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Ooooooooh yes. The Bionicle toy line was FANTASTIC. Was utterly devastated when they ditched them for Hero Factory, and MY GOD I LOVED THE LORE SO MUCH. ;A;


Most of my memories involve the first sets that came out, namely the village elder sets with the lever-activated arms.




I still HAVE them, though I'm pretty sure I'm missing the weapons of a good portion of them. Had all six of them, too. :/


Regardless, I stayed with the lore until Metru Nui started and then just...lost interest. Don't get me wrong, but after the Borahk, the only interesting sets were the Rahkshi and the 2007 Toa line. Of the former, my favorite set OF ALL TIME would have to be the white/anger elemental Rahkshi: Kurahk. He was my favorite and always will be. Of the latter I own all six, sadly opened but still very much intact, in my room in a box. I hope to grab all of the Rahkshi at some point, you'd better believe it.



  • Brohoof 1


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I have a lot of them,they are in the house somewhere XD when i was a kid i loved them,i have the VHS of the first film,it was really good,actually all the films and all the generation of the toys where great,then,Hero Factory came out..and they suck,apart the fact that they are Bionicles with an other name,the great thing about Bionicles is that there is a fandom of them,so from time to time a crossover between Bionicle and something will came out,i have saw a Deadpool made out of a Bionicle,and a Spartan from Halo,on DeviantArt there are a lots of those things!!


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I sure could have invested my money better , but geez, I was just a kid and back then it was worth my pocket money.


Ya, I relied off of chores and grades to get bionicles (not to mention Birthdays and Christmas).

Usually a good report card would get me one, or just doing a week of chores.


Bionicles were cool, I used to collect some of them. If I had more money back when I was a kid I would have bought the entire collection...


Exactly, I only bought 1 character pods (the plastic things that held them) because that was what I could afford at the time.

Heck if I had the money I'd buy the bigger sets lol


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Bionicles were one of my favourite lego sets as a kid. I think I still have all the original toa and I know for sure I still have the bohrok queens. Building them was my biggest lego accomplishment as a kid. I saved up a month of washing dishes for my parents (two bucks a night) and spent around 2 hours building them. (Theyre actually sitting on my bookshelf upstairs)


I think I grew out of the bionicle series soon after the mask of light movie was released. I stopped caring about the plot and slowly stopped bothering with lego in general.

Edited by Celtore
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since my parents didn't let me have pokemon or anything like that, BIONICLE was literally my childhood and i loved every bit of it. including the comics. i was distraught when i found out about the HERO stuff. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I remember falling in love with Bionicle after getting my first Matoran from McDonald's. After that, I began to collect as many as I possibly could. I remember subscribing to the Lego magazine just so that I could read the comics. Man, that ending really sucked. It felt rather unfinished, to me.

Edited by Arretez
  • Brohoof 1


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Dude, I fucking love Bionicle.
I've loved Lego Technic's little action figure set thingies forever. Anybody remember Throwbots or Roboriders? I collected most of those, too. Of course, none of them ever came close to the awesomeness of Bionicle.
I still remember seeing the preview on the back of one of the old Lego Magazines... I don't think I've ever been so psyched for something in my life. I didn't swear back then, but I'm pretty sure my mental state was like:

"Holy shit, what is this? It just says 'Bionicle - coming soon', and there's this super badass dude with a FUCKING FIRE SWORD SURFING ON FUCKING LAVA HOLY FUCKING SHIT THIS IS AWESOME."

