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258 users have voted

  1. 1. Worst Villain?

    • Nightmare Moon
    • Discord
    • Queen Chrysalis
    • King Sombra
    • Sunset Shimmer
    • Nightmare Rarity
    • Tirek
    • The Dazzlings
    • Starlight Glimmer
  2. 2. Secondary Antagonist?

    • Flim & Flam
    • Gilda
    • Lightning Dust
    • Trixie
    • Babs Seed
    • Garble
    • Diamond Dogs
    • Jet Set & Upper Crust
    • Diamond Tiara & Silver Spoon
    • Iron Will
    • Ahuzotil
    • Angel (In a sense)
    • Suri Polomare
    • Those Three Idiots from Sonic Rainboom + The Cutie Mark Chronicles
    • Dr. Caballeron
    • Fleetfoot
    • Wind Rider
    • Spoiled Rich (Diamond Tiara's Mother)
    • Svengallop (Ra Ra's Manager)
    • Sassy Saddles
    • Principal Cinch

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Worst Villian:


Nightmare Rarity. A poorly thought out arc.


Worst Secondary Villian:


Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Well, mainly Diamond Tiara Never really cared for generic bullies in cartoons.


I mean, at least Gilda was a bit interesting, mainly for the fact that she was RD's old friend, and at least Trixie has charisma. Yes, even I'll admit that. I don't see ANYTHING I find interesting about Diamond Tiara.

Edited by Skarloey
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Worst villain:


Nightmare Moon. She was the most boring villain to hear and is more unoriginal than Chrysalis. NMM was terrible. I didn't really enjoy her design as much as everyone else thinks.


Worst secondary anagonists:


DT & SS, because obvious reasons.

gonna take you out

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Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon are annoyingly bland and under developed. I cringe whenever they are onscreen, the combination of the voices and tiresome dialouge being the absolute low point of any episode they feature in. I'm not asking for nuanced and deeply felt personas here; just bully characters who are intresting or maybe even fun to watch and who have a sense of purpose outisde of being horrible for no resason.


As for Sunset Shimmer, I'll let Past Citrus explain:




It's not so much that she was an inherently weak villain, because she actually has a really interesting backstory, what with being Celestia's former personal student, as well as possibly being considered for princesshood. But the movie expanded on none of that.


Not to mention a lack of direction for her character arc and failure to be memorable in any meaningful way.



Also... Who's Nightmare Rarity???


A villain from the comic book. The entity that lached onto Luna and formed Nightmare Moon possesses Rarity and uses her to wage war on Equestria. It's as fabulous as it sounds.




Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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As cliche as it sounds I would have to go with Sombra. While he was pretty meh in the show, the fandom is what made him a really neat character. Kind of sad that the show couldn't do that.

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I for one found King Sombra to be quite interesting as a concept: a dark overlord who conquered an empire and laid it to shadow for thousands of years whose presence was so wicked it drives pure terror in the hearts of many just through the power of memory.


The worst villain in my opinion had to be Sunset Shimmer. Here is everything wrong about this villain: 


1. Ooh, the bad girl with a Napoleon Complex. How bloody original. 

2. Who is she and what is her motivation?

3. Why did she turn against Celestia?

4. Why does she think an army of about 30 high school students will stand a chance against three alicorns and two armies?

5. If she has no allies in the human dimension, where does she live?

6. How did she hear about the Elements of Harmony's recovery if she was in a different dimension with no contact with Equestria?

7. Why did she turn into a Danny Phantom villain with severe retardation and a bad haircut when she put on the Crown of Magic?

8. Why does all of her plains make about as much sense as an Alaskan Timeshare near a cannibal colony. 


I could easily go on.

Thank god no one has voted Tirek. I finally found common sense in a thread.


Congratulations, you jinxed it. 

