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Why do gamers fight over Xbox and Playstation?

~Rule 63~ Lyeco

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A huge reason is that a TON of people are very frustrated with Microsoft and the way they run their gaming systems {me included}, so they side with the PS3. It has easier to handle controllers, and in my opinion, the dashboard is a lot easier to navigate.


But then, the PS3 doesn't have games like Minecraft and Happy Wars, and that's all I use my Xbox for; Xbox exclusive games.


And I'm not even going to start when it comes to the Xbox One, especially with Kinnect.


Xbox Live has a lot of easily fixed issues that Microsoft refuses to change. The only desirable feature is Xbox Live Party.

WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK ALL GAMERS ARE BOYS! ok im sorry but every single person who has commented on this has said Fan boy...girls play games too...seriously...

THIS. I found this annoying too. I mean, yes, a lot of them are (I happen to be the only girl in my gaming friend group), but seriously, us girls should get some recognition :3

  • Brohoof 1

Finland is my favorite. All the other Hetalia characters can go now.

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I just whichever is cheaper, I got a 360(120GB Elite) because games for it are far cheaper and easier to come across than PS3 games around here. I also have a Wii and numerous old consoles.  

  • Brohoof 1



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Its just the way of life. Because I have this thing and I think its better then yours' well then it must be better...

I hear it a lot from people, its a sad thing. I own both too I for one like the Xbox 360 more but I don't go around hating on ponies from loving the PS3 more, to each their own I say.


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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Because fanboys can go suck a big one. Seriously they've existed since the Genesis/SNES era and usually don't do anything good for the gaming community and a lot of times only act as both a nuisance and as someone who tries to ruin things for anyone who disagrees with them. 


I feel a lot of justice coming from this video


  • Brohoof 1
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I really don't know. Both consoles are good. It means what somebody prefer. PS3 has got better exclusives, and Xbox has got better pad and better social/network capabilities. I have got PS3, but I still think that Xbox is better console. Pad and stuff. It's just stupid war without any meaning. 


Even If somebody will buy both consoles, he will still think which is better. Maybe this war hasn't got any meaning, but it still exist. War would end if Sony and Microsoft will make something like "Playbox" or "XStation". We know that will never happen so we can't do anything. 


"War, war never changes."

"So... You want to hear another story, eh? One were the very fate of Pandora hangs in the balance? If not, too bad - I'm telling you anyway." 



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Because they are dirty console peasants who can't see the everlasting light of PC gaming.


For me, it comes down to my opinions. I prefer a console over another one, or I prefer PC over Mac. That's what I think, and I have my reasons. Somebody comes in and tells me I'm wrong, and that they're stuff is better, and you can be damn sure I'll defend my position.

  • Brohoof 1

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Opinions. That is the only reason flame wars happen about what is the better console.


I own basically every system ever made with the exception of a few Sega ones (including handhelds) as well as a custom built top end PC and I enjoy them all for different reasons. I don't yet have a Vita to replace my PSP1000 or a 3DS to replace my original DS since I've yet to see a game for either that truly interests me. If one ever comes out for either then I will get them. Same goes for the PS4 and XBOX 1, I need to see a game come out that I have to have before I'll spend the kind of money systems cost anymore.


I spend most of my time gaming on the PC anymore though since exclusives that I actually care about are becoming few and far and games that actually take advantage of better PC hardware are always superior looking. I just also prefer the input of mouse and keyboard over a controller for the majority of all games. If there is a PS only game, I play it. XBOX only game? Guess what, I play that too. A game that comes out on XBOX, PS, and PC? I go for the PC version. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and because of that I refuse to join the flaming that takes place usually. I'll play what I like, I'll use whatever smartphone I decide is the best for what I want, etc. and no one else's opinions will change mine if I'm looking at things from a logical "what fills my needs best" perspective.

Edited by Puddlejumper


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Some people get mad and don't know how they can express there disagreement with someone who likes something they don't like. Personally I could care less which console you play, in the end they both are going to have the same graphical quality nearly and I barely ever play exclusives.


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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Because having an opinion on the internet is overrated. just kidding but the reason they fight about it is probably because they want what they use to seem better than the other and im just going to ps 4 is better. mkay?


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It isn't just Xbox and Playstation. Give people options, and they're guaranteed to argue in support of the option they pick, regardless of any differences between them. If there was no such thing as Playstation, and Microsoft released a red Xbox and a blue Xbox with identical functions, people will STILL find a way to argue that one is better than the other. I own both systems, and I couldn't care less which does more than the other. There are games I like that are exclusive to Xbox, as well as games I like that are exclusive to Playstation. Rather than pick a side, I enjoy both for different reasons. 

