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Just made it through placements 8-2 and I got placed 3 divisions above where I ended last season. I had a 6-win streak at the start of my placements, so I think that one's placement is affected more by earlier games than later games. Good luck in placements and ladder climbing everyone!

  • Brohoof 1


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I love Quinn so much <3 Poor Vayne, couldn't do anything against Leona and I. Dove her at least 3-4 times. Double Harrier level 2 also took her from full to half, so yeah. Dat burst <3 Also, late game I two shot the Gnar with a Harrier followed by a kick into Tri-Harrier :D

Edited by Eavath
  • Brohoof 1

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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i had enough rp to buy riven and used what ip i had saved up to get my hands on heimerdinger

this is by far the worst champion i've ever bought, in a good way. 12/1/4 first game and i did nothing but sit around and spam Q until i got my DFG

You were expecting something different? I hate Heimy, especially when he's on my team. By the time he gets his fourth item, he always seems to think that he "deserves" the kill more than anyone else. Because I play support a lot, I know this isn't true. Heimy has more potential as a support than whatever he is now.

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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Heimy has more potential as a support than whatever he is now.

Id rather a support that didn't automagically take the farm without even trying to.



Apparently im a pussy adc when I get outtraded by a Quinn at level 1-2 and have to back off. >.>

The person I was stuck with got mad and left the lane cause I told him to chill out on the aggro after that horrid fight.

I just don't even. And its only the morning. Ugh.


Quinn went like, 33/5 because of that bullshit. Fucking kids this early in the morning, I swear.

Edited by Shinse Parusu


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So I was at a friends house today, and he let me play league again for the first time in forever.

I tried twisted fate and holy s*** I found my new main.


In the first game I played as him, the enemy team had a fed Kalista (14/7) and a not so fed Corki (8/6) pushing mid lane, both at half health. I ult in between them, yellow card Corki and start AAing him while I ignite Kalista. I kill Corki, my Pick a Card is back up so I red card Kalista, AA her one more time and she's dead, then recall before the rest of the enemy team shows up to kill me. We lost but I'm okay with it, because at least that happened.

  • Brohoof 1


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@Shinse You'd have to be plat to play Vi that good, or your enemies suck.



I have 0 LP. Welp. My teams are constantly horrible.

They were not the best from what i remember, but they weren't just so terrible that I had no trouble with them at all. I do have a tendency to somewhat play better than the area im sitting in from what ive seen, that is.

That's just from doing what Vi does best and being smart about it.


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Guys. Guys.


Kalista and Leona work so god damn well together it's ridiculous. My friend and I have played that lane several times and we have a 100% winrate. Leona's passive and Kalista's w passive work really well together, as well as both ults. Kalista ults me in, I ult, then stun the adc again, all while Kal is just hammering away at the adc. Of course, I'm also hitting them, so Kal's w passive is chunking them down. And there's the sunlight debuff as well. Double kills all day. I swear it's broken.


Story Time: We were in a pretty close game and the enemy team was going for drag. Both of our ults were up and we were on the other side of the pit. He ults me, I go in, knock up the team, ult the dragon while they're knocked up, and get it. It was the happiest moment of my life.


Oh and also, I won my first ranked game ever yesterday. Honestly I played the worst Leona I've played in a while, but for some reason I got a gold Rengar on my team and he wrecked. I was able to kind of get back into things later into the game, but I'm still ashamed of myself for my awful early game.

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Ive only been adcing when it comes to ranked. I seem to do it much better than my supposed main of mid and secondary of Support. Which, is funny since I still don't care for the role itself. >.>

Really, I only do it cause I can't trust anyone while trying to climb, otherwise I'd be supporting as well.


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It's TwillyFSniper, @Magos Amphrose. (Since Quoting and mentioning on this site both have not worked for a long time...)
I have only won 2 of 15 games thus far, in ranked. In unranked this weekend I went 2-0.




I really need to get the IP for Renekton holy cow. The AD burst tanking is a bit insane now. He used to suck really bad.

Edited by Twilly F. Sniper
  • Brohoof 1


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I actually really need to learn other positions. Leona is pretty much the only champion I'm comfortable with. I'm a garbage adc, but I'm going to try getting better at mid and top, because I know at some point I'm going to run into another support main or Leona's going to be picked by the other team. Anyone have any recommendations for starting mid/top laners?

