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Who has thought of going to Equestria when they die?


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I’ve never thought of going to Equastia when I die: but I do imagine going into TV shows but them being real and being able to hang out with the characters, Equastia being one of the places I fantasise about.

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I would certainly enjoy it (It beats this stupid planet, anyway)! But after a while, there'd be so many reincarnated humans there that we'd just invent cars and power plants and we'd just ruin Equestria, too. I'm an atheist, but I'd believe in Equestria.

  • Brohoof 2



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I would certainly enjoy it (It beats this stupid planet, anyway)! But after a while, there'd be so many reincarnated humans there that we'd just invent cars and power plants and we'd just ruin Equestria, too. I'm an atheist, but I'd believe in Equestria.

I feel like some needs to make campaign buttons that say "I Believe in Equestria" on it. Just bury me with it on and that will be my ticket in, lol.

  • Brohoof 1

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But, when you do go to Equestria, you are turned into a Pony, a pony that is your OC. So if I was to go to Equestria, I would probably have Red, White, and Yellow hair. Or I could be kind of Rainbow Colored like Rainbow Dash. But, it would be a fun place to go to. And I agree with whom ever said that Heaven is the place that makes you the most comfortable. So yeah, I believe its a possibility. It would be one place I'd really want to go to when I die.


Credit to *Nova* for the awesome signature! 

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It would probably be a great afterlife to have. I'm not really sure I believe in an afterlife, but if I actually did, I think that Heaven would still be better than Equestria, so I guess... no. Maybe Equestria could be like Purgatory, only with more colourful flying magical horses.


Insofar as Christians tell me, Heaven is just basically some pristine gated community that's like church 24/7/365.


I'll take ponies. :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm not much of a religious guy, but I am a Catholic and I do indeed believe in an afterlife, in which there are as many places as you wish to go, based on your interests. In my heaven, Equestria would be one of the many places I'd love to go to, next to Halo and the world of Storm Hawks as well. :)


"Ideals are peaceful.........history is violent"

Sgt. Don "Wardaddy" Collier

My OC - https://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tough-nut-r8817

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Why not? I don't believe death is the end, so why not go to Equestria? It would be a hell of a lot better than being on Earth with it's crappy humans and such.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Since I'm a Christian, I believe that I go to heaven when I die. But, if I did get to choose, I would either go to Hogwarts or Equestria :)

  • Brohoof 1


Eureka's words of wisdom has inspired me, I should start listening to her more. ~DX Silver

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Yeah, while I'm not concerned whatsoever for my experience after death (I won't even know I'm dead), I do like to imagine the end is an endless dream, my idea of an ultimate afterlife. If I had the ability to live in Equestria after death, I would be quite happy and shape it into an even better place. Sadly though, every ounce of logic in me is yelling "OBJECTION!" at this thought.

  • Brohoof 1
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Aperture? I'm a huge fan of Portal, but I would much rather be taking a nap on a cloud or happily casting magic spells, then being shot at by robots, even if I did have an epic portal gun. :umad:

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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Any sort of afterlife is more than likely impossible, but the thought has crossed my mind of Equestria as an afterlife. I know that it's just a fantasy, but damn that'd be a nice place to go. 


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Oh yes.  I think about Equestria as my personal heaven all the time.  The idea makes me want to believe that an afterlife is possible.  Unfortunately for me, I have much difficulty believing in such things.  But if it turns out there is an afterlife, and we get to make it what we want, mine will definitely be Equestria.  And Pinkie Pie will be my best friend for eternity. 


I have read that people can experience a surge of brain activity right as they are dying.  Some doctors think that it might be the reason that patients who are brought back sometimes recall a spiritual phenomenon, such as seeing deceased loved ones or floating above their bodies.  I think it would be neat if, for those who are not brought back, that last burst of activity causes us to lose our sense of time and slip into a wonderful endless dream.

  • Brohoof 1

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          The thought of going to a place such as Equestria hasn't exactly crossed my mind nor would it be my ideal place for an afterlife. To go to Equestria in itself would be a wondrous experience but it'd lack the things that my heart would truly desire. Even if I don't believe in the great beyond my ideal afterlife would be something along the Warcraft universe. But if you think about it, who's to say that we aren't already in Equestria?


          It's just a matter of perspective after all frenchrarityplz.png?1


If you do not GO after what you want, you'll never have it. If you do not ASK, the answer will always be NO.

If you do not step froward, you'll always be in the same place. 


Want to learn how to draw ponies? Visit Dave's Pony Artist Resources thread to stop fearing the pencil and start loving it!

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I haven't really given that any thought. However, I suppose it would be better than the majority of religion's ideas of afterlife. My ideal form of afterlife would be reincarnation. Although I'm thinking of living further lives as a human, as a pony in Equestria wouldn't be too far off since they are human-like.

  • Brohoof 1

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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  I would love to go to Equestria when I die. Seems like a lovely world to live in after I lived in a world of chaos. A lovely world of chaos at that. Just as long as I am a unicorn. Can't imagine life without hands or something that is equivalent to hands.


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I would go there and probably meet the princesses, the Mane Six, and travel all over Equestria to meet New Ponies. I'd want to be a Pegasus to blend in, though.


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Unfortunately I have planned many things for when my departure times arrives.

But Equestria. Count me in! It would amazing to meet everypony and then even spend some time learning everything about their society, their culture and history.


I would like to know mainly about the Pony renaissance period, If such a thing ever existed of course.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd never thought of going there after I die thats set for another Franchise,...pokemon.... But I have thought of slipping into an alternate universe namely, Equestria or The Ace Attorney universe.


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Depends as what i enter, if go as pony the it's hell, if go as a human then it's heaven.


But who knows where you really go when die, if you go at all.

  • Brohoof 1

"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."


"Prayer cleanses the soul, Pain cleanses the body."


"He who follows Chaos, shall suffer for eternity."

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  • 3 weeks later...

Not quite thought that's where I would go if I die, but I do want inscribed in my epitaph "Off to Equestria I go!" along with the phrases "The Local Legend" and "Wrong side of the tombstone, idiot!" (inscribed on the back of course). But yeah, It'd be cool to go there.

  • Brohoof 1

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If there is an afterlife (let's hope so!), and I was given a choice, but had to choose immediately, I would probably choose equestria in a knee jerk reaction. Of course, I would make sure to specify to come back as a pony, because anything else would be...unpleasant. Not that there's anything wrong with being a dragon or a griffin, but the ponies in the show don't really have good experiences with those races.


My ideal version of the afterlife would be some sort of free-roaming existence, where I could visit any reailty I chose, and then settle down for a "real" life, all over again, in one of the places I visited. Equestria? Azeroth? Tamriel? Who knows.


Who's to say I wasn't a pony or something else in my last life, anyhow? Maybe I chose this reailty as my next life? The probability of this seems astronomically low, but the cycle likely didn't begin here, nor will it end here (I hope).


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