Edited by The Seventh Octave
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Four people voted for Discord?:o I voted for Sombra, but it might be time for me to check in for the night, because I didn't see Sunset Shimmer on the list. I don't much care for Sombra, because he's too much like Chrysalis, except he didn't get as far as she did, and he came right after her, making the season 3 intro even more like the season 2 finale, as if that wasn't already a problem with that two parter. Sunset Shimmer's a knockoff of Trixie, but I think she's even worse, because where Sombra has a bit of a cool aura about him, Sunset Shimmer doesn't, and is pretty much what Trixie would be like without everything that's entertaining about her. My other vote was for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. In a show that can take the most cliched elements and do something fresh with them, a duo that's nothing more than the dictionary definition of clichéd sticks out like a sore thumb, and not in a good way.

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Sombra may have had minor screentime, lines, etc., but he was still powerful, intelligent, and serious.


Whereas Sunset may have had more personality, but her "master" plan was just an insult to our intelligence. And her demon form was anticlimactic.

Edited by A.V.
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Sombra had little to no personality. All we know is that he's a cliche evil king Sauron type villain.

(Don't even try refuting this,Sombra lovers.)


So,I choose him.


(Sunset was pretty bland,but I liked her,until the end.)


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Shit, who revived this?


Anyway, I don't like Sombra, he was a sauron ripoff with little to no personality.

  • Brohoof 2

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She's a complete idiot.


"This purple unicorn thinks that I'm Cadence so let's be an ass to everyone so that she'll notice that I've changed, and eventually try to stop the Wedding  :muffins: "


"Hey this Twilight Sparkle seems to have a good relationship with the pony I took the looks of and trapped into the caves, so let's trap her too after she comes to think that I'm the true Cadence so that they're able to reunite, return here, and kick my butt  :muffins: "


"Hey, let's show my true self, even though nobody can say that the Cadence that just appeared is the true one, so I'll take the risk of losing against Celestia  :muffins: "


"Hey, the wielders  of the Elements of Harmony are running, oh let's just say that they can run but not hide and take once again the risk of getting my ass kicked  :muffins: "


"Hey I'm about to take over Canterlot, let's stay near the window and sing an useless reprise of the last song while the good guys are utterly free to do whatever they want to  :derp:  :muffins:  :derp:  :derp:  :derp:  :muffins: "


It's always nice to see how people hate on Sunset Shimmer just because she is a human, and as such doesn't have any magical power in her world.


You think? I'd explain why i think she's a misunderstood genious, but this video would be better.





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  • 2 months later...

I voted for King Sombra because at the very least, Sunset had a bunch of mind controlled slaves that would have taken pony form when she returned to Equestria with all the powers that come with that.


And then there's the fact that she actually tried to MURDER Twilight when she threw that fireball at her-which is pretty metal and the first villain to straight up try to kill one of the Mane Six-which I thought was pretty cool.


King Sombra's trap were from before all that dark magic ate away at his sanity and turned him into a mindless savage unable to form full sentences, the worst he did was prevent Shining Armor from using his magic, there's no real characterization and given the space of two episodes rather than three lengthy books/films of atmospheric build up and the lack of an army-Sombra came off as a really lame ponified Sauron with no forces at his disposal, rather than a horrible force of nature to me.


As for worst secondary antagonist, I would have to choose Fleetfoot in 'Rainbow Falls', since she and Spitfire's attitude in the episode officially made me hate the Wonderbolts and hope that Dash comes to realize that she doesn't need backstabbing, hypocritical jerks like that to be respected, but instead the try to save face by giving what feels like an insincere apology at the end in an effort to avoid bad publicity.

  • Brohoof 1
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Well in terms of being villains? Sunset and Nightmare Moon.

Sunset's plan is poorly thought out. I can excuse her not seeming all that threatening for most of EQG1, until the end she's got no magical power, though they could of done more with her being manipulative and stuff. But after yeah, she really should of at least thought to go out and mindcontrol the entire city or something. Also I don't recall her motivations being explained much in the movie itself, you had to read the comics for that. I actually quite like the design of Demon Sunset so I'll give her that at least! 

