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How many social network profiles do you own?


Social Networks  

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  1. 1. How many social network profiles do you own?

    • 0
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    • 2-4
    • 4-6
    • 6-8
    • 8+

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Short answer: Too freakin' many.


Long answer: A Facebook profile that manages four pages, Twitter, G+ and two G+ artist pages, a Tumblr blog, a LinkedIn profile, a reddit account, three YouTube profiles, a SoundCloud profile, and three MySpace profiles that I almost never touch anymore.

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The only websites I do go on mostly would be Tumblr, A very little bit of Facebook, and here. Not really much to say out of that. If you wanna follow my Tumblr...



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I think I can list them all here:


- FaceBook

- Steam

- YouTube



- Twitter

- Tumblr

- Instagram

- Google Plus

- Deviantart

- MySpace

"Walk always in shadows, so that you will see your foes before they see you."



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I have well over eight, if we're counting every social networking profile that's still in existence for me somewhere. If it's strictly the sites I'm active on, then it's probably more like five or six. I'm quite the social networking junkie. =P


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I got an email account on yahoo, MLPforums account (jk, I've never been to that sight) youtube account, and (I hate saying this) a Gmail account (only made because my first youtube account was connected to my dad's WORK GMAIL, which I don't know the password for, so I made a new youtube account and had the new Gmail connected to it) Nothing else I think. Unless some livestream site accounts and one for my outfit (which I've abandoned) on planetside 2 count.

Edited by Leatherbehlt


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Active on:


MLP Forums(obviously)

Deviantart(just for other people's work, I'm far too shy to upload anything of mine) :blush: 




Currently neglecting:

Bioware Social Network


The Sims 3.com



Edited by Anishna
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I'm not really into social media/networking all that much. The only active "networks" I'm apart of would be Skype, Steam, and here on the MLP Forums. I have not touched my Facebook account in god knows how long and I've never been apart of Tumblr/ Instagram/ Myspace/ etc.


I'm just more of an anti-social person I guess :P

  • Brohoof 1


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i own:










and i dunno if this qualifies, but is XBL also a social network? you can have 'friends' and stuff so i dunno.


anyway, the only one i use is twitter now and then, the rest i don't even know the passwords for anymore


My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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Counting forums? Too many to count. I guess the main ones are here, Twitter, and Facebook.


Facebook, I am not active on at all anymore, I actually shut my account down for a long while. Twitter, I never post, just check out a few other people's Tweets.


Here, self explanatory. I am not too social on the Internet anymore. Kinda matches my non Internet social life as well.


I also have G+ as well, but never use it.

Edited by Kyoshi



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- Steam

- Facebook (Only for messaging my close friends though. Most people on there are halfwits you can't have a proper conversation with anyway.)

- Here, obviously.

- DeviantArt?


That's it really. I'd rather have all my friends (you guize :catface: ) all in one place rather than checking loads of websites each day. MLP forums and Steam are only ones I actually check daily, the others I usually check about once or twice a week.

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

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I think I'm actively part of three different social networks. Steam, This community, and Equestria Forever. That's all I can think of though because social networks aren't my life.

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Well, here IS a list of other forums/websites I DO devote a lot of time to:

-Jurassic Park Legacy/Live the Legend RPG (Administrator; Jr. PR affairs, also Research Staff for the Encyclopedia project)

-Primal Carnage Forums


-Park Pedia (user: Jhayk' Sulliy - hay, I was one of the original members of the James Cameron Avatar Wiki, don't judge me :P )

-FiMFiction (haven't really written anything in a while :blush: ). 



Love is a most potent magic

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Am I the only one who doesn't have any? (Does the forums count?)


I really don't find Facebook that cool to be on, and I find Twitter, Instagram, and Snap Chat really annoying. So, my answer to the question is none, I like good old fashion talking way better then text. :)


Don't worry Sir. You're not alone! :lol: To be honest I'm glad I'm not alone anymore YAY!! :lol:

I have a Twitter that I created for some sweepstakes to win some prizes but that was the last time I used it. I don't have a Facebook and my only other account online is here on the forums. That's it for social networks for me.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


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I have Facebook, Twitter (which I never use), Tumblr (DA BEST), Youtube, and I'm a member of a couple assorted forums and similar things.

Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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I only use Facebook although I also have a profile on Google+ due to having a YouTube account. I never use the latter and the former is just to keep in touch with some old friends and family.

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Let's see here, 

I have:

  • MLP FORUMS (if that counts)
  • Facebook
  • Myspace
  • Tumblr
  • Twitter
  • Intense Debate
  • Youtube


Those mostly, I guess. :P


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...well i own an account on almost everyone out there but i never use any of them...does this count as a social networking site aswell ?


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i have nothing else to say...

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I have, in typical fashion, way too many. Mostly because I don't want to abandon any accounts I create even if they are of little use to me.


I had disabled Facebook in the past but I had to revive it recently to create a page for an organisation I'm part of. My own page acts solely as a portal with all the privacy settings shoved up to the max.


Off the top of my head, the only site I've actually abandoned and deleted properly was Dailymotion. Didn't see the point of that incredibly sluggish service.


However, if YouTube wasn't so ruthlessly tied down to Google's ecosystem, I'd actually have probably deleted my Google account by now, primarily because I don't want them to sell my profile to advertisers.

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I have around 4 social networks:

1. YouTube

2. Facebook

3. Reddit (?)

4. Instagram

I don't even know if Reddit is a social network even though people discuss the topic around certain sub-reddits.

Fours words, one goal: DROP DA BASS MAN. ~ soniccam1

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I have Facebook (Rarely on anymore), Twitter, Tumblr, another brony site, Instagram, and of course these forums.


I for sure don't use Facebook or Twitter that often, I used to when I didn't know about these sites. I enjoy being on these ones better. 




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These forums, about 4 YouTube accounts, Facebook, 2 twitter accounts, deviant art and a few other forums. All of which I use regularly, besides the forums, this is the only forum I visit on a regular basis.

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Well, I have a facebook, a youtube, i'm here on these forums, and I have a steam if that counts, i don't think skype counts, maybe instagram counts, idk :P.


I don't use facebook a whole ton anymore though, I no longer make videos on youtube, steam I don't have on this crappy computer as most of the games can't run on this current computer. The forums I of course go on alot. Skype i use alot if it even counts, and Instagram I use about the same as facebook.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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