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Your Opinions of Zecora


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She's a decent enough character and I really like her nightmare night design in Luna eclipsed but I DESPISE her rhyming >< It crazy gets on my nerves and if it's a racial thing I'd hate to live with Zebras but over all she's Ok not great


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Hey so Johari

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I found her to be an interesting and welcome character.  Now I will say that I'm not a fan of her rhyme-speak, I just feel like it could be written better at times (speaking as a picky English major :P)  but her presence in the show provides many opportunities for creative storytelling.


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Zecora ties for third in my list of favorite characters. Although her color scheme may be a bit ordinary, I do love her eye color. Her rhyming is a fun little twist or finishing touch to her character, and she's not a bad looking mare (is it mare for zebras?).

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I like Zecora very much. She's wise, has a rhyming tongue and well she has a cool accent.

To me she is like the mentor to people who seek her wisdom, and I like those types of character :D

I do wish that she is shown in the show more often, but well, I guess no pony is brave to go through the Everfree forest on a daily basis. It's just unnatural. The plants grow, the animals take care of themselves and the weather moves on it own!


As for Zecora being best pony... she isn't She's best Zebra!

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As far as supporting characters and non ponies go, Zecora's one of my favorite characters out there. Yes, her rhyming her scheme may seem at times annoying, but compared to other shows its by far worth enjoying :huh: . Yea but sometimes I actually wish the show would have her break from her rhyming to see how she would act or sound like otherwise. But considering her limited appearances in the show she's contributed a lot not limited to helping cure the Mane 6 in her debut despite their ignorant and xenophobic (and yes I have to use those words here) attitudes against her, helped celebrate Nightmare Night in a positive light, and she helped Twilight defeat Trixie.


Oh yea did I forget to say SHE KNOWS MAGIC! She's one of the few non unicorns or alicorns that doesn't need to have god status or a horn to use magic, no offense to unicorns. I don't care what you call it , shamanism, illusions or whatnot but aside from her water and cup trick in Magic Duel she also did this in Luna Eclipsed:





Aside from it being an interesting story it really helps her live up to her name as an "evil enchantress." Only someone who was capable of using magic or had some extensive knowledge of how to perform such an illusion, which itself is a means of utilizing magic too could do what she did. Also Twilight's an incredibly well versed magician so I its really hard for me to imagine that she would go ask to be mentored under Zecora unless she knew or at least felt Zecora has some ability or understanding of utilizing magic. 


Also I don't want to be rude or mean to Zecora, but as is the case with a lot of nonpony characters that aren't antagonists, I think they should at some point have another zebra in the show or comics, preferably one that isn't such a African reference. The whole concept of nonponies being "others" in the show really leaves a bad impression that somehow Equestria is some whitewashed, racist, and xenophobic society incapable of interacting with other races...its also partly why I think some people don't appreciate her rhyming as much.


Aside from these criticisms though Zecora is actually a well established character in the show and I hope to see more of her in future seasons. She's not only interesting,but she's helpful often to the plot and the Mane 6 and others. She's an insightful character that provides great opportunities to contribute to the show in her own ways.

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Aside from it being an interesting story it really helps her live up to her name as an "evil enchantress." Only someone who was capable of using magic or had some extensive knowledge of how to perform such an illusion, which itself is a means of utilizing magic too could do what she did. 


Also I don't want to be rude or mean to Zecora, but as is the case with a lot of nonpony characters that aren't antagonists, I think they should at some point have another zebra in the show or comics, preferably one that isn't such a African reference. The whole concept of nonponies being "others" in the show really leaves a bad impression that somehow Equestria is some whitewashed, racist, and xenophobic society incapable of interacting with other races...its also partly why I think some people don't appreciate her rhyming as much.




Ooor, it could be the powder she was blowing when she "cast" those illusions.

Her "magic" is much more on the alchemist side than the spell side. She works with potions and basic incantations (usually cast over a brew of some sort) Her other tricks are mere sleight of the hoof, and trick of the eye moments usually.

She outwits those she casts upon rather than literally uses magic to any reasonable affect.


As to the racial stuff. The ponies themselves also place racial emphasis in more than one instant based purely on Earth, Pegasus, and Unicorn.

Especially with the squabbling during the Hearths warming episode. Even with clouds dale. If Twilight was able to find a spell that let them walk on the clouds, why doesn't clouds dale offer up a much more open avenue for visitors of other pony races?


While to the human eye they may not seem much different, thats kind of the point. They're many colors, many shapes, many sizes, and even different races. But they all get along very well.

Even Cranky gets a good couple of moments here and there.


Zecora just stands out as a more literal foreigner, someone not from the same lands as the others. I doubt its intended as a racial thing so much as a foreigner visiting/living in a different country.

Hence her accent and thoughtful rhyme speech (which I think works, as others have said, it means she requires thought before every word. She watches what she says, and how she says it.)


It def could've been played better than using literal African cultural points, but given the character species and such, it actually works very well. Though I agree, it needs a bit more fleshing out. Maybe a visit from her friends back home, and the awkwardness of a newcomer fresh from the foreign land rather than one thats been there? Trying to explain how/why things are as they are.

Or as suggested before by another, a visit to Zecora's home.. Maybe a story time where she tells others of her home. Perhaps the story of her "cutie mark", assuming its the same to Zebra's as it is to ponies.


Also noticed that, with the bridle gossip episode and others, it seems like Equestria itself is only one nation/land of sort.

I mean, again, if everfree functions on its own, and there are other foreign lands beyond equestria..... Kinda ruins some of the story to hear of such things given Celestia and Luna are supposed to be overall rulers...


In essence you could even say that Celestia overthrew The Crystal Empire by forcing out its original ruler and placing a leader of her own choice... Bit political once you get down to it.. Good cause/reason to do so existed perhaps, but still, she forcefully moved in and overthrew the place!


tis why its best probably not to read to thoroughly into these sorts of things :P

Edited by GrimCW
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Zecora is my BEST pony, hands down! She's so mysterious, unique, and i love her mad rhyming skills. There is no other character quite like her. I love to speculate about her mostly :D Where did she come from, how did she end up in everfree forest. Do zebras actually have their own form of unobservable, supernatural magic? And of course, i love her design. She's a zebra, and i like stripes. I like zebras more than horses actually. They are so striking /)^3^(\

Edited by crazitaco
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you ask, i tell. in a way quite sell:


i think that she is rather fine

especially for an equine

one of my fav'rite background mares

always helpful; always cares.

  • Brohoof 2


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Asking my opinion of Zecora is like asking Rainbow Dash what her opinion on the Wonderbolts is...
Zecora is best pony, she's kind, mysterious, speaks in rhymes and looks cool. What's not to love?



As for Zecora being best pony... she isn't She's best Zebra!


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I think she is a good character.  I think she really has a lot of potential if we see more of her.  She is my favorite secondary pony (or zebra rather).


Sig made by Aeron Quillson.

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