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Best scents/smells


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Call me weird if you want, but I adore the smell of Nail Polish.


It just smells nice to me.


Warm, out of the oven, bread smells amazing to me.

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Hard to believe how many things I forgot about until other people mentioned them here. Going with my previous post about enjoying the scent of trees, the smell of rain and the ocean is just as soothing. Harmy also brought up the smell of new electronics. forgetting that is the most shocking seeing as I sniff them for several minutes after opening packages.


As I've mentioned elsewhere, I love to read and have a few full bookshelves of my own. The smell of books, bookstores, and libraries is also among my favorites.



There actually exists some key-chains that mimic the scent of bread!


I'll need to buy one of those for the novelty if nothing else.

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Old books, new books, oil paints, my violin. 


Also, petrol.  :comeatus:   


It may be strange, but it's the smell of my ex-boyfriend. Even without any emotional connection to him. Sometimes when I'm around him and I smell him it makes me miss the smell. Not him. Just the smell.


And now I sound weird. But other people like how he smells too. It's a mixture of his shampoo/laundry detergent/deodorant/dryer sheets/just him. 


Something about it was just really relaxing and made me feel safe. 


If I ever find someone that smells even remotely like him I'll have to marry them. 


If it makes you feel any better, I know those feels. 


Sort of. Technically, I don't have an ex.

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Even though I love riding horses, the barn smell is probably one of my least favorite scents :s
My favorite scent is probably the scent of Godiva white chocolate. It smells so good, but the chocolate is actually a bit too sweet for my tastes.

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The smell of gasoline.

The smell of diesel.

New car smell.

New video game smell.

Mixture between either gasoline or diesel during winter, the smell mixed with the cold air it feels perfect.

Also burned rubber, the smell of engine bay... The smell of new tires, just everything car connected.

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Some smells that I like:


The smell of book pages

Fresh bread or other freshly baked things

Straight out the plastic wrapping, new video games

The smell of leather

Recently washed laundry

Coffee beans


The smell before and after it rains  :wub: 

Edited by Anishna
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-gas stations

-Ozone (You can smell i after big electric discharges. Its pretty toxic though.)

-black powder ( after exploding )

-burning wood

-Propane ( Sometimes you smell it, because of something leaking. I like the smell, but i will jump if i smell it and dont know where its coming from)

-the smell, when it rains after a long dry period

-fresh bread

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*3* Ahh there are so many lovely smells in the world. Allow me to list my favourites.


I love the smell of freshly baked bread that scent could lift me off my feet if possible xD

I also love the smell of a new book, like when you open it and you can tell.. just so good!

I love waking up in the morning to smell a freshly made coffee and the scent of bacon frying.

One thing I'll also always adore is chinese food >3< And incense sticks 

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My favorite scent is from this.



Just a whiff of it kicks my senses into shape and causes my mouth to water. The scent of pepper always does that to me and I love it. :)

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Bacon is the best and will always be. It's bacon - end of story.

Cotton candy/vanilla scented perfume.

Guy smell... in general as long as they're clean.

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The first scent that I enjoy smelling is when grass is nice and wet. It just smells like how nature would smell like. Other than that, oranges smell pretty good. Almost all of the fruits I eat smell good. Almost all of them.

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Roasting marshmallows, and Christmas trees (I believe the most potent is the Douglas Fir).


mares in heat


New baby smell.


I feel like I should be slightly worried about these.

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I love the smell of amusement park/fair food cooking. Nothing like fresh cut, fresh fried fries with cheese to get my mouth watering. Mix that with the smell of funnel cake and I'm in heaven.

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-Pretzel/Pretzel Bread


-Gunpowder/Similar  propellants 

-Old Military Equipment smell ( How would one describe that?)

-Various wheat products meats, spices,etc,etc


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Even though my sense of smell is pretty weak, I've got a few favorites.


For foods, I would go with a nice, hot slice of chocolate cake. The smell is nothing short of divine.


For nature, I would say magnolia trees. They have a sort of sweet scent to them. I remember it since I had only encountered one of those during my elementary years -- I described the smell as sort of like waffles with syrup on them XD. I ran into some more magnolia trees just a few days ago, after not seeing them few years and years, the scent of leaves brought back a lot of memories.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, for one thing, I prefer Old Spice over typical women's deodorant because it's stronger and it smells much better.

Sure, flowery scents are nice, but I want them to actually last for a while.

Also, I love candles. Flowery or herb-related scents are always good, sometimes food ones. My favorite as of right now is a eucalyptus and spearmint combination from a local candle-making business...they seem to make them better than the national chains do, for some reason.

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