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Not sure if this is the right board but oh well. If it's not, feel free to move it.

Like the title says, post your OC ponies here. Anything goes. It could be your ponysona, just some random character, or whatever.

Please give a name and at least some kind of description if possible.

Here's mine:

Name: Dave (came from an inside joke in a Mumble group)
Type: Pegasus
Gender: Male
Appearance: blue coat with black, wavy hair and brown eyes. He usually wears dark blue shades.
Cutie Mark: Three white five pointed stars.
Hobbies: Obsessing over female ponies, and staring at "dat plot". He's always trying to ask them out but usually fails miserably due to a serious lack of "game".
Additional Details: Although he pursues most all females, his love interest is Fluttershy. When she is around he gets nervous and tries to avoid her. Due to his lack of confidence he may never be able to ask her out. His cutie mark represents his interest in astronomy and his dream to go star gazing with Fluttershy.


Edited by Fabulous French Fry
  • Brohoof 18


Signature by @Nico.

Come join us for movies and more! Every Friday on

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I've ben trying to make a good one for a while, but so far I've only picked out a look: Teal green, with white hair and a light green stripe. I want to make a good persona instead of just using myself as an example, but I can't think of anything... If I do, I'll be sure to post it here!

  • Delighted Giggle 1


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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Name: Undecided

Land pony

Appearance: Like blue coat with a dark blue dreaded mane and tail.

Cutie Mark: Horse hair paint brush

Special Ability: Painting and creating pigments from natural sources.

Other Details: Has a underground home just outside of Equestria where he lives with very little interaction with other ponies other than when he goes into town for supplies.


My icon.

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Well, i'm currently making one, i have the sketch but i want to do it in gimp2.


Name: Fire Raki (*edited* [i just though "fire raki" sounds better than just "raki"])

Type: unicorn.

Appearance: orange cloat and a red mane and tail.

Gender: (this will sound weird, since i'm a man) Female.

Cutie Mark: A fire ball.


Pic: coming soon...

Other details: coming soon...

Edited by Diamond Mint
  • Brohoof 1



Thanks ya Discord (oh gawd, i said thanks to discord!!!)

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I wish I had a better way to show mine than GeneralZoi's pony maker(a great tool if you ask me though) however here we are...


Name: Leatherneck

Type: Unicorn

Appearance: An average male unicorn

Cutie Mark: Crossed rifles in the shape of an X (currently hidden by his armor)

Hobbies: Study of combative magic

Additional Details: He is devout believer in the rumors of the so-called New Lunar Republic, although he has yet to see any signs of it anywhere in Equestria. Hailing from the distant land near to where zebras are from, his ancestors fled Equestria after the destruction of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters and the banishment of Luna. He was raised to be cautious, if not resentful, of the reign of the remaining sister. Upon hearing that Luna had returned, he left the land of his birth to return to Equestria to see if the rumors were true. He has no knowledge of the link between Nightmare Moon and Luna.


  • Brohoof 2
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  On 2011-10-05 at 3:21 AM, Leatherneck said:

I wish I had a better way to show mine than GeneralZoi's pony maker(a great tool if you ask me though)


Is that available to download or do you have to do it all online?

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Name: Sky Charmer

Type: Pegasus

Gender: Female

Appearance: Blue coat with a dark aqua mane and green eyes

Cutie Mark: Just a cloud

Hobbies: Art, flying, sculpting

Additional Details: Earned her cutie mark by cloud sculpting. She's very skilled at it.


Edited by Kaasha
  • Brohoof 1

Just your average antisocial unicorn.

Retired fan-fiction author.

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Name: Cupcakeholic Cutie

Type: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Appearance: Brown coat with a blonde mane and green eyes

Cutie Mark: A Cupcake

Hobbies: Making and eating Cupcakes

Addition Details: He is a really big Cupcakeholic, before he was his parents owned a bakery in Canterlot and wanted him to take over the family business when he was older, however wanting to do something different CC tried many things to see if he was good then besides at helping and running the bakery but whatever he tried, he failed at doing good and most of the stuff that he did got him into trouble.

