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You might find our determination to deny your Renekton farm to be...








Speaking from the viewpoint of a Ryze or a Jayce.


*Meanwhile over in the corner, you see Xerath all alone.*


xerath-splash-square.PNG"I wish they would remember me...god It's so lonely..."


*He continues to cry as static falls to the ground like tears*

Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 2


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Silly Xerath, you don't belong top.


Ryze could work top, maybe.




I've had a friend of mine do it! It was...well actually it was horrible, but that's still one more time than I've seen Xerath up there!


Besides, we BOTH forgot the other asshole that throws lightning around.




...and Shockblade Zed, but that doesn't count.


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Silly Xerath, you don't belong top.


Ryze could work top, maybe.




I've had a friend of mine do it! It was...well actually it was horrible, but that's still one more time than I've seen Xerath up there!


Besides, we BOTH forgot the other asshole that throws lightning around.




...and Shockblade Zed, but that doesn't count.


Honestly, anything can work. I've won my lane in top with Lulu before. It just depends on how well you know your champ, and how well you know how to play against the other player. But Ryze can easily top effectively. It works like Elise top, minus the% damage and spiders.


It really surprises me why Xerath is so underplayed though. He arguably has the best poke a mid could hope for, and can dish out a ton of damage. His passive makes him naturally tanky to physical damage champions, and he is relatively easy to pick up and play. All you have to master is knowing when to lotus, and how to use your burst combo.


He even gets movement speed bonus! I love him, and feel so bad for him at the same time T.T.

Edited by Hayze


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I can say from experience Ryze top definitely works. As long as you stay safe during his early game before he gets tanks you can definitely win your lane. I'd take Xerath top if I had him, I'd play him the same way I play Kennen. Keep the enemy (who's more than likely going to be melee) at range and push them around. I'm sure Hayze can attest to the fact that if I'm playing top, I'm playing someone ranged and more than likely AP. I don't lose my lane often and if I do it's because it turns into a party and people won't leave me alone.


Denying Renekton farm isn't too difficult if you can punish him hard for doing it. Say you're playing Kennen. How does one deny Renekton farm? Prep your W passive and stun him whenever he goes in to do something. Once he's stunned, throw a few shurikens at him and let him know you're not going to let him get away with it. Xerath would work the same way. If he's going into the minion wave, throw your E and then Q immediately. He's then stunned and throw a few auto attacks / ult when necessary.


I agree with Hayze though, I would actually like to see more Xeraths in mid. He has incredible poke potential and he can be 100% safe during team fights just because of the massive range his W can give him.

Crackle is best dragon - Rarity is best Marshmallow

Scootaloo is best chicken - Sweetie Belle is best Dictionary

Fluttershy is best tree - Twilight is best Minigun

Rainbow Dash is best turnip bucket - Spike is best Rainbow Dash

All ponies are best pony.

Especially Fluttershy.

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If you have a recent Logitech keyboard, do not adjust your set. Apparently, they got some integrat5ion with the Logitech gaming keyboards now. On mine, the G110, it only changes the backlight to your team color and makes it dim when you're dead. But on the fancier ones, it can display stats on the LCD display too.


I discovered this by accident. Little gimmicky, but still. Its cute

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I'm actually new to LoL, and still trying to find my right fit. I've been working with Mordakaiser. I like him in the late game, but it seems like he takes so long to get to that point. Not really sure what lane to take either. I've been working top, with mixed results..but at least I've gotten my deaths in the single digits somewhat...xD Anyway if anyone wants to play LoL with me. I'm on the NA server, under the same name Cal Stonehoof.

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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I'm actually new to LoL, and still trying to find my right fit. I've been working with Mordakaiser. I like him in the late game, but it seems like he takes so long to get to that point. Not really sure what lane to take either. I've been working top, with mixed results..but at least I've gotten my deaths in the single digits somewhat...xD Anyway if anyone wants to play LoL with me. I'm on the NA server, under the same name Cal Stonehoof.



