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What's your favorite planet?


What's your favorite planet?   

129 users have voted

  1. 1. Which planet is your favorite?

    • Mercury
    • Venus
    • Mars
    • Jupiter
    • Saturn
    • Uranus
    • Neptune
    • Bring back Pluto!
  2. 2. Why do you like that planet?

    • Because it looks cool
    • Because it's interesting
    • Because it is plain awesome
    • Because it seems underrated
    • Just because

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So, I've been wondering, what planet do people like in our solar system? Besides Earth, of course. It doesn't count in this poll because everyone likes it. So, which one do you like, and why? 


As for me, I like Saturn, because of its ring system. But my other choice is Mars, because it's probably the most hopeful planet for colonization in the solar system (in my opinion).

Edited by mehguy22
  • Brohoof 4


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I'm more of a Baroonda guy. Nice volcanoes, lots of history, great forest/lake combinations make for some scenic walks. Coruscant is too loud and industrious, while Tatooine has two freakin' suns. And don't get me started on Hoth--


Oh, wait, you mean actual planets. Aw, that's depressing. :( I like Earth because I'm here.

  • Brohoof 1

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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Saturn! It's got the most beautiful rings ever and I think it's one of the most iconic planets in our solar system also it's got a really interesting moon called Titan. 

  • Brohoof 2


Signature by me avatar by Azura.

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Uranus :comeatus:  :umad: Okay, seriously I like Venus. It has a hot, poisonous atmosphere in which nothing can live. That appeals to me >_>  Also it is pretty, and one of the 2 planets with a molten core.  :D  :blush:

Edited by Mellon Collie
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I always liked Pluto as a kid. I don't know, it just always seemed to be the coolest planet for me when I was a kid!  :)


Ok, I'm sorry for the pun, but it's true. I liked Pluto because it was the furthest away from the sun... I suppose I can't have Pluto as my favourite anymore. I'll go with Saturn because it's the second largest planet in our solar system and I find the rings around it to be highly visually appealing.

Edited by Celtore
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Alright: some may call me crazy for this, but Mercury is m favorite. Why? Because it looks cool, and it has an interesting story behind it.

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Pluto! It will always be a planet for me. Its just... cool... idk... I could care less what science says. Pluto is Pluto and will always be Pluto.... Pluto.


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Pluto! It will always be a planet for me. Its just... cool... idk... I could care less what science says. Pluto is Pluto and will always be Pluto.... Pluto.

Pluto doesn't wanna be a planet. He's happy with his friends in the Kuiper belt.


Anywho, Uranus is best planet. It was the first planet discovered through use of telescopes. All planets before it could be seen with the naked eye. ♅

Edited by Appetite4Democracy
  • Brohoof 1

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Saturn. I was going to choose Neptune, for it's colour but I find Saturn a lot more interesting. All those rings. I remember when I first learnt Jupiter had rings I was genuinely surprised. (I was a kid)  :lol:

  • Brohoof 1
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Earth. So far it has proven to be the most hospitable one. And this is to take up the remaining characters I need to make a post.

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"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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I will forever choose Pluto as my favorite planet. Screw your science, I grew up when Pluto was still a planet and it will always be one. I'm a huge fan of cold weather, so ideally Pluto would be the perfect planet for me. That and it is the smallest of the nine planets in the solar system. I like small things. :)

  • Brohoof 1



IF is best girl.

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Well, because Earth is the bestest, this poll is flawed BUT, I'll join in anyway.


Pluto is awesome, why? Because it's really far away, really small, really cold, and no one will notice when I take it over and build my massive empire on it, from which I can take over the rest of the universe.


<If anyone asks, you heard nothing..>

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Let's take a look at the solar system as we know it, shall we?

Well, the Sun's a hot star.
And Mercury's hot too.
Venus . . . is the brightest planet!
And Earth is home to me and you.
Mars is the Red One!
And Jupiter's most wide! (Like my mother-in-la *smacked* Hey!)
Saturns got those icy rings,
And your an- *coughs Uranus spins on its side!
Neptune's really windy!
And Pluto's really sma- well, technically it's not considered a planet anymore BUT!
We wanted to name the planets. And now we've named them all.

  • Brohoof 2

"Men do not differ much about what things they will call evils;  they differ enormously on what evils they will call excusable."

"The only place where success comes before work is in a dictionary."

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...No, seriously.  >_>


Uranus is arguably the most unique of the eight planets, what with the entire planet and its rings looking like they've been turned sideways. It's the only planet in the solar system that rotates like that, and it's a shame that its name has turned it into something that you can't talk about seriously without someone in the room giggling.


And for those of you who still want Pluto to be a planet, go read up on the "Kuiper belt".  :umad:

  • Brohoof 2
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It is unique, and have an incedible amount of Helium3, the best source of energy in the universe.


After reading the thread, it seems Uranus is not taken seriously... but why?


Edit: Image and spoiler got messed up, so no pictures.

Edited by GhostPony750
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I voted for Uranus because I am the most immature sentient being on the planet. Reason? Just because. ^^


Fun fact: I originally started that sentence with "Picked Uranus because..." and then started laughing so hard I had to start over.


Like I said. Immature.

  • Brohoof 4
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In this solar system:  Mars because it once had a thicker atmosphere which allowed liquid water and, possibly, life.  It's also the only planet likely to be visited by people in our lifetime. 


Elsewhere:  Anything that resembles what Star Trek calls an M class planet.  800 degree daytime temperatures and 200 mph winds don't do anything for my hair.  :P

Edited by Wingnut
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Fiction: Thessia. It's the home planet of the Asari race. The Asari are my favorite Mass Effect race so there you have it.

Real: Earth, since I live here. Mars looks cool too, plus they say that life on Earth may somehow be thanks to Mars.


Credit for the signature goes to Kyoshi

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Need I say more... well I'm going to anyway...


For as long as I can remember I have loved Pluto. There's just something about it, small, so lonely, so different than the others. I've always, if it is possible, connected with Pluto, and loved it. I love you Pluto!


As for the remaining eight...  Uranus is the next best because....

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Saturn for multiple reasons:

It has the second greatest ring system in the universe in my opinion, looks beautiful.

It has a massive storm on it which moves around the poles unlike Jupiter's red spot.

Has the only moon with running liquid, thick atmosphere, and weather system.

Is extremely light, as in doesn't have much mass, would float in an ocean on Earth if it could.

2nd largest planet which has a liquid core.


Amongst other reasons I won't bother explaining, it's my favourite planet.


Oh and it's kind yellow :3

  • Brohoof 1
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