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Keys and Rainbow items

Winona the Dog

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You're right :) Though it bothers me a little, because episodes became predictable, when they started to follow this pattern. But I still hope that episodes about Fluttershy, Twilight and Applejack will be interesting. I have faith in the writers.


Well, after seeing Fluttershy's Key Episode, It's Ain't Easy Being Breezies, what Anilewe said above makes sense. It would have too predictable, considering how the episode before this one was called Twilight Time and not one single step in a Key Episode played out. In Twilight Time, the only thing relating to that Tree Box that could've been seen was a large diagram of the box posted up on the library wall. My theory of "All Key Episodes Would Have the Pony's Name in its Title" is now broken.  :( 

BTW, The Rainbow in Step 3 I shall now call the Friendship Rainbow; the rainbow in their eyes in Step 4 I'll continue to call the Rainbow Spark; the object that glows in Step 8 will be called the Rainbow Key.


Anyway, I shall now post the evidence of Fluttershy's episode in spite of my broken theory.

  1. Main Pony in question is tested on their virtue in some way.

    After saving the Breezies, all but the leader, Seabreeze, of them become clinging to Fluttershy.

  2. She makes a bad choice.

    For Fluttershy, it was letting the Breezies take advantage of her kindness; not going home like they should.

  3. As she comes to realize her mistake, the Friendship Rainbow appears close to some nearby object.

    Fluttershy comes to the realization after talking with Seabreeze about how she had to "be cruel to be kind" to the uncooperative bees.

    201px-Rainbow_glow_on_Seabreeze%27s_wingThis time, the Friendship Rainbow? appears on Seabreeze's wings.

  4. A phenomenon I like to call the Rainbow Spark shines in her eyes.


  5. Knowing what to do, she does so.

    She firmly evicts the Breezies from her home.

  6. This leads to another character learning the virtue of our given Pony. Basically, The Mane Pony becomes a teacher to the other character.

    Seabreeze, the leader of the Breezies, used encouragement and support rather than insults to motivate the struggling Breezies on their journey back to the Breezies' world.

  7. The Mane Pony is given an object from that other character.

    This time, a flower is given to Fluttershy by Seabreeze.201px-Seabreeze_puts_flower_in_Fluttersh

  8. At Episode's end, the Rainbow Key glows with a rainbow to the viewers.


In my last major post (covers Pinkie Pie's Key) I'd closed off with the question, "Will the pattern stay like this or will they go in a different direction? We shall see....." The answer is in a way both Yes and No. Yes, the core steps stay the same; No, the "All Key Episodes Would Have the Pony's Name in its Title" pattern is broken!


Four Keys down, two to go! Applejack's Key has got to be next! After that, it should be Twilight or maybe even Spike who will discover the final Key! In the meantime, bring on the Slice-of-Life episodes!



Edited by WiiGuy


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  • 1 month later...

Sorry that I waited this long to update my usual "pointing the steps of the pattern of a Key episode. Luckily, at the time on this post, we have just 3 episodes left of Season 4:


Equestria Games and the Season 4 Finale, Twilight's Kingdom



So, here's how Applejack got her key:

  1. Main Pony in question is tested on their virtue in some way.

    Applejack's grandmother, Granny Smith, got involved in the Flim-Flam Bros' "cure-all" tonic that was essentially just a placebo.

  2. She makes a bad choice.

    Applejack ended up "approving" the tonic, believing it's fine as long as no one gets hurt. Then Granny Smith nearly got killed doing a daredevil dare after using the tonic.

  3. As she comes to realize her mistake, the Friendship Rainbow appears close to some nearby object.

    After saving Granny Smith, she
    201px-Key_rainbow_lense_flare_S4E20.pngThis time, the Friendship Rainbow appeared from the sunlight shining through the tonic bottle.

  4. A phenomenon I like to call the Rainbow Spark shines in her eyes.


  5. Knowing what to do, she does so.

    Applejack confessed the tonic is a fake and that she'd lied.

  6. This leads to another character learning the virtue of our given Pony. Basically, The Mane Pony becomes a teacher to the other character.

    Sliver Shill, a shill who's been helping the Flim-Flam Bros. scam other ponies confessed his role to everypony and quit helping the bros.

  7. The Mane Pony is given an object from that other character.

    This time, a bit was given to Applejack by Silver Shill201px-Silver_Shill_giving_Applejack_his_

  8. At Episode's end, the Rainbow Key glows with a rainbow to the viewers.


Five Keys down, one to go! My money's on the Season 4 finale for the final Key! We're almost there!


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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I saw a promo for the Season 4 finale and...


Yes! The items the Mane 6 received from others WERE the keys to the box!



A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally, after all this time, we see the final key! This will be my last posting of evidence of how the key is obtained. (and please images, would you ALL appear correctly like with Applejack's episode and not as broken image icons like most of my other posts on this topic)


Anyway, I should tell you that while the steps are essentially in the same order, there are slight shake-ups to the pattern. As usual, don't click the spoiler buttons until you're ready.


