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I only saw a little on the teaser songs that were released to the public. That was a lot of animation and effort being put into that little piece. Seriously, I saw Twilight's hair animated! This sorta puts out that while there are half the usual shows, I think it's for a push to make the show much better overall.

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I'm going to be completely truthful here. Most seasons in cartoons run for 13 episodes... not 26. Bronydom is freaking out because they are used to seeing 26 episodes per season. That being said, FIM has technically run for 4 seasons in a span of 52 episodes if we follow that rule. That means four years of ponies and four tight years for bronydom, though the sheer amount of episodes left in season 1's wake really contributed to the starting grown of bronydom in 2011 - and then in season two, where things got even bigger due to the massive number of episodes being played in one outing.


I honestly think with 13 episodes, people will now be more inclined to write up fanfics and contribute more fanwork of the sort due to anticipation and inspiration, even more so than after season two's completion. There won't be as many episodes, but the fandom will be at a very advantageous position once season three is completed.

Edited by Devin McCourty
  • Brohoof 2
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In my humble oppinion, I belive that they are working on a movie. With the other Generations there were 8 movies over them so that means about 2.66 per Generation and they were not as popular. With the HUB they are a new channel, they need T.V. ratings, so if they kill off the series it will get rid of one of there big $$$ makers. It would be like if a fast food restraunt got rid of there biggest product. They would most likely they would go down the Toilet bowl to keep it PG.


So Yeah the TL;DR Version is that mostlikely there is going to be a movie.

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I can tell you two reasons for this that will make you all feel much better. First of all, season 3 will have an overarching story. Shows that do that always take more time to produce. So they just put less episodes to this season to keep people from having to wait to long.


The second reason is that they have a movie on their plate as well. Less episodes to do that will give them more time for the movie.


Im not happy about either of these :blush:

First of all, an overarching story would involve less creativity to me. There would be no episodes like Party Of One or Winter Wrap Up because it would be focusing on the story. I dont know...Just feel like it wouldnt be the show I know and love as much.


Two, The Canterlot Wedding was movie enough wasnt it? A movie would be a bit weird to me too. I think that might push it too far.


IDK, maybe im just paranoid, but I seriously hope it will just be normal, but maybe higher quality episodes.

Edited by pinkie


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I'm really disappointed by this, the 65 ep mark is also suspicious, I don't think we have to worry about the show it's self though. What we have to worry about is the Hub. There are rumors that the Hub is having financial troubles, and it makes sense. With the exception of MLP there are no shows popular enough to carry it on there own, and I don't think MLP, as profitable as it is, can keep the Hub going forever. No one should be surprised by this. Hasbro has a terrible approach to it's original shows. Shows are made simply to push toys and are usually under funded and lack any real quality. In addition while channels like cartoon network and Nickelodeon mostly cater to young kids, they do strive to make their shows appeal to an older fan base. Teen Titans, Spongebob, Avatar, Batman TAS, etc. are all good examples of this. Hasbro quite frankly does not give a *buy some apples!* about drawing an older fanbase, because they are mainly marketing toys. (Let's face it, MLP:FiM would be a terrible heartless toy pusher too if Faust didn't set it on the right track.) This approach is fine for them when they used to put their shows on other channels, but I don't really think the approach will work in the long run for their own channel. They need to change there strategy, and fast if they want to survive in long run.


What am I trying to say? The Hub, in my opinion, is a sinking ship, and it will take MLP with it when it goes. Since Hasbro owns the rights to MLP:FIM if the Hub goes down there is no possible way that it will survive by being picked up by another channel.


I'm not implying that the Hub will blow up tomorrow or anything, but the chances that MLP will have the longevity of shows like spongebod and South Park are slim to none. Basically to make a long story short MLP won't last anymore then 3 mores years, even if it has the fan base and quality to surive much longer. It's basically going to be cut down before it's time no matter what happens.


This is all a combination of speculation and my opinion though. Who knows, maybe the Hub will drop it's act and become permanently rooted like CN, and Nickelodeon, but I don't see that happening.

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Im not happy about either of these :blush:

First of all, an overarching story would involve less creativity to me. There would be no episodes like Party Of One or Winter Wrap Up because it would be focusing on the story. I dont know...Just feel like it wouldnt be the show I know and love as much.


Two, The Canterlot Wedding was movie enough wasnt it? A movie would be a bit weird to me too. I think that might push it too far.


IDK, maybe im just paranoid, but I seriously hope it will just be normal, but maybe higher quality episodes.


Of course there will be some filler episodes (or should I say "philly episodes"?). The whole "crystal pony" thing will only take them so far. They will need some stand alone episodes for developing the characters and padding things out.


And "Canterlot Wedding" is not like a movie. It is like a great episode to the TV show. It mostly focuses on Twilight Sparkle. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy are barely in it. A movie would give more time for character development.


I'm really disappointed by this, the 65 ep mark is also suspicious, I don't think we have to worry about the show it's self though. What we have to worry about is the Hub.

This is totally legit, but I think you're underestimating the power of the new fanbase. If the show is taken down by the HUB's self destruction, bronies will petition for MLP: FiM to come back. Even if that doesn't work, Hasbro has seen that MLP is more popular now, and might put out a new show. Yeah, they might not care much about bronies, but they are buying MLP products.
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Well what i've learned from my life of watching TV is that if the show is good then the Third season is usually the season to either have a movie or somekind of hour long special. And since we already had a hour long special my guess is that there going to be a movie about 1 hour and a half long.


