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open Last Christmas (Christmas Romance RP)

LunaKitty R5

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"Um, I've never done this before. But, would you like to stay for a while."

'Woah! When did you start growing a pair and a backbone.'

I asked her with a sincere, but nervous smile.

-oh bollocks, what have I done.-

'I don't know. But this is going to be hilarious... for me.'

-youre me.-

'Huh. You're right. What have you done!'

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(Just going to do this one thing for Lask, and LunaKitty, can you please respond in the other RP)




Dust waits for Ambrose to get off, and when she does, he stretches his legs, "It's beautiful here, this time of year." He plucks one of his favorite flowers and puts it behind one of Ambrose's ears and smiles, "there, a beautiful flower for a beautiful mare." He sits next to her and twirls his tail around hers and wraps his wing around her and kisses her.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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Lunar looked down at her hooves than said "Sure that would be nice.." She walked over to the bed and crawled in. She snuggled in with the soft pillows and closed her eyes. The last thing she said was "Goodnight Critic.."


(You can make 1 last post.. I have to go to sleep.. I can't stay awake anymore.. I'm busy tommarow and need sleep. It's 12 AM were I am. So I'm sleepeh)

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The mare snuggled next to me in bed. I can't possibly describe my reaction. There was nothing in comparison.

'Well. I have nothing funny to say. I'm legitamently proud of you.'

-yeah. Can't really get much better than this.-

I look to the sleeping mare next to me. I rap my arms around her and fall to a sleep.

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Ambrose noticed she had even dozing off under Dusts wing. She woke up and just looked at him. The sky was a beatiful orange as the sunset Ambrose looked over at Dust "we should probably head back soon. I wish we had some camping hear, so we could stay here forever. Just camped out on this little island".

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Dust Storm nods in agreement, "me too, but yes you're right. the others might be getting worried about where we've gone and why we've been gone for so long." He kneels down so that Ambrose can get back onto the harness, while waiting he looks up at the sky and sighs.

Edited by Dust Storm


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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 *He continued to do his stretches, he galloped up and down a nearby hill a few times then stopped, gazing around at all the the other ponies* Seems like every pony is having alot of fun... >_> *Carries on doing his stretches, groaning a bit as his muscles relax* 

Im pretty sure linking your own RP in someone elses is really not a good thing to do man, please find people somewhere else ;)  


OC:  *He flew up and sat on the roof of the lodge, gazing down at the pony couples enjoying himself, he let out a long sigh, wishing he had someone he truly cared about to have fun with to*



Character Backstory: http://mlpforums.com/blog/1210/entry-7077-a-life-without-limits/












You are stardust that’s beaten the odds and combined perfectly.



You are both the moon you walk under and the ground you walk on.






                                                                                        You are a part of it all, neither big nor small.


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Ambrose got in the harness and closed her eyes trying tote pelt the memories, "alright go for it" she told Dust. In know time they were flying back towards the hotel. Once they landed Ambrose helped Dusk take off the harness grabbed his hoof and led him inside. The desk pony approached her, "madam your room is ready, we are very sorry" he said. Ambrose grabbed the keys and tossed them right back, se was only staying another night, and she wanted to spend in

With Dust. She kissed him again and again "I love you".

((Going ahead a little bit))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@, (ok, but where is Ambrose going afterwards? i mean the next day, if she is only going to stay for one more night)


Dust kisses her back, "I love you too." He takes her hoof and leads her to their room, "How about I order room service and we can eat dinner here?" He says as he unlocks the door, and steps aside while holding it open, waiting for Ambrose to walk in first.

Edited by Dust Storm


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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((My bad I meant she's leaving on New Years, well have to figure out what try will do))


"That sounds perfect" Ambrose said she kissed him and pulled out the bracket box. It was made of gold and had an emerald in the top. "I wanted to get you something for the time we might spend away from Each other" she said "I hope that never happens but..." She looked shyly away not sure if she hat got the right thing.


((I have to get ready to go diving sorry about this, I can but can't post))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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@, (maybe we make it that Dust asks her to move in with him or something?)


"Please, I never want to be apart from you. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't/aren't around." He says, and he sees the bracelet. "I..is that for me? Darling, it's absolutely beautiful but.. you didn't have to!" He kisses her gently. "What would you like to order, mare's choice."


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(Heeeelllllllloooooooo! I'm back from a nice sleep! It's 9:39 in Canada I know I slept in and all but still! I have the day off cause I'm sick! D: sooo yeah!)