Then one day when he was just about to give up, a book landed right next to him which was a recipe book on how to make the world's greatest cupcakes, seeing that there was nothing else to do, CC gave it a shot and made what he thought to himself was just some normal bakery cakes but after he began to eat one, he started to feel weird a good way weird, he never felt so alive and so hyped after eating a cupcake and he started to make more and more not just for himself but for everypony in Canterlot. And so he thought to himself that he would make it his hobby and maybe his career someday, to become an expert cupcake maker and of course eater.

Posted Image

The artwork was made by a good friend of mine and even though she likes the show but says she is not a Brony (I know deep down she secretly is XD), she has done many Pony pics and they all look fantastic, you can find her and her amazing art galleries on deviantART & Fur Affinity. :D

dA Account: http://ramthedragon.deviantart.com/

FA Account: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ramthedragon/

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 months later...

Welcome to the Pony OC Club!


OCs, the abbreviation of Original Characters, are fan-created ponies that do not exist in the canonical show. Background ponies would NOT be considered OCs, for instance. The pony template gives a person an opportunity to get extremely creative, with a near limitless variety of special talents, cutie marks, colours, personalities, and mane styles that your pony can have.

This club exists with the intent to showcase and bring people's OCs together. Critiquing other people's OCs, complimenting them, or posting your own OCs is highly encouraged.

Stuff to Note
  • No outright insulting a person's OC! Criticism doesn't give you an excuse to be plain rude. Please try to be constructive.
  • Don't keep spamming your own OCs without commenting on other people's OCs first. If you're going to post six OCs, at least take the time to look at what others have created.
  • Do not post any OCs but your own. You may only post another pony's OC if you have their explicit permission.

OC Form
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Edited by Doggess Arylett
Extremely out-dated OP is updated.
  • Brohoof 2

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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I've already got this written up, not using your form.



Name: Swirl


Sex: Female.


Age: Mare.


Species: Unicorn.


Eye Color: Green.


Coat Color: Kind of blue.


Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Mane almost like Rarity’s and a decent size tail. White.


Physique: Normal mare size.


Cutie Mark: Ice-cream cone.


Origin/Residence: Born in Canterlot, still lives in Canterlot.


Occupation: Owns an ice-cream shop.


Motivation: Expanding her reach.


Character Summary:

Swirl grew up in Canterlot where her parents owned a restaurant. She was your typical filly, she was always good with colours and flavours though. One day her parents let her make an ice-cream flavour after she nagged them for weeks, she had all the flavourings, colours, and tools needed in the kitchen, she tried and tried, until she got one she was happy with it, she called it Bizmo.


Her parents put out the flavour for sale, it got mostly positive feedback. Everypony that tasted it said it tasted different to the next one. One day, a famous pony was coming to her parent's restaurant to give critique. The review wasn't going too well, they didn't have much left to lose, so her parents let Swirl, give him a taste of the flavour. He said it was the best ice cream he had ever had, and gave a great review, that was when she got her Cutie Mark, an icecream cone. Once she reached mare-hood she borrowed some money and started an ice-cream shop in Canterlot, taking her flavour with her.


Even though her parents were sad to see her leave, they kept on going with their business, after all she did visit them occasionally. The debt was payed back in no time, since her flavour was surprisingly still a hit with the ponies of Canterlot even after all those years. At the current time she owns an ice-cream shop in Canterlot and she sells many flavours, like vanilla, chocolate, caramel, chocolate-caramel Swirl, and the same flavour from all those years ago.


Swirl is generally chill, but when something needs to be done, (even more if wants it done for her own reasons, not others) she'll get it done asap. She'll usually stand by her beliefs, a bit stubborn you could say.


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This is my primary and favourite OC.

Edited by Legit101
  • Brohoof 1


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Decided to change it...




Name: Unknown... alias: The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Species: Unicorn

Gender: male

Age: ?


History: Not much is known about the mysterious pony, other then that he is a master thief. Stealing one of the suits underneath the fashionista when she was planning to recycle the materials (thanks to a spell), he uses it as his cover as he made his way in the night.


As compared to the mane six, he can not beat them on their own ground, but he uses other things to beat them... using Dash's temper and ego against her, as well as out smarting her... using more of swiftness against Applejack... and her ego




Special Talent: A thief

Edited by Captain Marvelous
  • Brohoof 1

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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Name:Lightning Flicker





Personality:A great Leader, loves pinkie's parties and doesn't accept failure. a true gentleman, and won't allow the ones around him to mess with his Pricinples. he weilds his power much like his mother but doesn't care to have a laugh or two.


