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gaming Hopes for sims 4?


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So sims 4 is coming out and I am excited for it. My hopes include either A) include the more basic expansion packs into the game or B) make them way cheaper;


another thing I want is the ability to make your own town WITHIN the game. I know they have the create a world tool or whatever, but Im dumb and its not very user friendly.


The customization is pretty good but theres always room for more!


And this ones a bit far fetched, but a really well made multiplayer mode or something like that. That would be neat. NOT ALWAYS ONLINE THOUGH

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I want more single women and men in my bcking game. Seriously, I went through the town and found nothing. Then they cheated on me :( Klepto woman kills them all anyways. I starved them all.....

I want more ways to kill people!! Its so hard to kill a person when they get out the pool or won't die fast enough for starvation, won't get electrified, and fires don't work....

  • Brohoof 2




LUNA=Best Princess


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I'll try to keep my expectations low since, after all EA will find a way to try to kill the franchise. But, I do want more ways to kill people, more house designs, and other activities that you can do in a family when it comes to jobs and miscellaneous activities.

  • Brohoof 1
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actually there are a few really creative deaths in some of the expansion packs. the gummy bear tree is one, and if you buy the philosophers stone with lifetime points (supernatural) you can turn your sim into solid gold lmao


another thing is NO MORE RABBIT HOLES

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Well lord knows that EA is treating the Sims like it's their money tree these days. Well, that and Battlefield. I just know that EA will find some way to f**k it up. I just know it.


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  1. Make sure all the expansion packs work. Night Life really screwed the game up for a lot of players. Many of the venues were empty and the cities were very lifeless thanks to how the system spawns characters (based off system specs apparently). The cities for me were utterly useless.

Give us more Sims Medievil-style missions. Sims Medievl (sp) is fantastic since we get to do actual quests, missions, and whatnnot. Same goes with how the adventures went in Sims World Adventure expansion.

Make some expansions a part of the actual game now. Pets, College, World Adventures, and Jobs should all be in the vanilla game from the getgo.

Allow SIMS 2 style modding. The modding community for Sims2 was amazing! This was scratched out due to EA's restricting a lot of the modding tools for Sims 3 (so they can sell their own stupid mods)

Make exploration more rewarding.


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actually there are a few really creative deaths in some of the expansion packs. the gummy bear tree is one, and if you buy the philosophers stone with lifetime points (supernatural) you can turn your sim into solid gold lmao


another thing is NO MORE RABBIT HOLES


actually there are a few really creative deaths in some of the expansion packs. the gummy bear tree is one, and if you buy the philosophers stone with lifetime points (supernatural) you can turn your sim into solid gold lmao


another thing is NO MORE RABBIT HOLES

Why can't we have more deaths that are in the BASE game? Without cheating, of course. I wouldn't mind better killing tactics that are EASIER.




LUNA=Best Princess


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1. Fix all the bugs

2. Include expansion packs like Seasons, Pets, University, etc in the base game.

3. More ways to die

4. More advanced body types in Create-A-Sim

5. Use actual ages instead of the different life stages. Gradual aging would be nice as well.

6. Add more features to creating houses

7. Instead of just picking out something to do in Rabbit Holes, you can either A: Use Rabbit Hole and not be able to do certain things, or B: Go inside and control your sim inside the building.


8. More careers 

9. Sims, particularly teens and kids, can have crushes on other sims

10. Sims can get bullied

11. Teenage Pregnancy (may be pushing the "Teen" rating)

12. Be able to make videos and post them on a sim version of Youtube

13. Be able to choose different accents, languages, and dialects for sims in Create-A-Sim

14. Shopping Malls

15. Sexual Orientation (Again, may be pushing the "Teen" rating)

16. Different cities and towns that sims can travel and move to. For example, there could be a country town, big city town, etc.

17. Incorporate chemistry into Sim romantic relationships and add some things around that

18. Have other sims be able to have a crush on your sims, and make events around that and have that sim act differently around your sim

19. More Sim personality traits

20. Add height sliders to Create-A-Sim

21. Be able to open your own business such as resturants, and be able to design the interior, the exterior, and how the business works. Like for a restaurant, you would be able to pick the menu. You could also hire and fire other sims.

22. Foreign sims that some sims won't be able to communicate with unless they know that sim's language

23. Be able to have sims learn new languages 

24. School events such as dances, fundraisers, etc.

25. Be able to go hunting

26. Legends/cryptids that sims can search for.

27. Acne for young teenagers

28. Injuries

29. Make the towns more lively; add more sims doing different things.

30. An online mode of some sort.


I can dream.

  • Brohoof 2
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theres actually a surprising amount of mods for the sims, but its already buggy enough as it is, personally I dont think it would be worth it. a couple of things you mentioned are in the game to an extent, like with generations the school now has a prom your sim can attend, but you dont really get to do much with it yourself. And with Island paradise you can run your own hotel, but the system could be a little better in my opinion.


oops i read online mode as online MOD. my bad

Edited by Grand_Finale
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Well, I absolutely enjoy homes, both the way you progress from a small dirty house to a great palace and building them, so I really hope that aspect is there and perhaps bigger and better.