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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Gamers fight over Xbox and Playstation, because each side thinks that their console is so superior that they have the right to brag about them. Frankly, this console war has been going on for years then PC players decided to add fuel to the fire by saying that PC is the superior than the two consoles. It is pretty stupid, but it is better to play on what your friends is playing on.

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Because fanboys can go suck a big one. Seriously they've existed since the Genesis/SNES era and usually don't do anything good for the gaming community and a lot of times only act as both a nuisance and as someone who tries to ruin things for anyone who disagrees with them. 


I feel a lot of justice coming from this video



I love that guy.



I don't get fanboys. I have a 360 because all my friends have a 360. I didn't bother with a PS3 because I saw no need for a blue ray-player(still don't) and all the titles I was interested were also on Xbox.


I had the original Xbox and PS2 and I liked both. Back then I didn't really care about console exclusives,and I still really don't.



Console exclusives almost mean nothing anymore. as 85% of games are on all consoles. I"ll admit PS3 dos have a couple good exclusives like God Of War and Uncharted..as I played a GoW game on the PSP and Uncharted at my Ex-BFs place.

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I dunno really, i just buy whichever consoles have games i want to play on them.


I don't give a crap which is better :P.


I guess what people i know have also matters.


Right now i have an Xbox360, but i have a Ps2, i just didn't want a Ps3 much.


however Ps4 sounds cool, but probaly not getting it because my brother probaly will, and i want a 3ds and wiiU anyways, for the games that are exclusives for those mostly :P.


So really its buy what has what you want, or what your friends have. 


I think comparing them is pointless, they all have their ups and downs.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I actually like both consoles and it really doesn't matter whether you like Xbox or PlayStation. I like Xbox because it has Halo and PlayStation because the PS2 was my first modern console.They're both good consoles. People just have different opinions and that's mine.

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Personally I think it's because of sentimental value and how much you enjoyed certain games (particularly exclusives). For example those who loved Halo and it's affiliated games they side with the xbox and the 360 and will defend it vemenantly. For the PS3 I think it was Killzone and Heavy Rain.


They also fight over the networks (Xbox live and the ps network), I can't comment about the ps network because I've never had a Ps, but I've been told good and bad thing about it. I've got a 360 myself, but I don't care about the whole arguement because I take the 4th side that everyone ignores (the 3rd being nintendo). I am a member of the PC gaming master race :P


Sadly what the people involved in the 'console wars' fail to realise is that to be honest there really isn't much difference between Microsoft and Sony, not when you get down to it. At the end of the day graphics are pointless if there isn't a narrative to hook you or good gameplay, and to be honest all consoles, and yes the even pc, often fail that trial.

Anyway soon enough the whole thing will be moot if you want to understand what I mean watch this (they explain it far better than I could);



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Okay, It's a joke. But yeah, I dont know. I jumped from N64 to PS1, then to Xbox, then Xbox 360 and finally to a gaming PC. If I go back to consoles It will either be a Wii-U or the PS4.


I buy things based on what I want: you get fanboys raging over all of the platforms and when they get too close the rage is truly a sight to behold. Best to avoid that in my opinion.


Not aiming this directly at you but this "console peasant" thing is just stupid. The problem I have with PC gamers is that the majority of them view consoles as just a gaming machine for poor people who can't afford gaming rigs but that is just not true. For one thing, it's meant to appeal to a younger and/or casual audience. And some people just want to buy one $400 console and never have to bother with any of that PC related stuff. Really, if you think about it, buying/building an entire gaming PC for about $900 just doesn't sound practical for people who just want to game and can get something that's cheaper, easier to choose and set up, almost the same as PCs, much more popular and in almost all cases receives games first (and let's face it, console exclusives are much better [Valve isn't PC exclusive BTW]). (And don't give me that BS of getting a $400 slightly weaker gaming rig because that's why you buy a f*cking console). And this is coming from both a PC/console gamer.



And, this console war was very annoying at first, but the arguments had gotten so out of hand that it's laughable. Honestly don't pay attention to any of that anymore. Used to get into many arguments but realised the whole thing was ridiculous. Thankfully, things have calmed down a bit seeing as both consoles (at least for next-gen) are basically identical that both sides have nothing to argue about.

Edited by Spontaneous Me
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[Valve isn't PC exclusive BTW]
Some of their games, like TF2, might as well be PC exclusive. The Xbox and PS3 versions of that game receive no attention from Valve. Why? Because the game, as it is, is pushing the hardware to its limits and further updates would break the game.


On topic, they're fanboys. They feel they deserve some sort of bragging rights because of their platform of choice. In the end, though, it makes them look stupid. I say "PC gamer master race" in these arguments sometimes, but when I say that I'm not being serious. The sad part is these fanboys probably are serious about the PS3 being better than the Xbox because of some reason they pulled out of their ass (that is probably the same across platforms) and vice versa.