History:Generally hides behind his preference of his mother being the Princess and him being the Prince and Hier but changes his personalty greatly after meeting the Mane6 and revealed his true Personalty. his Leadership skills are noticable and his Valorous actions are great but of few. Used to fall head over heels for Fluttershy but now has a thing for Pinkie Pie.



Special Talent:Rivals the Mane6 with his physical abilites being able to put a good chanellge to AppleJack, Rainbow Dash and Twilight. Siginiture move: Golden Phoinex and the BurstLimit.

I would love for mine to be featured

Edited by TagTeamCast
  • Brohoof 1

I'm the Son of Celestia And when i'm King who else did you think would be Queen?


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Name: XFizzle/Sport Specs [PDO] (pre-Doctor obsession)

Species: Earth Pony

Gender: Male

Age: 22


Personality: Laid back, funny, reserved, introverted, fanatic


History: Born and raised in Detrot, Sport Specs grew up as one of the biggest sports fans in the city. He fervently followed the Equestria Hockey League (EHL), Equestria Football League (EFL), Equestria Basketball Association (EBA), and Major Equestria League Baseball (MeLB) and cheered for his Detrot teams. At the age of 22, Sport Specs graduated from university to pursue his dream of owning a sports equipment and apparel store. His travels brought him to Ponyville, a small town full of humble, down-to-earth, blue-collard ponies. Hoping to inject some competition and sports fun into the town, Sport Specs started forming various recreational leagues for all sorts of different sports.


Special Talent: Getting others involved in experiencing the benefits sports provides, including determination, perseverance, leadership, and the magic of teamwork.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 3

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
~*Traveling Timelord Nonpareil*~
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I could do a vector instead if that's compulsory... just like serving the greater good.

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Name: Crimson Tide

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male



Personality: Heavily relies on iron willpower generated from the people's might.

History: Known to be violent but not wreckless, Crimson Tide was taught from fillihood that a house divided upon itself is not a house suitable to drink vodka in.


Special Talent: Power of the People (Passive)


Gives Crimson Tide 15+ armor at the cost of (20%, 15%, 10%, 5%, 0%) movement speed for each ally within a radius of 500.



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My favorite OC is Shadow Chaser since he is my ponysona, but Ember Bolt is technically my primary OC for the moment


Also, may my OCs be entered in the featured drawing?


Transplanting this from a different thead:


My OC/ponysona Shadow Chaser!


DA Page Link


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My second OC Ember Bolt, whom I am currently playing as in a game of pony GURPS!


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Name: Fire Score

Species: Unicorn

Gender: Male

Age: Young Stallion


Personality: Happy, Calm, Strange in ways, Cockey,

History: A pony from out of town who came into Ponyville to set up a cafe and play music for the ponies of Ponyville.


Special Talent: My magic is Vocal and Audio Augmentation I can enhance, harmonize, and amplify my voice and instruments


Hobbies: Anything that is artistic (cooking, drawing, writing, ect.) and playing guitar.


Cutie Mark: A Leaf with a Musical note. Because I am naturally talented with musical instruments, I can pick up pretty much any instrument and teach myself how to play it.





I'll add more as my character grows.

Edited by asdf Firescore
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Name: Steel Accord

Species: Pegasus

Gender: Male

Age: 22 (or the pony equivalent of a young adult)


Posted Image


(Image credit goes to FantasticSpastic93 on Deviantart and SirPonyLancelot on Youtube. I can't draw worth bit!)



Cutie Mark: Sword crossed with a pen. It's meaning is thus, two fold.


Writing - Steel posses a great gift of prose and narrative structure. Despite his insistence otherwise, even the drafts he discards are often very good. Steel once wrote a recount of Heart's Warming Eve as a comedy from each of the three leader's perspective. One of the messengers of the Pronghorn Network, themselves master storytellers, managed to skim a copy and thought it hilarious. He often bases his works off of personal experiences, but hides them under exaggerations and metaphors. He has also written poems, plays, prayers, songs and other creative texts.