Second, I had the most fun playing one (immortal) character progressing trough the ages, rather than a big family, so I sure hope that still works.


Third ... It works better than Sims 3. Try reinstalling Sims 3, that can take you a whole day, be pure torture and there is no guarantee it will all work after that. 


Unimportant: Please don't make DLCs like "Lady Gagas glorious train" or some such, it makes me hate myself for playing the game.


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I have a hunch we won't be allowed any mods that aren't under EAs control in Sims 4.

To own Sims 3 plus all XP, SP and DLC it will cost you 500+ US dollars. EAs a pretty anticonsumer company. They've been getting more and more restrictive about how players are allowed to enjoy their games lately. Hell pulling their games off Origin was just a grab for more control and money for everything they sell.

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They need to be much less greedy than they were with The Sims 3. The game was so bad in that aspect, that it has made me incredibly leery of the idea of paid DLC. They milked it dry with The Sims 3. The Expansion Packs of The Sims 1 plus some free DLC was really all The Sims ever needed. In The Sims 2 they started making Stuff Packs, which I never bought. They're just too small for the price. Then they made the store, which was okay for The Sims 2 because they only added very little new content.


The Sims 3, though, it makes me sick. They made the store into something completely different, while still releasing EPs and SPs. The biggest problem is that the Expansion Packs suffered massively in content (just look at the Generations EP), yet they ended up costing $10 more than The Sims 1 and 2 EPs at base price. The store is a monstrosity, and was never needed with this series that already had "DLC" in the form of Expansion Packs. They released eleven whole Expansion Packs for this game, but guess what? Not a single one of those EPs could provide open restaurants, a feature that was huge in TS1 and TS2. Instead they wait four years and release it on the store, for like $20 - $30. As if EA hasn't already robbed The Sims fans to nothing by pricing all 11 EPs at $40.


It just infuriates me what they did. Also, I should note that the open restaurants (from what I've heard) are not on the level of TS1 nor TS2. So you're paying an extra $20-$30 for an inferior product to what you had before, when it should have just been in an Expansion Pack (like maybe Generations) fully fleshed out.


So, something needs to change for The Sims 4. Like, really bad.


Their EP release schedule was also awful. Weather/Seasons, a base-game level feature (if you think about it), was held back for three and a half years or so. Why? Just so EA could get an extra $40 out of you. That is ABSURD! Weather/Seasons needs to be base game TS4. It doesn't have to be FULLY fleshed out at first, but it needs to be present. Then they can expand upon it, and expand it with other EP features because that's really the way Weather/Seasons should be done. And if they absolutely have to make it into an EP, it needs to be out immediately. No excuses this time, because really TS3 Seasons still could have been way better than it was. It did not look like an EP they needed three and a half years to make. I mean they still couldn't make trees bloom for the Spring, nor could they make winters brown enough to be winters (does every single bush not only keep its leaves, but also remain in bloom during the winter? In EA's world apparently, they do, because that's how it was done in Seasons).


Otherwise, they need to add some features to really make it a sequel. Features like gradual aging and height adjustment for Sims are definitely sequel-worthy features. I just really can't think of anything else, though.


Oh, and I have another thing that I feel EA must do with The Sims 4, but nobody wants to hear it, so I won't go into it... This time. lol

Everything needs more woodwind!

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First off, they have to make it much less buggy. I get error 12 after installing Seasons, and with that I've lost so much progress that I gave up on that family. 


They should make Seasons, University and Generations base game. (And Ambitions too. Probably Pets as well.)


Better graphics. 


Best of all, more interesting ways for sims to interact. Right now, it's really too damn predictable. When your sim finds someone they like, you can get married in the same freaking day. (I've done that so many times...)


Make 'hotspots' actual hotspots. Every time I go to one, my sim is literally the only one there. It made the Night Life expansion pack pretty much useless. (Although it did have some nice things.)


Also, you should be able to buy clothes like you could in Sims 2. Makes it much more realistic. 


And then, everything else that @@Blue Moon, wrote. 

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Azura

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Yeah. As everypony is arguing in the above posts. I have noticed that even though I have never played any of the Sims' main franchise (I've played SimCity 5 though!) I believe that the "DLC" made for Sims 3 is just terribly overpriced. It's crazy. I cannot even begin to picture how they robbed their fanbase of over 400 USD per person! How can they accept it? I mean, I know it's micro-transactions and all but micro-transactions at the scale of 40 per transaction? That is crazy. I think EA has gone too far with this.

