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I got it! for my team idea. We could throw a Galio into mid. screws the balance a bit. But again I say, this will require some playing around with and experimenting.

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Deleted most of my friends on the friends list. I think i went from 30 friends to 13 friends. So much better now.

Was a pain in the ass when more then 10 was online at the same time.



Signature made by Kyoshi

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I just bought Zyra and I have to say she is rather interesting, the built-in CD is a good advantage as you don't have to build it.



At 40% You can have 2 seeds every 14.8 seconds which is enough in lane, but in a teamfight you have to anticipate where to place them so you can get a third or even fourth seed grown before the team fight ends, so a lot of MM. ( Worse then orianna IMO, as she has only one ball you have to take care of, where as here you got two seeds you sometime have to take care of )


Her spells synergize very well together. You can plant two seeds almost instantly behind the target, then cast Deadly Bloom on it, ( you have to hit the enemy champ as well, or you waste a lot of damage ) before rooting them in place so they get hit by the plants, you can also root them first, then 2 seeds + Deadly Bloom making sure you hit her with the deadly bloom, but risks are that the plants will only get one or two hits. ( Optionally also use your ult for damage + AS on plants )




I so feel like doing a champion spotlight of her.


Posted Image


Poor Zyra at mid, Lee Sin took thrice the kill as he came ganking, but I took those of my jungler so in the end I dominated her in the lane. Zyra is pretty op right now as you don't know what she will do and where she is, you can instantly place two seeds and sporout them for immense damage, and your ult does about 1000 damage late game + knockup.


So all around a rather refreshing, even if stressful champion.

Edited by Jubilee van Neikos
  • Brohoof 2

I love you! <3

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Omg Zyra is a plant. That's OP nerf now Riot OMG what are you guys thinking making a plant. Maokai is already OP WTF.

(Meh Zyra is fun tried her a couple of times.)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Is it just me, or does Leona and Diana remind you of Celestia and Luna? I mean, Leona being Celestia - representing the sun, and Diana being Luna - representing the moon. Plus, Diana was "Shunned by the people of the sun, Diana turned in isolation to the cold power of the moon’s glow". I'm not sure if Leona and Diana are sisters, but if they are, I think we will have a nice reference to MLP:FiM, guys. ^.^

  • Brohoof 4

shiet got srs guise

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Is it just me, or does Leona and Diana remind you of Celestia and Luna? I mean, Leona being Celestia - representing the sun, and Diana being Luna - representing the moon. Plus, Diana was "Shunned by the people of the sun, Diana turned in isolation to the cold power of the moon’s glow". I'm not sure if Leona and Diana are sisters, but if they are, I think we will have a nice reference to MLP:FiM, guys. ^.^


Diana? Who is that? Is she a new champion?


On the side note: Going for another AI pentakill run wish me luck.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Diana? Who is that? Is she a new champion?


On the side note: Going for another AI pentakill run wish me luck.




Yeah, she'll be a new champion (I assume something like Talon or Akali). Oh, and look at the background... Leona banishing Diana.. doesn't that seem familiar?


And good luck with them bots. ^^

  • Brohoof 1

shiet got srs guise

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Total Ai pentakill count : 6

Last game I got 2 pentakills. :P

Total count by champion.

Vayne : 1

Katarina : 3

Fiora : 1

AD Carry Leblanc : 1

AP Yi : 1

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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You know, having the moon and sun family related in their anthropomorphic interpretation is something very common, stop seeing references at MLP everywhere.


And I find Zyra completely broken. I was able to win my lane with only her q and e. I never leveled up the plants and never needed to use my ulti. And the guy I was against wasn't half bad. I just think her plants are useless if you can use her two other abilities at their full potential.

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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We almost won that last game. Poor Lobstaarr had to leave and the a-hole randoms reported him :(


My Stats at the end of the game, with the build I used and the damadge stats:




Warmogs (Rushed like a newb pro), Ninja Tabi, Atmas Impaler, Frozen Mallet, (I always want to call this Ice Phage... Hmmm...) Sunfire Cape. Game ended before I could think up my last item, it was my second Scarner game, and my first one in about half a year.


Damage Dealt: 128,667 (102,296 physical)

Damage Taken: 66, 257 (37,754 physical) Less than I though with the freakin 23-? Cait that had, like, 2 Phantom Dancers, 2 Blood Thirsters, Brezerkers Greaves, and Infinity Edge.

Healing Done (Thanks to Lobstaarr, who was Soraka): 1,515

Gold Earned: 12, 557

Time Dead: 419 secs


Character Limit didn't bother me this time. About 8.5 times the characters needed.


Edit: I was lane Scarner. Scarner plus Mundo Top lane OP


I like to listen to this song when people troll me. Maybe that's why people say I rage... I don't think I do to hard anymore...



Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Awww, if only you were on NA xD My regular team needs a steady AD carry that knows how to do their job xD


I thought I was the regular AD Carry, jerkface. :P


And you know, I would love to do an NA account if that means I can play with fellow bronies ;)


Dooeet!! :3


Send the AD's mid! Just did Urgot V Kass... Yeah... Kass was rofl stomped into next patch week. And I do have to warn you. I get a bit ragey at times but nothing overly insane, or personal. Normally just stuff to keep my self sane (see flipped tables). Thought I would have high expectations for you, since you sit around the same stats I do.