Sword: Steel is practiced in the ancient art of swordplay, particularly when using pegasus wing-sabres. He's bested many a noblecolt when he felt a lady's honor was on the line. The one time his skills were truly validated was when he fought the near mythic Red Pommel. Though the loser in that bout, Red testified to his skills.



Personality: Steel Accord is a perfectionist, he will pour over his manuscripts for hours, only to tear them to shreds or crumple and discard them into the overflowing wastepaper basket when he isn't completely satisfied. He can also be very judgmental of other ponies. When somepony behaves dishonorably or unethically, (cheaters, thieves, haughty gentry, and bullies in particular) they receive an enormous amount of resentment, a biting lecture, a challenge to single combat, or any combination of the three. That said, he also has a great amount of faith in the good of others, always assuming they mean well until proven otherwise. Steel notably has a very low sense of self-worth. While this makes him admirably humble, it also leads to depressive tendencies. Because of his inability to credit himself, and stiffness in social protocols, Steel has trouble with those his own age. Most of his friends are actually many years his elder. He sees no problem in this as they are often mentor figures to him and he enjoys their experienced wisdom. He's a very devout pony who prays to the Princesses in any difficult tasks and to thank them for good fortune, confident that his worship reaches them in some manner. Steel is also very gullible and easy to persuade, he doesn't pick up on sarcasm or double speak very well, feels a natural duty to help other ponies, and usually takes a another's word for the truth. (Woe betide those that trick him into dishonorable action though, he will not forgive them anymore than he will forgive himself.) Lastly, Steel Accord always tries to conduct himself as a gentlecolt. Particularly in his interactions with females. This is a double edged sword though. He can quite easily talk with mares and those who appreciate manners and honor find him appealing, but in less formal situations he's practically paralyzed.



Backstory: Steel Accord was born and raised in Canterlot into a military family. Indeed, his father would often boast that they were descended from Commander Hurricane himself. Steel never quite believed this relevant. The Commander had many foals so many pegasi were at least distantly related to him. Still, he respected Hurricane and looked to him as an example to follow. Steel admired the Commander's military prowess but also knew he didn't have much appreciation for the finer things in life, which Steel did. Steel was always a bit of an odd colt. They say he took after his mother, who was a natural painter, in being very creative but displayed almost prodigal skills at combat, taught to him by his father. Neither his creative nor physical ability was seen until one day he saw some ponies beating up a runt at flight school. Steel fetched his wooden practice sword and sent all of the bullies to the nurse's office. Sttel was so upset about it that he wrote a dramatic retelling of the event for a school project. That's when he got his cutie mark, a sword crossed with a pen. Choosing not to follow his father into the military, he focused on becoming a writer. He has yet to hit it big with his original works and is currently working as a columnist for a Canterlot newspaper. For additional income, Steel offered his services as a simple bodyguard for the Canterlot elite. That's when he met Fancypants. The two stallions hit it off right away. Steel admiring the older pony's confidence and compassion and Fancypants finding something of himself in the humble warrior poet. Steel Accord was hired as one of Fancypants' personal bodyguards and the two have become close friends.


  On 2012-02-02 at 1:54 AM, 'Captain Marvelous' said:

Decided to change it...




Name: Unknown... alias: The Mysterious Mare Do Well

Species: Unicorn

Gender: male

Age: ?


History: Not much is known about the mysterious pony, other then that he is a master thief. Stealing one of the suits underneath the fashionista when she was planning to recycle the materials (thanks to a spell), he uses it as his cover as he made his way in the night.


As compared to the mane six, he can not beat them on their own ground, but he uses other things to beat them... using Dash's temper and ego against her, as well as out smarting her... using more of swiftness against Applejack... and her ego




Special Talent: A thief


Dude, that's actually pretty cool! I dare say that could make a good amount of sense in the show.


  On 2012-02-03 at 5:29 AM, 'Nevermore' said:

My favorite OC is Shadow Chaser since he is my ponysona, but Ember Bolt is technically my primary OC for the moment


Also, may my OCs be entered in the featured drawing?


Transplanting this from a different thead:


My OC/ponysona Shadow Chaser!


DA Page Link


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My second OC Ember Bolt, whom I am currently playing as in a game of pony GURPS!


