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Have you ever come close to death?


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Let's see...

When I was five years old, I nearly drowned in a river. My dad managed to rescue me.

I've almost been run over six times.

I once very nearly broke my neck after landing a bad backflip while snowboarding.



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I crashed my bicycle into a car once, which was moving, down a hill. My leg got run over but my bike took the worst of the force, when I got it out the entire frame and front wheel was mangled... could have been my leg... or me 0_o


I have been K.Od by a doorframe a grand total of two times. Only once have I nearly died, basically tripped and feel, smashing my 5 year old head on the doorframe. Still have the scar. (the other time I only broke my nose)


Almost fell out a tree which is about twice as high as my house. Me and some friends were building "the ultimate tree house" (I was still a kid then as well) and it was bloody high up. Since I wasn't as good at building then as I am now, the floor (corrugated iron/steel which we had borrowed of a nearby farm) kinda sawed through the ropes holding it down, slipped off one side of the tree, taking all 4 walls with it. (This all happened in about half a second) and I'm just left hanging there by one arm with a death grip on a branch being the only thing that allowed me to be here.


I got chased by a bull, but in true country kid style vaulted over that fence.


Low flying armchair


Oooh this is a good one! In physics class, we were doing things with wires and lightbulbs (I was 11) and I decided in all my childish wisdom that it would be a good idea to see what would happen if I stuck two of the wires into the wire sockets (I ended having to use 3 to open the shutters, because English sockets). They just lay there on the desk looking harmless and eugh, so I thought, what would happen if I put them together? So I picked them up by the rubber bits (told later that if I had picked them up by the metal bits I would have died because electric current straight through the heart) and put them together.
Basically, big flash, big bang, all the lights and sockets in the room went out, was quite dark now and everybody is just staring at me holding these two gently smoking wires with a "shocked" expression on my face (not literally) and quite blown back hair.

I said "oops"


oh, that almost killed the two people next to me as well


Not too long ago I collapsed on a mountainside (next to a cliff) while climbing it (something to do with lack of sugar I think) And it was freezing, raining, windy as it can be. 

Actually, does anybody know what this is? Struggling to breath, not feeling anything at all, eyesight gradually going (at its worst I couldn't use my eyes), an overwhelming compulsion to just lay down and go to sleep, and the other senses like hearing being a bit wonky. I'm pretty sure the only reason I was still conscious is because I'm very stubborn.

Then I ate a cookie and everything got better


Asthma attacks count I think


Almost falling down stairs when I was little because I couldn't see cuz my eyes where sealed shut because of hayfeaver.

Now I can quite literally navigate my way around any building with my eyes closed after going around it once. (got top 95% in country for spatial thinking/reasoning   :D  )


Accidentally dislocated both my arms at once and couldn't get out from behind the couch (I was very small then) 


Building "the ultimate house" out of breeze blocks (was about as large as the tree house time then) next to a farmers barn. The only think holding them in place was another piece of horribly rusted corrugated iron. I walked in, poked the roof said it looked fine, then walked out. The whole think collapsed just behind me. (At this time it took two of us to lift just 1 breeze block) and if I had been in there I may have been squished.


One of the 7 times I broke my teeth, the peice got stuck in my throat.


Go live in the countryside as a kid, its much more exiting. And life threatening  B)

Edited by Hazukashii Flux
  • Brohoof 1


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Yes, a lot. Not specifically in order, but

1. *Most recent* Was in a car accident, car was totaled, both my parents survived but my dad is having some issues with organs and my leg was nearly FUBAR'd

2. Drowned

3. Drowned

4. Drowned

4. Electrocuted

5. Hit head running into parking meter

6. Fell as a child from a parking complex

7. Sickness infected me that made me gradually worse and worse but I got help and it got better

8. Lost consciousness after being sick (I was in a low-income area so it wasn't the most hygienic place)

9. Stabbed in stomach by a really violent guy

10. Same guy strangled me for singing the "FUN" song from Spongebob (Yes, seriously)

11. Was shot at

12. Allergic to hay, couldn't breathe

13. ^

14. ^^

To each their own

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Maybe around.. Mm... 7 times?  :comeatus:

I have done quite a few stupid things in my time, I've crashed a fair few times and have been in around 3 car accidents.

Maybe drowned around 3 times, swimming at the beach on your own is sometimes not a good idea. And the other few, general idiocy.

