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Man I haven't been able to play league for a while and I really wish I could try yi now, I really like how he isn't completely useless late game now, with the right build that true damage on e can do an awful lot, he's like a good irelia now.

I would have to say now, if you have played against an Yi and he is jungle, then you are going to get annoyed with his Q and R combo, now that his Q crits, those ganks just are the most annoying thing you can think of.


He's not really like a good Irelia, but more like a really annoying GP, now that his Q can crit like GP's....


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Kay. I just watched this video called Jukong Wukes. My next champion purchase will now be Wukong. I need a balls deep top laner other than Jax, and Wukong seems like the guy for me. His ultimate is so stupid, he's a bruiser guy, and let's not forget the Jukong Wukes. I was considering Renekton, but he's terrible late game, whereas Wukong is good throughout, as well as being one of the few tops that can murdalize Elise top.


The guy playing in the vid literally stands still and everyone on the enemy teams thought that was his decoy, even though they saw him use it not 10 seconds before. It's fucking hilarious!


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Oh, hey, League of Legends thread. I play quite a bit, and I just recently got promoted to Gold V. Which means I'll probably be playing less and just playing ARAMs when I do play, but still, would be nice to play with some pones when I do play. Summoner name's RsncKATNip in reference to Homestuck, it actually used to be CheerileeSin but I changed it when I briefly left the fandom in the summer. Feel free to hit me up, I'm down for whatever. Normal games, troll games, ranked games. 

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Alright so I haven't made any posts here for a while, but I thought I might as well share some cool stuff. First of all I AM FINALLY OUT OF SILVER! Sweet jesus Being stuck in silver because we had a GP that just HAD to counter Wukong top...  I swear I'm not bitter. But through a massive nearly 12 game winning streak, I cleared Silver 1 and jumped up to gold 3 (I actually flat out got promoted from 5 to 3, never saw 4). But that's the good news! My actual point is that for everyone that are stuck in bronze or silver(Fight for Platinum, I believe in you!), be thankful. I'm in gold 3 but my mmr queues me with plat 5 and gold 1 people regularly. Gold 1 is a dark place.... I have seen some really bad players going up from the bottom of silver but gold 1 is unreal. 1 troll, 1 afk, and 1 toxic player every game bare minimum and I am not joking about that. So in short, one does not simply leave gold. Well now that my little rage induced rant is done.

I've been trying to think of sure fire strategies to win at solo queue consistently, being polite and filling the roles we need have got me pretty far but lately it hasn't been working as well. Playing as a good split pusher has been a really good strat I find but isn't perfect. 


Does anyone else have any thoughts on the current state of solo queue, or cool ideas that you think could win a game all on its own?

  • Brohoof 1

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Does anyone else have any thoughts on the current state of solo queue, or cool ideas that you think could win a game all on its own?


I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't play ranked very often, because I don't do well in places other than mid, jungle, or support, and sometimes I get shoehorned into top. I also don't like the people in ranked - it's very stressful (my heart starts pounding when my health goes below even 70% and they haven't taken damage). I also lag horrendously at my house, so I dropped into Bronze 1 due to inactivity...it makes me feel like a bad player, honestly. I know I shouldn't care, but I do care that I'm in the shit leagues when I honestly feel like Silver 2 material.


My friend who's in Platinum 4 right now was in Gold for the longest time. He always likes to jungle as someone who can annihilate anybody 1v1, like Shyvana. He's told me that when he jungles, he essentially controls the game. It is on his terms that his fellow laners win or lose, and it is up to him to decide which of his lanes win that game. So, my advice is to try out jungling and see how that goes. Be the guy who helps out your laners instead of the guy who desperately needs the help of a jungler who will never come, even if it means being very intimidating and yet not doing anything (I have done this before with great success).


I've been playing Zac recently, since he's stupid OP right now. I like him a lot - no problems clearing the jungle, great ganking potential, especially in mid or through the tri on top, and he has great utility in teamfights with not one but two knockups. I like Hecarim too, and Vi was my first ever jungler that I bought myself, but Zac is in such a good spot right now, it's hard to even get to pick him in most games. If not Zac, I've also had fun with Nautilus. Not as great as Zac, and has a slower start, but he's a juggernaut that can peel like a baus. Also, SpiderNaut is funny. I've gotten away from a Kayle literally by just hooking terrain all the way from top blue inhib to the middle of top lane.