Then again the third season is also the season where many shows get canceled... OH STOP being negative Anon we all know its most likely going to be the former... Right?

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New poster, here. I am proud to be a Brony and all of my friends know! Hahahahahahaha!


Regarding season 3, didn't William leave a fun and cryptic poem on his deviant art page in his journal? He said "more seasons, some may be shorter for good reasons, more seasons in the future" and stuff like that. I can't believe we Brony's should be nervous, anymore. Does anyone agree?

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The main reason I'm not worried is this is Hasbro we're talking about, they milk everything for all it's worth. I think their still seeing to many dollar signs to cancel FiM.

  • Brohoof 1



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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Geez, I want 26 episodes because I´m just used to it - most of anime has about 25 series/season (I´m not talking about neverending stories like Bleach or Naruto). I know MLP is something different but I must admit that not very stressed about it, 13 eps are still better than nothing.

Try to try again

To see yourself again from time to time.

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While I was reading through this thread I began to be concerned that the show would have no future past Season Three, and the 65-episode tradition only furthur reinforced my worries. I tried to convince myself that the show would without a doubt continue due to the profit still available from the massive and growing fanbase that are bronies. And that they realize the repurcussions of canceling the show! However I still was not sure. But then my fears were and still are 99% eliminated when I saw the following:




In Season One, the team was simultaneously working on various stages of all 26 episodes of the first season, and when the second season was approved, that number rose temporarily to 32. Episodes then aired about a month after completion." So... do you guys really think that over this summer, a three month hiatus, the team only worked on 13 episodes???? I think not seeing as the fact Meghan McCarthy, writer of FiM, is still working at the studio right now, with the season production completed.




Their is one, undeniable, official quote that perhaps confirms a fourth season in a under the radar fashion. While all eyes and ears were on Michael, vice president of the development team and speaker at San Diego Comic-Con 2012, about the future of everyone's favorite mailmare Derpy Hooves, he said this:


"I think for the time being she may be hanging out in the background, but who knows what the future holds?"




"...THE FUTURE..."



Spreading friendship since 01-30-2012!

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I don't follow EqD, do i'm just gonna yell 'Scre* The Newspaper' and throw it down and chill untill season 3 arrives to prove them wrong.


Like a Boss.

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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So does Everypony agree that based on Williams message, let alone other details, that MLP fine? Because I think so!


I agree that it's not worth worrying about until there's something to worry about. Let's wait and see what happens before jumping the gun.

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It's more than likely that there will be more seasons. I mean, why would they want to stop working on the show that's making them rich?


Exactly. Steven Bochco once said in an interview, 'The worst thing you can do in the Entertainment Industry is leave a successful show.'. I imagine the same applies to the people in charge of the show too.

  • Brohoof 1

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Now hang on a second guys, if I'm not mistaken, all they really said was: "13 confirmed episodes."


Not: "There will only be 13 episodes this season."


Basically they could have just meant that "We have so far completed 13 episodes that will definitely be airing, and the other 13 we cannot be certain about because they are still in production." I can't remember them saying there will only be 13 episodes next season, just that there will definitely be 13 episodes next season.


...Unless I've missed something?


I've missed something, ain't I?

  • Brohoof 1

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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If it means shorter gaps between seasons and less stress on the creators, I don't mind at all. Happy creators and shorter gaps mean quality & more frequent pony episodes!


Now hang on a second guys, if I'm not mistaken, all they really said was: "13 confirmed episodes."


Not: "There will only be 13 episodes this season."


Basically they could have just meant that "We have so far completed 13 episodes that will definitely be airing, and the other 13 we cannot be certain about because they are still in production." I can't remember them saying there will only be 13 episodes next season, just that there will definitely be 13 episodes next season.


...Unless I've missed something?


I've missed something, ain't I?


They actually really did say that there are only 13 episodes. But it's not a big deal since there are many more seasons to come.

  • Brohoof 1
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If it means shorter gaps between seasons and less stress on the creators, I don't mind at all. Happy creators and shorter gaps mean quality & more frequent pony episodes!




They actually really did say that there are only 13 episodes. But it's not a big deal since there are many more seasons to come.


Ah, well then in that case, everything I just said then is now void.

I should have done more research on the matter.


Carry on.

YouTube: Rizzy 'n [Crep] (Recently made a couple of vids of silly games. More to come maybe :okiedokielokie: )

Steam: Rizzy 'n Crep (Currently playing Killing Floor 2. Come do a thing with us. ( Unless you're a pansy. Are you a pansy? :comeatus: ) )

Twitch.tv: Rizoel95 (aaaauuugggghhh maybe :scoots: )

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"seasons, there are many of them, some of them shorter than others, perhaps for special reasons, to be followed by other long seasons.




many seasons."


Williams' message wasn't direct, but it was very, very clear what he was talking about. He probably posted that because he noticed the freaking out, and wanted to help subside the apocalyptic, unsure thinking of 'oh noes this means they might end the show'. It also ended the 'all seasons are gonna be this short? D;' because like he said, seasons to come will be longer, this one just has something special going on. Ergo, the reason this season and most likely this season alone is half a season's normal length is because they're working on another project in the background. Whether a movie or something completely unrelated, that's the reason, and there's no need to be concerned over anything ending, or the show's season length permanently changing.


The guy works on the show after all, and we have no reason to doubt him.

  • Brohoof 2


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