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Ask Twilight Sparkle.

Twi Rubix

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now that is weird!


No its not! I like twillight-- wait i mean to serve NO WAIT I MEAN READING AND LIBRARIES!! ... *Facehoofs* Uhm.. T-this is emberrasing...

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(Again, sorry for late responses.)



...Are we still friends..?


Yes, of course.



Twilight how do you manage to pull off not sleeping for several days?

I have difficulty not sleeping for even just a single night.


Determination, my friend... determination.



Twilight, I think RD might have pulled a prank on me!


She did? Must be pranking with Pinkie again.


Hi Twily :)

Pinkie and Rainbow are in the library but Rainbow is behaving a bit...uhm...strange. Do you know why?



Posted Image



Uhh... What book was she reading?


*Shrugs* i wouldnt mind being twillights servant...

What? *Sheepishly scratches the back of his own head* i like being submissive. And libraries. And reading. Even if i hate school...

So i wouldnt mind trading.


now that is weird!


No its not! I like twillight-- wait i mean to serve NO WAIT I MEAN READING AND LIBRARIES!! ... *Facehoofs* Uhm.. T-this is emberrasing...




Uhh.... Ooookay?
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.__. ... Uhm... Hi. Do you have a good book to help me start animating?

And being a good butler?

And maybe go out on a date with me?

And ha good book about history of the assassins? Honestly there os mot much about them i can find

Edited by Cjero
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I know you are really smart and you read a lot of books but have you read anything on poison joke?


I did. It's in a book that's green with a picture of an herb on it.


.__. ... Uhm... Hi. Do you have a good book to help me start animating?

And being a good butler?

And maybe go out on a date with me?

And ha good book about history of the assassins? Honestly there os mot much about them i can find


What did you just sa-- huh?


Do you need any... help, good friend of mine..?


No, not now.


Something that had to do with hay...hmm what was it called again...oh I got it "50 shades of hay"!


Huh, I forgot what that was about...


Hey twilight how's it going?


Hey Twilight! *comes into the library looking like her* do you like my new trick that I can do?


Whoa! How did you do that?
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Oh I just learned how to do that a few days ago! I can look like other ponies too if you to see?


*comes into the library as Applejack* hey Twilight! How's it going?

Edited by Mikejr6692
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Oh no nothing just asking to study together * cough* date *Cough*




Oh I just learned how to do that a few days ago! I can look like other ponies too if you to see?


*comes into the library as Applejack* hey Twilight! How's it going?


Wow! That's just... so cool! Gotta learn how to do that!


I made you a sandwich c:


Uhh... Thanks?
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Oh I have "special" paint that helps with my transformations! *steps out the door then comes back in looking like Applebloom* how do you like this?

Edited by Mikejr6692
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Oh sorry i just jest honestly i don't mean to pest.

But let me say twily you took my heart away.

So a friend a comadeer a pal or nothing dear.


Honestly i'd love to treat you to a dinner woth a cup o' tea and mayne read a book with me?

(Hehehe xD)

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(I'm getting a nasty habit of not posting. Sorry bout that.)


Oh I have "special" paint that helps with my transformations! *steps out the door then comes back in looking like Applebloom* how do you like this?


I just wanna learn how to do that! Show me!



Oh sorry i just jest honestly i don't mean to pest.

But let me say twily you took my heart away.

So a friend a comadeer a pal or nothing dear.


Honestly i'd love to treat you to a dinner woth a cup o' tea and mayne read a book with me?

(Hehehe xD)


If your trying to do what I think your trying to do... It ain't gonna work.


Hi Twilight! What do you think of the current site banner?


It's nice. Fluttershy gets her moment in the spotlight.


Do you and spike have a... "Magical Connection?" :blush:;):wub::o


If you mean a magical connection in friendship... then yes!


Hey ummmm..... Twilight may I have a hug?

That would be the best birthday gift anypony could give me.


One more hug coming up!



It's your birthday? c: Happy birthday :3.


Twilight, would you like another sandwich..?


Uhh... Maybe? I guess?


Miss Twilight, this @ feller said he fell in some poison joke.

*Puts down shrunken Vinyl*


Ah didn't say that. Ah said ah done shrunk myself


Just head to Zecora, she'll fix you up!


Hey Twilight, I think my home is haunted. Do you have a spell that could help me out?


What makes you say that?
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