Morde is a good pick, he is really strong mid to late game, the issue most likely is that your new; and not the champion at all. With more time spent on learning a champion and how to build them, will make the transitions faster, and hold a stronger presence. Just keep plugging away and you'll get the hang of it.


Best tip I can give to new players; is to watch some of the featured streams/other informational videos. Sometimes you have to see how other people play champions to understand the many versatile ways you can maximize their potential. I'm not saying "Copy what pro's do" but there is always something to learn from watching high level gameplay.


You can see things like how to cs effectively, what to do in "X" situations, and even simple things like how to shift click to kite. Or you could pick up on a few tricks; such as carrying an extra ward as Lee sin or Kat so you always have a way to escape, or engage with your abilities.

Edited by Hayze
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simple things like how to shift click to kite




WAT angry.png


What does this magical keybind do? I've never heard of it or used it, since I'm all melee I guess and it doesn't matter, but it might be handy for ARAMs/Jayce/Varus when I get around to buying him.


I'm such a noob. SO BAD


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WAT angry.png


What does this magical keybind do? I've never heard of it or used it, since I'm all melee I guess and it doesn't matter, but it might be handy for ARAMs/Jayce/Varus when I get around to buying him.


I'm such a noob. SO BAD



What shift clicking is; is holding shift, and right clicking an area on the map. This allows you to attack anything closest to where you click, or to you without having to click on the target. This is perfect for keeping people chasing you at bay.


So all you do is hold shift and click to move; it makes it an "attack" move. This means you will attack the closest target to where you clicked, or standing.


This means you can Cs some creeps without clicking on them, and if you have to kite the jungler who ganked you; you right click away, then shift click, right click away, shift click. This is much better than clicking where you want to run, then the enemy, then where you want to run, then the enemy.


This can be pulled off with using the "A" key and clicking the desired location (assuming you didn't re-bind the "A" button) The video below will cover anything I forgot to.


Edited by Hayze
  • Brohoof 1


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Morde is a good pick, he is really strong mid to late game, the issue most likely is that your new; and not the champion at all. With more time spent on learning a champion and how to build them, will make the transitions faster, and hold a stronger presence. Just keep plugging away and you'll get the hang of it.


Best tip I can give to new players; is to watch some of the featured streams/other informational videos. Sometimes you have to see how other people play champions to understand the many versatile ways you can maximize their potential. I'm not saying "Copy what pro's do" but there is always something to learn from watching high level gameplay.


You can see things like how to cs effectively, what to do in "X" situations, and even simple things like how to shift click to kite. Or you could pick up on a few tricks; such as carrying an extra ward as Lee sin or Kat so you always have a way to escape, or engage with your abilities.

Thanks for the advice Hayze.


Yeah I know the issue is mainly with me, but like you said Morde is a mid to late game, and just that time from the beginning to mid that seems to take forever. I have read a few build blogs, but some the recommended item or builds to me just don't seem to harness his power. So the items in my build are Runic Bulwark, Warmog's Armor, and Ravenous Hydra. A new found fave is the Sunfire Cape, thanks to playing as Garen. xD


And thank you for posting that Ciderhelm video. I like his presentation style, and how he breaks the terms down, and simplifies it. I'm more of a visual learner too. But I'm not sure I want to buy a guide for a game that may one day go offline. But thanks again.

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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Thanks for the advice Hayze.


Yeah I know the issue is mainly with me, but like you said Morde is a mid to late game, and just that time from the beginning to mid that seems to take forever. I have read a few build blogs, but some the recommended item or builds to me just don't seem to harness his power. So the items in my build are Runic Bulwark, Warmog's Armor, and Ravenous Hydra. A new found fave is the Sunfire Cape, thanks to playing as Garen. xD


And thank you for posting that Ciderhelm video. I like his presentation style, and how he breaks the terms down, and simplifies it. I'm more of a visual learner too. But I'm not sure I want to buy a guide for a game that may one day go offline. But thanks again.