I hope that helps...god knows I'll need some to get out of Bronze again  :(

  • Brohoof 1


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Well I'm lower in actual rank and mmr than you (Gold V and III respectively) but I honestly find that the only way to survive the nonsense of solo q is to not actually care about the outcome of the game. Just play your best game, ping and communicate when necessary. I have horrible mechanics and decent game knowledge, so I think anyone with decent abilities in both who has a lax attitude might be able to get further. 

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Just had a really fun ARAM game. Played Singed for the first time, and went in only knowing that he's an AP tank, he has a poison trail, and he can throw people. I didn't realize just how insanely tanky he can get. At the end, we had their nexus down to about 25%, but then all 5 of them respawned nearly at once, and the rest of my team pulled out. I just thought "fuck it," popped my ult and Heal, and stood there smacking away, with all 5 of them trying to kill me before I killed their nexus. I won :)

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Yeah, I think Singed has one of the highest potential defensive abilities in the game, just because of his inherent scaling in numbers and passive and how much regen his ult provides. He sort of becomes a quasi diver in that he has so much goddamn health he can ignore the frontline and run through it and into the backline, doing god knows how much damage to squishes with flips and poison. In short, if your enemies have a Singed and they reach the late game, hope your team can kite the hell out of him. 

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Singed can get pretty ridiculous late game and there's nothing at all you can do if it gets to 40 minutes and the score isn't 42-0. I've experienced quite a few losses due to singed just being too tanky for the team to handle, I believe he has the highest win rate of any champion in the game right now. He's so easy to play and works well in all competitive levels, a fully stacked tear and one or two tank items and you're ready to go run into a team and kill everyone.


I've been maining top recently because I started playing dumb for a while after I got a winning spree going with lissandra. I just began to start running into teams and then I get melted, bad habits of playing lissandra only too much. Yeah so I got tired of dieing so I started playing top more, renekton and nasus are mah main mans, I've really been trying to improve my rumble though, I make the worst ults ever. There are a few top owners I've been itching to play for a while, gangplank, and new yi most prominently. Sometimes I get this idea in my head that when I buy a new champ I'll become the best player in the world with them if I practice hard enough, and then I buy the champ and get sick of them after 5 games. The way I like to play league is just having fun, only play ranked when I'm in a good mood, take a break if I start losing often, and only play champions that are fun to play, and right now I want gangplank because his kit looks super fun, bank plank and crit plank are so stupid I want to try it so badly.


I've had to take a break from league for a while now, which is probably for the best, I was on a enormous losing spree before I had to take a break from it. My match history is just a big mess right now, 9 losses and a hilarious custom game where I one shot a teemo going at the speed of light with hecarim.

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I used to main Nasus, back when I actually played Normal regularly. I love him, but I've been playing mages, ADCs, and supports so much lately that I've kinda forgotten how to play melee champs. I'm like "wait... you're saying I can't just sit back here and shoot the guy, I actually have to go up there and attack him? Damn..."

  • Brohoof 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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I'm not sure, to be honest. I don't play ranked very often, because I don't do well in places other than mid, jungle, or support, and sometimes I get shoehorned into top. I also don't like the people in ranked - it's very stressful (my heart starts pounding when my health goes below even 70% and they haven't taken damage). I also lag horrendously at my house, so I dropped into Bronze 1 due to inactivity...it makes me feel like a bad player, honestly. I know I shouldn't care, but I do care that I'm in the shit leagues when I honestly feel like Silver 2 material.


My friend who's in Platinum 4 right now was in Gold for the longest time. He always likes to jungle as someone who can annihilate anybody 1v1, like Shyvana. He's told me that when he jungles, he essentially controls the game. It is on his terms that his fellow laners win or lose, and it is up to him to decide which of his lanes win that game. So, my advice is to try out jungling and see how that goes. Be the guy who helps out your laners instead of the guy who desperately needs the help of a jungler who will never come, even if it means being very intimidating and yet not doing anything (I have done this before with great success).


I've been playing Zac recently, since he's stupid OP right now. I like him a lot - no problems clearing the jungle, great ganking potential, especially in mid or through the tri on top, and he has great utility in teamfights with not one but two knockups. I like Hecarim too, and Vi was my first ever jungler that I bought myself, but Zac is in such a good spot right now, it's hard to even get to pick him in most games. If not Zac, I've also had fun with Nautilus. Not as great as Zac, and has a slower start, but he's a juggernaut that can peel like a baus. Also, SpiderNaut is funny. I've gotten away from a Kayle literally by just hooking terrain all the way from top blue inhib to the middle of top lane.


