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Say something nice about your least favourite pony


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Let's see.. my least favorite pony is Diamond Tiara. It can't be too hard, saying something nice about her.



I guess I like her mane, that's about it.


  • Brohoof 1
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Hmm... My least favorite pony is Applejack. I don't dislike her or anything, I just like her the least. Like, on a scale from 1 to 10, she wouldn't be 1, but she would be the lowest number of all the ponies I rate.


You know, someone has to come last. But she still has a lot of great qualities, and I like her mane.

  • Brohoof 1
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Gilda looks...very nice...


...Next to a side of coleslaw, biscuits, mashed potatoes n' gravy. Because at KFG, we do griffon RIGHT. (And at right good prices, too!)

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BlueBlood is my least favorite pony.


And I suppose he looks decent, and his eyes look ok.


He also serves his role as the one to ruin rarity's night I guess. Assuming thats a compliment.

  • Brohoof 1
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Um...Bab Seed looks kind of cute in that wolf costume she wore in a scene during the Bad Seed song?


I just...her design is possibly one of the ugliest I've seen yet in the show, and her accent drives me up the wall (sorry anyone from manhattan XD I haven't heard a real Manhattan accent to compare it to...).

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Guest Soulful Wish

Silver Spoon...has cool glasses...and a cool mane. I think if she wasn't friends with Diamon Tiara she would actually be a nice pony, she seems to be more of a follower of the bully.

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If there's one character I absolutely despise in the entire MLP show, it would have to be Prince Blueblood. What's something nice I can say about him? He has a pretty cool looking suit but that's the ONLY nice thing I can say about him.

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I cant really say a background pony I like, or dislike for that matter. Apart from fannon, most of the background ponies have little to no character elements so i cant judge.

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Prince Blueblood, though I like a certain fanon representation that portrays him as "will stand up and do his part if his dignity is questioned".


Diamond Tiara is also very dislikable, but all jokes aside, I do like her mane.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I.. I have nothing. There's nothing I can say that Snips and Snails are good at. Seriously. I hate them.. They don't have much good qualities.

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Prince Blueblood is slightly less of a douchebag before he starts acting like a douchebag to Rarity.

Snips and Snails are better as humans.

Silver Spoon would probably be a better character without Diamond Tiara(who I like, for some reason, she's good at being bitchy while Silver Spoon is just a dirty follower who needs to get a life).

Twist is slightly okay in the first few minutes of Call of the Cutie before she gets tossed aside like the waste of a character she was.

Uh, hope that was nice enough? :lol:

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