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technology Thoughts on Google+?

Revy ~ Two Hands

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Yeah google plus sucks.


They modify my youtube by forcing me to have google+.

They ask me every 5 minutes on Gmail to give them my real name.

They think that they can do anything they want and the public will love them.


So here's what I have to say to Google:


Get the f*ck away from my youtube and my personal life, and get in touch with the real world!

  • Brohoof 5


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I imagine the conversation at google went something like this:

Google Manager: G+ isn't going too well. People just don't like it.

Google Employee: Well maybe we should just abandon the project.

-Google Employee has been fired-

GM: Srsly gusy, what do we do?

Google Employee 2: Why not take our inferior product and attach it to something we didn't make, but rather bought, which is the reason why it's so successful?

GM: By jove, that's brilliant! At the same time, we should make it so people can no longer be anonymous, so they can't troll!

GE2: But boss, isn't that what the internet is for? That and porn.

-Google Employee 2 has been fired-

  • Brohoof 8


I got an extra hour in the ballpit


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Yes, it does suck, because of this stupid merge I've lost my Youtube avatar and have had trouble reuploading it because Google+'s system for that seems to be broken on my phone. Plus, because of no comment limit, people are just typing the worst things everywhere, if you thought Youtube comments were bad before, they're even worse now, geez... :huh:

  • Brohoof 3


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Well, fell this need be shared cause been stick in wheel, for many of us youtube user's and watchers. And many people using that tool post there video's are gating concerned it become worse. So would like here your thought on subject. And do know some of you might have hard feeling abut it. But try keep your thought civil here. Just would like here, your thought. And also point out some of fault's google+ have. And make us little bit more informed abut this subject.


But feel is important discuss, cause this involve us all that using this media tool.



  • Brohoof 2


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Facebook has been notorious for changing all the time. And now Google is going to join in?! You know, they both need to take a hint that we don't like them changing things so much. We all loved the old comments layout. And why do I have to check Google Plus to see if someone replied to my comment or video? It's a load of crap if you ask me.


Like I said in a similar topic, Facebook and Google both need to stick with what works. Simply put, DON'T FIX WHAT AIN'T BROKE!


EDIT: And one last thing: hashtags. They're invading everything. They belong on Twitter. That's where they should stay.

Edited by Space Woona
  • Brohoof 6

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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And why do I have to check Google Plus to see if someone replied to my comment or video?

I get awesome new notifications on Youtube when someone replies to my comments. Not sure why you're having to visit google+ for yours. 


I don't mind the update, the commenting system is great how it keeps discussions closer together and to a certain extent you can share full URL's. The only thing I'm having trouble with is usually there was a little line of text below someone's reply and upon clicking it, it would show you the comment that comment was replying to. I can't find that anymore.

  • Brohoof 2
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I get awesome new notifications on Youtube when someone replies to my comments. Not sure why you're having to visit google+ for yours. 


I don't mind the update, the commenting system is great how it keeps discussions closer together and to a certain extent you can share full URL's. The only thing I'm having trouble with is usually there was a little line of text below someone's reply and upon clicking it, it would show you the comment that comment was replying to. I can't find that anymore.



It's nice to know you're getting better luck than I am. Not all of us are getting the same. For example, check out LittleshyFiM's video on the Google Plus and YouTube thing



  • Brohoof 3

I refuse to let go until you're impressed.
I refuse to let go until I'm depressed.
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I read all post in this tread and can easily sum it up there general thoughts on the subject with two words.


angry.png Fuck Google+


I can only hope all of this do get to Google's attention. And also hope they care abut your feedback.

Edited by Sig Hoovestrong
  • Brohoof 4


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The move to google+ completely broke my youtube. Comments are nowhere to be seen. Good, I can effectively boycott them then. While there were some good things they did, they were far outnumbered by the bullshit we've had to put up with. The layout changes that had no motive behind them breaking all the youtube-related chrome plugins, leaving half of the screen blank for people with bigger aspect ratios, it was just a shitfest every time they decided to change the layout.