Then it came out and I saw the whole line up, and Onua was instantly my favorite, with those giant claws. I ended up with 3 separate sets of Onua because several people got them for me as gifts but didn;t coordinate. I didn't care, I could build even cooler shit out of all the extra pieces. I also got Pohatu and Tahu. I've lost most of the pieces, though :(
My favorite story arc was the Bohrok invasion, and I ended up with 2 Nuhvok, a Tahnok, and a Gahlok. They were so cool, they'd rool up in little balls, and if you hit them in the eye hard enough, their Krana would pop out, and they had the lever in the back to make their heads shoot forward to attack. It allowed for actual fights.
My friends and I would bring them to school and have Bohrok battles on the bus. We'd even build them slightly differently to make them better :)

Although, from a purely building standpoint, the Rahkshi were by far my favorite, because they brought something amazing to the Bionicle line: jointed limbs. Yeah, you could cobble together your own custom jointed limbs, but they were clunky. The Rahkshi were the first Lego Technic set to have jointed limbs, and that opened up a whole new realm of badass action figures you could build. I'm so very, very glad they expanded on that as much as they did. I still build new guys with all the awesome bending limbs and custom weapons, and I still play with them and give them cool powers and backstories and epic fights. It actually kinda resembles Bleach, if you're familiar with the manga/anime; over the top yet still cool powers, weird ass characters, bad story lines with epic fights that do drag on from time to time. I sometimes also have trouble deciding who I'd want to win in some cases. Also, none of them have names, since I never talk about them, simply playing with them in silence, and since I know what they all are, I don't have to give them names in my mind.

Spoilers contain brief explanations of my current cast of shameful bionicle creations that I still play with FUCK YOU I HAVE NO SHAME.

First guy I made was this sort of Ice Paladin guy with a giant sword. Like, Cloud Buster Sword kinda thing. I built it out of those old wing pieces out of the really old Star Wars Mindstorm robot set. It had 2 of these wings, one behind the other, and the other was built on a track so that it could slide out, increasing the swords length by about 70%. His fighting style took this into account, making it hard to judge how he would attack or block, since his sword could change sizes. He'd also use Ice magic. Eventually, finding it too weak, he abandoned Ice and just dual wielded 2 giant swords. Eventually, after getting his ass handed to him by his nemesis (who I will get to later), he went on a sort of quest for greater power, defeating the magical force dude (an ally of the nemesis guy, who I'll also get to later), but not before his arm was infected by parasitic dark magic. This tempted him into delving into dark magic, which eventually took over the left half of his body. He forged a skeletal-ish long sword, more powerful than his huge swords, and now uses that as his main weapon. He has experimented with using his holy magic half to make a matching holy sword, but the dark influence are too great, and it always comes out as a pale and twisted sword with little power.

Now, the nemesis, for lack of a better name, is my favorite creation. He has a black and blood red color scheme, with spindly limbs and the creepy head of a Bohrok Va. He comes from a tribe of blood and death magic users, were it is normal to give up limbs in order to be closer to the afterlife, but he wasn't content with only 1 arm and 1 leg, so he he went to the cities of metal and had mechanical limbs made to replace his old ones. He alsoi gave up one of his eyes, to further increase his blood powers, replacing it with a badass silver eye. His tribe saw him as a blasphemer for using technology to retain his limbs, so he was banished.
When fighting, he prefers to toy with his opponent at first, using only his legs and original arm at first (keeping his mechanical arm and it's giant claw folded up and hidden). If things get serious, his mechanical arm is usually enough to keep him on top. His mechanical limbs are much stronger and more flexible than his normal ones (which are pretty damn strong and flexible anyway), and he take great advantage of this by bending in strange ways, balancing on one or two limbs while attacking with the others, and just generally acting like a crazy contortionist had a baby with a murderous, psycho acrobat. Think Voldo from Soul Caliber.
He also has his blood magic, which he can use to control spilled blood, as well as form it into a scythe, which he is highly skilled with. He only pulls out his magic and scythe against the strongest opponents, though.

The magical force guy mainly uses a short sword connect to his arm with a chain (so he can throw and swing it, God of War style), and a powerful force magic. Not like Jedi force, but I don't know what else to call it. He creates bursts of energy that don't damage anything on their own, but can propel things at high speeds, or stop things in their tracks, which can damage things. He usually uses this to control his chain sword and to block attacks by creating an energy burst around his body right before an attack would hit him, knocking it away from him. He also creates bursts below his feet to jump incredible distances.