The things we do when we're younger, I tell you what.  :wat:


Now with more added tea leaves!

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pssh yeah, my appendix burst inside my stomach, it was around my 8th grade. The doctors said there was puss all over my intestines, they had no idea why i was alive. 


oh was the pain excruciating, i couldn't stand up correctly and every single smell made me want to vomit. I should be dead, but thanks to our advances in medicine, i'm not.

  • Brohoof 1
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3 times (if you count the 2nd one)


1. Years ago when I was about 12, I nearly fell down a mountain during one of our annual Lake District holidays. We were comming down it (getting up was fine) but my foot slipped and I remember hanging onto a rock and dangling above a drop and water fall. Since then I've had a fear of going up that mountain. everytime it gets suggested that our group walk it I go into a mild panic attack. So I sit in the pub whilst they climb it x.x


2. Again I was a kid, cant remeber how old, but me and my sis were with some friends who own a farm. We went for a wlak in the woods nearby with the dogs and got stuck quite badly in some mud. I lost my shoes to it. We were in front of this mass of thicket and the dogs decided to go in behind it and flush out a pair of deer (stag and doe). I was nearly trampled on. x.x Deer are pretty big when youre a kid.


3. Choking on chocolate >.> Kinda embarassing one for me as Im known for being such a chocoholic. Dunno if you get them outside the UK, but Roses tins have mini cadbury's bars in them and instead of  chewing like a normal kid, I accidently inhaled the damn thing and we had the whole Heimlich moment and everything, My Dad saved me in the end. But Ive not touched a Roses tin or box since. I think I was 15 when that happened.


Since those incidents, Ive not had a single near death exp as an adult 

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Actully a thing happen last week. I have work all summer on a electrician company and that day I was suppose to get rid of an cable,powerless of course. No problem... unitill I cut the wrong cable. My luck saved me, there was three cables and two was power less. I cut one of the two powerless cables.


Now you may think that this was not so bad but if so let me explain a little about these cables. A regular 1.5 kvadrat,the type of cable you have in walls,is deadly. The cable I missed was on 70 kvadrat,which means that I would be an ashpile on the ground.


If I was christian I would thank god but I will just thank my god luck in bad situations.

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I Nearly drowned 3 times

One at swimming class Accidently let go of the wall managed to grab back on

Once in a lake, let go of a floaty at the wrong time managed thrashing my way back by jumping

Once in a pool Didnt realize it was too deep till it was too late i got saved by a lifegaurd

Ive also been suicidal a few times but never hurt myself due to it

If i was any younger i might not be here

Edited by Eliash147
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Like many, I nearly drowned as a child. However, I find the motions and sensations of drowning relaxing to the point that I will sit underwater until I nearly lose consciousness. I am now able to hold my breath for close to four minutes if I am not moving (if I'm actually swimming, it's about 1 minute and 45 seconds).

I don't know why I enjoy the feeling, or why I think it's a good idea to do this to myself (it's really bad for you, actually, LOL) but I do, and if I'm stressed, just sitting on the bottom of my pool by myself always helps me think. Maybe it's an adrenaline thing? I've always been a bit of a junkie, haha.

Ironically, I am one of three head guards for my side of the waterpark where I work as a lifeguard.


I have also almost overdosed twice, and once required hospitalization and a stomach pump.

Edited by Shizune


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  • 5 months later...

Guess what?

It's another childhood near-drowning story! (This time with a bit of paranormal in the mix)


When I was a kid (I think it was Third grade, I might have been older, I can't remember, that day is a little fuzzy in my memory), My family and I went to a water park with some of our friends. I was in the lazy river, screwing around, and I managed to flip my tube over. The water in the river was too shallow for me to slip out the bottom of my tube, and I couldn't flip myself back up. Nobody else was around me, and I had just passed by a life-guard post and went around a corner, so the one I just passed couldn't see me, and there wouldn't be another one for a while with how slow the current was moving.


I tried to flip myself back over and couldn't, I tried to make noise by flailing, hoping that someone would hear it but nobody came. Then I got a strange feeling of calm, like I was at peace. I had accepted that I was going to die, I thought about my family, how sad they would be, how shocked my friend would be when they found my body. I even thought about how the waterpark would probably be shut down... I couldn't hold my breath anymore, and i remember thinking to myself that I may as well inhale the water, there was no point in struggling anymore and I didn't want to suffer.


Then something really strange happened... I have absolutely no idea what happened next.