Nightmare Moon is just laughably passive and incompetent, really you're an alicorn so powerful that Celestia had to use the elements against you and when you have 6 ponies out to find the elements and stop you all you think to do is Turn into a thorn so a manticore can step on it and make some tree's look scary? At literally any point throughout the episodes NMM could of gone out to face the mane 6 and destroyed them before they were a threat, instead she waits in the very place they need to go and only puts up minor obstacles before them. This is the legendary threat who Celestia can't defeat guys. 

In both cases what we hear they've done in the past sounds way better than what we actually see them do.

So yeah, I adore Sunset but she's worked much better as a reformed villain than as a villain and the same goes for Luna. At least the fact that they were villains is used to define a lot of their present actions so their appearances as villains aren't a complete waste.  In the end if voted for NMM because she's just got more hype to her backstory to be so laughably incompetent on screen, and again Sunset at least has the excuse of not having magic until the climax which NMM lacks. Also I like Sunset Shimmer a whole lot more than I like Luna. Who knows, apparently Celestia just attracts these types.


As for King Sombra, he's actually the smartest villain of them all. He never made a major mistake and only lost because Shining was quick thinking enough to throw Cadance. He may not have much personality, but not every villain needs it, sure I prefer colorful villains like Discord and the Dazzlings but Sombra did his job for the plot of the Crystal Empire 2 parter. He was competent and threatening. I could never say he was the worst villain. 

Edited by M'gann M'orzz
  • Brohoof 2


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King Sombra is in my opinion the weakest, because he had no development at all. As for secondary antagonist, I'm obviously going to say DT&SS.

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Tirek and Sombra. "Ok, there they go again, destroying things 'cause whatever stereotypical, villainy reason"

C'mon guys, give us some contrast. Something that people can identify themselves with! Where it has been like "I'm bad, 'cause I'm bad" That's the lazy way!

Bring it on! What thing? Originality. Make it so it's possible to understand the villain standpoint, as with any other character. Make it good!

Sure you can do it!

  • Brohoof 1
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Now let me make on thing clear, in Rainbow Rocks Sunset Shimmer became one of my favorite characters in the entire series. But were talking about villains right, and in that horrific first film Sunset Shimmer was BY FAR the worst villain in the show. It was like if Diamond Tiara was to be the main villain of a two parter, it just wouldn't work. Also don't get me started on her motivations.

Edited by Arctofire
  • Brohoof 1
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Worst Villain: Nightmare Moon. Uninteresting character, she could have beaten Twilight and her friends very easily. (the episode was pretty bad anyway)

I like King Sombra and his mysterious side, why did he get so many votes? :(


Worst Antagonist: Gilda.

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King Sombra was under used if

any bad guy in the mlp shows

if i ever saw a over used bad guy..


He had the dark magic.

He had the look for evil.

He was a evil unicorn.

He had the reason and ruled a kingdom of own for years in making ponies his slaves.

He could become a evil spirit like mist!


Yet did the writers use him,  other than saying "crystals " over and over

again like a pokemon...NOPE!


H was used as a place holder and used badly if you ask me..


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  • 3 weeks later...

Queen Chrysalis

-she sent a threat and snuck in anyway

-she didn't even try to act like Cadence

-twilight decided she was paranoid and apologized to her, but she was just like "You were right the whole time" and put twilight in a place where she would be able to rescue the real cadence and escape

-she revealed herself in front of everypony when she could have claimed cadence was the imposter


-on the plus side, she has an excellent singing voice :okiedokielokie:

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I had to give worst villain to Nightmare Rarity simply because I haven't read the comics yet and the notion also seems a little silly to me. Sombra for as much as people complain about him. Didn't seem like a lame villain to me. He wanted power for power's sake, which is a fairly common motive. He also wasn't the real focus of the episode, so his lack of development and screen time seem like minor issues to me.


For the second question, those three ass clowns who gave Rainbow Dash a hard time in school and at the competition. We don't see them often, and they aren't menacing or threatening or harmful at all like most of the others. They're just annoying.


Kyoshi made this ^^



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