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Weird things about yourself

Neon Fire

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Well,I'm part cat,I think that's already part of the weirdness scale.


  • I'm a space cadet. (That's what I was called in middle school)
  • I'll be talking about one thing,then end up talking about another.
  • I'm a mad hatter
  • I look devilish when my hair's up
  • I have a split personality.
  • I switch interests pretty fast.  (Example:Hero Factory-MLP-Nazi Zombies-MLP-Hero Factory-Nazi Zombies)
  • I feel that I mooch off my parents,and should be paying for my own stuff. (I'm pretty sure most kids or teens don't feel this way.)
  • I twitch my eyes and mouth when I'm depressed.
  • I can't sleep without the tv on.
  • I talk all weird when I'm hyper. (For example,"Mom,what happened to our space ship,did Dad get it taken away again for landing on our neighbor's house? Also,where are our ray guns? We'd be able to blast all this traffic away if we had those.)


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I'm also so incredibly oblivious to certain details that seem obvious to others. It bugs the crap outta me sometimes. It just feels weird, especially since it kinda contradicts my own observant nature.


Like I'm very observant when it comes to people and certain behaviors... yet I can't really notice or point out details in movies, episodes, etc without someone else pointing it out for me. That's so ridiculously ironic! Gah! I just hate it!  ^_^

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-I can get a bit bitchy and OCD when people don't keep the under counter fridges at work properly organised or if they over stock them. I call them my babies xD


-according to my boyfriend, I giggle in my sleep sometimes


-I can't stand wearing certain kinds of fabrics because they drive my skin up the wall


-I get very dignified, like Rarity-type dignified when I'm drinking


-I can't sleep in complete darkness yet i can't sleep if I leave my computer on because the power button flashes bright blue light


-I can eat raw mushrooms with no problem but cooked ones make me sick


-I am rather superstitious for someone who has a rather scientific mind and outlook on things


-Even though I had braces, my two front teeth are not perfectly aligned right down the middle with my nose. they are very slightly off to my left


-I bruise up all black and blue just from bumping into something. The coffee cups at work are the worst offender if they are over stocked in their dispensers


-for some odd reason I turn into a furnace on my monthly. it sucks in the summer time DX


I have a very strange habbit of being able to find the spots on peoples' bodies that hurt at that time and poking them. I don't do it intentionally mind you. I call it having ninja skills :3


-I actually get giddy when it snows


-for my birthday yesterday, my boyfriend took me to the local planetarium and when I discovered it has an exhibit where you can touch a real life moon rock that was brought back to earth from apollo 17 (one of only 5 exhibits in the world) I had a gigantic geekgasm for 10 mins straight and I got a few funny looks from other patrons. I'm quite proud of that actually ^_^

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Hmm.. where to start?
- Has conversations with self when I can't think of anything to think about

- Reads almost everything I type and read out loud
- Loves dead baby jokes
- Says "ello" or "olo" or "hullo" instead of normal "hellos" 

- Loves hugs but when someone wants a hug I feel awkward (sometimes d: )

- Feels strange using the forum emoticons :o

- Has some strange addiction to listing things instead of doing like comma listing.

And I have many many other strange things about myself XD


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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I have two jade bracelets on my left wrist that I can't take off (they can go on, but can't come off - the thumb bones make sure of that!) and if I want them not to jingle and clank together I wear a glove, tucking it underneath the top bracelet. I lose my glove often. So sometimes I walk around with my hand in a sock.


I only thought to post this because I am currently typing with my hand in a sock.

Edited by Powderpuff
  • Brohoof 1
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  • i accept and embrace my future fate as a crazy cat lady. cats are the only beings who understand me.

i can draw animals just fine, but struggle with drawing people

my oc wears a giant taco. i mean, really? why did i do that?

i get all existential at the most random of times.

i almost always have a random tune running through my head, even if i haven't listened to anything. sometimes i'll hum/sing it out loud.

going off the above, i'm so good at imagining the music in my head, that i usually don't feel any need to use a music player. either that or i'm just too lazy to buy and assemble a music playlist.

i think i may have atleast two phobias. one is needles/vaccinations and the other is driving. the driving one is not so bad that i'll break down or anything, but enough to interfere with things. like sometimes i'll just not go places that i need/want to go because i don't want to drive. and last time i got shots, i fainted afterwards. the nurse told me it was just because of nerves.

i'm a serial sneezer, meaning i sneeze 3-8 times consecutively, usually. and they're super quiet, sometimes people don't even notice.

i edit my comments into oblivion. sometimes i'll spend ridiculous amounts of time editing, and then people get mad at me when i update it. its not that i am trying mold my image or anything, i do it out of annoyance for grammar inconsistencies and so i edit to choose better wording. i like to be as coherent as possible, and not have chaotic text like it is right now, lol. i sound like i'm babbling right now, cause i am.

i'm usually pretty good about grammar (not now though), but i never capitalize things. capitalization is stupid.

