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gaming Most Disappointing Bosses in Gaming


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Now, I'm not asking "what is the worst boss in gaming?" but rather "what boss disappointed you the most?".

What I mean is, a boss that did so much to the world, a boss you looked forward to, one that looked abolutely badass... but ended up being hardly a challenge or having a lame boss fight.


For example, my most disappointing boss fight was Deathwing from World of Warcraft.

After all he's done, how feared he is, how invincible he's seemed... The boss fight ends up forcing you to pick warts off of his back and chopping fiery tentacles at the Maelstrom.


Seriously. I wouldn't have minded that boss fight being 100% based on machines and shooting cannons or stuff to break his armor, and eventually kill him by attacking a weakpoint. Just not this. I know he was stronger than this. Not after all he's done to the world of Azeroth.

Edited by Kobato
  • Brohoof 1

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definately in dead space 3 the Nexus


this thing is as large as a building and as long as a hillside, but you kill it way to easy.

i mean, look at this thing! it should at least put up a fight!

there is a human in this pic for size comparison....


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Watch out, spoilers for a game released in the nineties. In the instance that you've been in a coma for the past 20 or so years, do not look any further.



I'd have to say...


[spoiler=Kirby 64 Spoilers]


I felt that 02's battle in Kirby 64 was quite underwhelming. I mean, seriously, you have a nice boss design, nice music, a nice unique weapon, but somehow they messed it up so that it was an easier boss fight than Miracle Matter. When your penultimate boss is easier to beat than the "Fake" final boss there is a problem.




Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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The most disappointing boss for me must be the mutated colonel in Dead Island, the story buit up to this moment, and then it was just way too shallow and easy.

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I doubt that you even know that game but - "Evil Islands", pretty hardcore game itself, and final boss just sucks, he's nothing, there only one way to win, but it's very easy, thats doesnt matter who you are - warrior/battle mage/archer you just have to buy healing staves and heal mage who helping you with boss, and that ONLY way to win and it's really dumb. I've spend a lot of time to get through game and was really disappointed in the end :(



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The great destroyer from Guild Wars Eye of the North. You're fighting these super tough magma hell spawn called the destroyers all the way through the game, working your way towards the beast controlling the hive mind. Here I am thinking its a massive dragon in control of them... It really isn't that impressive. Just a normal boss fight, not hard at all...


In fact, the boss of the previous dungeon, the disc of chaos, was much more dangerous and deadly than the great destroyer itself. I mean sure, it's only a commander of the actual one responsible for the destroyer invasion, but it felt so anticlimactic after the massive build up.

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For me it would have to be Alduin in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

They built him up as "The eater of worlds" and such a horribly terrifying force that would take forever to overcome. When you finally fight him, its pretty much the same as any other dragon fight. I was expecting multiple stages of combat, crazy shouts and abilities, and all that jazz, but I ended up disappointed.

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Gravelord Nito in Dark Souls. Badass character design, awesome name, great music, all around excellent character. Just look at him;




Everything else in Dark Souls is hard as hell, Nito was just a bit weak compared to all the other bosses. You could kill him all too easily.

  • Brohoof 5


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General Raam.. If you've played the PC version with the missing scene where you fight the Brumak, Raam is a pushover by comparison.

No wonder they cut that scene!

That Brumak made the later games battles look whimped out and cheap, but it also put Raam to shame.

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Trust me, I know that I have the worst boss ever.  He's small, he's defenseless, he's anticlimactic, and he can't even attack...

Anyone who has played the game knows who he is... Bob the killer goldfish:




*has a very strong, compelling argument against this however is too distracted by awesome belly button rainbow dash to respond. Is now in a stupor while checking out awesome bikini Dashie*

*shakes himself out of the stupor*


If I rememebr correctly, the boss in Fable 2 or 3 is nothing more than a single button press quicktime event that does the job for you.


Furthermore, I felt everything about the bosses in Uncharted 3 were just plain eh. Some of the bosses in 3D Dot Heroes are bland as well :(

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Gravelord Nito in Dark Souls. Badass character design, awesome name, great music, all around excellent character. Just look at him;




Everything else in Dark Souls is hard as hell, Nito was just a bit weak compared to all the other bosses. You could kill him all too easily.



Wait a minute, I totally forgot about the MOST disappointing boss. Thanks for reminding me.

Nito wasn't weak, he was actually fairly challenging and annoying... But there is one, MUCH worse than him.



The Witch of Izalith DSli-701-full.jpeg

The Bed of Chaos, or the witch of Izalith was HORRIBLE, It was rushed and they even apologized that it was a crappy fight. It looked cool, but to kill it was just so... urgh.


  • Brohoof 2

"Real life is just a crappy game."

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The 'boss fights' in Far Cry 3 were really bad, they were QTEs, QTEs aren't boss fights! I hate them enough most of the time, but when QTEs replace boss fights....man. Cut scenes would have been better.


Wait a minute, I totally forgot about the MOST disappointing boss. Thanks for reminding me.

Nito wasn't weak, he was actually fairly challenging and annoying... But there is one, MUCH worse than him.



The Witch of Izalith img-1752326-2-DSli-701-full.jpeg

The Bed of Chaos, or the witch of Izalith was HORRIBLE, It was rushed and they even apologized that it was a crappy fight. It looked cool, but to kill it was just so... urgh.



Oh yeah, that was really bad, just everything about it was annoying. It's a part I always dread when playing through the game.


Actually, while I'm at it, Ceaseless Discharge always gives me trouble, he's more than a little frustrating.

Edited by James
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Halo 4 - The Didact. 