DA page link


*Be warned, the below spoiler is quite large!*



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Those are both pretty cool! Shadow Chaser sounds a lot like mine, and seeing as my OC is also MY ponysona, sounds like we have actually have a lot in common. Brohoof? /)* Edited by Steel Accord
  • Brohoof 6
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Since I have no artistic talent, I used Facebook's Ponymaker App. Anyway, my OC pony is named Storm Shock. He is the captain of Ponyville's Extreme Weather Control Division, meaning he handles all the things like tornados, freak blizzards, hail storms, and things like that. He is known to be an extremely fast and strong flyer(his speed being second only to Rainbow Dash). Due to his strong wings, he can fly through tornados without being slowed down at all. Personality wise, is a pretty laid-back pony with a strong sense of duty to protect those in his weather district. He can be a little cocky as well and likes to challenge Rainbow Dash to races, even though he barely ever wins. That helmet he is wearing allows him to stay in contact with the Main Weather Control Tower in Canterlot and increases his visability while flying in extreme storms.


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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  On 2012-02-09 at 6:42 PM, 'Steelquill' said:

Dude, that's actually pretty cool! I dare say that could make a good amount of sense in the show.


I tend to try to make my characters make sense... then when I make stories I tend to kill off the OC, you know, to make it fit into line with the actual show

  • Brohoof 1

okay ponies, give me all your treasure.


"I will destroy all the riders"

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  On 2012-02-09 at 7:14 PM, 'Captain Marvelous' said:

I tend to try to make my characters make sense... then when I make stories I tend to kill off the OC, you know, to make it fit into line with the actual show


That's not actually a bad idea. :huh:
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On it!


Type: Pegasus


Gender: Male


Age: 27


Birthdate: February 17th, 986 CLY


Coat color: Summery Yellow (like a lemon curd)


Mane color: Golden locks of hair intertwined with deep shades of dark brown to an almost black going down the base of his neck


Eye color: Crystal Blue


Cutie Mark: It is a quarter note, black, with the center hollowed out to reveal a rising sun.


Clothing: Nothing usual, aside from a “ponytail” to keep his wild tail in some sort of control and order


Abilities/Talents: Sunrise is a very talented musician, as well as a traveller during certain parts of the year. He wakes to sing as Celestia raises the sun one day, and the next offer sonnets as Luna raises the moon to finish the day. He avidly avoids baking of any sort after a nasty incident involving a teacup and a held note. Sunrise can play the violin that he was given as a gift from a friend of the family.


Personality: He wakes up every morning smiling. He expects the best from everypony he meets. His...walk, the pace he keeps...it makes others go "Wow. What's he got, and where do I get it?" He defines friendship. If he isn't your friend, something's wrong with either him or he hasn't taken the right amount of time with you. The sky is his friend. He is inspired by flight. Many pieces he's written reflect...how the sky changes, watching from high altitudes when Celestia and Luna change the Moon and the Sun.


Sometimes he considers himself a therapist of sorts, but he'd never claim that title as it's not truly reflective of what he does. He'll take the time to sit down and talk to you about what's going on in your life, and do the best he can to understand and empathize with you. He will sit and cry with you, but ultimately end up laughing with you.


He does have a spot of a temper, but it's kept in good check by his gentle ways. He doesn't care if other ponies look at him when he just breaks into song. Mares, stallions, colts, fillies...he's got a gift and he's sharing it. Whether or not they accept it, he's still putting it out there.


Family: Phoenix Spire, 54, father--pegasus, deep orange coat and white mane. Cotton Rose, 52, mother--pegasus, white coat and yellow mane. One sister and brother; Radiant Spire, 29, pegasus--red coat and white mane, Steadfast, 24, brother, pegasus--and the oddity in the family, blue coat and purple mane. Only known extended family is his aunt, Candy Wing, who disappeared in CLY 992, after performing in Fillydelphia. It was the needed inspiration and helped him to get his Cutie Mark.


Back story: Sunrise initially started out in a suburb of Fillydelphia, on one of the many apple farms dotted about the Equestrian landscape. During his early days as a colt, he helped out with farm chores but never felt a calling for that humble of a work. The best distraction that had come up with while he was bucking apples and pulling up weeds was to sing to himself--simple melodies that helped break up the monotony of the labor.


