sivir since of trend and udyr. Pretty much ult and watch them win the game. Now im already in my promotions.


Im also excited to see the new champ. I have high hopes.


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Well, I see a fairly large indirect Ryze buff in the near future. Might make him actually good again, and not just a pick for players like Faker, and the etc.


But new Malzahar... That one sounds really OP. I see most of it in his new E that can waveclear like crazy from what I saw on Redmercy's gameplay of new Malzahar.


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Well, I see a fairly large indirect Ryze buff in the near future. Might make him actually good again, and not just a pick for players like Faker, and the etc.


But new Malzahar... That one sounds really OP. I see most of it in his new E that can waveclear like crazy from what I saw on Redmercy's gameplay of new Malzahar.

New Malz looks scary in the jungle. He clears so fast with that E its hilarious, someone even level 1 killed dragon. It's unfortunate that Kassadin didn't get any love in the mage update, and Swain only got a minor buff :l


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New Malz looks scary in the jungle. He clears so fast with that E its hilarious, someone even level 1 killed dragon. It's unfortunate that Kassadin didn't get any love in the mage update, and Swain only got a minor buff :l

Geez. I mean he's pretty crazy in solo lane too... He can push out mid in nothing flat with his new E while punishing his lane opponent with a Q poke at the same time. And his new passive makes him pretty strong against burst. So new Malzahar sounds like a god tier champion and a hidden assassin nerf.


Yeah, Kass really did not really get anything out of it except maybe a new situational or two. The GLP-800 could be helpful, but he still got no buffs to his damage output. Still same old somewhat underpowered anti-mage.


I don't agree with what they are doing to Cassiopeia MOST particularly. Her new passive is nothing compared to Aspect of the Serpent and THEY NERFED HER ALREADY SOMEWHAT WEAK ULTIMATE! RIP Cassiopeia.


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Geez. I mean he's pretty crazy in solo lane too... He can push out mid in nothing flat with his new E while punishing his lane opponent with a Q poke at the same time. And his new passive makes him pretty strong against burst. So new Malzahar sounds like a god tier champion and a hidden assassin nerf.


Yeah, Kass really did not really get anything out of it except maybe a new situational or two. The GLP-800 could be helpful, but he still got no buffs to his damage output. Still same old somewhat underpowered anti-mage.


I don't agree with what they are doing to Cassiopeia MOST particularly. Her new passive is nothing compared to Aspect of the Serpent and THEY NERFED HER ALREADY SOMEWHAT WEAK ULTIMATE! RIP Cassiopeia.

If snakes don't wear boots, then I guess Corki needs some new thruster upgrades to move faster. I do think it'll be interesting to have a champion that doesn't need spend 900-1100 gold for a crappy item though.


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I don't really like the idea of the ult don't do double dmg to minions anymore with ziggs (main), it is gonna be harder to steal objectives or push to back with ult. After his change on passiv and w make him a really good objectiv securer, which isn't the best thing in solo queue... the only change that I really like about him is the ult cd from 120 to 90 at level 16, it was pretty long for an ult used to clear big minions wawe while we were grouping. What do you thing on ziggs change ?



Hey, so I'm not sure where else to post this because it'll just get moved to this thread, but a friend and I are looking for others to queue up with!


I'm a Silver 1 ADC main currently queuing up in ranked with a buddy who mains Jungle in Silver 5. We've been playing quite a bit in our off time lately, and could use a few more people to play with, especially if it gets to become a 5 man team. We're getting kinda sick of having awful/toxic teammates in solo queue, and definitely wouldn't mind having a few new people to help make the experience a bit more enjoyable!


Our IGNs are TL Sonnet (Me) and Fictatious (My friend), so feel free to ad us if you're up to play! We're mostly on during weekends, but certain weeknights are free for us as well.