Your first issue with morde is you are building him Ad. He is an Ap champion, try doing that. you'll see much better results ;)


There's no need to buy a guide, all you have to do is play a lot; and watch other players.

  • Brohoof 2


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Thanks for the advice Hayze.


Yeah I know the issue is mainly with me, but like you said Morde is a mid to late game, and just that time from the beginning to mid that seems to take forever. I have read a few build blogs, but some the recommended item or builds to me just don't seem to harness his power. So the items in my build are Runic Bulwark, Warmog's Armor, and Ravenous Hydra. A new found fave is the Sunfire Cape, thanks to playing as Garen. xD


And thank you for posting that Ciderhelm video. I like his presentation style, and how he breaks the terms down, and simplifies it. I'm more of a visual learner too. But I'm not sure I want to buy a guide for a game that may one day go offline. But thanks again.


As having played against Morde mid-lane with a few champs...he can be a nightmare early-game too.


It could be item and rune dependent(?), but if someone doesn't know how to counter him he can ruin their day.


I still have problems fighting him...him and Annie...I hate Annie...

  • Brohoof 1

My signature broke


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morde is great cause he can push lane and farm all game long with ease. His ability to farm is absolutely amazing. Also if you want Cal Stonehoof you can add me in game (MrMammal) and I will play with you and I can give you tips and advice as you play. Also anybody else can add em and I'll play if I'm not doing ranked 5s. I don't play enough anymore haha

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So I've fallen in love with a new top that I've neglected for so long...He's just so strong; and so much fun! I honestly can't think of the reason why I've neglected Tryndamere so much. Shen was my lane opponent  and he was quite...well..useless. I don't know if he just was a bad Shen, or if I just shut him down hard core. He just couldn't keep up with me once he started dying. I also had no ganks, and I was ganked 3 times unsuccessfully. I think the laning phase ended for me by the 15 min mark; around when I had about 8 or 9 kills from shen alone.


Edited by Hayze


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I just started playing trynd a couple days ago too. He's a lot of fun but he can be easy to shut down in lane pre-6. Also you have to know when to engage and fight him or not because his 1v1 is one of the best in game game.

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Best game ever a few nights ago.


So I was playing Soraka, supporting my friend, who was playing Xin (first time as Soraka, by the way). My friend is a good Xin, and I'm not a bad support, but the rest of our team was meh (Yi was okay, though).


The other team was pushing hard, by we were holding our lane (bot) well. Xin went top to try to save them (cuz they both sucked), while hugged turret and held off bot. But then I got ganked, like... 20 seconds after the ward that would've let me see it coming run out. So they took out first bottom turret. Turns out they also got some others, and Xin wasn't able to save top.


Anyway, they eventually got all but our nexus turrets down. However, at this point, Xin and Yi were built up pretty crazy. So, I stayed behind and kept all the minions off our nexus (Soraka's Q gets there so hard) while they all pushed mid. My friend would yell for me to ult when they were low on health.

We ended up winning. Best comeback ever.

Also, by the end, I had 250+ minion kills. As the support XD


Oh, I also went from level 17 to 19 that night :)

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 3

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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They see mer rollin'



 post-385-0-16085000-1369862545_thumb.png FIRST PENTAAAAAAAa




I've started playing Vladimir alot lately, it's just too satisfying when you're about to die after getting triple-ulted, and trollpool to let your team finish them off. And why is it that (even though i haven't played many) always end up getting utterly ****ed as Lissandra?


Oh, and if someone's on EUW, please tell me :)

  • Brohoof 3

Better run, run, run, run, run.

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How did I just find this freaking thread. I recently got into League not too long ago, and I am gosh darn addicted. My last game I went 34/11 with Teemo.


Oh yeah, I love Teemo.


My summoner name is CronaTheCritic, if you wanna play with me!