I hope that helps...god knows I'll need some to get out of Bronze again  :(

Yeah I know how you feel about wanting to be higher. I duo queue with a friend of mine who is currently Plat 5 (Thanks to me, our combined mmr helped him avoid Gold 1 entirely :) ) and that has helped a bit, know that at least one other person is on the same page as me. As far as jungling goes, if I can get into the jungle I will. Naut, Mao and Voli are who I've taken to recently. Just champs that can choose a lane and say "I'm snow balling this lane now". I also like duelists a lot, champs that can go into a 1v1 and even a 1v2 and come out on top (for this I go Malzahar or Shen) and I have had some really positive results with that. 


And one last thing, good luck if you try to get outa bronze again. I believe in you and everyone else who is moving up the latter :)

  • Brohoof 1

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Yeah I know how you feel about wanting to be higher. I duo queue with a friend of mine who is currently Plat 5 (Thanks to me, our combined mmr helped him avoid Gold 1 entirely :) ) and that has helped a bit, know that at least one other person is on the same page as me. As far as jungling goes, if I can get into the jungle I will. Naut, Mao and Voli are who I've taken to recently. Just champs that can choose a lane and say "I'm snow balling this lane now". I also like duelists a lot, champs that can go into a 1v1 and even a 1v2 and come out on top (for this I go Malzahar or Shen) and I have had some really positive results with that. 


And one last thing, good luck if you try to get outa bronze again. I believe in you and everyone else who is moving up the latter :)

Well I guess since Sprixx has made his re-entry post, that means it's my turn :D It sure has been a while since I've been on here.


I'm absolutely avid if I can pull a jungling slot. I've taken to Dr. Mundo, Cho'Gath, Skarner, Elise, and Evelynn as my big junglers, depending on the enemy team and our team usually changes my pick.

Support is my secondary go-to role and I've been learning Leona, mainly playing Nami support though.


Currently I'm in Silver 5 and I took a break from Ranked for a short while once I reached silver, and I'm about ready to start that climb back up. My goal is to get gold by the end of the season.


The biggest piece I have as far as advice concerning ranked is to not take the games too seriously; it is still a game and if you're not enjoying it then you're going to do a lot worse than if you were enjoying it.


I'd love to play with any of you guys, however, and I'm up for any game mode(Dominion =/= game mode, jk. I do play it every so often though :P). Feel free to add me, just let me know you're from the forums.


-Meister E is my in-game name.

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Been quite a few weeks. Still waiting on Lucian. Goddammit League.


Meanwhile, Forcast Janna seems to have quite the level of swag.


(like 4 da dying teemo in da bakground c:)


If I was an avid player of Janna, I'd buy this skin as it's released. It's pretty damn cool.

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If anyone is looking for a duo or jungler for their team I'm your person because i do my best in the woods just give me Sej Udyr, yi, and possible lee but if not i can support anyone. Summoner name is BadVoodooDoll. 


I may pass on, but my legacy will live forever! - Plague Doctor

Made by my dear friend! Kyoshi

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Lucian came out

Arcade Hecarim came out

Riot Blitz and Graves 

Yi has been nurffed

Trinity force is awesome'er 


GG riot GG :D


so been playing Lucian allot this morning and I think he works allot better if you build him blue (Manamune, Iceborn, ect) so you can have the mana to just spam his spells for his passive.

His ult isn't all that great tho, you need rely good positioning and make sure you team doesn't do a dumb and knock them out of the barrage. 

my DA http://heavyecho.deviantart.com/ check my stuff out

the Anime Club http://mlpforums.com/topic/48196-the-anime-club/ plz join us

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So, I'm starting to focus on getting cs. I fought a zed in top line while I used Nasus, and it worked out beautifully. My Q just destroyed him everytime he got aggressive.




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dU9myZx.jpgAfter having to beat Lucians all day, I decided to buy him and see what I think. 

Got a pentakill, first game.


Seeing I main Graves, next to Veigar. Riot graves coming back and the new Pool Party one is sweet too.

I'll Give You A Chickey Bucket, Boy.

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I qualified for Bronze 1 because I met some random guy that was like "bro we should play ranked togethur," and I said, "shore!" We lost 3 games in a row and I was 6 of 7 at that point. NEVER DO RANKED WITH STRANGERS


Anyway, I clawed my way into Silver 5, and I made an assessment of myself. Do I play well enough in every lane to not get screwed over by other people being ahead of me in pick order? Could I possibly make it to Gold 5 to get that shiny background?