Twilight gets her Key in her "Kingdom" episode:


1. Mane Pony is tested on their virtue in some way.


For Twilight, it seems to be controlling the Magic of the Alicorns in an effort to keep Tirek from winning.



2. She makes a bad choice


If you consider her not telling her friends about the problem a bad choice, then yes.



But personally, I think the one who made the real bad choice in this episode was

Discord when he chose to allow Tirek to take the Mane 5 "essence"




3. As she comes to realize her mistake, the Friendship Rainbow appears close to some nearby object.


This time, the rainbow shines on the bubbles of her friends.



Even Discord realized his mistake


"I had Magic and Friendship, and now, I don't have either."


4. A phenomenon I like to call the Rainbow Spark shines in her eyes.



Yeah, you saw this coming for a very long time.


5. Knowing what to do, she does so.


She gives up her magic for her friends.



All of her friends.




6. This leads.(you know the drill) another learning the virtue.


Discord of all people is the one to finally learn that Friendship is Magic. When he said that line a season ago, he said it quickly and in a way that left his reformation by Fluttershy uncertain.


But now, he really means it. Fluttershy help set him on the path to redemption


and now Twilight has helped him reached the end


What do you know?! The two ponies I relate to the most are the guides to Discord's atonement! :wub:


I'm glad Discord's reformation arc is finally resolved!



7. Object from the other character GET!


Discord hands over a trinket that originally belonged to Tirek's wise and good brother that was passed from Tirek to Discord as a "sign of the villains' gratitude and loyalty" to each other!


It may be useless to Tirek...(cont. in final step)



8. The final Rainbow Key shines and the mystery of the Harmony Tree Chest is solved!


But that "worthless to Tirek" trinket was worth everything to the future of Equestria and the show!

;)post-15772-0-54442400-1400206654.pngThe Final Key shimmers...

:lol:post-15772-0-23368700-1400206614.pngThe box is unlocked...

:huh:post-15772-0-82105600-1400206610.pngRAINBOW POWER!

B)post-15772-0-54344700-1400208294.pngTirek is defeated!

:opost-15772-0-45289000-1400206585.pngA new castle for Twilight's Kingdom, the Kingdom of Friendship!

:Dpost-15772-0-95057200-1400206592.pngSeven thrones! One of them for Spike! They're NOT forgetting him!




Finally! After about an hour and a half, I have finished this post! (Thank you, "Attach Files" button!) I might just one more later as a "Final Thoughts" thing, but for now, I rest!



And start the waiting game for next season



Edited by WiiGuy2014


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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So, I'm not sure if it has been posted or not, but can someone tell me what exactly the fan theory was with the keys, the episode names, and so on? ^^"


I always tried to avoid spoilers before episodes, but this one had really caught my eye! ^^


Please and thank you, guys. :)


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So, I'm not sure if it has been posted or not, but can someone tell me what exactly the fan theory was with the keys, the episode names, and so on? ^^"


I always tried to avoid spoilers before episodes, but this one had really caught my eye! ^^


Please and thank you, guys. :)

Starting on Page 6 of this topic, you'll find that MY posts point out and present photo evidence on the Key episodes.


(Warning: at the time of this post, some of the images in my earlier posts have un-viewable images. I shall fix them soon!)


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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Starting on Page 6 of this topic, you'll find that MY posts point out and present photo evidence on the Key episodes.


See, I actually caught onto that pretty early in the season, but what about the names of the episodes? What do they have to do with anything?


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See, I actually caught onto that pretty early in the season, but what about the names of the episodes? What do they have to do with anything?


For 4 out of 6 episodes have the Pony's name in the title: Rarity Takes Manehatten!, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, and Twilight's Kingdom. Twilight Time was a red herring!


Applejack's and Fluttershy's episodes doesn't follow the pattern.


A Dragon as big as his love for Disney and has his head in the clouds literally and figuratively


Ask Will Guide | Signature by Wife of Hawks | WiiGuy2014’s OCs


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For 4 out of 6 episodes have the Pony's name in the title: Rarity Takes Manehatten!, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, and Twilight's Kingdom. Twilight Time was a red herring!


Applejack's and Fluttershy's episodes doesn't follow the pattern.


This seemed like an obvious thing to me? xD


It was like I knew it all along, but never realized it, how strange. ^^"


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Discord was actually a key character, I loved that.

For 4 out of 6 episodes have the Pony's name in the title: Rarity Takes Manehatten!, Rainbow Falls, Pinkie Pride, and Twilight's Kingdom. Twilight Time was a red herring!


Applejack's and Fluttershy's episodes doesn't follow the pattern.

It's just a coincidence.
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Sadly. I think we all wanted to see Fluttershy keep her cute wittle fangy-wangy. If she is ever in the same room as apples, I had better see it or I'll flip a cow.


It'll be brought up again in the next season. Consider that wasn't the episode in which Fluttershy got her key. You heard it here first.

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