  • Brohoof 1


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Look what I found...http://theburningdonut.deviantart.com/art/Commission-friendship-is-legendary-350054752


I love it love it love it! Annie isn't really one of my favorites, and I don't really like facing off against her in vs AI. But I love this.

Had another awesome game xD! Playing Garen top, not only did I get First Blood, but my final total was 2/4/5 xD! My team was great actually. One player had a tally of 20/0/0!

  • Brohoof 1

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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Okay so I'm looking for some advice. Items. Do I just save my gold up to buy the item outright, or should I build up to them. Garen and Morde have some really awesome late game items, but they are expensive. So what should I do?

Signature By: ~Sassy Dashie~



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Okay so I'm looking for some advice. Items. Do I just save my gold up to buy the item outright, or should I build up to them. Garen and Morde have some really awesome late game items, but they are expensive. So what should I do?


Absolutely 100% build them up. When you build them, it subtracts the cost from the original price so you wont be forced to pay more when you buy the full item and you still get stronger while doing so.


Best game ever a few nights ago.


So I was playing Soraka, supporting my friend, who was playing Xin (first time as Soraka, by the way). My friend is a good Xin, and I'm not a bad support, but the rest of our team was meh (Yi was okay, though).


The other team was pushing hard, by we were holding our lane (bot) well. Xin went top to try to save them (cuz they both sucked), while hugged turret and held off bot. But then I got ganked, like... 20 seconds after the ward that would've let me see it coming run out. So they took out first bottom turret. Turns out they also got some others, and Xin wasn't able to save top.


Anyway, they eventually got all but our nexus turrets down. However, at this point, Xin and Yi were built up pretty crazy. So, I stayed behind and kept all the minions off our nexus (Soraka's Q gets there so hard) while they all pushed mid. My friend would yell for me to ult when they were low on health.

We ended up winning. Best comeback ever.

Also, by the end, I had 250+ minion kills. As the support XD


Oh, I also went from level 17 to 19 that night smile.png


Xin bot? Don't you need an ADC there? Xin is more of a jungler/top...


Anyhow, I had a really good week last week. Got two pentakills within four days (one with Yi and one with Rengar). Yesterday and today I've had really good games. Here are my recent 10 games:





Those two Renekton games at the bottom were my first as him.


BTW, I hate Darius and Blitzcrank with a burning passion.



  • Brohoof 1
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The free week last week was, imo, more interesting.


Personal opinion here folks, don't mind me:


Zyra: Tried her mid before I got Diana, is okay I guess. I like her, at least.

Fiora: Just bad. Feed her and she's god, though.

Xin Win: Self explanatory

Ahri: Skill dependent. Tried it before, didn't like the squishiness

Vayne: Don't really care for ADCs myself, especially one of her "type." (I don't really like auto attackers, it's kind of boring)

Kassadin: Actually pretty fun. Better than Ahri, I think. I've tried him before and had a blast

Shyvana: Meh. Never tried her. Might be pretty fun

Janna: Okay, she's ridiculous.

Rammus: Also ridiculous if you don't have cleanse, but somehow not game-shattering

Ashe: Boring as hell.


So yeah, if I actually had decent internet here in the boonies, I would probably play Kassadin, and maybe Shyvana.


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Ohboy, I just had the most fun with Ryze in a PvP game. 



Never knew how dang good he was. Looks like I'll be using him more.


I'm also eagerly awaiting the new free champs tomorrow :3

  • Brohoof 1


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I only just recently started playing, and I kind of suck at the moment. By suck, I mean I'm lucky if I get one kill on an AI game. *laughs*


Thus far I've mostly played Corki, who is incredibly adorable, but I've also been playing as Zyra and Graves. My friend has let me use his account and I've been working on Cassiopeia, Diana, and...yeah. *laughs* That's it so far, really.

Next I want to try Quinn, LeBlanc, and Morgana.


Does anyone have any good ranged recommendations? I don't care about anything else so long as they aren't melee.


I'm always looking for people to play with, so if you're interested PM me and I'll give you my name. XD

  • Brohoof 1


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