Sidenote: We do have Skype calls running during the game



Depends on which servers you play, I am diamond V in EUW  if you want add me my name is deathpioupiou

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If snakes don't wear boots, then I guess Corki needs some new thruster upgrades to move faster. I do think it'll be interesting to have a champion that doesn't need spend 900-1100 gold for a crappy item though.

None of them really do in my opinion. I always build a Luden's Echo instead of the crappy Sorcerer's Shoes. I do it because it is freaking worth the extra 1800 gold. The MS boost is about the same, but there's 100 more AP, and that passive that is pretty good at spreading the pain. Plus, Aether Wisp exists so more mobility can come sooner, but of course it isn't quite as much as on the shoes, but still has a boost of 30 AP as well.


All that has to offer is magic penetration (which feels like not much difference) and movement.


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None of them really do in my opinion. I always build a Luden's Echo instead of the crappy Sorcerer's Shoes. I do it because it is freaking worth the extra 1800 gold. The MS boost is about the same, but there's 100 more AP, and that passive that is pretty good at spreading the pain. Plus, Aether Wisp exists so more mobility can come sooner, but of course it isn't quite as much as on the shoes, but still has a boost of 30 AP as well.


All that has to offer is magic penetration (which feels like not much difference) and movement.

Well that's why most people build Lucidity Boots on mages these days. The CD is worth about as much as the magic penetration.

Welp, we're only a few hours into the patch and everyone is already crying "Malz is OP". I'm not even surprised, because just by reading his new passive, I can imagine him being completely broken.


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Well that's why most people build Lucidity Boots on mages these days. The CD is worth about as much as the magic penetration.Welp, we're only a few hours into the patch and everyone is already crying "Malz is OP". I'm not even surprised, because just by reading his new passive, I can imagine him being completely broken.

I mostly do normal draft and it seems Malz is picked or banned every game, but the games he's picked haven't impressed me. Could be I'm just seeing the bad ones or it'll take a few days for everyone to get used to him.


How about them new dragons though, I'm loving them. I started doing jungle more just to secure those nice buffs.


Btw, this is my first time posting in this thread, hi everyone! If anyone wants to you can add me as a friend on League, I'm usually up for a game. I'm Rxu on the NA servers. Might want to let me know on here though so I don't think you're some random person and decline the request. :P

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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How about them new dragons though, I'm loving them. I started doing jungle more just to secure those nice buffs.

I'm more in line with how most of the pros think of the new dragon system. It's an okay system, but the water and air dragon buffs are really underwhelming and not very useful. The earth dragon buff could use some tweaking too. :P


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This is just my opinion but I think the water buff is second best of them, almost as good as fire. The sustain is quite nice, especially once you get a second one. And it's fine that some are stronger than others because you still need them to make elder dragon strong.

  • Brohoof 1

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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Oh yay I get to test out 6.9 Viktor (on free cycle)! Other than the fact that his new augmented Q is actually pretty bad (little improvement from pre-augment, if any, until late), it sounds like a buff in general. Kind of a good thing, since he did need one kind of, sort of.


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Well, I found a new pick that's really overpowered that literally nobody plays- Renekton Jungle.


I just had a 16/3/17 game with it and it was total wreckage. I had high farm for a jungler (it was over 5/min).


Now it works well for several reasons.


1. Renekton has crazy synergy with Cinderhulk. Tank and burn.

2. Renekton has absurdly high sustain in early, thanks to his Q and resource.

3. Renekton actually has pretty high gank potential, mostly due to Slice and Dice.


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Malzahar was cancer. Now he's even more.. just T.T His passive counters "everyone" in lane. How's that balanced D: 


Equestria Girl Artist Infernus's adorable brother  :kindness: / PROJECT: Echo, My Little Kohai   B)

Having a bad day? Come relax in my profile, I'll try my best to make you at least smile a bit..  :blush: 


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Well, I found a new pick that's really overpowered that literally nobody plays- Renekton Jungle.


