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Why do so many people dislike Rarity so much and like Rainbow Dash so much?

Sazama Ichida

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Because tomboys are fetishistic whereas fashion girls are not.

And no one was bullied by a tomboy.


Absolutely no rational reason for it.

I base this conclusion off of the fact that people who don't like Rarity have to a) lie (by which I mean use dishonest tactics) B) move the goal posts c) cherrypick and d) construct erroneous standards by which to judge her.


Want to prove me wrong? Construct a cogent argument without doing these things.

...You're kidding right? I was bullied by a tomboy on many various occasions back in elementary school...I for one can tell you that there most certainly ARE tomboy bullies out there...I know from first hand experience...


But back on the other subject, exactly how does Rainbow Dash show that she represents her element of harmony anyway? I really don't see it...How exactly is she "loyal" so to speak? I've heard alot of people say Rarity doesn't show that she represents hers...But I'd really like to know just how people think Rainbow Dash is "loyal". I mean she's conceited and only thinks about herself and what she wants...And there was also that time when she was thinking about betraying her friends just so she could join the shadow bolts/wonder bolts...

The White Shinigami

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Rarity is self ambitious. She just requires a more precision look to separate real greed from a healthy ambition. Seperate greed from just her creative juices talking.

She's living the dream of owning her business, living on her own, and dreams to move up in the world. Compare her to others like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack who are generally content with their lives.

Rarity is generous, she's just more sensible about it. She just doesn't go out of her way and overboard like the others.

If Rarity was really greedy, her business would have reflected her greedy behavior. Charging ponies for high prices. Not giving away expensive clothes she put money and effort to design.

Edited by Singe
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Rarity is self ambitious. She just requires a more precision look to separate real greed from a healthy ambition. Seperate greed from just her creative juices talking.


She's living the dream of owning her business, living on her own, and dreams to move up in the world. Compare her to others like Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Applejack who are generally content with their lives.


Rarity is generous, she's just more sensible about it. She just doesn't go out of her way and overboard like the others.


If Rarity was really greedy, her business would have reflected her greedy behavior. Charging ponies for high prices. Not giving away expensive clothes she put money and effort to design.

Exactly. If Rarity was really so greedy she would be obsessed with money. But she's quite generous at times. Sure there was that time when she was going to miss Twilight's birthday party just so she could hang out with those higher-class ponies but at the same time she also felt bad about it. It's not like she didn't feel guilty.

The White Shinigami

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Exactly. Note that I immediately added the qualifier after that Rarity isn't an objectively bad character. Just that this isn't one of her better moments. Any anti-Rarity person who points this out isn't being a hater. You may think he's missing the point, and heck, maybe you're right. But it's kind of hard to say that you KNOW that.


I don't dislike Rarity at all; far from it. I love all of the Mane Six, and I'm actually warming up to her a bit more lately than I did initially, simply because I'm seeing more likable traits/mannerisms (or the simple "fun to watch" X-factor) in her than I used to. It's just that she's lagging a tad behind the others. I willingly acknowledge that this is an entirely subjective judgment call on my part. You'd do well to do the same. I humbly submit that forcefully arguing on points with people who say negative things about Rarity isn't doing Rarity any favors. There aren't many people who actually "hate" any of these characters. We're in this together; let's act like it.  ^_^



Okay... I REALLY don't want this to descend into a silly and petty flame war, but it must be said: either I missed the memo on that one, or one of us needs to look up the definition of "fact".


Along with "subjective" and "opinion", come to think of it. XD

Then why point it out if you meant nothing by it? Because then it looks like you are not contributing anything to the conversation.


As for the episode thing, it's a fairly ubiquitous opinion in a fandom where Rarity is not terribly popular nor are her episodes about anything that the adult audience would be intrinsically interested in. Granted none of this makes it a fact, I never said it was a fact. I simply suggested that being seen as the most consistently good episodes is enough to cause cognitive dissonance to where her detractors have to retroactively try to tear her down with sophistry.



And they're demonstrably better imo because they all utilize the same sureness of character, have more varied conflicts and consequently show different sides to her character.

None of the other ponies really do that.



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Exactly. If Rarity was really so greedy she would be obsessed with money. But she's quite generous at times. Sure there was that time when she was going to miss Twilight's birthday party just so she could hang out with those higher-class ponies but at the same time she also felt bad about it. It's not like she didn't feel guilty.


Looking at the character's motive is a way to decipher if they are greedy. Lina Inverse and Naga from Slayers are actual greed driven characters.


The point that sticks out with Twilight's birthday and high society was Rarity just not being honest. She just lies to a point and it overwhelms her.