That sounds like it was amusing. :P

You only get a little ragey. xD

I usually end up ignoring you a little when you rage, tbh. ^^"

  • Brohoof 1
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Awww, if only you were on NA xD My regular team needs a steady AD carry that knows how to do their job xD



Obviously my Draven isn't and AD carry. :P

Also my Graves and Varus.

Oh wait my Leblanc is an AD carry right?

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)
  • Brohoof 1

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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My best one yet as Soraka.



Why she was not banned, I'll never know. Lost a teamfight and a turret somewhere in the middle, but other than that a perfect game, all lanes won, ganks successful at least half the time, first b I had was at 3.5k gold, good times, good times.

  • Brohoof 1

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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I thought I was the regular AD Carry, jerkface. :P




Dooeet!! :3




That sounds like it was amusing. :P

You only get a little ragey. xD

I usually end up ignoring you a little when you rage, tbh. ^^"


Well then ad me if you want to see how much I... huuuuuu... Carry... When I'm not tired... My name is now Dragon of Ruby on NA and I must go through the horrors of llow level play... God that hurts so much to see an attack speed urgot... Soooooo much ><

Edited by Unexard

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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Get's Udyr; Will try bot matches



Off to round one, hope that I can learn someone, be decent. Yep.




We won to fast, and I didn't even get a real gank in.


*Sigh* Mobafire, here I come



Edited by Dawnpath


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Get's Udyr; Will try bot matches



Off to round one, hope that I can learn someone, be decent. Yep.




We won to fast, and I didn't even get a real gank in.


*Sigh* Mobafire, here I come




If you need a guide, for the love of God use Solomid.net. It's much more reliable than Mobafire and you can find a ton of different guides for your champ. For example, a good Udyr guide is right here:




Not 100% up to date yet, but it's only about ~30 days out and thus pretty much up to date besides things like new champs. There's tons of other guides for him too and every other champ, although I would suggest looking at only the featured/approved guides since those tend to be the most reliable.


Signature and avatar made by Arylett Dawnsborough.

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Well I haven't posted one of these in a while. I just won a 4v5. and it wasn't team work, trust me, we were at each others throats. Game started with Nunu calling me a noob. GP RQ'd at about 10 mins or so, maybe 15. I am actually shocked we won, I was prepared for a loss. I CARRIED HARD ENOUGH! I was pleasantly surprised.


Posted Image


Also, this new Eve is very fun, pretty strong in my opinion, but few seem too agree with me. I just don't think people have found where her new strengths lie.

  • Brohoof 1

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That sustain. I lasted 24 minutes, that's half a game, with only basic boots and 4 potions.




I'm surprised I did this well, as 90% of my pvp career is as support Soraka


Also I need some advice on playing Katarina.

Edited by Whiteshade

Warning: Signature may cause seizures, owner will sue you if you complain


Nothing happens, yet everything changes.

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Advice for Kat; get Q first, max E by lvl 9, get w at lvl four, make sure to get gun blade or rylias (or both, if your really fed) and a death cap. Probably want sorc shoes. Ap Mage items that don't need mana. That's what I got.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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Also I need some advice on playing Katarina.


Use Sunpo to last hit and get a pentakill.

Max Bouncing Blade or Shunpo depending on your lane opponent.

Get Hextech Revolver then Rylai's Crystal Scepter then Hextech Gunblade.

Wait for opponents to blow their CC before you ulti, but be sure not to ulti too late

Spell Pen boots is usually the way to go unless they have heavy CC, if they do go Mercury's treads.

Use the W for E in teamfights if you are focused and W on Q if they have heavy healing. (Mundo,Volibear, Soraka or an AD Carry with lifesteal.)

Remember that your W will only proc once your Q hits so if you cast W then Q then E before Q hits you will get the bonus on your E.


Advice for Kat; get Q first, max E by lvl 9


Don't max E unless your lane opponent is easy to harass or if you can easily win trades. Like vs a Vladimir it's not that good to max E, but vs a Lux it works well if you can time your E to dodge her skill shots.

(Post on the RP already Dawnpath.)

Edited by Mal (Starbolt)

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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That sustain. I lasted 24 minutes, that's half a game, with only basic boots and 4 potions.




I'm surprised I did this well, as 90% of my pvp career is as support Soraka


Also I need some advice on playing Katarina.


Playing Kat? Bouncing blades for harass and farming, and then Shun po for later damage. I personally don't even get a point in Killer instinct until level 13 but that's just me. And timing, LOTS OF TIMING. When dealing with a lane with any form of CC you need to be able to dodge it more or less BEFORE you ult. So many ults going to waste because of a poorly timed stun or silence. So just watch for openings.

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Why god... Why do I have to have a team so bad when I roflstomp my lane... 7/1 at 12 minutes, completely obliterating the vlad in front of me... Comes a fed graves in the teamfights, nobody except me focus him, he destroy us...


And we had like... Four occasions to win when we got barons and we could push but NOOOOOOOOO... We just made an ace with me picking Graves ghost and tearing through everything. Results? Everyone back or go jungle instead of pushing the lanes... Or they just run around when I engage and kill two of the ennemies, then they get 3v4'ed... I'm Mordekaiser, I'm not Chuck Norris :/




Edited by NewCalamity
Breaking the page.
  • Brohoof 1

I'm what once was, what now is and what shall be.

Shall you be human, monster or god himself.

If you threathen my childs, nothing will be left of you.

I'm Unexard Iximarion! Master of this land.

My name has no meaning but you'll remember it...

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