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If Angel Suddenly Talks One Day


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Am I The Only Person Who Can't Stand Angel Bunny? He Is Like An Abusive Husband To Me, Always Being Demanding And Mean To Sweet Fluttershy, If It Were Up To Me, I Wouldn't Want Him To Talk At All


Hes a character foil to Fluttershy, which means Fluttershy's weaknesses are his strengths and her strengths are his weaknesses. If Angel talked I reckon he'd be a bunny version of Rainbow Dash with some of Applejack's down to earth mentality


Also, why capitalize every word?

Edited by Whiteshade
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  • 3 weeks later...

I imagine him to have the voice of Flutterguy.

Edited by Jokuc
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Let's hope that never happens.


I like Angel Bunny as a silent character. His ways of communicating with other characters, I.E., sign language and other things, adds to his adorableness. Him talking would ruin things.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i'd think he would have a high pitched, annoying voice and being very demanding. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a deep voice like when he coughed in the "dragonshy" episode.

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He is so mean, if he ever talked the only things coming out of his mouth would be mean. He would probably be yelling, ordering Fluttershy around and taking advantage of poor sweet Fluttershy... Honestly I don't even know why she puts up with him, he is so mean !!

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I have no idea what he will say, but I think he would have a similar voice to Flutterguy's.

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