The last thought I had was me about to inhale and end it, and the next thing I remember is walking back to the locker area where we were keeping our stuff. I have no memory of what happened between those two points in time, it's all completely black.


Obviously SOMETHING had to have happened, but I can't remember what the heck saved me. Most likely the current carried me to the side of the river where I could grab the edge and pull myself back up and the lack of oxygen caused some sort of damage to my memory. But I think I would have remembered floating back to the exit to the river if that were the case. That and nobody seemed to notice me walking by when I was headed for our lockers. When I arrived, I sat down on a bench, and people still didn't seem to notice me until I was alone for a minute or two.


It was one of the weirdest and craziest experiences of my life... and I've experienced a lot of weird and crazy things!

Edited by Hocus Pocus

~Hocus Pocus

Ya weni mareh mirekyarahire
Juri yu mirekerason

Kire hyari yoriherahe nyurahera
Nunnyura unera yurawera nihmerani

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1. Almost drowned in a pool when I was young

2. Went down a long road hill with no protection and got infected cuts

3. While falling down same hill car almost hit me

4. Allergy from cat made me almost die of having an asthma attack

5. I got rusty barbwire go through my ankle and it got infected


That is all I can think of for now






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I didn't quite come close to dying, but I was seriously sick about 4 or 5 years back. One doctor said it was Kawasaki's disease another said it was a staph infection, so I guess I'll never know. But boy did it suck. My hands and feet were peeling (yeah peeling off large chunks of my skin was pretty much a daily ritual. You're welcome!), I had an awful fever, my throat was sore etc. The worst was one morning I woke up and I was in so much pain when I moved. I barely had any strength at all and trying to stand up and walk was damn near impossible. That came on out of nowhere and was a pretty rough experience. Overall this whole period sucked big time and while I don't think I was in any serious danger, they did have to check my heart to make sure I didn't suffer any long-term damage. Thankfully they found nothing of the sort and I've returned to perfect health since then.

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Almost drowned in a pool when I was a kiddo. It was horrible until I started losing conciousness. If I remember correctly, it actually felt oddly peaceful. 

Thanks God my dad was there to save my sorry ass.

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Yeah, once. But I wouldn't really say 'Death' though. More like severe injury. Anyway, when I was 6-7 I was playing at a window in my 2-story apartment. Somehow I managed to get outside the window and struggled to keep my hands on the window-sill so I didnt fall to my probable demise. Screams of help where shed, and at last my dad found me and pulled me back in to the house... Just before giving scolding me and asking what the hell happened.

Edited by Bradley

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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I don't know about this one, but in Orlando, Florida at a hotel pool, I was in the pool just before a lightning storm started. Luckily I got out before it started. I could have gotten electrocuted to death.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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Yes, i have. three times. 


First was when i drank so much Kool-aid, that my sugar dropped to the bottom, luckily a neighbor found me and got me to the hospital in time. Second was when i had  grandma seizure, nearly killing me as they tried to stop it, then again a few hours later. Next was when we went to a pool in my friend's house, he had a pretty deep one. I had forgotten about not being able to swim very well and nearly drowned. But thanks to my friend's quick thinking, he got me out before i passed out.


That's all mine.

Edited by Candy Star


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Two times for me, the first was when our house was being worked on, and I didn't realize the light switches weren't done yet... so when I went to turn on a light, I got a huge shock and after it happened I just fainted. Not actually sure if it could have killed me, but it was scary.


Another time I was chewing on a googly eye, and it got stuck in my throat... seriously, chocking is literally the scariest thing ever.

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Yeah,Once,One Truck driver was speeding,Then the green man was flashing on the traffic light,which means ready to cross,but when i was crossing,the truck driver sped through,almost hitting me but didn't injure me a single bit,also he went pass the red light  :huh:

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown” 

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A few times, but most were due to personal reasons, apart from when I was diagnosed as a Type 1 diabetic. I was deathly sick, rushed to the hospital, and came to find out if I had not gotten there later, I'd probably be gone.


"I'd rather trust and regret, than doubt and regret."

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When i was about 12, I rode a four wheeler for the first time and without a helmet.

I ran straight into a tree and gashed my head open. Had to get 13 staples, they said it was about a piece of paper's thickness from hitting my skull and that my scalp was kinda dangling enough to where you could see under it. It hurrrrt.


I have a badass scar now though, but it sucks when I wanna part my hair on that side.

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