Rarity's decision about Twilight's dress was just her taking a hit on her own creative self. Twilight learned in S1 to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

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Looking at the character's motive is a way to decipher if they are greedy. Lina Inverse and Naga from Slayers are actual greed driven characters.


The point that sticks out with Twilight's birthday and high society was Rarity just not being honest. She just lies to a point and it overwhelms her.


Rarity's decision about Twilight's dress was just her taking a hit on her own creative self. Twilight learned in S1 to not look a gift horse in the mouth.

I'm confused, could you elaborate further?

I suspect that you're pointing out that morons oversimplify Rarity's motivations to say she's greedy?

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I'm confused, could you elaborate further?

I suspect that you're pointing out that morons oversimplify Rarity's motivations to say she's greedy?


Rarity requires a more precision look at her motives as those supposed greedy moments could be her creative artistic side talking or a healthy ambition.


She's far from actually being greedy and has made top quality clothes for others for free. Puts more effort into making something look beautiful.


Rarity likes to show off fancy, it's just a case of an aritst showcasing their work. She's also advertising for her business.


Rarity would need to be overcharging her customers or demanding compenstation for any kind of work she does to look really greedy. There is no time equals money motto to Rartiy.

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I don't think "greedy" is even the correct word for most of her negative actions. "Selfish" is much more fitting a word to use to describe those times when she focuses on what she wants out of life. And yes, many of her detractors don't give enough consideration to why she is acting as she is. For example, two examples often used are when she charms the nerdy stallion into getting his asparagus, and when she gets Spike to give him her jewel.


For the first, she's acting to help Fluttershy. She doesn't do it for herself, and she even pays the stallion back the coin he spent, when she clearly didn't need to. So right there, there's some generosity she shows even while she is being manipulative.



Coin for asparagus...


For the second, if you watch the sequence of events, she only starts her attempt to get the jewel after Spike has mentioned that he is going to eat it. She had even turned away from it a few times to focus on her reason for coming to the library, which was to get a book about historical fashion. So yes, if you say "Oh, Rarity was so greedy to take Spike's gem", you're clearly not getting any of the subtlety of that scene.



Nothing but admiration for its beauty.


Her face right after Spike confirms he's going to eat it.


So there!


...oh, there's a question about Rainbow Dash in the topic title?  :P

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Honestly I agree with you. I guess the reason is just that people find rarity to act out character (and by that I mean her 'element') more often than the other characters. She has shown many times that she is capable of being understanding and generous, but she also had her fair share of greed and manipulation. She isn't the only one mind, as all of the main 6 have acted somewhat selfishly or manipulatively in the past, but the fact that those actions are direct contrasts to the theme of "generosity" makes Rarity stand out more because of this. When she shows negative traits, they seem to typically contradict her element more so than the other mane 6, and thats why I think she is often  looked upon as the least favourable pony. 

Personally I disagree, and find Rarity to in fact be my favourite of the mane 6, mainly due to the complexity of her character and the humour she can bring to a story. Her interactions with the other main characters seem to be the most diversified and varied depending on who she is talking to, which always makes her inclusion in a scene interesting. I still do like Rainbow Dash, due to her passions of her dreams, but also her commitment and loyalty, but I will also admit that I do find more to dislike with her than any of the other main characters. Perhaps it's only an aesthetic and attitude thing that gains her popularity. I also find that there are many different sides to Generosity to explore, whereas I can only think of a few examples to demonstrate loyalty. I'm not saying that there aren't any more, but I haven't seen a great deal more from the shows writers as of yet.

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Lina invese and naga are adventures.

Adventures by default are greedy scum.


Oh and naga is best adventurer.. cause of her personality.  both of them. 

Looking at the character's motive is a way to decipher if they are greedy. Lina Inverse and Naga from Slayers are actual greed driven characters.


The point that sticks out with Twilight's birthday and high society was Rarity just not being honest. She just lies to a point and it overwhelms her.


Rarity's decision about Twilight's dress was just her taking a hit on her own creative self. Twilight learned in S1 to not look a gift horse in the mouth.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Hm, I dunno, I've never noticed 'many' people disliking Rarity, maybe a few here and there but it's not like there are entire armies against her or anything(at least I hope not? None signifigant enough for me to notice anyway...). Personally I find her to be the most lovable character on the show, but that's just me. ;)

Rainbow Dash though... I've noticed a lot of people loving her, sure, but a lot of people don't like her either. I can see why a lot of bronies pin her as their favorite, sure, but there is a lot to not like about her as well. You could say that about anypony on the show though, you could take away from any of their negative qualities and find reasons not to like them really.