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 1


*Click the picture to join the Nega-Bronies!*

"Every cloud has a silver lining" *except for the mushroom-shaped ones which have a lining of Caesium-127, Strontium-90 and other radioactive isotopes.

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/krazie-taco-r3366


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  • When around people I don't know I don't talk, or try to avoid having a conversation. 
  • I can only talk to people I prefer(Basically selective on who I choose)
  • I talk in my sleep
  • Sing when listening to music
  • I like being alone
  • When I'm around a girl, I try to not be so polite. I also change personality.
  • I'm a critical thinker.
  • I over think everything.

I will add more if I can think of any. :D 


Whoever made this = Awesome!

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1. I wear underwear two or three sizes too small. It conforms better :3

2. I don't like iced drinks. Screw that shit. It doesn't retain flavor and my mouth doesn't take kindly to extremes.

3. I don't like talking to most people. Society bothers me a lot.

4. I love burning things.

5. I am socially awkward.

6. I twitch a lot. I don't know why.

7. I can't stand modern music. *listens to a Weird Al parody* Much better.

  • Brohoof 1


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Bare in mind no one is in the room this whole time. It was just me.


"Dun dun dun dun, oooh! Good dodge! Woah! Ha! Thought you could take me out huh Bowser? OH! Mario! Why'd you do that? You freaking missed! UGH! No don't you think about it bow-oooh. You're gonna regret that."


...Yeah. Lol.


I do that all the time  :lol: Once my Mum came into my room and said, "Are you talking to yourself?" When I was playing Pokemon. :blush:

  • Brohoof 1
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I hate humanity as a whole and whana see the world burn buahahaha :angry:


I'm a professional musician and singer yet a get camera and stage fright when trying to speak normally, yet no problem singing in a full stadium :okiedokielokie:


I don't have patience on the markets specially when someone doesnt even know how to use a credit card, GET CASH IF YOU DONT KNOW HOW :okiedokielokie:


Le me: I'm a brony........WTF? WHY? ARE YOU GAY? WHAT IS WRONG WHIT YOU?..........<<<<<Thats my family So i'm weird in their eyes :okiedokielokie:


And ill stop here before i go all rant crazy like usual  :okiedokielokie:


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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8. I talk to myself. A lot.

9. I am feminine for a man. But I am willing to get dirty.

10. I read the Nutritional Facts on the back of cereal bags. (I don't get name-brand cereal, it tastes like cardboard and it's cheaper in bags.)

Edited by Twilight Sniper


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I just whana add that for some reason i get ocd when i'm posting in tread and there is no response for a while, i feel like i ruin the topic by just posting >.>


Official Member of the Chaos Dark Army

Official Member of the Octavia Melody fan Club

MLP Forums Request Shop: https://mlpforums.com/topic/128177-dark-hearts-request-shop/


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Well ...


1.) I also feel bad using only one pokemon a lot 


2.) Feel bad putting pokemon in the pc


3.) Burst out into song when everyone else is trying to watch tv


4.) Walk in circles around my house thinking about random stuff


5.) Can't resist tf2 sales :/ 


6.) When im nervous I put my head down so my hair covers my face (but so I can still see) and don't notice i'm doing it 


Go away Pikachu, you aren't an Eevee evolution  :okiedokielokie: 

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1) I'm a computer Geek... I have 12 Games 10 Of them are Simulators Because I'm too lazy to do stuff IRL


2) If something electrical doesn't work the way I want it to work I assume its broken (One time I left a lamp on in my room, my mum switched it off by the switch, not the plug. So when I went back upstairs and switched off and on again by the plug, I thought it was broken)


3) I have NO Imagination what so ever.


4) If something is labelled something like £4.98 not £4.99, I wont buy it. Why I don't buy it, I don't know...


5) If my toggles on my jumper are not the EXACT (I use a ruler, I'm sad.) same length, I go mad


6) I can play my instruments in front of people but when I talk to a crowd I have a emotional break down


7) If my computer monitor isn't switched off at night I'll think it will burst into flames and kill the world....


8) I'm Really shy, on the first few weeks of my new school I sat in a corner alone.


9) I have made about 50 Sigs for the forums because I have nothing to do with my spare time


10) I can eat 4x the amount I have for my lunch and not feel sick (that's like, 2 Slices of Beans on toast, 1 yoghurt 1 banana and 1 orange)



You know what..... I'm really weird :l

Edited by Ali_Derp


This Awesome Sig Was Made By Kyoshi


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Well, I don't know if it's weird but I always sing along with the music I listen to or not always but often.