My second favorite is the dark green guy. He's very strong, and uses a large sword and thick armor to just go berserk and kill shit. He thinks magic is dishonorable, so he built jaws into his sword (well, I built jaws into his sword. Looks pretty cool, I think), which open to suck in magical energy, forcing the opponent to "fight fair". He can also release the stored up magic, using it against it's owner. This is usually how he finishes off his opponents, since he enjoys the poetic justice of killing dishonorable magic users with their own magic.

His strongest ally is the gun dude, who has a ton of guns (no wai). I've always love gun-fu (close combat martial arts with guns), so he does all the cool shit with the point blank shots and blocking swords with his guns. Think Equilibrium, or the Matrix.

The last guy I currently have uses quicksilver, a liquid that can be shaped and phase changed (i.e. made into a solid, liquid or gas) by using electrical charge. Dude is a cyborg, and has large quantities of quicksilver in various containers built into his body. He can form weapons, armor, even temporarily patch up wounds or repair his mechanical parts with it. His trump card is releasing quicksilver gas into the air, waiting until you breath some in, then running a minor electrical charge through your body somehow, and suddenly your lungs are full of metal shards.

Continuing, I didn't pay much attention after that, and though the Visorak were undeniably cool (you know how much I love spiders :)) and I had a few of them, I was content with what I had. I got a few of the newer Bionicles after that, but that was mostly for parts; I have so many dudes built, I need more limbs D:
I like Hero Factory in that they have plenty of cool pieces I can build with, but I don't really care about any story they have or whatever.

Edited by Evilshy
  • Brohoof 1

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I remember that my first sets were the Rahkshi. Those things were freaking badass. Then it went into the Metru/Vahki, Hordika/Visorak, Inika/Piraka, Mahri/Barraki, and then the Phantoka and Makutas. I remember it all like it was yesterday. They came out when I was very young, and I loved them.


I still screw around with them from time to time. I still remember most of their names. I own the first 3 movies. Freaking loved those things. Best toy of all time, hands down.




Matoro is best pony



Edited by Appetite4Democracy

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Posting for Bionicle awesomeness


I absolutely loved Bionicles as a kid too, I never had a chance to get full sets from all the generations, but with me and my brother working together we managed to get at least half the figures. We'd just spend all day playing with them and acting our own adventures. In the end I managed to acquire at least two of every single generation, and managed to collect every single Bohrok.


I also read a shit ton on the lore, and would act a lot of the different situations, I just loved the universe and was always dying to find out more. Heck, I remember pretty much all the main toas from all generations. If Bionicle was still alive I'd probably go right in to the toy store and buy the new sets.


My favorite Bionicles were always the ice element, Kopaka, Matoro, Nuju etc. The color scheme was awesome and who wouldn't want to be able to freeze your enemies in an instant? :D

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Oh my god I remember Bionicle I used to absolutely love the things! I had so many of the toys, I think they are all in the roof somewhere now. My favourite used to be the first generation black one from what I can remember. I think i might even still have a couple of the movies somewhere.. I'm going to see If I can find them... 


I found them at the back of my movie collection aha! One of them is so old it's on VHS :P



Edited by Shred Guitar Brony


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Oh my god I remember Bionicle I used to absolutely love the things! I had so many of the toys, I think they are all in the roof somewhere now. My favourite used to be the first generation black one from what I can remember. I think i might even still have a couple of the movies somewhere.. I'm going to see If I can find them... 


I found them at the back of my movie collection aha! One of them is so old it's on VHS :P


VHS, I don't think younger people nowadays (children) know what a VHS is. :/

I used to watch all the movies at my friends house since we loved Bionicles lol

I still got 2 boxes full of Bionicle parts n' stuff.

I remember falling in love with Bionicle after getting my first Matoran from McDonald's. After that, I began to collect as many as I possibly could. I remember subscribing to the Lego magazine just so that I could read the comics. Man, that ending really sucked. It felt rather unfinished, to me.