Lunar wing woke and and yawned. She was snuggling with Critic. She screamed "OMFG ITS CHRISTMAS!"


(Guys it's Christmas Day now!

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Ambrose smiled "I don't ever want to be apart either, about its a reminder of down we both were before we met, a reminder that life always gets better. Am sorry I had to get you a gift and I thought that would work..." She looked down. "For dinner how about we her a summer salad." She then curled on top of one of the beds eye half closed. Yet she was wide awake

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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"It did, and it's wonderful, I just wasn't expecting anything in return.And a summer salad sounds nice" Dust says, kissing Ambrose then rining up the front desk to order the meals, "Ambrose, we....we only have one or two nights left. and then our bookings at the lodge are finished. C..can I ask you something?"


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(Nuuuuu critic isn't on!)


Lunar say critic roll away from her. She snorted "Fine I will go down stairs on my own..you continue sleeping!" And with that she bolted out of the room. She climbed ontop of the railing.


(The elevator is for non Pegasi, they can fly down cause theirs a little area that you can over look the lobby. We're not he top floor and theirs 18 floors.)


She jumped off but her wings didn't open. She yelled "DUST WATCH OUTTTT!" But when those words came out of her mouth she landed on his head. Her head lay on the floor. She was sitting on his mane. She saw stars swirling around her face. She was so dizzy she started to poke at his cutiemark.

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I slowly sat up. Trying to regain my surroundings. A few minutes pass and I realize something.

'Its christmas! '


I look over to my side and don't see lunar.

'Its christmas, critic. Id be suprised to see lunar still asleep. She's probably down stairs.'

I get out of bed and retrieve my gift for lunar. I then make my way to go find her.

Edited by Mr. Critical
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Ambrose was turned slowly and open her eyes "what is it?" She asked. Dust sounded very shy. "You can ask me anything". She said. She was very warm and happy not really concerned with anything at the moment. She kissed Dust again "what?".


((Lunar, Dust and I are in a room, not te lobby))

Ambrosehttp://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/ambrose-r4626 Lifes gears always go forward

Dusk Shadow:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/dusk-shadow-r4871Trying to fly high yet other keep bringing me down.

Shifted:http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/crimson-shadowshifted-r5255 You think you have problems?

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Lunar got up and looked around the lobby, it had a giant Christmas tree and fake presents all around it. She smiled and did a little dance. She grabbed a coffee at the coffee bar and sat on the sofa spwaiting for Critic to get up and for her to open her gift. And had a surprise for him to!


(I will have to go soon. So if I disappear remember this)

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I looked throughout the lobby searching for Lunar. I knew she was somewhere down here.

'Maybe she went back to her room, or our room ooking for us.'

-yeah, wandering aimlessly won't get us anywhere. Maybe if I cou-.-

'Wait there she is.'

I looked around a bit and saw lunar sitting on a couch sipping some coffee.

-well, never mind then.-

I make my way to her, ready to spring my gift.

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((I had to go a pick someone up from the hospital so I didn't post a lot sorry Asuna))


Flame has been talking to Blue almost the whole night and day. He really liked her and wanted to ask her something. "Hey blue...Do you have a coltfriend by anychance" He asked her

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((It's okay I kinda fell asleep to tell the truth))


Blue smiled at him as they both talked with each other then heard Flame ask her a a question. Flame Stryke: "Do you have a coltfriend"


Is what she heard him say. She loked at him for a bit before finally answerinmg him. "No...I don't yet" She said

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((The way things turn out they might get together don't you think))


He smiled to himself. "I might actually have a chance this time" He said to himself as he looked at her and cleared his throat. "So...Blue, Do you have anypony in mind that you like" He decided to ask her

Signature by the amazing:MiniKirby123

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((I think so))

"Yeah actually I do have someone in mind that I like" She said as her face grew a faint tinit on pink before looking at him. "Though I don't know if he likes me back though" She said as she smiled before getting up from the chair. "Then again he probably already has somepony"

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"Ambrose, wold you like to move in with me after New Years? My house is big enough and it has plenty of rooms." Dust Storm asks, hoping with all his might that Ambrose would say yes, because he couldn't beat the thought of being apart from here at an time at all.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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(Hello party people! It's Christmas! Only a little bit of the rp is left since everyone has found love.. I will be making a sequel the moment this is done!)


Lunar said "Hey critic.. I have a question.." She handed him a Saphire that had her name on it. She said "Will you be my coltfriend.."

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