In short though, yeah, you do see a lot of people who like Rainbow Dash, but really, I don't think there are so many who dislike Rarity. Some might be louder about it than others, but I can't say that I've ever seen any sort of signifigant hate for her, not at the level of some characters anyway- look at Sombra or Flash Sentry, or even Twilicorn and Equestria Girls as a whole, pretty easy to find haters of them. Rarity though? Nah, she's a mane 6 pony and many people love her, the levels of hate around her are no where near those of bland villains, one-off side characters, or major fandom controversies. So in retrospect, any hatred of Rarity that might be around is incredibly miniscule compared to other things in the fandom, making it something that I just don't find any worth giving a damn about. I may be a huge Rarity fan, but I'm not gonna fret one bit about anyone disliking her, that's just their opinion an they can have it, no reason to pay too much mind to it I've found. I'll just keep on loving my favorite pony and let others do the same, whether it be Rainbow Dash, Rarity, or anypony else. :yay:

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Idk preference perhaps?? :P


RD has really lowered on the list for me. She has way too much self pride and that to me is her lowest quality. Rarity is a bit more like able to me though I suppose. People just like different characters that should answer your question.



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I gotta ask, Seriously, Why exactly do so many people dislike Rarity so much and say that she's their least favorite pony? And why exactly do so many people like Rainbow Dash so much and say that she's their favorite pony? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy I can easily understand why people like but Rainbow Dash? Really? She's alot more selfish and obnoxious than Rarity if you ask me...She's a conceited show-off and mostly seems to only think and care about herself alot of the time...She's definitely my least favorite out of the mane 6...Why exactly do people like her? (Don't hurt/kill me for saying that please RD fans)


But at least Rarity shows acts of generosity sometimes and does things for other ponies like making dresses etc...What exactly do people have against her?


In my opinion, Rarity is selfish, snobby, self-serving, and puts her "fashion" before her friends WAY too often. RD isn't perfect, but she is loyal to her friends at all times. Her attitude is just how she is. She's cool, wild, and fun-loving. Yes, she is a bit conceited, but never in an unlikable way like Rarity.


Now don't get me wrong. While Rarity is my least favorite of the Mane 6, I still do like her. I just like her the least. My order of best to worst with the Mane 6 is...Fluttershy, Dash, Pinkie, AJ, Twilight, Rarity.

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I gotta ask, Seriously, Why exactly do so many people dislike Rarity so much and say that she's their least favorite pony? And why exactly do so many people like Rainbow Dash so much and say that she's their favorite pony? Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy I can easily understand why people like but Rainbow Dash? Really? She's alot more selfish and obnoxious than Rarity if you ask me...She's a conceited show-off and mostly seems to only think and care about herself alot of the time...She's definitely my least favorite out of the mane 6...Why exactly do people like her? (Don't hurt/kill me for saying that please RD fans)


But at least Rarity shows acts of generosity sometimes and does things for other ponies like making dresses etc...What exactly do people have against her?

Rainbow dash admits for her negative attributes, and Rarity is much more selfish. Rarity didn't even need discords influence to go for Tom. She started digging away before she turned gray. And the episode where she is staying in Canterlot making Twilight's birthday dress, she did nothing but prove how bad she is. Did Twilight love her dress, yes. But Rarity didn't do shit and she got lucky. She lied many times to her friends, never learned a lesson since she got away with it. She hardly does a damn thing that's positive. Rarity may represent generosity but she certainly doesn't show much. 

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I've posted here already, but I think I realized something since then.


Rarity hate isn't as widespread as it seems; she has her detractors, and a little more than the rest, but the vast majority of the fandom approves of Rarity, even if she's 5 or 6 in the line.


However, her haters take things way too far and get way too extreme.


I've been sent pictures of her being gruesomely impaled, as a Nazi, etc. I do get the feeling I'm a huge target for her haters, but they take things as far as to cyber bullying her fans, let alone say awful shit about her.


That small group of people have influenced people to believe that it's more widespread than it actually is, just because they take it so far.


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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That small group of people have influenced people to believe that it's more widespread than it actually is, just because they take it so far.

That is often the case with quite a few things but now that you mention it while she is not the most popular of the mane 6 I have noticed a lot more Rarity avatars on here than Applejack avatars and Applejack while she dosen't have as many hard core haters as Rarity does is like Rarity very underrated and misunderstood as a character. Most of what I have seen that could even remotely pass for hate with Applejack has been claims that she is a stale or boring character which is of course as an Applejack fan I couldn't disagree with more with but you then have Rainbow Dash on the other hand who is one of most popular ponies on the show yet has almost as much hate directed at her as Rarity does.

