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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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Okay, so, Twilight, This is a hypothetical question, and shouldn't be taken literal at all:


If everypony in Equestria was some type of food item, and the better you tasted, the more popular you were, but if you tasted too good, you'd be eaten by a strange alien overlord, but if you didn't taste good at all you were banished to the moon, and you'd already seen 5 of your friends banished, and Celestia, Luna, AND the Elements of Harmony combined weren't enough to stop the situation, then what are your political views on the possibility of Pinkie Pie becoming Princess of Equestria???


.........Wait- I-- What?


Hmm... Maybe... It's been pretty much on and off, but I'll give her a visit... *rubs forehead* Only wish I didn't have to deal with these kinds of pains, you know...?


It happens. Sorry, I got no spell that cures headaches.


*rushes into Twilights room*

Twi, I just wanted to warn you that this weird pony is going to...

*hears noise in the library*

...hide carrots in your house... -_-


Yeah... I heard...


I shall have to continue this... later Twilight... I've just remembered I got the all clear from Princess Luna a while back to fly up above Canterlot and drop onions on everypony! It will be spectacular! Maybe I'll even get to meet Princess Luna herself... yes... and Princess Celestia as well! Oh we'll be such good... friends.


*Boards the train to Canterlot* I am sorry... but I have an important meeting with the princesses... see you later!


Okay, guess I don't need to deal with these carrots, I guess. *Uses spell to get rid of carrots*


... Well, the strange pony's gone.

*sits down*

So Miss Sparkle, how was your first time travelling experience?


I gotta admit it was pretty exhilarating to travel through time, and seeing my future self. But the reason I actually did it was kind of silly, but you know what happened...


Hey Twi I could help you clean up those carrots if you want.

And hows your eye Wildcard.


Oh no, I just used a spell to get rid of them.
  • Brohoof 1
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*enters Twilight's house again* Hey Twilight, my head's feeling better now! Zecora gave me some medicine and told me to get some rest. Anyways... *looks around some* ... Chilly?

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*enters Twilight's house again* Hey Twilight, my head's feeling better now! Zecora gave me some medicine and told me to get some rest. Anyways... *looks around some* ... Chilly?


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I'm looking forward to your followup of your hit single "Twilightlicious." Is there any info on when that might be out lately?


*sigh* Who told you that?
  • Brohoof 1
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*sigh* Who told you that?


word gets out. i have a pet parrot that listens to you while you sleep. one night you were dreaming about it, you probably forgot. he tells me everything you say in your sleep. There's some real interesting goodies I hear.
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word gets out. i have a pet parrot that listens to you while you sleep. one night you were dreaming about it, you probably forgot. he tells me everything you say in your sleep. There's some real interesting goodies I hear.


Thats just... thats just creepy!
  • Brohoof 1
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A parrot that tells you everything Twilight says in her sleep... Yeah, Imma chalk you up as a stalker, glitterlicious... o.o Anyways Twilight... What was it like walking on a cloud after having used the walk-on-clouds spell?

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A parrot that tells you everything Twilight says in her sleep... Yeah, Imma chalk you up as a stalker, glitterlicious... o.o Anyways Twilight... What was it like walking on a cloud after having used the walk-on-clouds spell?


I feel like everypony is stalking me!

The clouds felt pretty soft. I wouldn't mind walking on clouds rather than the ground!

  • Brohoof 1
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You don't have to worry about me, Twilight, we're friends after all : )


Hahah, I bet it felt like you were walking on soft pillows, huh?


Something like that, yes. It was comfortable.


Hey I'm not the creepy one...remember the bird is the spy Not I! :P


Yeah, uh huh...
  • Brohoof 1
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Hey I'm not the creepy one...remember the bird is the spy Not I! :P


Hah! Compared to me your bird is not in the slightest bit creepy! And I uh... just realised I have blown my cover... I may or may not have been here for bit hiding from Celestia's guards... something tells me she was not...pleased with the onions she woke up to...*makes a bolt for the door* Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)
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Something like that, yes. It was comfortable.



Yeah, uh huh...


Remember, it was a joint effort. I'm the one sittin in my loftchair sipping on ice cold lemonade, while my parrot bud is the one sitting at your bedside mirror. Whose the real creepy one, I say?
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*sigh* What is wrong with Chilly... *shakes head* Anyways, Twilight, walking on clouds must have been an amazing feeling... Do you think you could cast the walk-on-clouds spell on me? I'd love to know how it feels firsthand. But if you don't want to, I'd understand. It's your choice.

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Hey Twi I could help you clean up those carrots if you want.

And hows your eye Wildcard.


I think I might have a black eye but it doesn't hurt much, thanks for asking ;)

Iam still not happy that Chilly was able to escape...

*enters library again and lays down on the sofa*

Edited by Wildcard
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I have four completely random questions for you Twilight.


1. Whats your view on global economy and politics in Equestria?

2. I heard that you can't hold your alcohol, is this true?

3. If you could do anything in the world and get away with it, what would you do?

4. What do you think about all of these random questions? :huh:

Edited by starman117
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