I'm shy yet I can perform speeches without feeling too nervous.

Sometimes I seem to have too much imagination, I daydream a lot.

When I'm explaining things to people I try imitating the sounds, as an example if I'm talking about a Subaru you can expect me to imitate the engine sound and some people think it's weird. I also often seem to get lost while I'm explaining things I like to a point where I'm no longer explaining I'm just imagining it and explaining it at the same time. Basically just having fun with my imagination, it can seem weird but I think it's probably rather considered cute.

Also, I have a good memory and it's actually a photographic memory and thanks to my imagination I can even imagine things based on a simple 2d picture and build up a 3d model in my mind. This helps with understanding a lot of things, when I imagine how things work it helps me understand it.

Photographic memory is rare, it helps me a lot.

I'm a twin, it's not weird but still it's one thing.

Also, I'm the type that once I become interested in something I become obsessed with it.

Then the last thing I'm going to add is that I'm often just lost in thinking, I think a lot because I love trying to understand and learn things.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm extremely fussy and I like everything to be clean and organised. I mean like, I bleach, mop, vacuum and polish every single day.


Going outside is really panic inducing for me. I prefer to be locked in my room, away from the world.

let's love for me


and lets love loud



and let's love now



cause soon enough we'll die


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i always make a weird clicking noise in my mouth using my tongue

i make a rather inappropriate noise using my lips and tongue

when i stand up i need my knees slightly bent

when im drawing something like wings i rub them out cause they look to small even when there not

sometimes i stutter when im about to say something but momentarily forget what i was saying

when i drink an open can of monster form the fridge i feel drunk afterwards

i can chug a can of monster

i have to listen to music while doing homework

i sleep in just my boxers even during winter

ill probably post more stuff soon. 

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-When I walk in public, It feels like I'm walking really weird.


-When I get something in my mind I don't want, its impossible to remove, sometimes I hit my own head trying to forget it.


-I mouth the words of mlp songs when I'm on public transport.


A samurai pyromancer? That's a bit overpowered.

"Trust me, there is much more out there that's stronger than me, I'm a soldier, not a god"



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-I hate being late.  You absolutely do not want to be around me when I'm running late, even if it's not technically my fault.  To me, lateness is the eighth deadly sin.  However, anyone else can go ahead and be late, and at worst I'll be slightly irritated.  Myself being late is a completely different story.  Because of this, I almost always aim to get places 15-30 minutes early.


-Everyone in my immediate family has to wear glasses, yet I managed to be blessed with virtually perfect eyesight.


-I HATE it when people press the 'close door' button in elevators.  IT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING PEOPLE!!!  IT NEVER HAS AND IT NEVER WILL!!!  It's only there for emergency operators.  Luckily though, I'll never actually call someone out on this.  I'll just mentally scream at them.


-Whenever I carefully place some inanimate object so that it doesn't fall, I have to wait for a second, then pat the top of it twice (as though I were telling it, "Good boy!").  It's just something that I have to do.


-I can be ridiculously obsessive when I want to complete something.  When I was younger, I would sit for hours at a time putting together Legos (hell, I'd still do it if Legos weren't so damn expensive).  A better, more recent, example, would be my recent playthrough of Pokemon Red.  My goal was to fairly (for the most part; I didn't use the MISSINGNO glitch, but I did use the mew capture glitch (as well as a modified version of it to get pinsir and omanyte)) catch and train all 151 pokemon, and always keep them within 5 levels of each other.  I had to catch everything in an area before moving on, as well as train them to the appropriate level.  The internal game clock stopped counting 'hours played' after 255, and that happened around the 5th or 6th gym.


-I have a pretty decent aural memory where music is concerned.  If anything, I can usually tell if I've heard something before, if not cite exactly what it is, even if I just hear a few notes.  For example, my sister and I were at a concert a few years ago, and while the orchestra was warming up, I heard nine notes from a trumpet, which got me excited because those nine notes were from the fourth tier/movement of Dancing Mad (one which isn't always played in concerts).


That's all I've got for now.  I might add to this later if I think of something.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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-When I get something in my mind I don't want, its impossible to remove, sometimes I hit my own head trying to forget it.



I get this, so badly. Its the one thing about myself I really, really hate.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's:  MalinterRahl, Vengeful impact & alias-the-marked-one

First fic i've written since forever here

Skype: Malinter@Outlook.com

"Defeating a sandwich only makes it tastier." most legendary quote ever.

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I got them too but alright lets get to the weird thing with me




sometimes mostly around people i go all Luna cross with Rover can they not awaken by our precious night? please...

The deepest of the Everfree!

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