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Rarity seems like the most selfish, because she's the most ambitious out of the Mane 6. Self ambition is not a bad thing and shouldn't be looked down upon on those who put themselves before others. Rarity has done her part when asked. She runs her own business and lives on her own.

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Rainbow appeals to more because she has a Tom boyish attitude and since most of the brony population is males, most of them find themselves more relating to her than the others. People find Rarity an ungenerous being at times (always ironic for her element of harmony). I can agree sometimes Rarity can have her wants, greed and desires. But none of the ponies are perfect. Rainbow can get a little egotistical, but again nobody is Miss Perfect.

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fdfdsa fd d asd adf  23r2r r2

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Rainbow Dash It's the type of characters, whose purpose in the show -  to be likeable to most of the audience. Like Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, or Deryl from The Walking Dead, or Jessie from Breaking Bad (this list is very long). Rainbow has all the qualities to  become a favorite character of  viewer as soon as possible. She's bright (literally) she has her own style and his sense of humor, everything what all boys/men's like. 


You know Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash it's a characters to whom easier to fall in love. These characters are no irritation properties.Twilight, Applejack and PinkiePie are characters who need to get used to be ready to love them.  Rarity is the character which the most hardest to love ( if you are a man). This character to a very narrow circle of spectators, or specialy for womens. Because Rarity is the most feminine character, she is the quintessence of all that annoying men: Spa, shopping, fashion etc. I don't hate her, she's a cool charecter.


Here is the story of my attitude to main 6:


First days of infection of MLP virys:

I'm without mind from Fluttershy. I like Rainbow Dash. Pinkie Pie is OK. Don't care about Twilight Sparkle, Don't like Applejack. Hate Rarity.


First week of infection of MLP virus:

I'm without mind from Rainbow Dash. I VERY like Fluttershy. Pinkie Pie and Twilight is OK. Don't care about Applejack. Don't like Rarity.


Third week of infection of MLP virus: 

I can't decide from whom I without mind more, from Pinkie Pie, of from Twilight Sparke. I can't decide whom I like more, Rainbow Dash of Fluttershy. Applejack is OK. Don't care about Rarity. 


Sixth week of infection of MLP virus (this moment):

I'm without mind from Twilight. I VERY like Pinkie Pie. I like Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. Rarity is OK.


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 Setting aside personal preference for a moment.


 Rarity is a diva, and I don't mean in the slang way we call people divas now I mean like Audrey Hepburn, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor and Judy Garland. They had a level of sophistication and style that at the time was opulent. There was an obsession with appearence, poise, and mannerisms because they were titans in a field that usually looked at woman only as trophies at best, slaves that gave tax benefits at worst. Not the divas though, they had the power, the control, the respect but they had to make sure their image was always perfect, their social strength was so weakly supported that they had to ensure that they looked good. It was in a a manner a matter of life or death.


 In the 1980's people like Elizabeth Taylor and Joan Rivers acted in such a way that Divas became a joke, they couldn't be respected anymore. Instead of inspirations those divas that were still around became punch lines, even singers like Mariah Carey, Celine Dion  and Barbara Streisand though hugely successful in the 80's and 90's weren't respected. 


 Once the 2000's rolled around being a diva was such a joke, it was used as an insult and the archetype became the villain in every movie involving the nice girl/guy being in a high school, or college situation. The villains were always vapid, over the top divas that weren't people let alone likable. 

 So for a lot of people born post 1990 the media has always portrayed the diva as insufferable, incompetent, shallow and usually possessing an unbalanced malicious streak to them. So it is very hard for people to like that type of character because they have been trained to not like those types of people. by years of media. Given her primary attribute in season 1 is diva, it is over exaggerated. 

  Also in a lot of school scenarios if you aren't in the in crowd whether you are a guy or a girl it tends to be the diva type people who make your life difficult or undercut you socially because you happen to be around and again their base of power comes from knocking everyone down even people they don't know because it is a show of strength and never allows for a challenger to arise. Anyone ever been somewhere where two divas are trying to vie for being the top diva? It gets ugly.

 Plus when the economy fell out years ago a lot of people had to live in new economic brackets so a character that always push forward the importance of opulence, wealth and standing can be really irritating to people who have very real financial or social issues they are facing.


 As for Rainbow Dash, who by the way is my least favorite character...I get why she is everyone's favorite. This won't be a hate slam against Dash I promise.