I mean, the guy didn't really do much for half the game, he was sat in the Cryptum just...waiting there, for a while. 

When he eventually was released and could actually do stuff, he messed stuff up bigstyle, going so far as to physically assault Earth in a way no human could hope to stop.


Then you run up to him, press LT and you've won. 

It's like...well then. 


Seriously just look at this guy, he's such a badass, he can bring down John by thinking about it, and you defeat him in a QTE that requires you to press a single button - I don't think you can even fail. 


Edited by Agent505
  • Brohoof 3

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Gravelord Nito in Dark Souls. Badass character design, awesome name, great music, all around excellent character. Just look at him;




Everything else in Dark Souls is hard as hell, Nito was just a bit weak compared to all the other bosses. You could kill him all too easily.

It seems you forgot how easy Pinwheel is in comparison to Nito , with that I leave you a neat little comic strip of the two babbling about.


  • Brohoof 3
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Definately Meta Ridley from Metroid: Zero Mission. Seriously, normal Ridley, Kraid, and even Mother Brain were all easier than him. My brother told me that he was a very hard boss to beat. Turns out my brother didn't think of using super missiles, because it took me only 10 seconds of spamming super missiles and I killed him.




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Halo 4 - The Didact. 

I mean, the guy didn't really do much for half the game, he was sat in the Cryptum just...waiting there, for a while. 

When he eventually was released and could actually do stuff, he messed stuff up bigstyle, going so far as to physically assault Earth in a way no human could hope to stop.


Then you run up to him, press RT and you've won. 

It's like...well then. 


Seriously just look at this guy, he's such a badass, he can bring down John by thinking about it, and you defeat him in a QTE that requires you to press a single button - I don't think you can even fail.


You can fail that one actually, I tested it because it was so unclear. It really was so weak, man I hate QTEs, especially after all that build up.


It seems you forgot how easy Pinwheel is in comparison to Nito , with that I leave you a neat little comic strip of the two babbling about.


Yeah, he's too weak, he's actually so pathetic that I don't even really consider him a boss.


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4 kings and bed of chaos


4 kings because they are told as rulers and powerful beings before they were flooded but the fight is just annoying and easy


Bed of Chaos was told as the place where the demons came from so I expected a big demon to fight but no I got a boss who only takes one it but the way you do it is annoying also the last part is where you will mostly die at


Gwyn Lord of Cinder

Parry and riposte or fire soul spear and soul mass....too damn easy

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Halo 4 - The Didact. 

I mean, the guy didn't really do much for half the game, he was sat in the Cryptum just...waiting there, for a while. 

When he eventually was released and could actually do stuff, he messed stuff up bigstyle, going so far as to physically assault Earth in a way no human could hope to stop.


Then you run up to him, press RT and you've won. 

It's like...well then. 


Seriously just look at this guy, he's such a badass, he can bring down John by thinking about it, and you defeat him in a QTE that requires you to press a single button - I don't think you can even fail. 


That awkward moment where I played the campaign with two friends and we failed that OTE about ten or twelve times.



We aren't bad at video games.

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This f***er


I don't think I even need to explain why he sucks so much, just look at him


After him, I'd say General Scales


I really wanted to fight him, but it literally only takes one hit to beat him


Necron from Final Fantasy IX



To me Kuja was the true Final Boss of the game... he's pretty easy too, why does he even exist in the first place?


Speaking of disappointing bosses, considering how hard Omega Weapon was in FFVIII, or how hard Ultima Weapon is in general, they were both painful disappointments in FFX



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General Scales from Star Fox Adventures. He was a villain I was looking forward to fighting the whole game.



The build up to the fight was even great. The awesome music, the gate closing while a barrier appears indicating there is one enemy to kill, and the arena in the center of the room. When you get up there, Scales appears and you begin the "fight". Scales won't even attack you. All that happens is when you attack him, a cutscene plays and he dies. Well gee, great build up for nothing! Thanks Rare. That was basically a middle finger to me. I was very disappointed. General Scales should have been the final boss.



That still annoys me, even to this day. I felt cheated. Getting through some of those parts of the game wasn't easy, but I pressed on just thinking about fighting Scales and how awesome it would be. Needless to say, it wasn't. >_>

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1. Xemnas (1st Form) In "Kingdom Hearts II"


99% of this fight is just him lightsabering, forcefielding, and walking at 1 mph. Occasionally, he'll do a weak draining spell that only takes away like 1 of your HP per every 2 seconds, and can be broken via Reaction Command on top of that. Fortunately, his following battles are much trickier (and cooler), and both the Final Mix version and Dream Drop Distance ramp him up even further.


2. Super Dimentio In "Super Paper Mario"


Dimentio is awesome, and his earlier battles throughout the game are pretty tricky due to his illusions and projectiles. But when he merges with both the Chaos Heart and a brainwashed Luigi to become a retarded-looking giant-hybrid-robot-thing simply called Super Dimentio, not only does he forsake ALL of his cool earlier magic attacks in favor of heavily-telegraphed machine-based bullets/missiles/etc., but both his larger size and slower movement make him a MUCH easier target as well.


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Medusa from Kid Icarus Uprising for the Nintendo 3DS.

This game is probably my favorite game ever. I've played it almost 300 hours and I've only had it for a year. The way the game played out made the players think that Medusa would be the final boss in the game which wasn't the case, Hades was. But Mashihiro Sakuri could have at least made her a little more difficult. The whole boss battle ruined the first half off the game for me. ( Exaggerating here. I loved the first half.) But the second half made up for it.

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