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I actually really need to learn other positions. Leona is pretty much the only champion I'm comfortable with. I'm a garbage adc, but I'm going to try getting better at mid and top, because I know at some point I'm going to run into another support main or Leona's going to be picked by the other team. Anyone have any recommendations for starting mid/top laners?


Here's some champions that I think are good for each lane. Most are easy to use and are generally good picks. A few are helpful to learn certain habits or strategies for each role. 



-Twisted Fate*. He has simple mechanics and is good to help you get used to map awareness/rotations and cs/harass in mid. Great waveclear.

-Katarina. Simple combos, good to learn positioning and focus, can carry well in solo queue.

-Xerath. Difficult skillshots but they are very rewarding when you land them. Good ranged damage, very safe. Great waveclear.

-Lux. Simple combos from range, good utility. Good waveclear.

-Lulu. Harder to play, but amazing utility to help your team if that's the kind of thing you want, similar to support role.

-Zilean*. Similar to Lulu, has amazing utility. Simple to play, good damage too.



-Ryze*. Simple mechanics, counters many top laners. Good to learn positioning and combos.

-Garen*. Simple mechanics, simple gameplay. Very tanky. Good sustain. Has mostly good matchups.

-Dr. Mundo*. Good harass, good to cs under tower as you can use every move to help cs. Great sustain. Very tanky.

-Nasus*. Good to learn farming and splitpushing. Very tanky. Unfortunately has mostly bad matchups.

-Shen. Good sustain, very tanky. Good to learn map awareness of when to ult. Good to practice splitpushing.

-Wukong. Simple mechanics. Safe laning phase. Good aoe crowd control to combo with team. Tanky even when building damage. Fun to juke with W clone :D


*If you don't have much IP than I would suggest these champions as they are much cheaper.

  • Brohoof 1


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I actually really need to learn other positions. Leona is pretty much the only champion I'm comfortable with. I'm a garbage adc, but I'm going to try getting better at mid and top, because I know at some point I'm going to run into another support main or Leona's going to be picked by the other team. Anyone have any recommendations for starting mid/top laners?

Annie is an easy mid to learn. Malzahar is nothing but aids and push. Ziggs is just spammy bombs bombs, just gotta learn to aim with skiill shots well. Lulu works well as well there.


I accidentally did a thing while trying to be silly and test something out...


Tannkie seems to be working mildy well for some reason both times I've done it. O.o

Edited by Shinse Parusu
  • Brohoof 2


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Tannkie seems to be working mildy well for some reason both times I've done it. O.o

Something I've been trying out lately is Tankgar. Since Veigar has a Nasus-esque ability, provided you farm hard enough you should be ok for damage. Grab a Deathcap and the combination of your Q and Deathcap passive means you'll hit for a ton, and if you hit your ult on a champ with high AP you will do even more. So going tanky means that your once squishy, no escape self that would have no hope in surviving for long is now able to still hurt and yet not get popped instantly. It's had... Mixed results

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Pinkamena-Pills for resizing the original, and putting that little message at the end

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I actually really need to learn other positions. Leona is pretty much the only champion I'm comfortable with. I'm a garbage adc, but I'm going to try getting better at mid and top, because I know at some point I'm going to run into another support main or Leona's going to be picked by the other team. Anyone have any recommendations for starting mid/top laners?

A good top laner to start with is Garen. He has good sustain and massive damage when you build him AD crit-strike. Riven's pretty simple, but does take some getting used to. Zed's good both lanes, but not the best unless you're used to glass-cannons. Katarina's an excellent mid laner to start with as she's got good poke, similar playstyles to the majority of burst mages and easier abilities to land. Malzahar and Mordekaiser are pretty good mid laners too, but Morde takes a bit of practice to mid with him (he's easier top, but nowhere near as good come mid-late game). Hope this helped :3. I main Malzahar, used to main Zed, Riven and Morde. They're pretty good to start with.

  • Brohoof 1

I can't think what to put here, so have a swimsuit Spencer Sotello


OC (Fusion Chord)

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I'm getting back into league again, I mostly play counter strike global offensive on steam but i wanna play an make some new friends so add me if any of you are down to play :lol:  i main mid and play adc an top 





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