 For one, when it comes to younger viewers she is the most colourful, loudest, fastest and involved in the most action. Those characters are the ones that young kids focus on best. Also even when Rainbow doesn't save the day she is still in the center of the screen, being there so again she is the one that young audiences will attach to. That is all basic marketing.

 How about for older markets? For starters she is the edgiest of the characters, she will say the thing you shouldn't, she will do the thing she shouldn't and a bunch of times it works out. She gets to be the rebel and the champion at the same time. That is something that few characters ever get to do.

 As much as I dislike her personality traits because I don't like people who are they way she is in my real life. I can only see most of her traits in a negative light which is due to past experience. Where some see self confidence I can call it arrogance and only personal perspective can decide what you see it is. A lot of people can see themselves as or wish they were like her. 


 There is also the fact that she is the one that can temper all the others when the writers have decided that the other 5 need to go from having quirks to being quirks.

 I may have a secret to share...there are times when Rainbow Dash does stuff where once the episode is over I have to listen to a couple of songs by Kid Rock to get the level of awesome that her set piece had out of my system. She is the main little kid draw, she has to do awesome stuff and despite how much I dislike her; awesome is awesome and credit where it is due. 


 So for the TLDR version:


 Rarity is disliked because she is a personality type that has been reinforced as negative by Hollywood and as a result society for the last 25 years.


 Rainbow Dash is loved so much because marketing determined that before the show started and that leads her to having to be the one who gets to do the most awesome stuff. Also she is the easiest to slash (I guess, I can't think of MLP that way) and has a personality that can be easily grafted to any other for people wanting to make OTPs, or other rule 34 things.

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People dislike Rarity because they don't want to be cool and like Rarity like I do.


Cool people like Rarity. You want to be cool don't you? Look at me. I'm cool. You can be too. Like Rarity.


<peer pressure'd>

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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I've posted here already, but I think I realized something since then.


Rarity hate isn't as widespread as it seems; she has her detractors, and a little more than the rest, but the vast majority of the fandom approves of Rarity, even if she's 5 or 6 in the line.


However, her haters take things way too far and get way too extreme.


I've been sent pictures of her being gruesomely impaled, as a Nazi, etc. I do get the feeling I'm a huge target for her haters, but they take things as far as to cyber bullying her fans, let alone say awful shit about her.


That small group of people have influenced people to believe that it's more widespread than it actually is, just because they take it so far.


Nnnnnn Rarity as a nazi?  God.... i'm not sure if i had all my bull shit powers set to over drive if i could do that. 

I could spin rarity as that big sister role to calvin candy from Django Easily.


and she wasn't even any where near a nazi.  And that' character was mostly complacent.

But what more to the pile ^^.  With a pro and con for an objective reply.



Digi in this 2 and a half min video talks mostly about luna,

but than mentions in magical mystery cure the main's six necessity to the town.

The town goes to shit with out laughter,

the animals become untamed with out kindness,

the farm falls apart with out apple jack,

the towns weather suffers with out rainbow,


Now pro hater, the town doesn't seem to notice or care rarity isn't there for fashion.

Anti hater,

Twilight ultimately isn't necessary either ^^, as pony ville got by with out twilight in the first place,

minus winter wrap up coming late.


If i had to sum up rarity in a sound bite,


she's ice cream with dinner, nice, but not necessary.

Some people really, really, like desert.

Hell I like desert.

I see something truely enjoyable.

other people see empty calories and indulgence.



Idk preference perhaps?? :P


RD has really lowered on the list for me. She has way too much self pride and that to me is her lowest quality. Rarity is a bit more like able to me though I suppose. People just like different characters that should answer your question.


to be fair rainbow dash has stepped up her game this season.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Hm, why is it, I wonder? Well, I cannot even begin to understand why anyone would hate Rarity us much as certain people do (or at all for that matter), but I suppose one reason might be that they misunderstand her as a character. You could say she's somewhat of a diva, and perhaps whines complains a bit much, and to the more narrow-minded people, that's all they see. What they don't realize is that she is a complex and emotional character, perhaps moreso than most others in the show. But some people are just dead-set on hating her, and are unable to see that. They let themselves become blinded by hate, and they fail to see what an amazing and beautiful character Rarity truly is.


And then there are those who just do it to be jerks. Some people just actively seek out to anger others, and hating on their favorite pony is just one way of doing so. Rarity has a rather small fanbase, which I suppose makes them easier to pick on (why they hate more on her than Applejack is anyone's guess).


As for Rainbow Dash.... no idea. Ironically, I am unable to answer this part of the question.  :lol:

  • Brohoof 2



Thank Naminé.

Ask me things dammit.

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