Looked more like there was going to be another part to the ending.

But I guess they just ran out of ideas and choose police lol

  • Brohoof 2


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I had (and still have) an entire tote full of boxes of bionicle pieces, I loved making custom things with bionicles, I especially remember this one time I made a Covenant Elite and it actually came out pretty good. Anyways, yeah, those were fun times.

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh gosh. These things were and still are the best toys ever released!  :wub:

I used to have every single Toa, some of them twice. I still remember how devastated I was when I lost Pohatu's mask while playing with it outside  :(

Nowadays I still have each Toa Nuva + Makuta and whatever the thing Takanuva rides on is called.  B)

I think I still have a huge box of the parts hidden somewhere... Should take it out someday and be nostalgic for a while  :lol:

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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I still remember how devastated I was when I lost Pohatu's mask while playing with it outside  :(



I remember coming home from school to find my mask of light chewed up by my dog lol

I was so sad because the mask was so cool looking


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Bionicle was probably the biggest part of my childhood.


I have over a hundred complete sets from 2001-2010, though most of them are in pieces, which are stored away in boxes... I also had the PS2 game (Given to a friend), a ton of the books, and the second and third movies recorded off the TV onto a VHS tape (I think I got rid of it, though).


Then it ended with crappy sets, a crappy ending, and was replaced by Hero Factory.

  • Brohoof 1
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Remember them? They're my fucking childhood i have all of them somewhere... in a box... in the basement... haunted... so i don't go there... 


Oh, and my dad once gave me a dvd from the first movie.

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Man, I remember those.

Great universe, great story, great characters, great Villian, great everything.

I spent hours playing with those things. I also have the entire set of the first 4 books.

Hero Factory was okay. I remember being on the, "grrr it sux cuz bionicles is gone!! >:(" bandwagon. Looking back, I was kinda stupid. Still am.

Also, I think the plural is Bionicle, not Bionicles.

Edited by Yes-Man

"I'm done being patient. Give me a name or I'll cut your balls off and sell them to a krogan."- Commander Shepard


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Oh yeah, wasin't there like a fire one, a water one and like an earth one? I remember i think i had the fire one and he had like 2 swords that looked nothing like swords they just kind of looked like elongated fire. 

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I was mad into bionicles as a kid had great fun with them! I remember I had the fire guy and ice guy sorry lol I forget they're names ha ha :)

Edited by NightOwl


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My nephew plays with bionicles now. but now theres like 7000 of them. He's always talking about pokemon ive never heard of and the kid does not know who Gyarados is! Im all like 0_0???? These kids companies keep recycling Fans so i kind of get it but each incarnation gets farther and farther from the source material. Anyone notice the new Pokemon suck compared to the old school ones? 

Thats exactly what im talking about.

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  • 2 months later...

Lol oh man I have not heard Bionicle is soo long. Was the shit back in the day.. hell still got a box full of them around here some where.


Ah I remember when they first made those damn things.. I loved them to death! it was like Legos for adults... but that's what minecraft is for.. anyway I loved them and ever time a new set came out I went to the store and would buy blue first and then get the others slowly but always got blue first..


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I was shocked to see a topic of Bionicle!  A few years back, I had over 100 out of them and was running out of room. =P  I sold a bunch since then and still have a few left...  Although I now regret selling some of them.  I'm a little disappointed with the last sets (the Stars...) and that the next Bionicle movie sounded like it was going to be awesome too and now they can't make it!  

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Huh, I don't remember them being so popular.  I had all of the ones from the first generation, and then I took the fire, grass, and ice ones and merged them together into a three-headed unholy abomination.  I may have used pieces from the water one as well...  Come to think of it, I may actually still have that guy somewhere.


Anyways, I was really into building them, not so much anything else.  I actually had no idea that there were movies until I saw them mentioned in this thread.

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Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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