His parents purchased instruments for all three of their children, Sunrise receiving a violin from the instrument forger Silver Hoof from Canterlot. He practiced as best he could, but it was apparent that he would not be able to realize his dreams of being a musician on the farm.


After Candy Wing's disappearance and supposed death, and the reception of his Cutie Mark, Sunny decided it was time to take flight and follow his dreams. He left the family farm, and flew to Ponyville, to take roots and continue his studies of music. On the way there, he encountered a few adventures:


"It was a rainy evening in some town between Fillydelphia and Maresburgh. She had the prettiest eyes...they cut through the dark of the restaurant like a beacon from a lighthouse. I don't remember her name...but we spent the entire evening talking. Life, love, Equestria, Luna's return, but mostly...music. She carried a flute, which I hadn't seen ever since my sister had played one. There was temptation...but I knew that I wasn't going to get satisfaction from a one-night fling. We stayed in separate rooms in the same hotel...but at 3 in the morning, I heard this crazy knocking on my door. I opened it, and it was her. She looked as if she'd been crying. I brought her in, and for two hours we played music. I have never felt closer to anypony else in my entire life. I just...remember those eyes. Was like looking into the sun. I nicknamed her Light Beacon."


Having lived in Ponyville for 10 years, he has become good acquaintances with all of the Mane 6, moreso with Applejack because of his occasional work at Sweet Apple Acres when he is short on funds while working between recording sessions and releasing new music.


During four months out of the year, he travels all of Equestria, from Canterlot to Fillydelphia and back, sharing his talents of the violin to all he encounters. On his path, he picks up stories from ponies in farther lands, and gains an experience that helps him be a better friend to the friends he has in Ponyville. He has not yet re-encountered Light Beacon, but hopes one day he shall as he tours the lands yet again, sharing his music, his life and his heart with all he meets on the way back home.


His favorite song is one from a group outside of Manehattan, one he keeps in his mind as a way to recall why he travels and shares his life with others so freely. "Turn up the music! Turn it up loud. Take a few chances, let it all out. 'Cause you won't regret it, looking back from where you have been, 'cause it's not who you knew, it's not what you did, it's how you live." (The aforementioned song was sung by Point of Grace, from the similarly title How You Live album.)


Yes, I would like to be entered in the drawing for Featured OC.


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Edited by Sunrise Song



"Got any problems, troubles, conundrums, or any other sort of issues, major or minor, that I, as a good friend, could help you solve?" -Twilight Sparkle, "Lesson Zero"

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Name: Cupcake Ice Cream


Sex: Male


Age: 32


Species: Pegasus.


Eye Color: Magenta


Coat Color: White


Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: An emo swirl and chopped tail with magenta and orange .


Physique: Normal size.


Cutie Mark: Ice-cream cone.


Origin/Residence: Born in Cloudsdale, Lives in Ponyville


Occupation: Works at the Ponyville Ice Cream Shop


Motivation: Making everyone happy with his ice cream.




Special Move: Sprinkle Bomb - The ability to rapidly disperse ice cream and sprinkle to his customers


Character Summary: Cupcake Ice Cream was born in Cloudsdale to his parents (both Pegasi) and as a colt he learned to make ice cream from scratch. One day while passing out ice cream he was backed up on orders when he spread his wings and flapped as hard as he could. He sped around the room and scooped very past. Then his little wings blasted sprinkles precisely on each cone. At that moment he earned his cutie mark and left home to Ponyville where he earned a place in the local ice cream store. The rest is history!

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Don't have a picture but here it is:

Name: Nightwing

Age: 15

Mare or Stallion: Stallion

Species of pony: seapony earth pony

Appearance/Picture: A brown earth pony with darker brown hair.

Personality: shy, loyal, a little clumsy

Interests/Hobbies: Riding his dragon, playing with his dragon, etc.

Biography: Nightwing spent most of his time outside, and one day (he was 13) traveled into everfree forest by accident. He became lost and found a hurt dragon [about 5 feet tall] he approached it and nursed it back to health. They soon became friends and he left the forest riding on it's back when it was healed. This led to him getting his long overdue cutie mark. Nightwing then kept the dragon and realized he had a special connection with the beasts.

Cutie Mark (if any):

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