  • Brohoof 4



I use pokemon showdown because I can't afford a 2DS :c

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the commenting system is great how it keeps discussions closer together

Are you kidding me, that USED to be the case. Now there's a huge number of comments with NO "Reply" button at all. All I can do is type @username, it shows who I'm replying to with NO way to see WHICH comment from them.

The page about this comment system also states "You can report any comment for spam or abuse" which is a huge lie because there are plenty of comments (same ones that don't have Reply) withOUT the downwards triangle menu for reporting and stuff, nor comment-rating buttons.


Same goes for reply notifications, the update clearly tells you they will go through Google+. A user (I think the maker of one of the videos posted here) said they had to specifically visit their own video just to see IF there were comments.


Yeah. As I stated, Google doesn't even care about customers. It's just throwing shit at us because they're not afraid of competition.

  • Brohoof 6

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Are you kidding me, that USED to be the case. Now there's a huge number of comments with NO "Reply" button at all. All I can do is type @username, it shows who I'm replying to with NO way to see WHICH comment from them.

The page about this comment system also states "You can report any comment for spam or abuse" which is a huge lie because there are plenty of comments (same ones that don't have Reply) withOUT the downwards triangle menu for reporting and stuff, nor comment-rating buttons.


Same goes for reply notifications, the update clearly tells you they will go through Google+. A user (I think the maker of one of the videos posted here) said they had to specifically visit their own video just to see IF there were comments.


Yeah. As I stated, Google doesn't even care about customers. It's just throwing shit at us because they're not afraid of competition.

This is so I don't have to explain it over and over again to people who quote my original comment. 


I can't speak for people who've made videos complaining about the new system. Celesta knows if they even doing it right. The only thing I do know is that comments made before the update don't have the same options as comments made after the update. Hope this helps.

  • Brohoof 2
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Plus, because of no comment limit, people are just typing the worst things everywhere, if you thought Youtube comments were bad before, they're even worse now, geez...
How to "improve" comments: remove the character limit and inadvertently allow people to post entire multi-page pornographic fanfictions in a single comment.


Good job, Google!

  • Brohoof 9
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At first I was seriously like. Heh how bad can it be. Today its. Why the hell did you do this Google. Just like my phone. Releasing unfinished products that you are forced to use till the new thing comes out. that's why I use a custom rom for my android phones dammit....

  • Brohoof 2

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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This wouldn't be as big of an issue to me if they had just given us the option to switch or enable Google+ with our Youtube accounts. As it stands now, I see nothin' but spam on all the videos by my favorite Youtuber's. But now, thanks to Google, 2 of my favorite Youtuber's are starting to consider dropping out of Youtube because of this BS. I just wonder how many more are to come...

  • Brohoof 5


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This is so I don't have to explain it over and over again to people who quote my original comment.

That was pointless, both pictures.


- I know where the G+ notifications are, I'm simply telling you that SOMEONE had to check their own video for comments.


- The buttons on the comments, I KNOW WHERE they are - you're missing the point. What I'm saying is, and what MANY of us are saying is, there are A TON comments that DON'T FUCKING HAVE THEM.

Get this?

There are comments that DO have those buttons. There are comments that DON'T have those buttons.

THAT is how we're forced to use the @username system in some cases when, for other comments, you DO have "Reply" so you can click it and keep the discussion neatly contained under the initial comment.


Anyway, Nerdcubed also made a video on this subject. I'll post it below.

Just gonna point out though, I don't really get the complaint about links, because the kind of links he talks about can show up ANYWHERE, like Facebook or Twitter.


Edited by Feather Spiral
  • Brohoof 8

I take writing commissions.

"Nerds build the world, artists decorate it, warriors protect it, leaders talk everyone into doing their jobs." -me, 3 Nov 2017

"That's not a pie, that's a pastry with an identity crisis!" ~Jeric

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Well, this google plus thing really grind's my gears, So much want show my dislike for it by making new profile picture show my dislike. Am also uplode same avatar picture my youtube. For ever one see my stand on the subject.

An here. Here an other dude making some good point begin concerned abut this G+ shit.

Maby get enough video like this on youtube some take notice on google corp.

Edited by Sig Hoovestrong
  • Brohoof 6


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"Alright, new ideas for YouTube. What do we got?"