I just had a 16/3/17 game with it and it was total wreckage. I had high farm for a jungler (it was over 5/min).


Now it works well for several reasons.


1. Renekton has crazy synergy with Cinderhulk. Tank and burn.

2. Renekton has absurdly high sustain in early, thanks to his Q and resource.

3. Renekton actually has pretty high gank potential, mostly due to Slice and Dice.

You know, this might actually be the first good idea I've seen you share. Do some more games and post the results.


Malzahar was cancer. Now he's even more.. just T.T His passive counters "everyone" in lane. How's that balanced D: 

That's why he's #1 on every ban list. Riot, even after all these years, can't balance the game correctly. Someone is going to be FotM. Someone is going to be insanely broken.

  • Brohoof 3


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Malzahar was cancer. Now he's even more.. just T.T His passive counters "everyone" in lane. How's that balanced D:

It isn't. If it had a fixed cooldown of at least 45 seconds maybe it would be. The real problem is in late when it has a cooldown of literally only 6 seconds. Then he can basically negate an assassin's burst every time they try. It is ridiculously annoying playing Talon against that.... Thing. Let's just say that everytime you go for a kill, you die.


The passive doesn't quite counter everyone. There's Kayle at least that it doesn't entirely... Also maybe Azir. That does mean basically everyone. Yeah, it's the main reason he's considered the most overpowered champion in the game at the moment. His new E is pretty OP too.

  • Brohoof 2


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So Taliyah, how's everyone liking her so far? I think she's super fun to play and actually doesn't feel too strong or weak. From the games I've played with her so far I gotta say she almost feels like Lissandra.

I played her once, did 19/6 but get really bored of her. Not my type of champion.

Then, I think it's a good champ becase she got a strong laning, a really good roaming potential with ult and passiv and a spell that can punish dash (It was a pain when I played kalista against Taliyah support). her biggest weakness might be the lack of mobility in fight  which make assassin really good against her. alo her ult can be used in a bad way for your team, I remember this Taliyah from our team who block us in baron pit to come faster ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Taliyah, how's everyone liking her so far? I think she's super fun to play and actually doesn't feel too strong or weak. From the games I've played with her so far I gotta say she almost feels like Lissandra.

I've played her quite a few times though mostly in bots. She is fun to play and whether she is strong or weak all depends on how you as a player build her. Me, I build her as a burst mage though my friend builds her as an AP Tank which means my friend builds her with Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Abyssal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, etc. She can be played Jungle which she's still strong in but she's more suited for mid in my opinion.  :P

I play League of Legends and I main both Ezreal and Lux for both bot and mid.


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I've played her quite a few times though mostly in bots. She is fun to play and whether she is strong or weak all depends on how you as a player build her. Me, I build her as a burst mage though my friend builds her as an AP Tank which means my friend builds her with Rod of Ages, Rylai's Crystal Scepter, Abyssal Scepter, Liandry's Torment, etc. She can be played Jungle which she's still strong in but she's more suited for mid in my opinion.  :P


I find her to be a bit squishy without at least Rylai's, and the slow that gives your abilities is really nice on her too. I never thought of going tanky AP so I'll have to give that one a try. And she does work oddly well in the jungle, I went 5/0/10 or something along those lines. xD

  • Brohoof 2

Signature made by @Sparklefan1234 (Thank you!)

Want to know something? Ask me, Nyx, Lyra, or Roseluck anything.

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I find her to be a bit squishy without at least Rylai's, and the slow that gives your abilities is really nice on her too. I never thought of going tanky AP so I'll have to give that one a try. And she does work oddly well in the jungle, I went 5/0/10 or something along those lines. xD

She is pretty squishy without Rylai's and I do get that on her since it is a must no matter how you build her APwise anyways. I mostly play her in bots to get used to her and get comfortable enough with her to take her into normals. xD

Edited by Apple Blitz

I play League of Legends and I main both Ezreal and Lux for both bot and mid.


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