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Yeah, and a few of the expansion packs are so basic its ridiculous. Generations doesnt add anything to the core gameplay, it just sorta adds little things her and there. as much as i love the series, its turned into a cash grab

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The biggest thing for me is that i want it available on steam on launch, im sick of having to use origin its the biggest bucking pile of crap ever, the login server seems to be down every 5 seconds.


As for the game itself, as long as it keeps the ability to have jobs that operate from home, like writing, im good :3 i don't like having to force my sims to get up for work all the time. Also i like how in Sims 3 you can modify exactly how long each life section lasts, the total age of my sims is crazy, the "Young Adult" lifespan is more than triple the entire lifespan of a sim on the default one.



15. Sexual Orientation (Again, may be pushing the "Teen" rating)


18. Have other sims be able to have a crush on your sims, and make events around that and have that sim act differently around your sim


20. Add height sliders to Create-A-Sim



Sexual Orientation is already a part of the game, i managed to get one of my daughters to get a girlfriend to see if it would let me.


Other sims can have a crush on your sim without you pushing it, my sim is married and gets called up by other sims all the time asking to go out on a date with him.


Are there not height sliders already? im pretty sure there are.



All your other points are rather good, i would like to see most of them in the game :3

  • Brohoof 1

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I think all sims are bi, I cant even count how many times my teen sims have gone to the dance and come home with samesex relationships. and nope, no height sliders yet.

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The biggest thing for me is that i want it available on steam on launch, im sick of having to use origin its the biggest bucking pile of crap ever, the login server seems to be down every 5 seconds.


As for the game itself, as long as it keeps the ability to have jobs that operate from home, like writing, im good :3 i don't like having to force my sims to get up for work all the time. Also i like how in Sims 3 you can modify exactly how long each life section lasts, the total age of my sims is crazy, the "Young Adult" lifespan is more than triple the entire lifespan of a sim on the default one.


Sexual Orientation is already a part of the game, i managed to get one of my daughters to get a girlfriend to see if it would let me.


Other sims can have a crush on your sim without you pushing it, my sim is married and gets called up by other sims all the time asking to go out on a date with him.


Are there not height sliders already? im pretty sure there are.



All your other points are rather good, i would like to see most of them in the game :3

It's possible, yes, but it would be nice to see it put more strictly into the game and add more for it. Something to choose in Create-A-Sim. Because currently, sims can pretty much get into a relationship with any gender, so I guess they are all bi.


As for crushes, the current system is more random, and there isn't a lot of focus put on it. I mean like sims acting different around their crushes, and other things as well.


And nope, there are no height sliders.

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Well I've only really ever played the Sims 3, but what I would love to have in it, are of course more ways to kill them. Come on, everyone knows the most fun is killing the sims. There needs to of course be a height slider, because come one, every sim is the same height by the time there a young adult. Some more careers would be nice. Let us open a business and go though the stress of running it. Let us lead the town when where actually in the political field. 


Maybe, this might be pushing it, but maybe allow wars. Like obviously there is the military career, but imagine if you could actually go and fight or something.


Another nice thing would be to touch up the romance a bit. Because everyone has fallen in love by spamming Flirt for a few hours and got married the next day...


That's about all I can think of.

  • Brohoof 1
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The NEXT day? im usually married, preggers and getting a new job in the first day of meeting them lol. Sims are so silly. crazy sims

  • Brohoof 1
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I might be the only one that thinks this, but the main thing I want to see in The Sims 4 is the sense of humor The Sims 1 and The Sims 2 had.  The Sims 3 just seemed way too serious to me, and it felt like it lacked the humor and silliness the previous games had.  I miss the grilled cheese, phone calls from "Your Psychic Advisor," genies that set your house on fire, the Servo robot butlers (a gorilla butler in the console verisons of The Sims 1), alien abductions, removing the ladders from pools, Social Bunnies, and so forth.  Sure, The Sims 3 has some humor, but I don't find it as silly as the previous titles.

Edited by Rolls Royce
  • Brohoof 1


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  • 4 weeks later...

So, what do you all think about The Sims 4 Gameplay trailer that was released by the official Sims Youtube channel recently (Two days ago at the time of this posting)?


I think it looks quite nice, the editor is a bit different than it was in the older games, in fact I'd go as far as to say that it is for all intents and purposes completely different.


If you haven't viewed the trailer yet, it's here.


I think that the new menu for creating Sims looks promising, definitely more promising than the (Quite disappointing in my opinion) extremely limited ways to customize your Sims in the Sims 3.


What do you think about this?


  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, the Sims 3 had quite the horrible customisation in it, not to talk about the graphics while in the customation! The trailer looks promising, but i'd like it if they will not be adding too much skills anymore. And they should re-introduce the possibility to choose what ingredients you choose to cook food like in The Sims Castaway. Man, i loved that feature! Other than that, i've Always liked the Sims, it looks promising.

  • Brohoof 1

The Trixieism thread !(made by Firebolt): http://mlpforums.com/topic/49269-trixieism/




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