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If you have the three aspects you can change from the show what can it be?


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Let's imagine that you have the oportunity to change three things from the show... what do you change and why, if you think the show is okay as it is, why you think so?


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Here are the aspects I want to change

1.Episode Length-It would be nice to have 40 minute episode than 25 minute

2.Location-We want to explore ALL of Equestria

3.Time-Maybe somewhat similar in our time period where we have computers and more tech 






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I personally like all the aspects of the show as they currently are. I mean, saying that I would want a set of aspects about the show to change would just show how unsatisfied I am with the series as it is.


I wouldn't really want to change anything. I love the show too much as it is currently. I would say we could add on to it though, if that's actually what you mean by change. :P


I wouldn't ask for much. Maybe if the ponies went outside of ponyville more often to explore the rest of Equestria and discover never-before-seen locations. That would be pretty awesome. :P

Edited by Sanderspie
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1. To halt the creation of apple family episodes until at least one is made to do one of two things: Be a Big Mac focused episode, or to explain what happened to the Apple sibling's parents


2. Derpy's removal was caused by how her traits we portrayed in a negative manner. Reintroduce her by showing her talents and traits as things that make her a good character who is loved and appreciated by other characters rather than a scene like when RD was being inconvenienced by her.


3. Give more depth to Celestia and Luna's relationship, maybe even Luna's relationship with the citizens of Equestria when not with the Mane 6. (Might be getting the in depth look in season 4 but we'll just have to wait and see.)

Edited by Captain Brony (MG11)

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

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  • MAKE EPISODES HAVE LONGER RUN TIME - I'm sorry, but longer episodes would do the show some good. Instead of a two parter you could have around double the normal amount, it just sounds easier.

  • NOT MAKE EVERY EPISODE TO HAVE A JOKE - There seems to be an obsession of including at least one joke in every episode, as someone who hasn't found ANY of the jokes funny, it wouldn't hurt to tone back the humor a bit. 

NOT MAKE EVERY CMC EPISODE ABOUT FINDING THEIR CUTIE MARKS - I'm sorry, but it's not funny anymore. I enjoy the CMC but have them do something else, or at least make them focus on one activity like they did in Ponyville Confidential. 


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1. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash become a romantic couple. Mostly because it's FREAKIN' ADORABLE ;):wub: but also because out of all the possible mane 6 pairings, I think they would cause the least change in group dynamic (although Rainbow being involved = chaos in the fandom), and because it would be awesome to set a precedent that it's ok to feature homosexual relationships in kids' shows.


2. More 2 parters. Season 3 really suffered from this.with Keep Calm and Flutter On, and Magical Mystery Cure being very rushed, and Magic Duel and Wonderbolt Academy kind of rushed.


3. Rainbow Dash to take Scootaloo under her wing and become like her big sister OH WAIT THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED :D Best episode ever.


Aaand, because this is equally important, 3 aspects that I don't want to change.


1. Celestia must not ditch Twilight now that she's a princess, either by dying or leaving Equestria. Twilight has no experience ruling a country yet, so she'll still need guidance for some years to avoid learning by trial-and-error, which isn't acceptable when the errors affect so many others. And Celestia needs to spend time enjoying the fact that she's no longer alone. In addition to relief from loneliness, her job should be a lot less stressful and boring now, and with a lot more free time, while keeping the perks of being princess. Milk it for the next 1000 years. She deserves it.


2. Continue to avoid the topic of death. At the very least no dwelling on it, doing long crying scenes and such. We already have 99% canon confirmation of the Apple family situation, and if they were going to clarify how it happened, it would probably be a deathiversary episode, which is a bad thing to teach kids to celebrate, IMO. Waste of a lot of days of your life that could be spent not being sad, if you don't keep track of exactly when everybody died.


3. Songs! More if anything. I love them.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash become a romantic couple. Mostly because it's FREAKIN' ADORABLE ;):wub: but also because out of all the possible mane 6 pairings, I think they would cause the least change in group dynamic (although Rainbow being involved = chaos in the fandom), and because it would be awesome to set a precedent that it's ok to feature homosexual relationships in kids' shows.


2. More 2 parters. Season 3 really suffered from this.with Keep Calm and Flutter On, and Magical Mystery Cure being very rushed, and Magic Duel and Wonderbolt Academy kind of rushed.


3. Rainbow Dash to take Scootaloo under her wing and become like her big sister OH WAIT THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED :D Best episode ever.


Aaand, because this is equally important, 3 aspects that I don't want to change.