  • Brohoof 1
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Why do gamers argue about whether the PS3 or xbox is better? Because the Wii is for little children who only want to play Mario games...heheh, kidding. Mario games are awesome (at least Mario Kart and the older games like N64).


As a PS3 person, I only lightly argue that the playstation is better for the fun of it since its fun to argue about pointless stuff, like whether tomatoes are a fruit or a vegetable!


Sig by Wolf, Handwriting by SparklingSwirls

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IMO, both have ups both have downs.


Overall PC WHOMPS both anyways since it has the longest retention rate and best backwards compatibility for its own and console games :)


But yeah... As the consoles go I have all of'em so far, and prob will get both the new ones too when they come about. I can't wait for the kinect coming with the xbone though, the major murderer of its predecessor was its late introduction and limited by old hardware restrictions.


I just hope the ps4 is supported better by Sony this time. They got real cocky this last time around and expected developers to flock to them off old reputation alone, and its murdered the psp, killing the vita, and weakened the ps3 big time... The psp could've been awesome if they'd supported it as a GAMING hand held rather than a damned movie/music device, and the vita has so much time wasted on new, worthless features and anti piracy protection developers aren't sure of it since Sony wont even back their own games on it.

And the ps3.... Had a good run, but since Sony shafted a lot of Devs on it, it lost a number of games it could've had exclusive :(


Meanwhile MS has stepped up their game and bought out more Devs and contracted even more. They're literally putting their all into trying to wipe out the PC platform so they can have a controlled overall system that they have dominance over similar to apple.

And since PC users are fighting back.... They need to weasel in some other way.

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Some of their games, like TF2, might as well be PC exclusive. The Xbox and PS3 versions of that game receive no attention from Valve. Why? Because the game, as it is, is pushing the hardware to its limits and further updates would break the game.

A cheap Gaming PC can be as powerful as an actual Xbox and Playstation Console

It is very weird why valve won't update the console version of the game itself :(

  • Brohoof 1






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It is very weird why valve won't update the console version of the game itself :(


Actually its not.

For the PS platform its more to do with difficulty in programming, Valve has already sworn on how hard it is to build for that platform, and its why the majority of their titles aren't on it. It's also said that Sony's support consists of selling you the devkit and then flipping the bird as they drive off leaving your dev team to figure out how it works. (supposedly has gotten better in recent years after sony realized this was a bad move, But it seems to have left a sour stain behind for many developers already)


For the 360, they'd have to charge PER update for the content, and would be charged for it. MS has fees on just about everything for their console, and Valve doesn't want to be charging the console players for something that should be free.

Valve went over this a ways back when they released the expansion for L4D2, and why it was free on the PC but not on the 360.

But at the same they already promised to bring the expansion to the console too.. so they weren't going to back down and not at least offer it.

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Valve's excuse is that TF2, as it is, is already using up much of the PS3 and Xbox's memory (512MB RAM for Xbox, 256MB system RAM/256MB VRAM for PS3) and adding more content into the games would cause even more memory to be used up as newer and unique hat and weapon models are loaded into memory, probably so much so the game wouldn't run on either console if it was brought up to item/feature parity with the PC (I've seen TF2 using 3GB RAM(!!!) before). The last time Valve mentioned the console versions of TF2 getting content was in 2008 - obviously though, after the announcement, Valve realized that the technical limitations of the consoles would prevent them from achieving their goal in trying to bring the consoles up to parity with the PC version and nothing came out of the announcement. Even just bugfixes would cause memory to be taken up, which is why bugs that have existed in maps from the release date still exist, especially on the PS3.

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When it comes down to the hats, yeah i can see that issue.

I was more on the actual gameplay modes and additional maps that have long since released.

The hats and other garbage is entirely negligible.

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Because there is rarely any difference between the two.  They just constantly try to top each other by doing the exact same things.  Nintendo is always doing it's own thing, so it's easy to make the call on that.  Sony and Microsoft are just to similar for it to be easy.

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I don't know. Maybe because they all are fanboys.

I personally prefer Xbox 360 because it's cheap and the games are pretty cheap as well. But it breaks easily which could get very expensive.


I know that the PS3 has a better hardware than the 360 but I still prefer my sweet little 360. I've had it since 2005 (not the exact same console, I bought the Slim in 2011) and I'm still very satisfied with it. I'm thinking of buying the PS4 in 2-3 years though. 


I like the controls on the Xbox a lot more too. But why gamers fight over those two is just weird. People like different consoles. Some people like PC, some Mac. Some people like Samsung phones, while some other people like Blackberry. It's ridiculous. 

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