The answer, sadly, was no, on both counts. The only champions I really like to play are Diana (everyone in here knows that), Leona (weird, I know, but I like dive champions a lot actually), and Jayce (who is about to get destructified with nerfs). That's two positions. One of them is support, sure, but that's something you should do with a friend by duo queuing, and either I don't duo queue, or my friends don't want to duo queue with me.


I'm back in Bronze 1, because I went inactive, and didn't know that playing normals would prevent LP loss (derp). Will I get my ass back into Silver 5 for posterity? Yeah, after I get back to school this September probably. Would I care to play any more ranked after that? Not really, no.


I don't see the point in playing ranked. I don't have as much fun, I have to play with strangers, it's really stressful, I don't get the champions/positions I want, and I'd probably only make it to Silver 3 or 2 anyway if I tried my damndest. There's really no reason to play ranked when I have more fun in normals/ARAMs.


My summoner name is pickl3 smuggl3r. Before you make judgments, I inherited my account (it was level 17 when I came into possession of it) from a friend I play WoW with that is probably the trolliest guy I know when it comes to names. I'm considering getting it changed if there's another sale for it in the future. If you guys want to play gaemz, let me know. I'm on the NA server, naturally. These days at my house with shit internet, I stick to ARAMs when I'm alone, and I sometimes play with WoW/college friends.


I'll throw you an friend req Zygen, and if you wanna unwind, we can ARAM sometime.

Sounds cool, I've been kinda busy but hopefully I can play sometime.


And yeah I'm in silver 4 right now, not to long before I end up going down in ranked from inactivity.


I think ending up in silver was sorta a fluke, idk I just don't feel like I do that well, and mostly suck.


I need to get a better grip on myself while playing league, I've been getting incredibly frustrated when playing, before I got busy with school I would get so freaking mad over it. And how sucky I was doing, I'd beat myself up against a wall, and have someone else adding insults that I suck.


I think that's probaly my biggest issue with playing league is lacking self esteem, and getting mad at myself for doing bad.


I've been playing a lot less due to school and being busy, but when I do play I try to keep positive and calm, but it's really really really hard. Its almost like I enjoy beating myself up over mistakes.


I suppose Its good I don't rage at my team, but still.


Maybe I'll actually make it into a promotion series for something and not feel like the suckiest gamer alive.


Ps. Haven't played in the new patch yet. Im at my dads for the weekend also. So I can't play anyways.

Edited by Zygen


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Psh, just a few days ago a few friends of mine got together and did the dunk squad. Kinda funny how much hate you can get from others for it.


We also did supports only as adc, against bots of course. One friend jungled with Sona and ended the match with 40+ kills. It was fantastic.

  • Brohoof 1


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Psh, just a few days ago a few friends of mine got together and did the dunk squad. Kinda funny how much hate you can get from others for it.


We also did supports only as adc, against bots of course. One friend jungled with Sona and ended the match with 40+ kills. It was fantastic.

My friend actually picked up jungle Leona, and has been playing her some.


To my shock it actually works pretty well.


He's been known in the group of people normally play with as a guy who jungles weird things.


He jungled basically everything S2 even jungle teemo.


Now he's a bit more rational, but sti jungles lots of odd junglers.


Still manages to do way better then me though, of course I'm silver 4( I belong in bronze in my opinion, and with inactivity might be there soon), and he's gold 5, but still... :/


I'm like the only one in the group of people I play with who can't go up in ranked at all, kinda frusterating being the worst player in your group of people.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I'm like the only one in the group of people I play with who can't go up in ranked at all, kinda frusterating being the worst player in your group of people.

Back when I first started to play, I was the worst in my group. It felt awful knowing they would refuse to play normal with me. I got a hold of myself, and promised to better myself. One month later, I have over 100+ wins than them, and my skills are improving everyday. It's all about determination, and wanting to become better for yourself.

  • Brohoof 1


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Back when I first started to play, I was the worst in my group. It felt awful knowing they would refuse to play normal with me. I got a hold of myself, and promised to better myself. One month later, I have over 100+ wins than them, and my skills are improving everyday. It's all about determination, and wanting to become better for yourself.

I guess, of course the thing is I have over 800 wins and still suck and am unable to get out of silver 4, I most likely should be in bronze judging from my skill.


My friends however have over 1000+ wins all of them. And the majority have Atleast 100-200 ranked games.


Idk, it's hard too get anywhere for me, I feel incompetent at actually improving.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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