1. Celestia must not ditch Twilight now that she's a princess, either by dying or leaving Equestria. Twilight has no experience ruling a country yet, so she'll still need guidance for some years to avoid learning by trial-and-error, which isn't acceptable when the errors affect so many others. And Celestia needs to spend time enjoying the fact that she's no longer alone. In addition to relief from loneliness, her job should be a lot less stressful and boring now, and with a lot more free time, while keeping the perks of being princess. Milk it for the next 1000 years. She deserves it.


2. Continue to avoid the topic of death. At the very least no dwelling on it, doing long crying scenes and such. We already have 99% canon confirmation of the Apple family situation, and if they were going to clarify how it happened, it would probably be a deathiversary episode, which is a bad thing to teach kids to celebrate, IMO. Waste of a lot of days of your life that could be spent not being sad, if you don't keep track of exactly when everybody died.


3. Songs! More if anything. I love them.


Yes! i think that Dashie and fluttershy would be a great couple if the media allows it besides it wouldn't be the first time of homosexuality signs in a show (Look for the blue teletubbie ¿you need more evidence? XD)

Yes! i think that Dashie and fluttershy would be a great couple if the media allows it besides it wouldn't be the first time of homosexuality signs in a show (Look for the blue teletubbie ¿you need more evidence? XD)


And that couple and their homosexuality is the best example of Love and Tolerance ;) of course they can't put the two carácter kissing each other, but put some signs of love


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  • Change the length of the episodes, not to drag it on for too long but to make them longer.

  • Not to have too many jokes in an episode, and have a reasonable moral.

More screentime for Celestia and Luna.

Have the Cutie Mark Crusaders do different activities other than finding ways to get their cutie marks, not in every CMC episode though.

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1) More Princess Celestia - Not to mention, she should've had her own episode by now


2) Show more family members of the mane characters that's not Applejack's 78th cousin or Twilight's long lost half-stepsister/brother


3) More traveling to places that's not Canterlot or the Crystal Empire

Edited by Damon Gant
  • Brohoof 2
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I suppose there's at least three changes I can list for the show! As much as I love it as it is, there's some things that can be changed and added onto the series.


1. Have Spike finally confess his feelings to Rarity already! There must be closure to that silly shenanigan! :P


2. Give Princess Celestia or Princess Cadence their own episode, centered all on their personal lives.


3. I'd like to see more of Discord's chaos happen in the series. It could happen on a very minor scale and seen in the background of some of the episode scenes, like for example, have a spider randomly turn into a butterfly, have balloons randomly turn into bubbles, etc...


^His little chaos in the background would be popular in comparison to all of Derpy's appearances. Fans would have to pay close attention to certain episode backgrounds to notice the little randomness the off-screen Discord could be causing.


I think that would be amazing. ^_^

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  • MAKE EPISODES HAVE LONGER RUN TIME - I'm sorry, but longer episodes would do the show some good. Instead of a two parter you could have around double the normal amount, it just sounds easier.
  • NOT MAKE EVERY EPISODE TO HAVE A JOKE - There seems to be an obsession of including at least one joke in every episode, as someone who hasn't found ANY of the jokes funny, it wouldn't hurt to tone back the humor a bit.
  • NOT MAKE EVERY CMC EPISODE ABOUT FINDING THEIR CUTIE MARKS - I'm sorry, but it's not funny anymore. I enjoy the CMC but have them do something else, or at least make them focus on one activity like they did in Ponyville Confidential.
your forgetting about " one bad apple" where we meet appleblooms cousin, that episode wasnt about getting their cutie marks at all, it was a lesson to children about handling a bully situation. And "ponyville confidential started with them trying to get their cutie marks ( I have to add this for no reason at all, but the face that apple bloom is making at the picnic table scene is absolutely adorable) but ended up with them jut going along for the ride because of how well received the paper was. And the episode " stare master" was about fluttershy yes but more revolved around the cutie mark crusaders, at least in my opinion. But yes I agree a couple episode of the three little fillies getting into shenanigans for no apparent reason is warranted, and from the scuttlebutt going around with the new season it looks like that just might happen.
  • Brohoof 1
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2. Continue to avoid the topic of death. At the very least no dwelling on it, doing long crying scenes and such. We already have 99% canon confirmation of the Apple family situation, and if they were going to clarify how it happened, it would probably be a deathiversary episode, which is a bad thing to teach kids to celebrate, IMO. Waste of a lot of days of your life that could be spent not being sad, if you don't keep track of exactly when everybody died.

Whoa whoa wait. Why is this a BAD thing to teach children to celebrate that? I feel that's a little insensitive. Have you ever heard of the Mexican holiday "Day of the Dead?" Where they celebrate life in memory of those who passed away? I'm certain it's not bad to teach kids to pay respects to their passed family and friends. It's important to teach children this concept so that they may feel easier about the passing rather than dwelling on it endlessly.