"Wait a minute...wait a minute, hear me out on this one guys! How about we completely change the layout of YouTube so it becomes a metric fuckton harder to navigate than before? And also, let's change the comments section by removing character limits, making only top comments view able and all others hidden under our god-forsaken new layout."


"So people can post entire books or stories in the comments without any trouble? That's damn good my friend, damn good. Alright, what else?"


"Let's also force people to use their real name on YouTube, and if they don't want to, it's probably because they misclicked the message we have and actually do because we know that they really want to. So lets keep asking them again and again, over and over everyday so they don't forget because we are nice like that."


"You mean despite the fact that one of the first rules of the internet you learned as a kid was never to give out personal information like your name and stuff online? And so that everyone can know exactly what you watch and who you are? Alright, I've think we've got something here! Anything else?"


"Fuck it, lets make everyone have to have a google+ account so they can sign into YouTube, and if they don't, they can't access their account until they do."


*slow clap*

  • Brohoof 7
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That was pointless, both pictures.


- I know where the G+ notifications are, I'm simply telling you that SOMEONE had to check their own video for comments.


- The buttons on the comments, I KNOW WHERE they are - you're missing the point. What I'm saying is, and what MANY of us are saying is, there are A TON comments that DON'T FUCKING HAVE THEM.

Get this?

There are comments that DO have those buttons. There are comments that DON'T have those buttons.

THAT is how we're forced to use the @username system in some cases when, for other comments, you DO have "Reply" so you can click it and keep the discussion neatly contained under the initial comment.


Anyway, Nerdcubed also made a video on this subject. I'll post it below.

Just gonna point out though, I don't really get the complaint about links, because the kind of links he talks about can show up ANYWHERE, like Facebook or Twitter.


I just thought from what Nerd said  and this what's going to happen in the next ten years if Google+ gets more and more into the Youtube code

Youtube   make that Google+ Videoes 

and Dailymotion will become the new "Youtube"

Edited by COBLoneWolf
  • Brohoof 2
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There are comments that DO have those buttons. There are comments that DON'T have those buttons.



comments made before the update don't have the same options as comments made after the update.


I think it comes down to the person using the computer and If they're doing everything correctly. As I said earlier I can't explain the reason some users are finding it so hard to get notifications when mine arrive on my Youtube homepage. I'm sure there's just as many users that are fine with the new update as those who hate it. Setting up a google+ account that you'll never have to visit again (I've never had to visit mine since setting it up however many months ago) really isn't that hard.

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I've already posted my dissatisfaction and dissapointment of google plus here but I though I needed to get more in depth with my reaction ^__^




  • Brohoof 1

In life when you are given gratitude.

Be accepting and thankful of it.

Because someday you just may be able to pass it on to others...

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 It makes me sad . YouTube was apart of my life for about 7 years, and to see it crumble like this is depressing. I met friends on here, and to see them quit is just sad. :(
This problem won't change if we don't leave YouTube. We need to go to another site and build it up to be as great as YouTube once was. To do that, we need to actually /use/ DailyMotion or Vimeo and eventually it'll become as diverse as YouTube is in its content. It'll be a slow process but it's worth a shot. 
And, if we can convince the more popular YouTubers to take action by leaving YouTube, that will speed up the process. 
Should people actually do this, which I doubt they would but if they did, YouTube would either get its shit together or die. Both options seem good at this point :/

 It makes me sad . YouTube was apart of my life for about 7 years, and to see it crumble like this is depressing. I met friends on here, and to see them quit is just sad. sad.png
This problem won't change if we don't leave YouTube. We need to go to another site and build it up to be as great as YouTube once was. To do that, we need to actually /use/ DailyMotion or Vimeo and eventually it'll become as diverse as YouTube is in its content. It'll be a slow process but it's worth a shot. 
And, if we can convince the more popular YouTubers to take action by leaving YouTube, that will speed up the process. 
Should people actually do this, which I doubt they would but if they did, YouTube would either get its shit together or die. Both options seem good at this point :/

We made videos, posts , and petitions of how we don't like it and want it the way it was before, resulting in no progress. If huge amounts of people are using youtube, youtube does not care if you hate it or not.
So spread the word.

  • Brohoof 3
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