(Though I guess this can easily be rebuttaled with the fact that this may have to be taught between parents and their children rather than the children and show)

  • Brohoof 1

Posibility and Potential are my two favorite words.

With the power of Turkish Kung-Fu!

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Time-Maybe somewhat similar in our time period where we have computers and more tech

No!!! :/


Well, I would have said "more letters sent to Celestia about friendship", but it seems Twilight is now a princess.



1. More locations to explore.

2. More history of equestria

3. More legends, like this "Heart Warming Eve" episode, I love this.

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I'd have


- more scenes involving running of the Equestria with Celestia/Luna (with added sister bonding).

- less silly humour (I like serious/emotional episodes).

- more an arc based series rather than each episode being self contained.



- not let Twilight be the main focus of the two-parters constantly/have no individual 'main character' (she totally is).

  • Brohoof 1

We were meant to rule together, little sister......

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1. Balance the output of episodes focused on a single character better- if there's one thing the show doesn't do well, it's this. Give less to Rainbow and Twilight and more to Rarity and Fluttershy, please.

Hm, I can't think of much more that isn't petty honestly, most of the problems I had like the friendship letters and lack of certain characters returning has been fixed/adressed in subsequent episodes/seasons. :)

And for things I wouldn't change:

1. Keep doing villains that are drastically different from each other, there's been a lot of good variety so far imo.

2. Keep doing subtle little things, like the shooting stars thing being Applejack's parents.

3. Keep taking risks, Twilicorn and EqG showed some balls of steel, keep it up! :yay:

  • Brohoof 2


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I can't think of three things that I'd change about the show, recently I've been thinking about one thing. The show is already great and I like it the way it is but this thing would make it become my all time instant favorite show.


More background Pony love, I'm not talking about making background ponies become primary ponies but I'm just saying make them a bit more like Big Mac. They have some sort of talking role at sometimes but really never overshadow anything if that makes any sense. I'd love to see Vinyl and Octavia have one or two lines of talking roles. 

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I love the show how it is, but there are still a few things I would change:


1. A new setting. Having a bunch of episodes in Ponyville is nice, especially if said episodes are focused around character developing, but there are still a ton of places that haven't been explored yet. I would like to see more (new) locations every once and awhile.


2. A similar number of episodes/main roles for each character. The show is actually pretty good with this one, but there are several times when I wished that another character got more attention. Rarity in season 3 for example.


3. More information on the princesses. We don't get to see Celestia and Luna interact that often. Also, it would be nice to learn more about Princess Cadance, because she had a very sudden introduction.


So yeah, I pretty much agree with most of the things that have been said already :)

Edited by PowerStar89


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1.  Pick a voice for Bon Bon and stick with it.


2.  Give more screen time to Junebug.  I liked her one appearance and I would like to see more of her.


3.  Have fewer instances of ponies mistreating one another.  I prefer to see characters working together to overcome common problems, rather than some characters causing problems for others.  I don't like when ponies act like bullies.  

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Hmm, interesting, if I were the betting man, of course of which I am, I would change three things.

  • Increase the length of the episodes so they don't feel rushed or missing something.
  • Add more voices towards background ponies.
  • Explore more areas beyond ponyville that are mentioned like Las pegasus.
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1. Have the Apple Farm actually have a rather western setting instead of in a densely forested mountainous area that actually has a more western feel. Like a canyony, deserty, hot place.


2. Have sea ponies. There's no reason not to. The Princesses can have one pony they're not combined with. Plus, a little Alicorn magic can fix anything. 


3. More in depth details of how Alicorns really truly come to master their talents, which brings me to my next subject. What about the magic of love?


There we go. Things completely original that I have been itching to have changed or explored that doesn't seem to have a likeliness in doing so.

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1. Character Balance


I think Twilight and Rainbow Dash get too many prominent roles in their episodes. I can see why because it's the fact they both have goals they've yet to reach while the the rest (except Rarity) all seem to be quite comfortable with where they are right now. It's kind of a problem with thier characterization because Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie don't have any goals to reach.


2. Better Male Representation.


Time and again I think MLP likes to make fun of male characters. There's not many of them that we can relate to as we can with the Mane 6. Shining Armor, Spike and Big Machintosh are the only male characters we can possibly relate to.


Also to all of you wishing for more episode length : I believe the episode length is fairly lenient as it is. It's the writers trying to force too much in a too little closed space and maybe useless filler that has nothing to do with the bearing of the episode. That's why some episodes like "Keep Calm and Flutter On" seemed rushed.

Edited by Ember The Dragoness
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